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    • Biochemistry and cell biology
Actin was identified in boar and mole spermatozoa by utilizing indirect immunofluorescence, immunoelectron microscopy, and SDS-PAGE, followed by blot and screening with an anti-actin monoclonal antibody. Actin was detected in two places... more
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      Electron MicroscopyImmunohistochemistryUltrastructureFluorescent Antibody Technique
The sperm receptors of the ascidian oocyte are located at the outer surface of the vitelline coat (formerly called the chorion). The fucose residues are the receptor's most important components for sperm recognition and binding. We asked... more
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      Electron MicroscopyInsectivoraUltrastructureCell nucleus
The process of acrosome formation in the course of spermatogenesis of Ciom intestinalis has been investigated.
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      Ciona IntestinalisBiochemistry and cell biology
Mature sperm cells have the spontaneous capacity to take up exogenous DNA. Such DNA specifically interacts with the subacrosomal segment of the sperm head corresponding to the nuclear area.Part of the sperm-bound foreign DNA is further... more
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      InteractionRecombinant DNA TechnologyDNAMolecular
Background: Prox1, the vertebrate homolog of prospero in Drosophila melanogaster, is a divergent homeogene that regulates cell proliferation, fate determination and differentiation during vertebrate embryonic development.
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      ImmunohistochemistryDrosophila melanogasterIn Situ HybridizationBiological Sciences
Using degenerate reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) techniques we have isolated a cDNA encoding a putative component of the zebrafish Danio rerio egg chorion, homologous to the mammalian ZP3 (ZPC). The predicted... more
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      GeneticsBiotechnologyGene expressionSequence Analysis
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      Endothelial CellsMutationBloodClinical Sciences
Using degenerate reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) techniques we have isolated a cDNA encoding a putative component of the zebrafish Danio rerio egg chorion, homologous to the mammalian ZP3 (ZPC). The predicted... more
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      GeneticsBiotechnologyGene expressionSequence Analysis
Sox proteins are DNA-binding proteins belonging to the HMG box superfamily and they play key roles in animal embryonic development. Zebrafish Sox21a is part of group B Sox proteins and its chicken and mouse orthologs have been described... more
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      Gene expressionBiological SciencesEarly developmentMechanisms
The zebrafish (Danio rerio)/tumor xenograft model represents a powerful new model system in cancer. Here, we describe a novel exploitation of the zebrafish model to investigate tumor angiogenesis, a pivotal step in cancer progression and... more
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      CancerDrug DiscoveryDanio rerioEndothelial Cells
The zebrafish (Danio rerio)/tumor xenograft model represents a powerful new model system in cancer. Here, we describe a novel exploitation of the zebrafish model to investigate tumor angiogenesis, a pivotal step in cancer progression and... more
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      CancerDrug DiscoveryDanio rerioEndothelial Cells
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      HematologyImmunohistochemistryBone Morphogenetic ProteinsSignal Transduction
The failure to eradicate most cancers and in particular melanoma may be as fundamental as a misidentification of the target. The identification of cancer stem/initiating cells within the tumour population with a crucial role for tumour... more
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      Cancer stem cellsImmunohistochemistryWestern blottingCell line
We study the statistical properties of melanoma cell colonies grown in vitro by analyzing the results of crystal violet assays at different concentrations of initial plated cells and for different growth times. The distribution of colony... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsClassical Physics
Tumors are defined by their intense proliferation, but sometimes cancer cells turn senescent and stop replicating. In the stochastic cancer model in which all cells are tumorigenic, senescence is seen as the result of random mutations,... more
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      Computational BiologyStochastic processesBiological SciencesComputer Simulation
Background: AQP1 belongs to aquaporins family, water-specific, membrane-channel proteins expressed in diverse tissues. Recent papers showed that during angiogenesis, AQP1 is expressed preferentially by microvessels, favoring angiogenesis... more
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      Cell MigrationMembrane ProteinsGene expressionMultidisciplinary
Background information. Fluid homoeostasis is of critical importance in many functions of the CNS (central nervous system) as indicated by the fact that dysregulation of cell volume underlies clinical conditions such as brain oedema and... more
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      MitochondriaStem CellBrainAquaporins (AQP)
Cancer progression in humans is difficult to infer because we do not routinely sample patients at multiple stages of their disease. The identification cancer stem cell (CSC) subpopulations inside tumor opens a new view of cancer... more
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      BiomarkersCancer stem cellsChemokines and chemokine receptorsMelanoma