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The way Pasolini planned to rebuild and rewrite Eschilo's tragedy "Oresteia" was to set it in the African Country and try to reconnect the real spirit of Eschilo's work through what the director himself always called the "anthropological... more
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      Pier Paolo PasoliniEuripides OrestesEschiloMutazione antropologica
Pioneer of a peculiar way to amplify the art of the cinematographe, Jean-Luc Godard was a real innovator of films and the spaces that trascend the simple screen. "Vivre sa vie" is a perfect example of his art: not just scenes but what can... more
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      Nouvelle VagueJean-Luc GodardPost-modernism
Thoughts about a poem by italian dialectal poet Franco Loi.
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      Franco LoiPoesia italiana contemporaneaPoesia dialettale italiana
La ricorsiva attualità di alcuni miti rimane da sempre il marchio stesso del loro status, assurti come sono ad una forma di emblema narrativo (e poetico) di tutta una società che ad essi si è affacciata e dalla quale essi stessi sono... more
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A path of interpretation and analysis of Charlie Kaufman's "Being John Malkovich".
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      PostmodernismDramatic theory & postmodern cinemaCharlie KaufmanBeing John Malkovich