Papers by Siti Norazilah Mohd Said

Abstrak Penggunaan istilah-istilah tertentu dalam kalangan penagih dadah (pelatih) merupakan perk... more Abstrak Penggunaan istilah-istilah tertentu dalam kalangan penagih dadah (pelatih) merupakan perkara yang tidak asing lagi dalam interaksi harian mereka. Istilah-istilah tersebut mempunyai makna yang tersirat dan sukar difahami oleh orang awam. Contohnya, istilah kristal bukan merujuk kepada batu kristal yang kita fahami tetapi merujuk kepada syabu iaitu sejenis dadah. Oleh itu, seseorang yang berminat untuk menjadi kaunselor di agensi pemulihan perlu mempersiapkan diri bagi memahami istilah-istilah yang digunakan oleh pelatih. Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengumpul maklumat berkaitan istilah-istilah yang digunakan oleh para pelatih di Pusat Pemulihan Penagihan Narkotik (PUSPEN). Pemahaman istilah tersebut dapat membantu kaunselor untuk berinteraksi dengan lebih mudah (proses pembinaan hubungan) semasa sesi berlangsung mahupun di luar sesi kaunseling. Kaunselor juga dapat membantu diri mereka daripada ditipu oleh pelatih apabila dapat memahami istilah yang digunakan. Data penyelidika...
I personally believe that every student has the same opportunity to learn and potential to become... more I personally believe that every student has the same opportunity to learn and potential to become a
successful learner. I do not exclude students in any way I can, consciously or intentionally. Therefore, as
a lecturer, I believe, awareness of inclusive teaching is a must. As a young lecturer, I do a lot of ‘trial and
error’ when in class to help my students master the learning content. At the same time, I also try my best to
practise inclusive teaching in my class. Here, I would like to share some of the strategies that I normally
practice in class to promote Inclusive Teaching.
Papers by Siti Norazilah Mohd Said
successful learner. I do not exclude students in any way I can, consciously or intentionally. Therefore, as
a lecturer, I believe, awareness of inclusive teaching is a must. As a young lecturer, I do a lot of ‘trial and
error’ when in class to help my students master the learning content. At the same time, I also try my best to
practise inclusive teaching in my class. Here, I would like to share some of the strategies that I normally
practice in class to promote Inclusive Teaching.
successful learner. I do not exclude students in any way I can, consciously or intentionally. Therefore, as
a lecturer, I believe, awareness of inclusive teaching is a must. As a young lecturer, I do a lot of ‘trial and
error’ when in class to help my students master the learning content. At the same time, I also try my best to
practise inclusive teaching in my class. Here, I would like to share some of the strategies that I normally
practice in class to promote Inclusive Teaching.