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      MicrobiologyIndustrial BiotechnologyMolecular MechanicsLipopolysaccharide
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      BacteriologyBiological SciencesLipopolysaccharideEscherichia coli
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Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) using paramagnetic systems as contrast agents is receiving increased attention as diagnostic tool in the clinic. At the same time, NMR of paramagnetic systems can also be applied in biochemical fields; for... more
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      Organic ChemistryMolecular Dynamics SimulationMagnetic Resonance ImagingMolecular Modelling
The synthesis of new dendrons of the generations 0, 1 and 2 with a double bond at the focal point and a carbonyl group at the termini has been carried out. The carbonyl group has been exploited for the multivalent conjugation to a sample... more
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    • Organic Chemistry
Gene therapy may provide a long-term approach to the treatment of mucopolysaccharidoses. As a first step toward the development of an effective gene therapy for mucopolysaccharidosis type IVA (Morquio syndrome), a recombinant retroviral... more
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      Gene TherapyTransductionViral VectorsGlycosaminoglycans
We present the synthesis of trastuzumab-functionalized pegylated iron oxide nanoparticles and provide an FTIR-based approach to gain a direct evidence of the actual conservation of the native structure of conjugated antibody. Their... more
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      TechnologyConfocal MicroscopyMetal NanoparticlesAntibodies
Several neurodegenerative diseases are triggered by proteins containing a polyglutamine (polyQ) stretch expanded beyond a critical threshold. Among these, ataxin-3 (AT3) is the causative agent of spinocerebellar ataxia type-3. We... more
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      MultidisciplinaryEscherichia coliPeptidesPLoS one
Protein misfolding and aggregation in intracellular and extracellular spaces is regarded as a main marker of the presence of degenerative disorders such as amyloidoses. To elucidate the mechanisms of protein misfolding, the interaction of... more
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      Molecular Dynamics SimulationProtein FoldingMultidisciplinaryGold
The protein ataxin-3 consists of an N-terminal globular Josephin domain (JD) and an unstructured C-terminal region containing a stretch of consecutive glutamines that triggers the neurodegenerative disorder spinocerebellar ataxia type 3,... more
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      FTIR spectroscopyAtomic Force MicroscopyMultidisciplinarySpinocerebellar ataxia
Aggregation of human ataxin-3 (AT3) into amyloid fibrils is responsible for spinocerebellar ataxia type 3. This protein consists of a folded N-terminal domain (Josephin domain, residues 1-182), a central flexible region (residues... more
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      Protein FoldingSpectrum analysisAmino Acid SequenceBiochemistry and cell biology
The polyglutamine (polyQ)-containing protein ataxin-3 (AT3) triggers the neurodegenerative disease spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3) when its polyQ tract is expanded beyond a critical length. This results in protein aggregation and... more
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      Caenorhabditis elegansAtomic Force MicroscopyGene expressionAmyloid
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      AlgorithmsBiosensorsLight ScatteringNanoparticles
Polynucleotide phosphorylase (PNPase) is a prokaryotic enzyme that catalyzes phosphorolysis of polynucleotides with release of NDPs. It is also believed to play a key role in turnover of prokaryotic transcripts, thus regulating gene... more
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      Analytical ChemistryGene expressionPyruvate KinaseEscherichia coli
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      NanoparticlesMutationCHEMICAL SCIENCESCyclization
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      Protein FoldingBiological SciencesPhysical sciencesPeptides
This work aims at elucidating the relation between morphological and physicochemical properties of different ataxin-3 (ATX3) aggregates and their cytotoxicity. We investigated a non-pathological ATX3 form (ATX3Q24), a pathological... more
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      Medical MicrobiologyCalciumAtomic Force MicroscopyApoptosis
Proteins from hyperthermophilic microorganisms are generally capable of withstanding temperatures close to, or even higher than the boiling point. As a rule, these proteins are strongly piezostable as well, although exceptions have been... more
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      High PressureProtein StabilityBiological SciencesWorking Conditions
Sulfolobus solfataricus carboxypeptidase, (CPSso), is a heat-and pressure-resistant zinc-metalloprotease. Thanks to its properties, it is an ideal tool for investigating the role of non-covalent interactions in substrate binding. It has a... more
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      ThermodynamicsHigh PressureCatalysisKinetics
Sso7d is a 62-residue, basic protein from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus. Around neutral pH, it exhibits a denaturation temperature close to 100°C and a non-sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Here, we report... more
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      BiochemistryFluorescenceCircular DichroismThermal Stability