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Using a multi-disciplinary approach drawing from criminology, sociology, history, anthropology, economics, political science, and geography, this book is essential reading for international researchers and practitioners interested in piecing together the full picture of modern organized crime.
Lifeless bodies swept up by the tide in the latest of countless Mediterranean shipwrecks. Besieged bodies, kept at a distance and repelled outside the borders of Europe. Exotic female bodies, bought and sold in commercialised sex networks and on the streets of our cities. Feared and, consequently, disparaged and vilified bodies, which thus rise to become symbols of an irreconcilable otherness with respect to the West. And again, subjugated, subordinate and racialised bodies. The silent, voiceless and muted bodies of those who have faced horror and known the unspeakable, and that now appear to have been stripped not only of their rights but of any worth as human beings.
Apparently relegated to the darkest corners of our modernity, these bodies raise questions that encourage us to look towards the historical, political and social origins of the suffering they emblematise. And yet, the disquieting memories they bear, carved into their flesh, also dismantle the moral and cultural terrain we thought we had gained.
Based on the experience accumulated by the author during her last fifteen years of research in the field of migration, this volume is aimed at providing some means with which to consider the processes through which otherness is constructed in contemporary society. The perspective she adopts brings together an analysis of the phenomena involved, primarily consisting in a number of case studies, and a reflection in the area of social theory.
Il Convegno intende continuare il dialogo avviato con la pubblicazione del numero monografico “Emancipatory Social Science Today” (1/2019) della rivista Quaderni di Teoria Sociale (a cura di Monica Massari e Vincenza Pellegrino).
Con il patrocinio di: Associazione Italiana di Sociologia-AIS, Sezione “Vita Quotidiana” dell’AIS, Quaderni di Teoria Sociale, CIRS-Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca Sociale, Università di Parma e Università di Milano.
Comitato scientifico: Vincenza Pellegrino (Univ. di Parma) e Monica Massari (Univ. di Milano) (Coordinatrici); Vando Borghi (Univ. di Bologna), Marco Deriu (Univ. di Parma), Gianluca Gatta (Kobe Univ. Japan), Chiara Marchetti (Univ. di Milano), Giulia Rodeschini (Univ. di Parma), Ambrogio Santambrogio (Univ. di Perugia).
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