Papers by Yusup Sigit Martyastiadi
Desainpedia, Dec 31, 2023
Advances in social science, education and humanities research, Dec 31, 2022
IJCAS (International Journal of Creative and Arts Studies), May 21, 2018
held an international conference on art and design based on digital technologies on 1-2 November ... more held an international conference on art and design based on digital technologies on 1-2 November 2016. The conference held at Santika Hotel, Seminyak Bali, Indonesia. Sixtytwo scholars from various disciplines as art & design to information technology convened and discussed the subject from various angles. The papers were covering various facets of research and practice on digital arts and designs. Papers were organised into topical areas,

3D game "Jurnal Pahlawan" (Hero's Journal) is a game project based on the battle of Surabaya, Ind... more 3D game "Jurnal Pahlawan" (Hero's Journal) is a game project based on the battle of Surabaya, Indonesia in November 1945 between Indonesian soldiers and British & British Indian troops. The purpose of this project is proposing a joyful learning media with history contents for youth through the game. The young users can interact with game system, which resemble to historical recount of the battle of Surabaya. The 3D digital visualization of the game world leads game players are be immersed to the game. This paper describes the process of designing the game environment, mainly historical building modeling and texturing. The research uses qualitative method such as battlefields observation, literature study and visual existing study. In addition, the assets design process uses modular technique in 3D building modeling and procedural texturing. Finally, the result of this design process gives opportunities for 3D designers to create game environment systematically. It means, in terms of 3D game environment, the repetition process of 3D assets production could be applied for making huge digital architectural in the game world easily.
Ultimart, Nov 12, 2016
Abstrak: Game 3D yang baik dan menarik mempunyai tingkat waktu render nyata (real-time rendering)... more Abstrak: Game 3D yang baik dan menarik mempunyai tingkat waktu render nyata (real-time rendering) yang tinggi. Di sisi lain, tampilan visual dengan resolusi tinggi akan menambah nilai immersion bagi pemain. Bagi pengembang game 3D, dua hal tersebut menjadi tantangan dalam mendesain game. Secara umum, aplikasi game engine membutuhkan aset game 3D dengan jumlah polygon yang rendah (low-poly) untuk mendukung kecepatan real-time rendering. Hal ini dilakukan untuk menghindari tampilan visual dan animasi yang terputus-putus di saat memainkan game 3D. Dalam makalah ini akan dipaparkan penerapan low-poly modeling yang didukung dengan metode normal map, projection map dan texturing agar tampilan realistiknya tetap tinggi.

IJCAS (International Journal of Creative and Arts Studies), Dec 30, 2022
Programming for Visual Communication Design students is a challenge in learning it. Their compete... more Programming for Visual Communication Design students is a challenge in learning it. Their competencies are developing visual communication materials for interactive media designs. Programming competence in learning interaction design in the Visual Programming course focuses on programming logic. This study observes the method of visual programming using the Bolt add-on (visual scripting). This data was collected from students majoring in Interaction Design, Visual Communication Design Study Program at Universitas Multimedia Nusantara when they took Visual Programming courses. The indicators of this research are studying the understanding of programming logic from several materials and the learning outcomes of each observed material. The researcher found positive results using visual scripting in understanding programming logic for Visual Communication Design students on some of the material observed. In general, it can be concluded that the Bolt add-on in the UNITY game engine software can help students work on interactive media design projects.

IJCAS (International Journal of Creative and Arts Studies), Dec 2, 2020
In Indonesia's artistic research, especially for art creation research, many art creative ideas a... more In Indonesia's artistic research, especially for art creation research, many art creative ideas are born from personal experience; however, the artists' subjectivity often constrains them in expressing these experiences. This condition triggers a lack of scientific publications relating to explaining life experiences that underlie creating artwork. This article describes the process of explaining the life experience reflection into the idea of creating artworks. This method is needed to explain emotional triggers into objective knowledge as a scientific research manuscript. This artistic research employs a practice-led research approach. The analysis and discussion are carried out through reflection between ideas of creation, artworks, reviews of existing artworks, and related literature. Researchers convince that the practice-led research methodology is very strategic to boost the quality of writing artistic articles, dissemination, and presentation of arts. Also, this methodology is expected to overcome the gap between art creation and scientific publications. This study offers steps to uncover subjective experiences into objective research. This artistic research can be used to conquer the subjectivity in art creation and the imbalance between scientific publications and the writing of art creation practices.

The digital and virtual era creates a dependency between arts, science and technology. Knowledge ... more The digital and virtual era creates a dependency between arts, science and technology. Knowledge and applications, currently, can no longer be separated, so there are overlaps between these concepts. In terms of interactive art, aesthetics no longer only arises because of its visual and sound beauty. This study investigates the diversity of aesthetic in virtual reality, especially with educational game content. This paper describes the aesthetic elements that occur in the experience of interaction through educational games. The case study of existing VR projects led this investigation of the aesthetics of interaction. The previous projects will be analysed for describing the aesthetics of interaction elements. We use the MDA framework (Mechanics, Dynamics, and Aesthetics) for study the learnable material as an element of aesthetic in virtual reality. Finally, we conclude that educational aspect potentially provides aesthetic elements in the play experience of the games with virtual reality technology.

This research is triggered by the lack of studies of spiritual meaning as content for digital gam... more This research is triggered by the lack of studies of spiritual meaning as content for digital games. In addition, the idea of art creation is also initiated by the visual sensation of the Borobudur temple that felt by the researcher in his childhood until now. This visual sensation could be deemed as dynamics sublimation of the Borobudur. According to egotistic reflection, these dynamics sublimation were influenced by researcher’s visual perception due to his experiences of having life full of struggle. And then got a vision of life enlightenment as related as philosophy of Buddhism in the visualization of the Borobudur temple. Basically, this spiritual experience will be developed as main concept of the game design with virtual reality technology. The whole idea of this study is investigating the contribution of spiritual element of the Borobudur to the aesthetics of interaction. However, this paper focuses on preliminary of the practice-led research methodology of VR Borobudur art creation. Exploratory hypothesis is the spiritual of life enlightenment could be employed as contents of digital game of VR Borobudur. The end of the project will use the VR Borobudur for play test observation as one of method to investigating the contribution of the aesthetics of interaction in the game with virtual reality technology. In initial summary, the researcher estimates the design method of interactive digital arts creation based on religious substance need more depth understanding in synthesis of spiritual philosophy and cultural studies.

International Journal of Creative and Arts Studies
Programming for Visual Communication Design students is a challenge in learning it. Their compete... more Programming for Visual Communication Design students is a challenge in learning it. Their competencies are developing visual communication materials for interactive media designs. Programming competence in learning interaction design in the Visual Programming course focuses on programming logic. This study observes the method of visual programming using the Bolt add-on (visual scripting). This data was collected from students majoring in Interaction Design, Visual Communication Design Study Program at Universitas Multimedia Nusantara when they took Visual Programming courses. The indicators of this research are studying the understanding of programming logic from several materials and the learning outcomes of each observed material. The researcher found positive results using visual scripting in understanding programming logic for Visual Communication Design students on some of the material observed. In general, it can be concluded that the Bolt add-on in the UNITY game engine softw...
Ultimart: Jurnal Komunikasi Visual
Foto memberikan persepsi majemuk bagi penikmatnya. Artikel ini menganalisis foto Ki Manteb Sudars... more Foto memberikan persepsi majemuk bagi penikmatnya. Artikel ini menganalisis foto Ki Manteb Sudarsono dari perpektif semiotika relasi dengan hubungan penceritaan antara citra manusia, alam, Tuhan serta makna ketiganya. Metode penelitian kualitatif ini akan menginvestigasi semiotika relasi antar tanda dan makna ketiga pada foto tersebut. Secara umum ditemukan makna visual melalui hubungan trilogy antara Tuhan, alam, dan manusia pada foto Ki Manteb Sudarsono. Peneliti dapat menyimpulkan bahwa makna visual pada suatu imaji merupakan cerminan hubungan kehidupan manusia dengan Tuhan dan alam sekitarnya. Kata kunci: ki manteb sudarsono; indra leonardi; foto; potret; semiotika
The Facil’s Management applikasi merupakan sistem informasi non akademik di lingkungan kampus. Ya... more The Facil’s Management applikasi merupakan sistem informasi non akademik di lingkungan kampus. Yang digunakan untuk menerima permintaan layanan pengguna, dan untuk mendapatkan umpan balik dari pengguna berbasis applikasi
Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta, 2017
International Journal of Asia Digital Art and Design Association, 2018

Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Intermedia Arts and Creative Technology, 2019
3D game "Jurnal Pahlawan" (Hero's Journal) is a game project based on the battle of Surabaya, Ind... more 3D game "Jurnal Pahlawan" (Hero's Journal) is a game project based on the battle of Surabaya, Indonesia in November 1945 between Indonesian soldiers and British & British Indian troops. The purpose of this project is proposing a joyful learning media with history contents for youth through the game. The young users can interact with game system, which resemble to historical recount of the battle of Surabaya. The 3D digital visualization of the game world leads game players are be immersed to the game. This paper describes the process of designing the game environment, mainly historical building modeling and texturing. The research uses qualitative method such as battlefields observation, literature study and visual existing study. In addition, the assets design process uses modular technique in 3D building modeling and procedural texturing. Finally, the result of this design process gives opportunities for 3D designers to create game environment systematically. It means, in terms of 3D game environment, the repetition process of 3D assets production could be applied for making huge digital architectural in the game world easily.
Papers by Yusup Sigit Martyastiadi