Teaching Documents by Zainuddin Muchtar

Menjadi manusia yang Gatek (gagap teknologi-informasi) di tengah zaman yang begitu modern saat in... more Menjadi manusia yang Gatek (gagap teknologi-informasi) di tengah zaman yang begitu modern saat ini rasanya hampir bisa dipastikan bahwa manusia tersebut akan menjadi kelompok yang termarjinalkan dan akan menjadi kelompok yang aneh karena seluruh aspek kehidupan manusia telah dipengaruhi oleh maju dan pesatnya teknologi informasi. Mereka yang tidak mengikuti perkembangan akan terseret arus kemajuan teknologi. Hanya mereka yang dapat menguasai dan dapat memanfaatkan teknologi informasi itulah yang akan dapat memasuki persaingan baik dalam tataran regional, nasional maupun internasional. Perkuliahan Komputasi Kimia bagi mahasiswa di jurusan kimia dimaksudkan untuk memberikan bekal awal (bontot) agar mahasiswa dapat mengakses teknologi Informasi dan memanfaatkannya tidak hanya selama menempuh pendidikan di Unimed tetapi juga akan bermanfaat setelah menyelesaikan pendidikan. Bagi calon tenaga kependidikan, kepiawaian dalam memanfaatkan komputer dalam rangka pendiversifikasian sumber belajar sangat dibutuhkan terlebih dengan penerapan Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi atau terakhir lebih spesifik menjadi Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) yang menuntut guru untuk mampu membuat inovasi dalam media pendidikan. Komputer adalah perangkat yang mumpuni untuk tujuan itu. Juga bagi mahasiswa program studi kimia (lebih gaul disebut nondik) penguasaan teknologi komputer adalah hal yang mutlak dan tidak perlu ditawar lagi. Buku diktat untuk mendukung proses perkuliahan bagi mereka yang berbelanja matakuliah Komputasi Kimia ini, mengenalkan kepada mahasiswa software-software yang termasuk dalam keluarga MS Office, yaitu MS Word, MS PowerPoint, dan MS Excel. Disamping itu juga diperkenalkan software Kimia yang sederhana yaitu ISIS/Draw versi 2.3 untuk mendukung keleluasaan mahasiswa dalam penulisan struktur kimia, khususnya kimia organik yang belum tersedia perangkatnya di dalam MS Office. Buku ini sebenarnya adalah sumber minimal, mahasiswa dapat memperkayanya dengan melirik buku-buku praktis lainnya. Untuk kemahiran, dengan pertimbangan limitasi waktu praktikum, mahasiswa diharapkan dapat berlatih secara mandiri di luar jam kuliah. Buku sederhana ini tidak tertutup kemungkinan untuk digunakan oleh pemakai lainnya, khususnya untuk tujuan penulisan naskah yang sederhana, baik untuk presentasi, pengolahan data dll.
JURUSAN KIMIA FMIPA UNIMED KIMIA FISIK 1(Dr. Zainuddin M, M.Si) TUGAS LATIHAN TUGASTERSTRUKTUR (D... more JURUSAN KIMIA FMIPA UNIMED KIMIA FISIK 1(Dr. Zainuddin M, M.Si) TUGAS LATIHAN TUGASTERSTRUKTUR (DIKUMPULKAN SECEPATNYA) 1. Sebuah wadah dengan katup pemisah berisi gas Ne di satu sisi dan gas He di sisi lain dengan keadaan seperti pada gambar 1. Jika dianggap kedua gas adalah gas ideal, setelah katup pemisah dibuka hitunglah : P total , V total , P Ne , P He.
Pada hari ini, Rabutanggal dua puluh delapan bulan Agustus tahun 2013 kami mahasiswa program stud... more Pada hari ini, Rabutanggal dua puluh delapan bulan Agustus tahun 2013 kami mahasiswa program studi Kimia Jurusan Kimia FMIPA Unimed menyatakan akan memenuhi kesepakatan dan mentaati komitmen dengan dosen pengampu matakuliah KIMIA FISIKA 1.
Papers by Zainuddin Muchtar
Indonesian Journal of Chemical Science and Technology, Jul 31, 2023
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Innovation in Education, Science and Culture, ICIESC 2022, 11 October 2022, Medan, Indonesia
Coconut coir is the largest component in coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) which contains 75% fiber and... more Coconut coir is the largest component in coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) which contains 75% fiber and 25% cork. Coconut fiber contains cellulose as much as 54.3% with α-Cellulose 26.6% α-Cellulose is a polymer that is widely used in human life. The molecular weight and degree of polymerization are important because they directly affect the chemical properties of the polymer. The purpose of this study is to determine the molecular weight and degree of polymerization of α-Cellulose by viscosity method. The results showed that the molecular weight and degree of polymerization of α-Cellulose of young coconut coir (Cocos nucifera L.) were 3.0841 x10 4 g/mol and 171, respectively.
Proceedings of the 7th Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership, AISTEEL 2022, 20 September 2022, Medan, North Sumatera Province, Indonesia

Proceedings of the 4th Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL 2019)
Modules are teaching materials that are designed to be independently studied by learning particip... more Modules are teaching materials that are designed to be independently studied by learning participants. This study aims to determine the eligibility of biomolecular e-module that have been developed with discovery learning models on protein material. This study uses the ADDIE development model (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implementation, Evaluation), but the research only carried out until the development stage. E-module that have been developed are validated by 3 expert lecturers. The instrument used in the study was a questionnaire on National Higher Education Standards (SNPT) consisting of content, language, presentation, and graphic eligibility. The results showed that the biomolecular e-module that had been developed with the discovery learning model on protein material was valid for college students to use.
The purpose of this research is to synthesize biodegradable plastics from young coconut husk wast... more The purpose of this research is to synthesize biodegradable plastics from young coconut husk waste which is increasingly becoming a threat to the cleanliness of the urban environment. Cellulose from young coconut husk waste was first isolated and then carboxymethylated to produce carboxy methyl cellolose (CMC). Then the synthesized CMC was blended with chitosan and glycerol in a ratio of 1:1 to obtain biodegradable plastics. The results of XRD characterization shows that the structure of alpha cellulose, CMC and biodegradable plastics are crystallin. There is no significant difference in the crystal system but it's intensity are increase from alpha cellulose > CMC > biodegradable plastics. The bond angle, bond length and unit cell volume of the crystal system also change insignificantly.

Jurnal Inovasi Pembelajaran Kimia
These 21st century skills are not inborn skills, but are acquired from experience. Therefore, edu... more These 21st century skills are not inborn skills, but are acquired from experience. Therefore, educators must condition learning in such a way that all aspects of these 21st century skills can be trained, one of which is by using digital learning. The specific objectives of this study were to: (1) obtain a mapping or analysis of the needs of Chemistry teachers in integrating TPACK in learning, (2) measure the level of ability of Chemistry teachers in integrating TPACK in learning, (3) analyze the needs of Chemistry teachers in developing models. digital based Chemistry learning to develop students' abilities in the 21st century. This research is a quasi-experimental research by adopting the ADDIE model development research procedure. The results showed that the ability of chemistry teachers to integrate TPACK in learning based on the responses given by teachers from 12 cities/districts in North Sumatra was grouped into 7 components, namely: TK (Technological Knowledge) = 76.47%; ...
Indonesian Journal of Chemical Science and Technology (IJCST)
Young coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) is a plant with a high cellulose content of 28%. Because of its... more Young coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) is a plant with a high cellulose content of 28%. Because of its high cellulose content, young coconut coir fiber has the potential to be synthesized into α-cellulose. The purpose of this research was to use FT-IR to characterize young coconut coir α-cellulose. This research method was use isolation of α-cellulose method (delignification, swelling, and bleaching). 75 grams of young coconut coir can produce 12,1015 grams of α-cellulose. Young coconut coir α-cellulose has a spectrum that is similar to commercial α-cellulose, according to the results of functional group analysis using FT-IR.

Educenter : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan
This research aims to analyze the effect of the application of project-based learning models on e... more This research aims to analyze the effect of the application of project-based learning models on e-learning chemical equilibrium material on learning outcomes, student activities and student responses. This type of research is a quasi-experimental with a pretest-posttest control group design. This research was conducted in January 2022. Data collection techniques were obtained by means of tests, observation sheets, questionnaires, and documentation. The population of this research is the students of class XI IPA SMA Negeri 9 Medan. The research sample consisted of 2 classes with a total of 65 students with a random sampling technique. The experimental class was given learning using a project-based learning model in e-learning, the control class was given learning using a direct learning model. This study shows the following results: (1) there is a positive effect of implementing project-based learning models on e-learning chemical equilibrium material on improving student learning ou...

Proceedings of the 3rd Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL 2018), 2018
Making positive values in education is an effort for integrating religious values in the chemistr... more Making positive values in education is an effort for integrating religious values in the chemistry learning. The values of spiritual will not change the function of science because both of them can complete each other. Inserting these values are needed some appropriate approaches and method and be able to describe the science itself. This research was done to know learning process by chemistry teaching material integrated religious values. Instruments used questionnaire of spiritual value, multiple choice, and questionnaire of students response. The instrument of knowledge is validated by Chemistry Lecturer. The instrument of spiritual value consists of thanking and sincereness which had been validated. The analysis data used Independent sample t test on SPSS 20 for windows with its 0.05 significance. The first and second hypothesis are obtained 4.072 and 1.690 tcount. The third hypothesis is 0.471 in Pearson Correlation. Based on the analysis of knowledge, it is obtained 0.000 <alpha (0.05) a sig. score, while the analysis of spiritual value is obtained 0.046 <alpha (0.05) a sig. score. The Conclusions are the implementation of chemistry teaching materials integrated value can increase knowledge and spiritual value; there is a positive correlation between spiritual value and knowledge based on the Pearson correlation test minimum categorized as many as 0.471; students toward chemistry learning response to positive religious integrated with the average score as many as 0.804

Proceedings of the 5th Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL 2020), 2020
The important role of teaching materials in learning activities is very restricted due to the ava... more The important role of teaching materials in learning activities is very restricted due to the available learning materials were not optimal in providing the appropriate material and method for students. The development of learning material is needed to provide students with appropriate learning material in helping to improve knowledge. This research was aimed to know the feasibility of learning materials which were used by students based on National Education Standard Agency of Indonesia (BSNP), to know the feasibility of developed learning material, to know learning outcome and student response. The research was carried out by following research and development method of ADDIE. Samples in this research were two learning materials that used by student and one experimental group of 28 students who were studying molecule shape topic at Universitas Negeri Medan. The research results shows that the feasibilty of chemistry learning materials that used by student was proper to use based on the analysis but there were still some weaknesses that need to be revised and developed. The standardization result of the developed learning material from validator was valid and no need to be revised. The Student learning outcome was higer than standard of minimum competency after used the developed learning material and Student perception to the use of the developed learnig material was good.

Proceedings of the The 3rd International Conference Community Research and Service Engagements, IC2RSE 2019, 4th December 2019, North Sumatra, Indonesia, 2020
KKNI guides every lecturer to be able to deliver material according to students' needs, but it do... more KKNI guides every lecturer to be able to deliver material according to students' needs, but it does not occur in the Faculty of Agriculture, UISU Medan Agrotechnology Study Program, has not been able to apply learning well and the results are still not good basic chemistry courses, this is because there are no appropriate teaching materials. The purpose of this study was to analyze the validity and practicality, effectiveness and improvement of learning outcomes of student worksheets that were developed based on the problem of integrating characters in the acid-base material of the Agriculture Semester Study Program (AGT) of the Faculty of Agriculture UISU Medan 2019/2020 Academic Year. The method of this research is Research and Development (R&D) with ADDIE model, samples were taken by purposive sampling of 60 students. Data collection techniques are tests of learning outcomes and Likert scale questionnaires. The research results obtained were (a) Integrated problem-based Student Worksheet (LKM) developed which was declared valid and practical; (b) the integrated problembased MFI developed was declared effective and (c) the integrated problem-based MFI developed could improve the acid-base learning outcomes of the 1st Semester Agriculture Faculty (AGT) Agrotechnology Study Program (AGT) of the Faculty of Agriculture, UISU Medan, Academic Year 2019/2020
This study aims to analize teaching material, syllabus, lab activities and supporting infrastruct... more This study aims to analize teaching material, syllabus, lab activities and supporting infrastructure learning in SMK Wira Karya Mandiri. The population was grade X-TKJ SMK Wira Karya Mandiri in the academic year 2015 / 2016. Data analysis techniques used in this research were descriptive analysis and percentage. The instruments used to analize infarastructure learning was observation sheet, and then syllabus, teaching material, and lab activities data collected by distributing quesioners to students and teachers. It was found that: (1) The eligibility of the lab chemistry workbook and chemical laboratory equipment in SMK Wira Karya Mandiri is categorized as Pretty good (2.77), and (2) the students learning activities were affected by teachers performance and instructional media.

This research aims to develop practical guidance reaction rates accordingto the model of project-... more This research aims to develop practical guidance reaction rates accordingto the model of project-based learning and discovery. To know the differencesignificantly increase learning outcomes that learned by using practical guidancemodel of project-based learning and discovery. Determine the effectiveness of thatlearned how to use the guide practical model of project-based learning anddiscovery. Samples were taken by two classes of experimental class I taught usingpractical guide appropriate experimental models of discovery and class II are taughtusing practical guide appropriate project-based learning model. Before do thisresearch practical guidance has been developed, validated by lecturers and teacherswho are experts in their field and tested to school. Based on the results of thequestionnaire tabulation showed that the average value of project-based learningmodel is higher than the average value of the discovery learning model. Thusobtained that correspond practical guidance based...
Teaching Documents by Zainuddin Muchtar
Papers by Zainuddin Muchtar