Papers by Stefano Spalletti
Il Pensiero Economico Italiano, 2005

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2017
Questo scritto analizza i contributi dello Stato Commerciale Chiuso (1800) di Johann Gottlieb Fic... more Questo scritto analizza i contributi dello Stato Commerciale Chiuso (1800) di Johann Gottlieb Fichte all'economia politica nel loro complesso. Presenta l'interpretazione del diritto di proprietà del filosofo tedesco come un a priori fondamentale del suo metodo economico. Quanto deriva da questa interpretazione-principalmente l'impianto di un'economia pianificata centralmente-appare il risultato di una costituzione economica "razionale" che perviene a un equilibrio di stampo socialista ma senza un calcolo economico esplicito. Il paper fornisce anche una nuova e diversa interpretazione dell'"anarchia dei mercati" di Fichte, riconducendola a un esito derivante dal "fallimento dei mercati" stessi. Questi argomenti vengono discussi, infine, in una prospettiva comportamentale che giustifica l'attenzione di Fichte verso gli stili economici (Wirtschaftsstil) quale caratteristica tipica della tradizione economica tedesca.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Nov 1, 2008
<p align="justify">The paper highlights that economics of education formally evol... more <p align="justify">The paper highlights that economics of education formally evolved in the last century, but its conceptualization was articulated centuries ago. The most prominent economists to address issues of human capital were A. Smith, J. S. Mill and A. Marshall. The residual portion of economic growth which was unexplained by traditional economic inputs was, instead, one main reason of the spreading of the literature on education after 1960. In those years, the Chicago School and G. Becker adopted the rates of return approach on human capital investments as fundamental base of research. The methodology was not full-accepted and a large part of the early criticism is present, now, in the human capability approach of A. Sen.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Nov 1, 2008
The manpower forecasting approach (MFA) was one of the first attempts in educational planning pur... more The manpower forecasting approach (MFA) was one of the first attempts in educational planning purposes. Manpower planners attempted: 1) to calculate the demand for manpower classified by occupation; 2) to convert this classification of demand by occupation into demand by educational attainment; 3) to devise plans and policies aimed at equating projected demands and probable supplies. The paper recalls the basic principles of the MFA from the perspective of the history of the economic thought and attempts to clarify why there was a virtual failure in MFA during the 1960s.
History of Economics Review, Sep 2, 2018
Friedrich List and Enrico Barone play a significant role in German and Italian economic literatur... more Friedrich List and Enrico Barone play a significant role in German and Italian economic literature. Both focus their economic arguments on the concept of war and they have some elements in common. The central point of the paper is the essential role played by war in economic development (viewed as a succession of stages). It is argued that List developed this theory, influencing the German Historical School. It is then put forward that Barone, despite adhering to Prussian military thinking on the one hand, and marginalist economics on the other, expressed a vision of the relation between war and economic development which was partially similar to that of List. The article aims to pinpoint those similarities, focusing on evaluating and comparing elements related to the connection between economic development and war in their studies.
Papers by Stefano Spalletti