Papers by Silvio Ghilardi
arXiv (Cornell University), Mar 16, 2012
The use of interpolants in verification is gaining more and more importance. Since theories used ... more The use of interpolants in verification is gaining more and more importance. Since theories used in applications are usually obtained as (disjoint) combinations of simpler theories, it is important to modularly re-use interpolation algorithms for the component theories. We show that a sufficient and necessary condition to do this for quantifierfree interpolation is that the component theories have the 'strong (sub-)amalgamation' property. Then, we provide an equivalent syntactic characterization, identify a sufficient condition, and design a combined quantifier-free interpolation algorithm capable of handling both convex and non-convex theories, that subsumes and extends most existing work on combined interpolation.

The automated, formal verification of distributed algorithms is a crucial, although challenging, ... more The automated, formal verification of distributed algorithms is a crucial, although challenging, task. In this paper, we study the properties of distributed algorithms solving the reliable broadcast problem in various failure models. We investigate the suitability of a direct Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) approach to model these algorithms in order to validate safety properties. In a previous work, we modeled distributed algorithms using the declarative framework of array-based systems. In this work, we try also a simulation of array-based systems via counter systems. In fact, this simulation does not indeed introduce spurious runs violating the safety properties we want to formally verify in a significant class of problems. We report the related performance evaluations of some SMT-based modelcheckers (essentially, our tool MCMT and tools like μZ, nuXmv). The experimental results are interesting because they show on one hand that state-of-the-art SMT-based technology can hand...

The automated, formal verication of distributed algorithms is a crucial, although challenging, ta... more The automated, formal verication of distributed algorithms is a crucial, although challenging, task. The processes executing these algorithms communicate to one another, their actions depend on the messages received, and their number is arbitrary. These characteristics are captured by so called reactive parameterized systems. The task of validating or refuting properties of these systems is daunting, due to the diculty of limiting the possible evolutions, thus having to deal with genuinely innite-state systems. In this paper, we study the properties of distributed algorithms solving the reliable broadcast problem in various failure models. We investigate the suitability of a direct Satisability Modulo Theories (SMT) approach to model these algorithms in order to validate safety properties. In a previous work, we modeled distributed algorithms using the declarative framework of array-based systems. In this work, we try also a simulation of array-based systems via counter systems. Our...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005
We define a general notion of a fragment within higher order type theory; a procedure for constra... more We define a general notion of a fragment within higher order type theory; a procedure for constraint satisfiability in combined fragments is outlined, following Nelson-Oppen schema. The procedure is in general only sound, but it becomes terminating and complete when the shared fragment enjoys suitable noetherianity conditions and allows an abstract version of a 'Keisler-Shelah like' isomorphism theorem. We show that this general decidability transfer result covers as special cases, besides applications which seem to be new, the recent extension of Nelson-Oppen procedure to non-disjoint signatures [16] and the fusion transfer of decidability of consistency of A-Boxes with respect to T-Boxes axioms in local abstract description systems [9]; in addition, it reduces decidability of modal and temporal monodic fragments [32] to their extensional and one-variable components. Work performed within the MIUR Project "Metodi Costruttivi in Topologia, Algebra e Fondamenti dell'Informatica". We wish to thank Manfred Schmidt-Schauss for comments on a preliminary draft of this paper.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010
We describe mcmt, a fully declarative and deductive symbolic model checker for safety properties ... more We describe mcmt, a fully declarative and deductive symbolic model checker for safety properties of infinite state systems whose state variables are arrays. Theories specify the properties of the indexes and the elements of the arrays. Sets of states and transitions of a system are described by quantified first-order formulae. The core of the system is a backward reachability procedure which symbolically computes pre-images of the set of unsafe states and checks for safety and fix-points by solving Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) problems. Besides standard SMT techniques, efficient heuristics for quantifier instantiation, specifically tailored to model checking, are at the very heart of the system. mcmt has been successfully applied to the verification of imperative programs, parametrised, timed, and distributed systems.
ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 2014
The use of interpolants in verification is gaining more and more importance. Since theories used ... more The use of interpolants in verification is gaining more and more importance. Since theories used in applications are usually obtained as (disjoint) combinations of simpler theories, it is important to modularly reuse interpolation algorithms for the component theories. We show that a sufficient and necessary condition to do this for quantifier-free interpolation is that the component theories have the strong ( sub -) amalgamation property. Then, we provide an equivalent syntactic characterization and show that such characterization covers most theories commonly employed in verification. Finally, we design a combined quantifier-free interpolation algorithm capable of handling both convex and nonconvex theories; this algorithm subsumes and extends most existing work on combined interpolation.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2015
This paper presents an acceleration-based combination framework for checking the satisfiability o... more This paper presents an acceleration-based combination framework for checking the satisfiability of classes of quantified formulae of the theory of arrays. We identify sufficient conditions for which an 'acceleratability' result can be used as a black-box module inside such satisfiability procedures. Besides establishing new decidability results and relating them to results from recent literature, we discuss the application of our combination framework to the problem of checking the safety of imperative programs with arrays.
Computer Aided Verification, 2012
We present SAFARI, a model checker designed to prove (possibly universally quantified) safety pro... more We present SAFARI, a model checker designed to prove (possibly universally quantified) safety properties of imperative programs with arrays of unknown length. SAFARI is based on an extension of lazy abstraction capable of handling existentially quantified formulae for symbolically representing states. A heuristics, called term abstraction, favors the convergence of the tool by "tuning" interpolants and guessing additional quantified variables of invariants to prune the search space efficiently.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005
We define a general notion of a fragment within higher order type theory; a procedure for constra... more We define a general notion of a fragment within higher order type theory; a procedure for constraint satisfiability in combined fragments is outlined, following Nelson-Oppen schema. The procedure is in general only sound, but it becomes terminating and complete when the shared fragment enjoys suitable noetherianity conditions and allows an abstract version of a 'Keisler-Shelah like' isomorphism theorem. We show that this general decidability transfer result covers as special cases, besides applications which seem to be new, the recent extension of Nelson-Oppen procedure to non-disjoint signatures [16] and the fusion transfer of decidability of consistency of A-Boxes with respect to T-Boxes axioms in local abstract description systems [9]; in addition, it reduces decidability of modal and temporal monodic fragments [32] to their extensional and one-variable components.
We propose a methodology to use the infinite state model checker MCMT, based on Satisfiability Mo... more We propose a methodology to use the infinite state model checker MCMT, based on Satisfiability Modulo Theory techniques, for assisting in the design of fault tolerant algorithms. To prove the practical viability of our methodology, we apply it to formally check the agreement property of the reliable broadcast protocols of Chandra and Toueg.

Model Checking Modulo Theories is a recent approach for the automated verification of safety prop... more Model Checking Modulo Theories is a recent approach for the automated verification of safety properties of a class of infinite state systems manipulating arrays, called array-based systems. The idea is to repeatedly compute pre-images of a set of (unsafe) states by using certain classes of first-order formulae representing sets of states and transitions, and then reduce fix-point checks to Satisfiability Modulo Theories problems. Unfortunately, if the guards contain universally quantified index variables, the backward procedure cannot be fully automated. In this paper, we overcome the problem by describing a syntactic transformation on array-based systems, which can be seen as an instance of the well-known operation of relativization of quantifiers in first-order logic. Interestingly, when specifying and verifying distributed systems, the proposed syntactic transformation can be inter-preted as the adoption of the crash-failure model, which is well-known in the literature of fault-t...
Recently, the notion of an array-based system has been in- troduced as an abstraction of infinite... more Recently, the notion of an array-based system has been in- troduced as an abstraction of infinite state systems (such as parametrised systems) which allows for model checking safety properties by SMT solving. Unfortunately, the use of quantified first-order formulae to describe sets of states makes checking for fix-point and unsafety extremely expen- sive. In this paper, we describe (static and
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2009
We are interested in automatically proving safety properties of infinite state systems.

In computer science, ontologies are dynamic entities: to adapt them to new and evolving applicati... more In computer science, ontologies are dynamic entities: to adapt them to new and evolving applications, it is necessary to frequently perform modifications such as the extension with new axioms and merging with other ontologies. We argue that, after performing such modifications, it is important to know whether the resulting ontology is a conservative extension of the original one. If this is not the case, then there may be unexpected consequences when using the modified ontology in place of the original one in applications. In this paper, we propose and investigate new reasoning problems based on the notion of conservative extension, assuming that ontologies are formulated as TBoxes in the description logic ALC. We show that the fundamental such reasoning problems are decidable and 2EXPTIME-complete. Additionally, we perform a finer-grained analysis that distinguishes between the size of the original ontology and the size of the additional axioms. In particular, we show that there are algorithms whose runtime is 'only' exponential in the size of the original ontology, but double exponential in the size of the added axioms. If the size of the new axioms is small compared to the size of the ontology, these algorithms are thus not significantly more complex than the standard reasoning services implemented in modern description logic reasoners. If the extension of an ontology is not conservative, our algorithm is capable of computing a concept that witnesses non-conservativeness. We show that the computed concepts are of (worst-case) minimal size.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2014
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2013
ABSTRACT For some classes of guarded ground assignments for arrays, we show that accelerations (i... more ABSTRACT For some classes of guarded ground assignments for arrays, we show that accelerations (i.e., transitive closures) are definable in the theory of arrays via ∃ * ∀ * -first order formulae. We apply this result to model checking of unbounded array programs, where the computation of such accelerations can be used to prevent divergence of reachability analysis. To cope with nested quantifiers introduced by acceleration preprocessing, we use simple instantiation and refinement strategies during backward search analysis. Our new acceleration technique and abstraction/refinement loops are mutually beneficial: experiments conducted with the SMT-based model checker mcmt attest the effectiveness of our approach where acceleration and abstraction/refinement technologies fail if applied alone.
Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, 2014
ABSTRACT Monotonic abstraction is a technique introduced in model checking parameterized distribu... more ABSTRACT Monotonic abstraction is a technique introduced in model checking parameterized distributed systems in order to cope with transitions containing global conditions within guards. The technique has been re-interpreted in a declarative setting in previous papers of ours and applied to the verification of fault tolerant systems under the so-called "stopping failures" model. The declarative reinterpretation consists in logical techniques (quantifier relativizations and, especially, quantifier instantiations) making sense in a broader context. In fact, we recently showed that such techniques can over-approximate array accelerations, so that they can be employed as a meaningful (and practically effective) component of CEGAR loops in software model checking too.
Journal of Automated Reasoning, 2015
ABSTRACT We present new decidability results for quantified fragments of theories of arrays. Our ... more ABSTRACT We present new decidability results for quantified fragments of theories of arrays. Our decision procedures are parametric in the theories of indexes and elements and orthogonal with respect to known results. We show that transitive closures (’acceleratio’) of relation expressing certain array updates produce formulas inside our fragment; this observation will be used to identify a class of programs handling arrays having decidable reachability problem.
Papers by Silvio Ghilardi