Papers by Serena Caroselli

This paper deals with young people who committed an offence when they were minors, in the framewo... more This paper deals with young people who committed an offence when they were minors, in the framework of child exploitation or as a result of it. The focus is on art. 18, para. 6, of the Ital-ian Legislative Decree 286/1998, and the current obstacles to its implementation. The specific question addressed by this article is how and by whom trafficked minors, who are exploited in criminal activities, are identified and protected. To do so, the authors will build on the socio-anthropological literature on labelling processes. The empirical material draws from the quali-tative research carried out in Italy within the framework of the INSigHT Action. The discus-sion can be contextualized within the broader topic of the non-punishment principle that has not been transposed into the Italian legislation yet, with the aim to contribute to the ongoing debate on non-punishment and on the protection of unaccompanied minors victims of traffick-ing more generally.

Antropologia Pubblica, 2022
This contribution is part of a research carried out on the Brenner border, between Italy and Aust... more This contribution is part of a research carried out on the Brenner border, between Italy and Austria (from 2017 until today), whose goal was to understand the phenomena of selection and redistribution of migrants in the European area. The experience of crossing borders, and of secondary movements in Europe, becomes particularly interesting if we consider the construction of the categories of gender, race and social class produced by migration policies and determining the destinies of the subjects involved in intra-European mobility. In the specific case of women who cross European borders, by coercion or by choice, the renegotiation of the motivations to move and the forms of dependence on the networks take place starting from the need to adapt to the transformations of border policies, to the needs of the labor market, the impossibility of being admitted to the space of life. We will therefore examine the phases of greater or lesser visibility of the Brenner border, the consequences of this in the lives of some migrants encountered during the crossing attempts, their narratives on the experience of the border. The methodological perspective of the research is in continuity with the tradition of feminist ethnography. It allows us to analyze the consequences of racial, sexual and class profiling, in the control of mobility within the European space. Ethnography is here a practice of observation, relationship, analysis and aims to promote greater social justice through a responsible ethics of anthropological research.

Victims or offenders? The principle of non-punishment and the critical protection of unaccompanie... more Victims or offenders? The principle of non-punishment and the critical protection of unaccompanied
minors exploited in criminal activities in Italy. This paper deals with young
people who committed an offence when they were minors, in the framework of child exploitation
or as a result of it. The focus is on art. 18, para. 6, of the Italian Legislative Decree 286/1998,
and the current obstacles to its implementation. The specific question addressed by this article is
how and by whom trafficked minors, who are exploited in criminal activities, are identified and
protected. To do so, the authors will build on the socio-anthropological literature on labelling
processes. The empirical material draws from the qualitative research carried out in Italy within
the framework of the INSigHT Action. The discussion can be contextualized within the broader
topic of the non-punishment principle that has not been transposed into the Italian legislation yet,
with the aim to contribute to the ongoing debate on non-punishment and on the protection of
unaccompanied minors victims of trafficking more generally.

Antropologia Medica, 2021
The Home-Health Connection Before and During the Covid. The Case of Two Women in Housing Squat in... more The Home-Health Connection Before and During the Covid. The Case of Two Women in Housing Squat in Rome This article aims to investigate the link between the right to housing and the access to health, focusing on the impact that Covid19 has produced on the most disadvantaged sections of the population. In particular, we explored-through two ethnographic cases-the experience of two migrant women living in a housing occupation in the Roman suburb. The ethnography highlights the way in which structural violence is expressed starting from the axes of gender, race and class, and how, in the neoliberal city, access to the dimension of living is one of the elements in the production of a necropolitical space in which a series of social economic and political dynamics-the lack of public housing, the legal status, the fight against "illegal occupations"-limit people's access to health and expose them to the risk of death.

EtnoAntropologia, 2021
This article aims to reflect on the effects of forced mobility linked to the trafficking of Niger... more This article aims to reflect on the effects of forced mobility linked to the trafficking of Nigerian women and on the responses given to them by current European policies. I refer specifically to the European system of international protection and asylum and to the role of national anti-trafficking projects, which configure trajectories which, as in the case studied, reproduce experiences of limitation over time, since they are added to the indebtedness of women themselves with the networks of trafficking. The dimension of time becomes crucial to grasp not only the control mechanisms of migrant subjectivities but above all to reveal how the people themselves react, in terms of possibilities and agency, starting from the social and cultural horizon of reference. In the contexts of European borders, such as that of the Brenner-between Italy and Austria-the expression of security and containment policies produces the phenomenon of secondary movements that place migrants in front of new complications to access the social space and recognition. For the woman protagonist of this ethnography, these obstacles are intertwined with the pressures of the trafficking networks, with the result of a multiplication of the negative effects on her life, which I intend to analyze specifically in this work.
Società e Trasformazioni Sociali, 2021
In the context of increasing controls at the Brenner Border, many migrants
have been pushed to th... more In the context of increasing controls at the Brenner Border, many migrants
have been pushed to the margins of society. Asylum seekers arriving in the city of Bozen
through the Brenner route have been defined through categories such as ‘out of quota’,
‘autonomous arrivals’, ‘irregular’. These labels differentiate reception practices according
to a criterion of (in)admissibility. In this study we will focus on the production of what
have de facto become ‘internal borders’ and on the violations of the rights of asylum
seekers that have resulted in this border area of Italy.
Sul Fronte del Sisma, 2018
L'Asilo come Diritto, 2018
Le donne richiedenti asilo e protezione internazionale in Italia tra riconoscimento e vulnerabili... more Le donne richiedenti asilo e protezione internazionale in Italia tra riconoscimento e vulnerabilità sociale. Un'etnografia all'interno di uno Spar del centro Italia

Salute e Società Franco Angeli, 2018
Il contributo ha l’obiettivo di fornire un’analisi sulla salute alimentare delle popolazioni dell... more Il contributo ha l’obiettivo di fornire un’analisi sulla salute alimentare delle popolazioni dell’Appennino centrale interessate dagli eventi sismici del 2016/2017 . Nello specifico, sono esplorati gli effetti delle trasformazioni degli stili di vita degli abitanti dei comuni di Amatrice ed Accumoli nel periodo successivo all’evento. All’indomani delle prime scosse lo scenario delineato dalle politiche emergenziali vede una parte di popolazione permanere sui territori colpiti e la restante porzione allontanata dai luoghi di residenza e trasferita sulla costa. Il presente studio porta alla luce come lo stravolgimento del vissuto generato dall’evento del disastro, ma anche le modalità istituzionali di gestione e assistenza della popolazione, si pongano alla base di una rottura delle pratiche di vita quotidiana e delle abitudini nutrizionali precedenti, determinando una diffusa percezione di malessere da parte degli abitanti che viene presa in carico dagli esperti impegnati nei servizi socio-territoriali.

Dialogo Andino, 2013
Desde antropología médica, como enfoque, se analiza cómo en el Centro de Salud Familiar de Putre ... more Desde antropología médica, como enfoque, se analiza cómo en el Centro de Salud Familiar de Putre (CESFAM) se atienden los pacientes con dolor. El trabajo de investigación que se llevó a cabo durante siete meses-septiembre de 2011 hasta febrero de 2012-permite abordar analíticamente casos de pacientes del poblado de Putre y de las localidades de precordillera y cordillera de la comuna del mismo nombre y como ellos, ante los saberes médicos plurales, hablan de dolor y lo enfrentan. Aunque el Programa Especial de Salud de los Pueblos Indígenas (PESPI) incluye médicos aymara en el equipo de trabajo del CESFAM, cada etnomedicina maneja el dolor en su complejidad desde su perspectiva profesional en el campo de la salud intercultural, transformando a través de las prácticas terapéuticas plurales esa ambigüedad, que el dolor genera, en la vida del sujeto que sufre. El dolor del paciente aymara se incluye en el campo de la salud intercultural, pero la condición íntima y privada del sujeto se hace pública y política cuando se maneja a nivel institucional. Palabras claves: dolor, salud intercultural, prácticas terapéuticas integradas. Through the medical anthropology's perspective we analyze how are attended patients with pain by the Center of familiar health of Putre (CESFAM). The field research, performed from September of 2011 to February of 2012, allowed to us to analyze the cases about patients of Putre and other about patients of pre cordillera's and cordillera's villages. They speak about pain and used to take care about it moving around different medical knowledge. The especial program of native's populations includes aymara's therapists in the CESFAM's team. Every etnomedicine manages pain in its complexity from its professional perspective inside the intercultural health's field, transforming trough the therapeutics and plurals practices this ambiguity that pain causes in the life of the subject that suffer. Pain of aymara's patients stays inside the intercultural health's field, the private and intimate condition became public and politic when it's managed from an institutional position.
Opificio della Storia RESPRO, 2021
Opificio della Storia. Territori a Lavoro
Books by Serena Caroselli

SSIIM UNESCO Chair, University Iuav of Venice, 2021
All rights reserved. No part of the text or graphics in this publication may be reproduced or tra... more All rights reserved. No part of the text or graphics in this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or use of storage storage and retrieval systems, without the permission of the copyright owners. Suggested citation: Semprebon M. and Caroselli S. (2021) "The phenomenon of human trafficking along the Brenner route: secondary movements and the system of protection for Nigerian women in the city of Bozen", Venice: SSIIM UNESCO Chair, University Iuav of Venice. 10 This project, with a focus on monitoring the transit of migrants along the Brenner route, ran from 2016 to 2019. It was coordinated by the Bozen Langer Foundation and managed in collaboration with a network of volunteers and activists from Verona, Trento and Bozen. More information is available on the Foundation's website: Last accessed: 15/01/2021. On the Langer Foundation's website you can also find the reports produced by the project: Last accessed on: 15/01/2021. 11 The field observation stage was active and continuous in the places experienced by women asylum seekers and victims of trafficking and saw the researcher involved in accompanying them to the Questura, hospitals, temporary housing, reception centres, Bozen and Brenner railway stations, informal camps, places of prostitution, trafficking and exploitation, and the railway lines between the Brenner Pass and the Austrian city of Innsbruck.
Cattedra UNESCO SSIIM, Università Iuav di Venezia, 2021
è stato coordinato da Michela Semprebon; le interviste sono state organizzate da Serena Caroselli... more è stato coordinato da Michela Semprebon; le interviste sono state organizzate da Serena Caroselli e svolte insieme a Michela Semprebon. Serena Caroselli ha scritto la prima versione del testo e Michela Semprebon ha integrato e fatto la revisione, ad eccezione del capitoli 1,2,3,7,8, la cui scrittura è da attribuire ad entrambe.
SSIIM UNESCO Chair, University Iuav of Venice., 2021
Papers by Serena Caroselli
minors exploited in criminal activities in Italy. This paper deals with young
people who committed an offence when they were minors, in the framework of child exploitation
or as a result of it. The focus is on art. 18, para. 6, of the Italian Legislative Decree 286/1998,
and the current obstacles to its implementation. The specific question addressed by this article is
how and by whom trafficked minors, who are exploited in criminal activities, are identified and
protected. To do so, the authors will build on the socio-anthropological literature on labelling
processes. The empirical material draws from the qualitative research carried out in Italy within
the framework of the INSigHT Action. The discussion can be contextualized within the broader
topic of the non-punishment principle that has not been transposed into the Italian legislation yet,
with the aim to contribute to the ongoing debate on non-punishment and on the protection of
unaccompanied minors victims of trafficking more generally.
have been pushed to the margins of society. Asylum seekers arriving in the city of Bozen
through the Brenner route have been defined through categories such as ‘out of quota’,
‘autonomous arrivals’, ‘irregular’. These labels differentiate reception practices according
to a criterion of (in)admissibility. In this study we will focus on the production of what
have de facto become ‘internal borders’ and on the violations of the rights of asylum
seekers that have resulted in this border area of Italy.
Books by Serena Caroselli
minors exploited in criminal activities in Italy. This paper deals with young
people who committed an offence when they were minors, in the framework of child exploitation
or as a result of it. The focus is on art. 18, para. 6, of the Italian Legislative Decree 286/1998,
and the current obstacles to its implementation. The specific question addressed by this article is
how and by whom trafficked minors, who are exploited in criminal activities, are identified and
protected. To do so, the authors will build on the socio-anthropological literature on labelling
processes. The empirical material draws from the qualitative research carried out in Italy within
the framework of the INSigHT Action. The discussion can be contextualized within the broader
topic of the non-punishment principle that has not been transposed into the Italian legislation yet,
with the aim to contribute to the ongoing debate on non-punishment and on the protection of
unaccompanied minors victims of trafficking more generally.
have been pushed to the margins of society. Asylum seekers arriving in the city of Bozen
through the Brenner route have been defined through categories such as ‘out of quota’,
‘autonomous arrivals’, ‘irregular’. These labels differentiate reception practices according
to a criterion of (in)admissibility. In this study we will focus on the production of what
have de facto become ‘internal borders’ and on the violations of the rights of asylum
seekers that have resulted in this border area of Italy.