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Compte tenu de l'évolution rapide des Technologies de l'Information, la création de nouvelles méthodes d'enseignement s'impose afin de permettre aux étudiants de maitriser les contours difficiles du programme d'enseignement. De nos jours,... more
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    • Information
The Common Criteria standard provides an infrastructure for evaluating security functions of IT products and for certifying that security policies claimed by product suppliers are correctly enforced by the security functions themselves.... more
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      Computer ScienceOpen Source SoftwareOpen SourceSecurity Policy
Information sharing plays a role of paramount importance in modern supply chain environments. In fact, the elements that compose the chain need to share information about sensitive aspects of their business in order to build more accurate... more
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      BusinessDistributed ComputingSupply Chain ManagementSupply Chain
XML is today the most used data interchange format for business-to-business applications. Indeed, an increasing amount of data is created and published over the Internet every day in XML format. Moreover, organizations need more and more... more
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      Computer ScienceXMLFuzzy set theoryWatermarking
Today, XML is the most used data interchange format for business-to-business applications. Indeed, an increasing amount of data in XML format is created and published over the Internet every day. Moreover, organizations need more and more... more
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      XMLWeb ServicesWatermarkingData Integrity
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      Formal LogicBusiness ModelBusiness rulesKnowledge base
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      ISWCData IntegrityUncertainty ModelingProof of Concept
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      OntologyData IntegrationData Integrity
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      Fuzzy LogicMetadataDistributed SystemClassification
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      OntologyData WarehousingData Integration
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      Business IntelligenceFormal Concept AnalysisData AccessData Integrity
Abstract This paper presents an architecture of a contextaware pro-active recommender system. The system uses contextual information in order to provide recommendations that are more suitable to the particular individual user.... more
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The problem of representing RDF data using charts, dashboards, maps and so on has become pressing, in particular to prove the value of the Semantic Web to enhance the analysis of business data. State of the art solutions focus on mapping... more
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Mutual synchronization is a common phenomenon in biology. It occurs at different levels, ranging from the small scale of the cardiac pace-maker cells of the SA (Sino-Atrial) and AV (Atrium-Ventricular) nodes in the human hearth that... more
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Abstract In this study, surface ECG signals recoded during atrial fibrillation (AF) episodes have been investigated to assess the presence of scaling behaviors. The ECG signals consisted of one minutes recordings coming from the 2004... more
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Abstract In this work, the analysis of atrial signals recorded during atrial fibrillation was pursued using two spectral estimators designed for series with missing data: the Lomb periodogram (LP) and the iterative singular spectrum... more
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Abstract A variety of problems in engineering and geology involve spreading cooling non-Newtonian fluids. If the fluid is relatively shallow and spreads slowly, lubrication-style asymptotic approximations can be used to build reduced... more
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Abstract In this study, we suggest a method for automatic measurement of the QT interval. The method derives from the standard technique of" selective beat averaging". To overcome those situations in which the templates are noisy as they... more
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Abstract The V-index is a recently-proposed metric related to repolarization heterogeneity (RH) across the myocardium, a key quantity for the development of arrhythmias. The metric is derived from multi-leads ECG recordings and this paper... more
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Ensembles of low-order dynamical systems are often used to model the interaction, competition, and synchronization among dynamically coupled, but distinct, objects. In this genre, coupled map lattices are one of the simplest and widely... more
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