Papers by Fabiola Zurlini

Medicina Historica, 2023
Background After his death in 1998, the biography of Mario Santoro was the subject of studies pub... more Background After his death in 1998, the biography of Mario Santoro was the subject of studies published with the aim of reconstructing the biography and bibliography of his scientific production. These studies, generally rather celebratory, do not allow to deduce the substantial contributions that Santoro has made in medicine in areas such as paediatrics and, more specifically, nipiology.
Methods: The sources to reconstruct the original contributions of the scientific work of Santoro are the documents kept in the historical archive of Studio Firmano. An analysis was carried out on documentation on the years of Santoro's medical training at the Universities of Rome and Padua, as well as from 1939 to 1952, in which his interest in nipiology developed. Correspondence with the main scholars of reference for nipiology represents a useful scientific tool in documenting the importance assumed in the national and regional context of the activities carried out by Santoro.
Results: It is remarkable the discover of the unpublished letter from Ernesto Cacace, the founder of Nipiology (Naples, 11 September 1945) that takes on the importance of a scientific manifesto, illustrating in detail the pioneering nipiological work carried out in Fermo.
Conclusions: Santoro founded the first Italian school of nipiological assistants, started in an Italian brephotrophy and supported, with a series of initiatives, the scientific development of the Marche regional section of the Italian Society of Nipiology, becoming a pioneer of the diffusion in Italy of the nipiology as a new experimental science.
Medicina nei secoli, 2010
The aim of this paper is to underline the scientific, cultural and academic relationship between ... more The aim of this paper is to underline the scientific, cultural and academic relationship between Mario Santoro, the physician and historian of medicine, founder of the Studio Firmano for the history of medicine and science at Fermo in the Marche Region and his teacher Adalberto Pazzini at University of Rome. Since the origins, the development of the historical medical tradition in Fermo and the foundation of the Studio Firmano reflects as concrete results, the deep and long experience of Mario Santoro in the academical context of the University of Rome as student, teacher and scholar.

Journal of Medical Biography
The history of social medicine in Italy between the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries... more The history of social medicine in Italy between the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was characterised by a marked presence of gender and the consequent commitment of women of Jewish origin to the issues of early childhood education, as well as safeguarding of work and motherhood and health prevention with regard to social and cultural fragility. Some of the roles of women engaged in social medicine campaigns have been widely studied in the historiography of medicine, having recognized their roles and commitment to attempting to create a fair society through their expertise in medicine and health. However, there are some biographies and professional lives that are still unpublished and worthy of attention by historical medical research. Lucia Servadio, who was of Jewish origin (1900–2006), was the youngest Italian doctor of the first twenty years of the twentieth century. She successfully worked, despite the degrading identification of women at the time, in the field of...

«History of Education & Children’s Literature», XVII, 2 (2022), pp. 701-712, 2022
The aim of this contribution is the historical reconstruction of the training
and professional p... more The aim of this contribution is the historical reconstruction of the training
and professional practice of midwives in the March of Fermo (La Marca, or today’s Abruzzo
and Marche regions) territory in the Napoleonic age. This study offers an unprecedented
picture of this profession, through the study of archival sources integrated with museum
objects. The case of the first midwives was analysed, starting from training at the school
of obstetrics of S. Caterina alla Ruota of Milan to the professional practice in the March
of Fermo. The activity of the local school of obstetrics at the civic hospital was also part of the process of secularisation of the «mothers» (mammane) put in place by Napoleonic institutions in order to return a formal aspect to what was once an unauthorised practice of the profession. The role and work of the professional midwife was also one of the first signs of modernity in health care in the territory.

«History of Education & Children’s Literature», XVII, 2 (2022), pp. 517-530, 2022
The literary genre of the Galatei Medici, or Medical Etiquette, which
developed notably between ... more The literary genre of the Galatei Medici, or Medical Etiquette, which
developed notably between the 1700s and 1800s, has been the object of studies focused on the ethical nature of essays on professional codes of conduct. The article puts together an initial geographical-editorial picture of diffusion across Italy and offers a new interpretation from a historical-educational perspective. The production of the Galatei Medici needs to
be contextualised in a wider setting that includes works of similar content which address didactic aspects and medical training, in addition to etiquette and communication in the 19th-century. It concerns the rich production of prolusions, lessons and inaugural discussions
often written by the same authors of the Galatei Medici that represent a kind of link between ethical and formative contexts
Santorio Santori and the Emergence of Quantified Medicine, 1614-1790, 2022
This chapter analyses the various readings and reactions that Santorio’s Medicina Statica (Venice... more This chapter analyses the various readings and reactions that Santorio’s Medicina Statica (Venice, 1614) awoke in the learned circles of European physicians and philosophers for more than a century. If the majority of these readings displayed a positive attitude towards Santorio and his methods, others raised criticisms and condemnation, both for the lack of tabulated data in his work and because the implications of his methods legitimised the introduction of instruments as an essential mediator between the subjective self-perception of the body and the physiological reality of it.
Epidemie nell'Italia centrale dalla peste al colera, dalla spagnola al covid t L'Annunziata di Mo... more Epidemie nell'Italia centrale dalla peste al colera, dalla spagnola al covid t L'Annunziata di Montecosaro tra toponomastica, storia e recenti indagini t Il Ponte del Diavolo di Tolentino: un'opera probabile di fra Benvegnate da Cingoli e l'origine di una nota leggenda t Mercanti di armi e maestri di corazze a Fermo nella seconda metà del XV secolo t Il Quattrocento artistico fabrianese t «Bellum Truentinum» dall'assedio di Civitella alla pace di Cave t Presenza storica del lupo nel territorio della Provincia di Ancona t Il commercio della lana a Visso e a Foligno nel Cinquecento t Un caso di potere familiare. I Gasparri-Silj notabili tra Otto e Novecento t Colpa e pietà in Frana allo Scalo Nord rivista di storia regionale nuovo sito con indice dei numeri arretrati

Medicina nei secoli, 2013
The article regards the histor of medical profession between the county of Fermo and Rome in the ... more The article regards the histor of medical profession between the county of Fermo and Rome in the Early Modern period. During the Seventeenth century the Medical Faculty of the University of Fermo became an important academic centre in the Papal State. During the second half of the Seventeenth century the link between the county of Fermo and the Roman capital became much stronger in the field of medical education and medical practice. Many physicians from Fermo moved to Rome to practise and to improve their professional knowledge. The peregrinatio medica is a strategicfactor towards understanding the development of the medical profession from an outlying area of the ecclesiastical territory to a centre of excellence as the Roman capital was for medicine in the Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth centuries. The medical licence was introduced by the Roman College of physicians as essential to qualifying for medical practice not only in Rome, but in all the provinces of the Papal State. Th...
Vesalius : acta internationales historiae medicinae, 2004
The Public Library of Fermo in the Italian Marches, houses an almost unknown treasure for histori... more The Public Library of Fermo in the Italian Marches, houses an almost unknown treasure for historians of medicine, the personal library of Romolo Spezioli. Spezioli was born in Fermo in 1642 and died in Rome in 1723. He was the personal physician of Cardinal Decio Azzolini junior, Queen Christina of Sweden and Pope Alexander VIII. There are almost 12,000 books, dating from the sixteenth to the early eighteenth centuries, almost all of them on medicine or science. They are housed in the Globe Room, whose creation was made possible by the generosity of Cardinal Azzolini. The library was opened to the public in 1688.
Nell'articolo sono presentati i risultati delle ricerche effettuate dalle due autrici presso ... more Nell'articolo sono presentati i risultati delle ricerche effettuate dalle due autrici presso l'Archivio Storico del Vicariato a Roma nel 2017 su Cesare Macchiati, protomedico della regina Cristina ...
Medicina nei secoli, 2004
The paper provides new information on the didactic activity of prof. Mario Santoro--the founder o... more The paper provides new information on the didactic activity of prof. Mario Santoro--the founder of the Studio Firmano--both in medicine and history of medicine. It uses unknown and unpublished archivistic documentation to reconstruct the history of prof. Santoro's teaching activity. It dedicates particular attention to the two institutions that prof. Santoro founded in Fermo: the institute of nipiology for professional nursing and the Studio Firmano for history of medicine and science. The research intends to demonstrate the historical and ideological continuity between the medical and historical teaching of prof. Mario Santoro.
La tradizione medica nella Marca Fermana raggiunge tra Sei e Settecento il suo apice grazie a stu... more La tradizione medica nella Marca Fermana raggiunge tra Sei e Settecento il suo apice grazie a studiosi e medici illustri quali personaggi come Giovanni Tiracorda, maestro di Giovanni Maria Lancisi, Romolo Spezioli e Cesare Macchiati, medici personali della corte romana della Regina Cristina di Svezia. Si tratta di un circolo professionalmente virtuoso che si instaura tra Roma la capitale dello Stato Pontificio ed i suoi centri solo apparentemente "minori", come la Marca Fermana, caratterizzati, nonostante le dimensioni, da un contesto formativo di eccellenza
The Case of Queen Christina of Sweden in Medical Historiography: A Historical Reconstruction and ... more The Case of Queen Christina of Sweden in Medical Historiography: A Historical Reconstruction and a Perspective For New Sources : II caso della storiografia medica sulla Regina Cristina di Svezia: ricostruzione storica e prospettiva per nuove fonti di ricerca
Medicina nei secoli, 2007
The aim of this paper is to underline the importance of the main medical bibliographies printed d... more The aim of this paper is to underline the importance of the main medical bibliographies printed during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century, as instrument of transmission and information of the most important medical ideas. The history of medical bibliography is like a mirror where it is possible to recognize the main features of the medical knowledge and of its development during the centuries. The paper analyzes how the idea of infectious disease is documented in the main medical bibliography of the Sixteenth and the Seventeenth centuries and how it developed in relationship with the structure of the medical bibliographies. The study offers a concrete example of the importance and usefulness of the history of medical bibliography to the historians of medicine in their research.
Medicina nei secoli, 2010
The aim of this paper is to underline the scientific, cultural and academic relationship between ... more The aim of this paper is to underline the scientific, cultural and academic relationship between Mario Santoro, the physician and historian of medicine, founder of the Studio Firmano for the history of medicine and science at Fermo in the Marche Region and his teacher Adalberto Pazzini at University of Rome. Since the origins, the development of the historical medical tradition in Fermo and the foundation of the Studio Firmano reflects as concrete results, the deep and long experience of Mario Santoro in the academical context of the University of Rome as student, teacher and scholar.
Papers by Fabiola Zurlini
Methods: The sources to reconstruct the original contributions of the scientific work of Santoro are the documents kept in the historical archive of Studio Firmano. An analysis was carried out on documentation on the years of Santoro's medical training at the Universities of Rome and Padua, as well as from 1939 to 1952, in which his interest in nipiology developed. Correspondence with the main scholars of reference for nipiology represents a useful scientific tool in documenting the importance assumed in the national and regional context of the activities carried out by Santoro.
Results: It is remarkable the discover of the unpublished letter from Ernesto Cacace, the founder of Nipiology (Naples, 11 September 1945) that takes on the importance of a scientific manifesto, illustrating in detail the pioneering nipiological work carried out in Fermo.
Conclusions: Santoro founded the first Italian school of nipiological assistants, started in an Italian brephotrophy and supported, with a series of initiatives, the scientific development of the Marche regional section of the Italian Society of Nipiology, becoming a pioneer of the diffusion in Italy of the nipiology as a new experimental science.
and professional practice of midwives in the March of Fermo (La Marca, or today’s Abruzzo
and Marche regions) territory in the Napoleonic age. This study offers an unprecedented
picture of this profession, through the study of archival sources integrated with museum
objects. The case of the first midwives was analysed, starting from training at the school
of obstetrics of S. Caterina alla Ruota of Milan to the professional practice in the March
of Fermo. The activity of the local school of obstetrics at the civic hospital was also part of the process of secularisation of the «mothers» (mammane) put in place by Napoleonic institutions in order to return a formal aspect to what was once an unauthorised practice of the profession. The role and work of the professional midwife was also one of the first signs of modernity in health care in the territory.
developed notably between the 1700s and 1800s, has been the object of studies focused on the ethical nature of essays on professional codes of conduct. The article puts together an initial geographical-editorial picture of diffusion across Italy and offers a new interpretation from a historical-educational perspective. The production of the Galatei Medici needs to
be contextualised in a wider setting that includes works of similar content which address didactic aspects and medical training, in addition to etiquette and communication in the 19th-century. It concerns the rich production of prolusions, lessons and inaugural discussions
often written by the same authors of the Galatei Medici that represent a kind of link between ethical and formative contexts
Methods: The sources to reconstruct the original contributions of the scientific work of Santoro are the documents kept in the historical archive of Studio Firmano. An analysis was carried out on documentation on the years of Santoro's medical training at the Universities of Rome and Padua, as well as from 1939 to 1952, in which his interest in nipiology developed. Correspondence with the main scholars of reference for nipiology represents a useful scientific tool in documenting the importance assumed in the national and regional context of the activities carried out by Santoro.
Results: It is remarkable the discover of the unpublished letter from Ernesto Cacace, the founder of Nipiology (Naples, 11 September 1945) that takes on the importance of a scientific manifesto, illustrating in detail the pioneering nipiological work carried out in Fermo.
Conclusions: Santoro founded the first Italian school of nipiological assistants, started in an Italian brephotrophy and supported, with a series of initiatives, the scientific development of the Marche regional section of the Italian Society of Nipiology, becoming a pioneer of the diffusion in Italy of the nipiology as a new experimental science.
and professional practice of midwives in the March of Fermo (La Marca, or today’s Abruzzo
and Marche regions) territory in the Napoleonic age. This study offers an unprecedented
picture of this profession, through the study of archival sources integrated with museum
objects. The case of the first midwives was analysed, starting from training at the school
of obstetrics of S. Caterina alla Ruota of Milan to the professional practice in the March
of Fermo. The activity of the local school of obstetrics at the civic hospital was also part of the process of secularisation of the «mothers» (mammane) put in place by Napoleonic institutions in order to return a formal aspect to what was once an unauthorised practice of the profession. The role and work of the professional midwife was also one of the first signs of modernity in health care in the territory.
developed notably between the 1700s and 1800s, has been the object of studies focused on the ethical nature of essays on professional codes of conduct. The article puts together an initial geographical-editorial picture of diffusion across Italy and offers a new interpretation from a historical-educational perspective. The production of the Galatei Medici needs to
be contextualised in a wider setting that includes works of similar content which address didactic aspects and medical training, in addition to etiquette and communication in the 19th-century. It concerns the rich production of prolusions, lessons and inaugural discussions
often written by the same authors of the Galatei Medici that represent a kind of link between ethical and formative contexts
of medical history (what we can also call “rare medical
books”) on medical education. The authors have carried out an
analysis of academic experiences – largely Anglo-American
– where these resources have been used on the educational
level. These collections represent an underestimated and underutilised
educational potential, especially in Italy, despite
the considerable historical wealth and heritage of books and
literature available.
Furthermore, the article highlights some possible methodological
strategies for a systematic enhancement of the collections
in the context of the didactic curriculum of medical studies:
the development of a systematic scientific alliance between
professor and librarian for a pedagogical use of the collections;
the direct involvement in academic programs through
didactic planning of the use of historical-medical library
material; and the use of historical-medical bibliographies as
tools for research and understanding the evolution of medical
knowledge, to date little used in historical-medical teaching.
With specific reference to countries such as Italy, defined by
a noteworthy wealth of historical-medical book collections,
there is a potential that paradoxically still awaits to be adequately
utilised, with the exception of some pioneering and
learned experiences. This situation is due to the lack of pedagogical
pathways and approaches elaborated according to a
common strategy among teachers, researchers and librarians.
Medical Historiography in Europe in the Twentieth century
History of the medical profession in Europe
Medical Historiography in Europe in the Twentieth century
History of Medical Profession in Europe