Papers by Miria Martina Del Mauro

Italiano LinguaDue, 2022
Dopo che si è dimostrato efficace nell’insegnamento dell’italiano come L1, negli ultimi anni il c... more Dopo che si è dimostrato efficace nell’insegnamento dell’italiano come L1, negli ultimi anni il concetto di valenza si è affermato progressivamente anche nella didattica dell’italiano come lingua non materna. Il presente elaborato si pone in continuità con quegli studi che hanno evidenziato i vantaggi glottodidattici del modello per l’insegnamento dell’italiano agli stranieri. Il seguente articolo è diviso in due sezioni. Nella prima si riportano tre analisi della felice applicazione del modello valenziale in contesti L2, sia come strumento per l’insegnamento della grammatica, sia come concetto operativo per la risoluzione di problemi linguistici anche da parte di buoni conoscitori della lingua. Nella seconda si presenta studio di caso originale, che analizza il modo in cui il concetto di valenza del verbo viene impiegato nel corso di Estudios lingüísticos en lengua italiana 3 erogato dall’Universitat de València. In particolare, gli argomenti affrontati dal corso sono i ruoli semantici, i verbi transitivi, intransitivi, inaccusativi e la loro azionalità, la costruzione di frasi passive e impersonali e quella della frase complessa; questi sono esposti secondo l’ordine di presentazione del corso, ciascuno in un paragrafo dedicato. In conclusione vengono riassunte le conoscenze grammaticali e le abilità specifiche che l’uso della valenza verbale ha incrementato negli apprendenti.
"The concept of valence in the teaching of Italian FL. A case study"
After proving effective in teaching Italian as L1, in recent years the concept of valence has also progressively been established in teaching Italian as a foreign language. This paper is in continuity with those studies that have highlighted the linguistic advantages of the valential model to teach Italian to foreigners. The article is divided into two sections. The first one reviews three analyses of the successful application of the valential model in L2 contexts, both as a tool to teach grammar and as an operational concept to solve linguistic problems also for fluent foreign Italian speakers. The second part presents an original case study, which analyzes the way the concept of verbal valence is used in the course of Estudios lingüísticos en lengua italiana 3 held by Universitat de València. In particular, the topics covered by the course are semantic roles, transitive, intransitive, unaccusative verbs and their actionality, the construction of passive and impersonal sentences and of the complex phrase; these are explained in the order of presentation of the course, each in a dedicated paragraph. As a conclusion, the paper summarizes the grammatical notions and specific skills increased in learners by the use of verbal valence.
Papers by Miria Martina Del Mauro
"The concept of valence in the teaching of Italian FL. A case study"
After proving effective in teaching Italian as L1, in recent years the concept of valence has also progressively been established in teaching Italian as a foreign language. This paper is in continuity with those studies that have highlighted the linguistic advantages of the valential model to teach Italian to foreigners. The article is divided into two sections. The first one reviews three analyses of the successful application of the valential model in L2 contexts, both as a tool to teach grammar and as an operational concept to solve linguistic problems also for fluent foreign Italian speakers. The second part presents an original case study, which analyzes the way the concept of verbal valence is used in the course of Estudios lingüísticos en lengua italiana 3 held by Universitat de València. In particular, the topics covered by the course are semantic roles, transitive, intransitive, unaccusative verbs and their actionality, the construction of passive and impersonal sentences and of the complex phrase; these are explained in the order of presentation of the course, each in a dedicated paragraph. As a conclusion, the paper summarizes the grammatical notions and specific skills increased in learners by the use of verbal valence.
"The concept of valence in the teaching of Italian FL. A case study"
After proving effective in teaching Italian as L1, in recent years the concept of valence has also progressively been established in teaching Italian as a foreign language. This paper is in continuity with those studies that have highlighted the linguistic advantages of the valential model to teach Italian to foreigners. The article is divided into two sections. The first one reviews three analyses of the successful application of the valential model in L2 contexts, both as a tool to teach grammar and as an operational concept to solve linguistic problems also for fluent foreign Italian speakers. The second part presents an original case study, which analyzes the way the concept of verbal valence is used in the course of Estudios lingüísticos en lengua italiana 3 held by Universitat de València. In particular, the topics covered by the course are semantic roles, transitive, intransitive, unaccusative verbs and their actionality, the construction of passive and impersonal sentences and of the complex phrase; these are explained in the order of presentation of the course, each in a dedicated paragraph. As a conclusion, the paper summarizes the grammatical notions and specific skills increased in learners by the use of verbal valence.