Papers by Tomaso Giuseppe Mario Pompili
... metadata.dc.description.alleditors???: Ferretto, M; Pompili, TGM; Ranchetti F; Silva, F. Auth... more ... metadata.dc.description.alleditors???: Ferretto, M; Pompili, TGM; Ranchetti F; Silva, F. Authors: Frank, RH; Bernanke, BS; McDowell, M; Thom, R. ... Issue Date: Apr-2010. Circulation: Rilevanza internazionale. Citation: Frank, RH, Bernanke, BS, McDowell, M., & Thom, R. (2010). ...

Empirical analyses highlight local structural features (territorial capital) as constraints on re... more Empirical analyses highlight local structural features (territorial capital) as constraints on regional growth and interregional convergence processes, but scant attention is devoted to traditional localised resources and specifically the natural and cultural heritage. However, no heritage provides value by itself: only the application of know-how embodied in human capital achieves this. Specifically, natural and cultural heritage becomes economically relevant through human capital acting through tourist, recreational and cultural activities. Also because of its service exporting nature, tourism is believed to contribute to economic growth and job creation similarly to manufacturing; nevertheless, theoretical and empirical literature concerned manufacturing and rarely studied tourism or extended results to it. Besides, tourism is the market activity most favouring policentricity in Europe: apparently tourism brings territorial cohesion and equity, although its most dynamic component (culture, events) favours metropolitan locations. However, heritage valorisation responding to tourist service demand may have adverse effects on development (congestion) and significant impacts on environmental quality and on resource consumption (heritage dissipation); these partly offsets strictly economic benefits and over time they weaken the destination's pull, hence its value and its population's welfare. Our goal is to discuss and analyse the role of territorial capital, and specifically of intangibles such as the natural and cultural capital, in regional growth processes and in local response processes to exogenous crises. To this end we aim at achieving the following objectives: i) developing the theoretical framework of territorial capital, highlighting the role of immobile resources in local economic growth and in its spatial differentials, and the role of human capital in resource valorisation; ii) building a national database of territorial capital in Italian provinces, containing synthetic endowment indicators for natural and cultural heritage, human capital, and structure and distribution of the tourism and leisure industries. Our methodology includes the application of multivariate, and later on econometric, analyses, with the relevant stateof-the-art techniques. We use already available European and national databases, making recourse to ad hoc integrations if and when needed. The study area is Italy; the optimal tier is NUTS3, i.e. provinces, in Italy. The time reference is the period from the early 1990s to the latest available year, to ensure a structural long-term approach.
Seminal Studies in Regional and Urban Economics, 2017
I first met Roberto in early September 1984 in the corridors of the Economics Institute at Univer... more I first met Roberto in early September 1984 in the corridors of the Economics Institute at Universita Bocconi, Milan, just after returning from my postgraduate studies in the UK and presenting my first paper at the Milan ERSA Congress.

The paper analyses the geographical scope of the links, which integrate the small and medium size... more The paper analyses the geographical scope of the links, which integrate the small and medium size firms, tightly embedded in a local production system (“industrial district”), with other firms and organizations both in a local and in an interregional perspective. In particular the paper aims to indicate the evolution of these relationships in the framework of the new forms of industrial organisation brought by the new technologies and the increasing international integration. In fact, many recent contributions to the theory of local development focus on the characteristics of the internal structure of the local production systems, while they do not explictly deal with the problem of defining the borders of these local production systems. However, an exact definition of the borders of a local production district seems to be required in a policy perspective, in order to identify the responsible institutions, the vertical and horizontal coordination mechanisms and even the strategies a...

Research Papers in Economics, 1998
Labour force quality (human capital endowment) is crucial to the goal of maximum long run prosper... more Labour force quality (human capital endowment) is crucial to the goal of maximum long run prosperity, be it applied to firms and production systems or to cities and urban systems. The aim of this paper is to highlight the significant explanatory role of human capital in local economic development and in its spatial differentials, with reference to endogenous growth theory. After a synthetic review of the literature on these issues and a presentation of data and method, a regression analysis tests the hypotheses of absolute convergence (of income per capita / product per job) and of convergence conditional to the occupational structure of the labour force, as an appropriate proxy of human capital. The test is based on the 90+ Italian provinces during the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. Original features include the choice of the proxy for human capital, but also of the spatial detail and of the twin dependent variables. Results support the absolute convergence hypothesis, but also show the e...

Research trying to explain tourism flows and expenditures for different destinations has so far a... more Research trying to explain tourism flows and expenditures for different destinations has so far adopted either a tourism-demand or a tourism-supply approach. Whereas on the one hand the former ignores the product specificities (Papatheodorou, 2001), the latter, on the other, fails to take into account the characteristics of the tourist origin markets. In recent years attempts to merge the two views have come from scholars using spatial econometric techniques, i.e. origin-destination models (O-D), which have been able to consider both effects simultaneously (Marrocu and Paci, 2013; Massidda and Etzo, 2012). This paper contributes to this literature by investigating the determinants of the expenditures of foreign tourists in 103 Italian provinces (NUTS 3). We depart from the previous literature in that our dependent variable is not tourist flows but foreign tourist expenditures. This variable, recently made available by the Bank of Italy for the years 1997-2012, is more informative th...

La struttura interna dei grandi sistemi urbani, in termini di settori presenti, funzioni ricopert... more La struttura interna dei grandi sistemi urbani, in termini di settori presenti, funzioni ricoperte e localizzazioni scelte, suscita interesse soprattutto come indicatore della probabilita sia del successo di singole localita e del sistema nella competizione internazionale, che di una continuazione dei processi concorrenziali e specializzativi inter-urbani. Gli interrogativi riguardo alle prospettive dei sistemi di citta mettono quindi a fuoco soprattutto i particolari equilibri fra gerarchia e concorrenza che si instaurano all’interno di specifiche regioni urbane. A questo scopo, nel fare riferimento a concezioni teoriche recenti, il lavoro dedica una particolare attenzione agli aspetti metodologici, quali la scelta della tecnica, dell’indicatore e dei riferimenti territoriali e funzionali, anche in confronto a studi precedenti. La ricchezza dei risultati dell’analisi del caso lombardo sembra confortare le scelte metodologiche operate; i risultati empirici sembrano suggerire la coes...
Ringraziamo Flavio Toniolo per la collaborazione nella fase di raccolta ed elaborazione dei dati.... more Ringraziamo Flavio Toniolo per la collaborazione nella fase di raccolta ed elaborazione dei dati. Ringraziamo inoltre tutti coloro i quali abbiamo intervistato per il tempo che ci hanno concesso e per le informazioni che ci hanno trasmesso.
ABSTRACT We discuss the economic theory of road pricing (issues and effects) and criticisms level... more ABSTRACT We discuss the economic theory of road pricing (issues and effects) and criticisms levelled at its allocative, distributive and technological outcomes; and we assess the complementary effects of alternative uses of road pricing receipts (infrastructure supply or supply of public transport services).
Papers in Regional Science
... in merito alla perimetrazione definitiva della città metropolitana milanese fornendo ipotesi ... more ... in merito alla perimetrazione definitiva della città metropolitana milanese fornendo ipotesi e risultati rilevanti dal punto di vista dell'approccio economico-territoriale e in particolare del paradigma reticolare, già accettato per analisi inter-urbane e inter-metropolitane, che viene ...

The quality of labour force supply, i.e. the endowment of human capital of various kinds, is cruc... more The quality of labour force supply, i.e. the endowment of human capital of various kinds, is crucial to the pursuit of the long term goal of maximum wealth. In a paper presented at the Ersa Congress 1998 the author tested with partial success four theoretical hypotheses on the role of human capital in development processes and their spatial differences, within the framework of the convergence hypothesis in growth theory and by use (mostly) of regression analysis. The present paper tests those hypotheses again after adopting a finer disaggregation of the explanatory labour skill variables (from 11 to 40) and lengthening the observation period (from 1961-1991 to 1951-1991), and it tries alternative theoretical approaches. Regression analysis supports the hypotheses, with statistically improved results: income/product per capita can converge even under different structural conditions, but these influence the convergence process significantly in unexpected ways. After a synthetic review of the literature on the issues sketched above (2) and a presentation of data and methods , a regression analysis tests, employing the Italian urban system (95 provinces: EU Nuts3) as an empirical case for the general conceptual issues, the hypothesis of absolute convergence in long run development of per capita income/product (4) and the hypothesis of conditional convergence by human capital endowment, as can be inferred from observed labour occupations in 1951, 1961, 1971, 1981 and 1991 (5).

Reg Stud, 1994
ABSTRACT POMPILI T. (1994) Structure and performance of less developed regions in the EC, Reg. St... more ABSTRACT POMPILI T. (1994) Structure and performance of less developed regions in the EC, Reg. Studies 28, 679--693. This paper aims at contributing to the identification of post-Internal Market development prospects and policy options of a group of less advanced regions in the European Community, the so-called 'Objective 1' (low-income) regions. After introducing the appropriate conceptual framework and presenting the data and methodology, the first goal is to construct a taxonomy highlighting structural differences among EC Objective 1 regions, in terms of resource endowments, and hence of potential comparative advantages. The second goal is to evaluate, against this structural taxonomy, the 1980s performance of these regions relative to other Community regions, in order to draw broad policy conclusions. Both quantitative and qualitative 1981 data concerning industrial structure, manufacturing entrepreneurship, human capital, accessibility and infrastructure, external diseconomies and data on regional per capita income performance in the 1980s are employed in cluster and discriminant analyses. POMPILI T. (1994) La structure et la performance des régions défavorisées au sein de la CE, Reg. Studies 28, 679--693. Cet article cherche à contribuer à la délimitation des perspectives d'avenir et des choix de politique d'un groupe de régions défavorisées à l'intérieur de la CE, lesdites régions à faible revenu de l'Objectif 1, suite à l'ouverture du marché unique. Une fois présenté le cadre conceptuel, les données et la méthodologie il s'agit de construire une taxonomie qui permet la mise en lumière des différences structurelles des régions de l'Objectif 1 en fonction de la dotation de ressources et, par la suite, de la possibilité des avantages comparatifs. Vu cette taxonomie structurelle, il s'ensuit une évaluation de la performance de ces régions aux années 80 par rapport aux autres régions de la CE afin d'en tirer des conclusions générales pour la politique. On utilise à la fois des données quantitatives et qualitatives pour l'année 1981 relatives à la structure industrielle, à l'esprit d'entreprise dans la fabrication, au capital humain, à l'accessibilité et à l'équipement, aux déséconomies externes, et des données sur le revenu régional par tête aux années 80 à partir des analyses par grappes et discriminante. POMPILI T. (1994) Struktur und Leistung unterentwickkelter Gebiete in der EG, Reg. Studies 28, 679--693. Dieser Aufsatz beabsichtigt, sowohl zur Identifizierung von Entwicklungsprospekten des nicht mehr aufs Binnenland beschränkten Markts beizutragen, als auch zu Optionen bei Zielsetzungen einer Gruppe unterentwickelter Gebiete in der Europäischen Gemeinschaft, der sogenannten Niedrigeinkommensgebiete ('Ziel 1'). Nach Einfuhrung in den entsprechenden begrifflichen Zusammenhang und Vorstellung von Daten und Methodik ist es das erste Ziel, eine Taxonomie aufzustellen, die strukturelle Unterschiede zwischen 'Ziel 1' Gebieten der EG in Bezug auf ihre Ressourcenschätze, und daher potenziellen vergleichbaren Vorteile, aufzeigt. Das zweite Ziel ist, gegen den Hintergrund dieser strukturellen Taxonomie die Leistung dieser Gebiete im Jahre 1980 im Vergleich mit anderen Regionen der EG einzuschätzen, um Zielsetzungen in großen Zügen zu umreißen. Kluster- und Diskriminanzanalysen benutzen quantitative und qualitative Daten der industriellen Struktur, des Unternehmertums in der herstellenden Industrie, des Menschenkapitals, der Zugänglichkeit und Infrastruktur vom Jahre 1981, wie auch aufäußeren Umständen beruhende Unwirtschaftlichkeiten und Daten über regionale Einkommensleistungen pro Kopf in den achtziger Jahren.

Networks and networking have become catch-words in regional science, and particular ly in regiona... more Networks and networking have become catch-words in regional science, and particular ly in regional and urban geography in the last decade: we speak about network firms, network society, network economy but also network cities, city -networks, reti urbane, r eseaux de villes. Mere catch-words for someone; a true new scientific paradigm according to others. In our view fact we are facing a new paradigm in spatial sciences, subject to some precise conditions: -that its exact meaning is thoroughly defined, -that its theoretical economic rationale is justified, -that the novelty of its empirical content is clearly pointed out, with respect to more traditional spatial facts and processes that can easily be interpreted through existing spatial paradigms. The theoretical building blocks the network concept or paradigm may be constructed upon are: -a new view of the economy as a system or web of links between individuals, firms and institutions, where links depend on experience and evolve through learning processes ; the existing endowment of knowledge and other production factors is put into value through a relational capability addressed towards the exchange and collection of information, building reputation and trust, creating synergies, cutting down uncertainty, boosting learning processes; -the acknowledgement of cooperation as a new organisational and behavioural form, intermediate between hierarchy (internal development and merging of external activities through direct control) and market resort; cooperation networks among firms co llaborating with each other on technological advances and innovation projects were the earlier phenomenon that was well explored in the past. In a spatial perspective, two issues are particularly worth exploring through the network concept: -networking as cooperation among individuals, firms and institutions taking place inside the cities concerning collective action, public/private partnerships on large urban projects and the supply of public goods, and giving rise to new forms of urban governance; -networking as inter-urban cooperation, assuming the cities as economic actors, competing but also cooperating in the global arena where locations of internationally mobile factors (professionals, corporations, institutions) are decided and negotiated. The paper is organised in the following way: -a major section is devoted to the interpretation of the micro-economic efficiency of local networking (local urban networks), in terms of the usual criteria of optimal allocation of resources and collective welfare, viewing the network as an organisational alternative between market failure and state failure; -a transition section deals with the interpretation of cities, a collective actor at best, as individual/unitary economic actors, given the case for collective action among interest groups, the possibility of defining in broad terms a function of collective preference referring to non-mobile local actors, the engagement of public and private actors in processes of strategic planning and definition of shared visions for the future of the city vis-a-vis mobile actors; -another main section interprets competition and cooperation among cities (inter-city-networks) underlining advantages, risks and conditions for maximising overall comprehensive well-being.
The paper analyses the geographical scope of the links, which integrate the small and medium size... more The paper analyses the geographical scope of the links, which integrate the small and medium size firms, tightly embedded in a local production system ("industrial district"), with other firms and organizations both in a local and in an interregional perspective. In particular the paper aims to indicate the evolution of these relationships in the framework of the new forms of industrial organisation brought by the new technologies and the increasing international integration.

Empirical analyses highlight local structural features (territorial capital) as constraints on re... more Empirical analyses highlight local structural features (territorial capital) as constraints on regional growth and interregional convergence processes, but scant attention is devoted to traditional localised resources and specifically the natural and cultural heritage. However, no heritage provides value by itself: only the application of know-how embodied in human capital achieves this. Specifically, natural and cultural heritage becomes economically relevant through human capital acting through tourist, recreational and cultural activities. Also because of its service exporting nature, tourism is believed to contribute to economic growth and job creation similarly to manufacturing; nevertheless, theoretical and empirical literature concerned manufacturing and rarely studied tourism or extended results to it. Besides, tourism is the market activity most favouring policentricity in Europe: apparently tourism brings territorial cohesion and equity, although its most dynamic component (culture, events) favours metropolitan locations. However, heritage valorisation responding to tourist service demand may have adverse effects on development (congestion) and significant impacts on environmental quality and on resource consumption (heritage dissipation); these partly offsets strictly economic benefits and over time they weaken the destination's pull, hence its value and its population's welfare. Our goal is to discuss and analyse the role of territorial capital, and specifically of intangibles such as the natural and cultural capital, in regional growth processes and in local response processes to exogenous crises. To this end we aim at achieving the following objectives: i) developing the theoretical framework of territorial capital, highlighting the role of immobile resources in local economic growth and in its spatial differentials, and the role of human capital in resource valorisation; ii) building a national database of territorial capital in Italian provinces, containing synthetic endowment indicators for natural and cultural heritage, human capital, and structure and distribution of the tourism and leisure industries. Our methodology includes the application of multivariate, and later on econometric, analyses, with the relevant stateof-the-art techniques. We use already available European and national databases, making recourse to ad hoc integrations if and when needed. The study area is Italy; the optimal tier is NUTS3, i.e. provinces, in Italy. The time reference is the period from the early 1990s to the latest available year, to ensure a structural long-term approach.
We aim at highlighting the theoretical significance of human capital in explaining the competitiv... more We aim at highlighting the theoretical significance of human capital in explaining the competitiveness of firms, hence, bacwards, several labour market issues and, forward, spatial development processes. After reviewing the role of knowledge in corporate competitiveness and long run development, we focus on the causal demand-supply chain education - labour quality - productivity - competitiveness. Finally, we widen our analysis to the region, both as an effect and as a cause of the aggregate behaviour of firms (knowledge creation and diffusion, spatial division of labour).
Papers by Tomaso Giuseppe Mario Pompili