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We have measured the linear viscoelastic behavior in the melt of two densely grafted poly͑chloroethyl vinyl ether͒-g-polystyrene comb polymers. Both samples have a backbone of approximately 800 ethyl vinyl ether monomers and the fractions... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringRheologyInterdisciplinary Engineering
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Pada hari ini, Rabutanggal dua puluh delapan bulan Agustus tahun 2013 kami mahasiswa program studi Kimia Jurusan Kimia FMIPA Unimed menyatakan akan memenuhi kesepakatan dan mentaati komitmen dengan dosen pengampu matakuliah KIMIA FISIKA 1.
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JURUSAN KIMIA FMIPA UNIMED KIMIA FISIK 1(Dr. Zainuddin M, M.Si) TUGAS LATIHAN TUGASTERSTRUKTUR (DIKUMPULKAN SECEPATNYA) 1. Sebuah wadah dengan katup pemisah berisi gas Ne di satu sisi dan gas He di sisi lain dengan keadaan seperti pada... more
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Menjadi manusia yang Gatek (gagap teknologi-informasi) di tengah zaman yang begitu modern saat ini rasanya hampir bisa dipastikan bahwa manusia tersebut akan menjadi kelompok yang termarjinalkan dan akan menjadi kelompok yang aneh karena... more
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      Chemistry EducationChemistry education (Education)
This study aimed to determine the differences in chemistry learning results by Numbered Heads Together (NHT) type of cooperative model. This model used student worksheet media compared to question card media on salt hydrolysis. The... more
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    • Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia
The use of android-based learning media is one of the 21st century learning style applications. By using media that have been developed, this research was also conducted to find out the improvement of student learning outcomes. The... more
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This study aimed to determine the differences in chemistry learning results by Numbered Heads Together (NHT) type of cooperative model. This model used student worksheet media compared to question card media on salt hydrolysis. The... more
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    • Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia
The COVID-19 pandemic forces learning activities to change from classroom learning to online-based learning Based on the results of the interview, it was found that the teachers at Nurul Fadhilah school did not yet have the readiness to... more
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The complex of Cu(II) 1,2,4 H-triazole is one complex compound having a polymeric structure. The objective of this study determines the difference in energy formation and structure data of Cu(II) 1,2,4 H-triazole complex. The... more
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Jatropha leaves from Durian, Labu Beach, North Sumatera was prepared as a biosorbent for the selectivity absorption of Pb 2+ and Cd 2+ in their mixture system. Jatropha curcas leaves was prepared by heating at 105 o C for 4h, then... more
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    • Chemistry
This study aimed to develop an Android-based learning media integrated with a scientific approach to the colligative solution's nature. This study uses the Research and Development (R & D) method with the ADDIE model development... more
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    • Computer Science