In this paper we investigate the existence and the size of geographical differences in Italian students' mathematical competencies. We analyze a novel data set that combines the 2003 wave of the OECD Programme for International Student... more
Realized wages are affected by investments and signals concerning productivity, which workers undertake on the basis of expectations on future job prospects. Thus, also the gender wage gap is likely to depend on workers' expectations.... more
This paper is an experimental analysis of the role played by workers' expectations in explaining the puzzling long-run persistence of observed discrimination against certain minorities in the labor market. The experiment provides some... more
Competencies: Evidence from PISA 2003 *
Any textbook states that high labor costs are negatively related to employment creation. We provide evidence that the two main components of labor costs (real wages and productivity) are not important correlates of net employment creation... more
This paper presents empirical evidence from the PISA 2003 survey on the role of students' attitudes towards competition and cooperation in mathematical literacy achievement. While individual competitive attitudes are positively correlated... more
This paper is an experimental analysis of the role played by workers' expectations in explaining the puzzling long-run persistence of observed discrimination against certain minorities in the labor market. The experiment provides evidence... more
Contributions to the public goods stem from selfish motivations (strategic cooperation) as well as other-regarding considerations, either related to opponents' behaviour (reciprocity), or unconditional. In this paper we provide strong... more
The paper investigates the effect of .99 price endings on consumer demand by means of a field experiment. Results tail behind other contributions showing how .99 endings can be ineffective, casting doubts on their widespread use among... more
Competencies: Evidence from PISA 2003 *
This paper aims at explaining the decoupling of official and perceived inflation emerged in the Euro area after the currency changeover in 2002. Such a phenomenon is puzzling since the surge of perceived inflation in the years after the... more
We investigate the emergence of discrimination in an experiment where individuals affiliated to different groups compete for a monetary prize, submitting independent bids to an auctioneer. The auctioneer receives perfect information about... more
In questo capitolo vengono utilizzati i dati italiani della wave 2003 dell'Indagine OCSE Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) al fine di studiare le determinanti del divario territoriale che si registra tra nord e sud del... more
Il male non può essere estirpato. Nessuno è in grado di impedirne la crescita, in questo mondo. L'individuo può migliorare la sua condizione, forse, ma solo a spese degli altri. E ci saranno sempre re che si distingueranno l'uno... more
In questo capitolo vengono utilizzati i dati italiani della wave 2003 dell'Indagine OCSE Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) al fine di studiare l'effetto di alcune variabili individuali e di scuola sulle competenze... more
Nelle classifiche redatte sulla base delle indagini internazionali sulle competenze degli studenti e degli adulti (come PISA, TIMSS, IALS) l'Italia si colloca sempre in posizioni piuttosto basse. Questa è una caratteristica comune ai... more