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Da Levante a OcciDente: cOnsiDeraziOni su un cOntestO funerariO pithecusanO abstract -the tomb 545-546 from the necropolis of san Montano in ischia seems to give us information about the reconstruction of the civilization of the island... more
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    • Archaeology of pre-Roman Italy
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      Funerary ArchaeologyEtruscologyFunerary PracticesOrientalizing Period in the Mediterranean
Porta S.N. & Matthaes P., 2015-Non destructive analyses applied to archaeological potteries and bronzes. Atti Acc. Rov. Agiati, a. 265, 2015, ser. IX, vol. V, B: 117-130. An archaeological object is fi rst of all a combination of... more
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      ArchaeometryPotteryAncient BronzesFTIR SPECTROSCOPY CULTURAL HERITAGE
Archaeological excavations carried out in Early Iron Age Vetulonia (northern Tuscany, Italy) brought to light a funerary urn particularly noteworthy for the presence of an unusual decoration obtained by plastering the vase surface with an... more
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      Organic ChemistryPottery (Archaeology)Ceramic TechnologyFunerary Archaeology
the tomb 545-546 from the necropolis of san Montano in ischia seems to give us information about the reconstruction of the civilization of the island since its early inhabitation. the grave, with the two depositions, attributed to a... more
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Archaeological excavations carried out in Early Iron Age Vetulonia (northern Tuscany, Italy) brought to light a funerary urn particularly noteworthy for the presence of an unusual decoration obtained by plastering the vase surface with an... more
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      ArchaeologyGeochemistryArchaeometryEtruscan Archaeology
Bausi, A., Tosco, M. (a cura di), Afroasiatica Neapolitana. Contributi presentati all'8° Incontro di Linguistica Afroasiatica (Camito-Semitica), Napoli, 25-26 Gennaio 1996, Napoli 1997, pp. 253-64
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      Ancient Mediterranean ReligionsSostrato egeo-cananaico
Arena, R., Bologna, M.P., Mayer Modena, M.L., Passi, A. (a cura di), Bandhu. Scritti in onore di Carlo Della Casa, 2 voll., Alessandria 1997, vol. II, pp. 491-513
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      Ancient Mediterranean ReligionsSostrato egeo-cananaico
Rosenzweig, C., Callow, A.L., Brugnatelli, V., Aspesi, F. (a cura di), Florilegio Filologico Linguistico. Haninura de Bon Siman a Maria Luisa Mayer Modena, Milano 2008, pp. 17-31
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    • Sostrato egeo-cananaico
"ACME" 54 (2003), pp. 25-34
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      AramaicAncient Aramaic
"Atti del Sodalizio Glottologico Milanese", vol. V n.s. (2011), pp. 270-72
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    • Archeonimi
Orioles, V., Toso, F. (a cura di), Circolazioni Linguistiche e Culturali nello Spazio Mediterraneo, Recco-Genova 2008, pp. 1-16
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    • Sostrato egeo-cananaico
Minà, P. (a cura di), Imagines et iura personarum. L'uomo nell'Egitto antico. Per i novanta anni di Sergio Donadoni. Atti del IX Convegno Internazionale di Egittologia e Papirologia. Palermo, 10-13 novembre 2004, Palermo 2006, pp. 25-37
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      AramaicEgyptian Aramaic
"AION", vol. 37 (Nuova Serie XXVII - 1977), pp. 393-401
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      Comparative Semitic LinguisticsPhonematics
Finazzi, R.B., Tornaghi, P. (a cura di), Cinquant'anni di ricerche linguistiche: problemi, risultati e prospettive per il terzo millennio. Atti del IX Convegno Internazionale di Linguisti. Milano, 8-9-10 ottobre 1998, Alessandria 2001,... more
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    • Sostrato egeo-cananaico
1 - Considerazioni sullo studio dei rapporti fra lingue camito-semitiche e lingue indeuropee (1978) 2 - Possibilità e limiti di un'odierna fonematica storico-comparativa camito-semito-indeuropea (1981) Estratto da: Studi di Linguistica... more
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      Areal linguisticsHamito-Semitic Linguistics
Consani, C., Mucciante, L. (a cura di), Norma e variazione nel diasistema greco, Alessandria 2011, pp. 17-34
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      Hebrew Bible and Ancient Near EastAreal linguisticsSostrato egeo-cananaico
Brugnatelli, V. (a cura di), Sem Cam Iafet. Atti della 7a Giornata di Studi Camito-Semitici e Indeuropei (Milano, 1 giugno 1993), Milano 1994, pp. 1-18
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    • Sostrato egeo-cananaico
"ACME" 58 (2005), pp. 15-27
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      AramaicEgyptian Aramaic