Papers by Lambe K A Y O D E Mustapha

Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations, 2022
This study examines the influence of social media content preferences on political participation ... more This study examines the influence of social media content preferences on political participation in Nigeria's relatively nascent democracy. Due to mixed conclusions on the influence of news and entertainment preferences on political participation, we sampled 434 youths aged 18-35 in a Nigerian northern state, to investigate the differential influence of diverse social media content consumption on political participation. Incorporating the moderating and mediating influences of political efficacy and incidental news exposure, findings confirm that news and entertainment preferences are positive, significant predictors of political participation among respondents. While political efficacy moderated the influence of news preference on political participation, incidental news exposure did not mediate the influence of entertainment preference on political participation. We recommend further investigation into the influence of content preferences on political participation among Nigerian youths who constitute considerable members of the nation's electorate.

International Journal of Information Processing and Communication (IJIPC, 2018
The development of second-level of agenda-setting elaborated the power of the media in helping me... more The development of second-level of agenda-setting elaborated the power of the media in helping members of the audience to comprehend vast majority of issues in their political and non-political worlds. Besides profiling the cognitive and evaluative dimension of elements in the news, second-level of agenda-setting has equally been linked to behavioural action that succeeds audience knowledge of issues in the news. This study applies the mechanisms of second-level agenda-setting process and effects to unpack political orientations and actions of Nigerian voters during the 2015 presidential election. Findings support the notion that public opinion about the major candidates in the election fluctuates in tandem with media coverage of their attributes and stand on a number of election issues. Candidates' stand on election issues and personal attributes also predict the choice of voters differently, thus demanding that campaign communication specialists should monitor the most salient strategy to attract voters and promote such strategy through the media.

The centrality of media to political and civic engagement has received tremendous exploration in ... more The centrality of media to political and civic engagement has received tremendous exploration in many climes across the globe. Similarly, the dynamism that characterised media landscape has oftentimes called for continuing interrogation of the role of media in democratic and civic movements, discourses and participations. While the advent of new/social media led to the comparative exploration of the potency of legacy and novel media, mixed findings have characterised these research endeavours. Besides , most of the findings originated from advanced democratic hemisphere. In view of this gap in the literature, this study sampled 350 Nigerian university students in Kwara state during the 2015 Nigerian General Election to examine the differential contributions of legacy and novel media to the youths' political engagement. Premised on media displacement theory, the study anticipates differences in the contribution of mainstream and new media to youths' political engagement, with new media precipitating more civic engagement than the mainstream media. Findings offer important contributions on the role of media to youths' political engagement in general and the continuing importance of the mainstream media to civic and political participation among the youths.

The arrival of social media, dubbed Web
2.0, has reconfigured the media and
political landscape a... more The arrival of social media, dubbed Web
2.0, has reconfigured the media and
political landscape as well as media-politics
relations in a way that is supplying
the citizens with more powers. By limiting
the gate-keeping of information
common to the mainstream media, the
social media generally offer platforms for
stimulating mass participation through
their information dissemination and
networking power. While pundits and
prognosticators are of the view that social
media platforms stimulate as well
as attenuate youths’ community and
political participation, findings remained
inconclusive and are mostly skewed
towards the examination of events in
developed democracies. To offer a developing
country perspective on the nexus
between social media and political engagement
among the youths, this study examined the democratising prowess of
social media on Nigerian youths’ community
participation and political participation.
Situated within the social
capital theoretical paradigm, representative
samples of youths were drawn
from two universities in Ilorin, Kwara
State, Nigeria. The results showed that
social media enhance the social capital
and political participation of the youths,
particularly during the period of national
Key words: Social media, social capital,
political participation, Nigeria, university

This study examined how Nigerian online newspapers shaped the perceptions of election issues and ... more This study examined how Nigerian online newspapers shaped the perceptions of election issues and candidates’ attributes of Nigerian students in Malaysia during the 2011 Nigerian presidential election. Based on the possibility of the online newspapers to set agenda of homeland politics and political gladiators for foreign resident citizens, the study examined the use of online newspapers among Nigerian students in Malaysia and the influence of online newspapers on their perceived election issues and candidates’ attributes. The study surveyed Nigerian students in Malaysian higher institutions of learning within the Klang Valley (N=321) during Nigerian presidential election in April 2011. Using agenda-setting and diasporic nationalism as the theoretical foundation, the results of this study showed that Nigerian students in Malaysia read Nigerian online newspapers and perceived the salience of election issues differently. Findings equally revealed that candidates’ position on issues and candidates’ attributes are perceived differently. Similarly, the study found significant relationships between perceived influence of online newspapers and perceived salience of election issues on the one hand, and candidates’ attributes on the other hand. The results confirmed the importance of the online newspapers for homeland political knowledge of transnational migrants, particularly during general election.
Keywords: Online newspapers, Nigerian students in Malaysia, Presidential election, Perceived election issues, Perceived candidates’ attributes

This study examined how Nigerian online newspapers shaped the perceptions of election issues and ... more This study examined how Nigerian online newspapers shaped the perceptions of election issues and candidates' attributes of Nigerian students in Malaysia during the 2011 Nigerian presidential election. Based on the possibility of the online newspapers to set agenda of homeland politics and political gladiators for foreign resident citizens, the study examined the use of online newspapers among Nigerian students in Malaysia and the influence of online newspapers on their perceived election issues and candidates' attributes. The study surveyed Nigerian students in Malaysian higher institutions of learning within the Klang Valley (N=321) during Nigerian presidential election in April 2011. Using agenda-setting and diasporic nationalism as the theoretical foundation, the results of this study showed that Nigerian students in Malaysia read Nigerian online newspapers and perceived the salience of election issues differently. Findings equally revealed that candidates' position on issues and candidates' attributes are perceived differently. Similarly, the study found significant relationships between perceived influence of online newspapers and perceived salience of election issues on the one hand, and candidates' attributes on the other hand. The results confirmed the importance of the online newspapers for homeland political knowledge of transnational migrants, particularly during general election.

Increasing migration, powered by advanced transportation, information and communication technolog... more Increasing migration, powered by advanced transportation, information and communication technologies, has created huge diasporic communities around the globe. Through push and pull forces, citizens of countries across the world have migrated from their homelands to near and far locations in search of better socio-political and economic opportunities and possibilities. In their new milieu, these corps of transnational migrants maintain close attachment with their countries of origin via a plethora of cyber-powered homeland communication and media artifacts. The migration of homeland traditional print and electronic media to the Internet, however, offers news avenues for migrants' consumption of unadulterated news about events happening in their countries. While migrants' homeland media consumption has received tremendous attention among scholars, little concern has been accorded factors that predict the forms and types of homeland media attracting migrants' attention. This study, therefore, explored the relationship between perceived credibility and consumption of news from the online newspapers among Nigerian students in Malaysia (N=321). Findings revealed differential perceptions of three Nigerian online newspapers in terms of story depth, fairness, accuracy and trustworthiness. Perceived credibility of each online newspaper relates to reading the newspapers the most among the respondents. The study thus offered practical implications of perceived credibility of homeland newspapers for increased readership among diasporic audiences who could be valuable patrons of and contributors to homeland journalistic products.

After more than four decades of charting a paradigmatic direction in media effects research, agen... more After more than four decades of charting a paradigmatic direction in media effects research, agenda-setting has witnessed and survived enormous challenges to its main thesis. Despite the unending efforts of scholars to explicate the theoretical and logical mechanisms of the theory, the ever dynamic milieu in which agenda-setting effects is being explored, creates additional research problems necessitates further exploration. The arrival of new media and the subsequent migration of legacy media into the virtual realm, is another instance of the challenges of agenda-setting as a theory that is capable of unpacking media effects. While some scholars believe in the efficacy of agenda-setting in the new media environments, others argue along an attenuation perspective. Although a number of empirical approaches have been deployed to establish the continual heuristic value of agenda-setting in the age of new media, little, if any, attempt has been made to synthesise the findings into a coherent body. This review provides clues on the salient-directing cues in online newspapers on the one hand, and the challenges of measuring agenda-setting effects of online newspapers on the other hand.

The election time in any nation is a period for anxieties and expectations. It is also a period o... more The election time in any nation is a period for anxieties and expectations. It is also a period of heightened tripartite relationships between the candidates, the electorate and the media. While the citizens within the country rely mainly on the traditional media for information about election issues and candidates' attributes, nations' foreign residents bank on online versions of the homeland traditional media, particularly online newspapers. Although the impacts of traditional and new media on political participation within nations' polity have received tremendous attention of scholars, little consideration has been accorded media use and political behaviour of foreign resident citizens whose transnational influence is becoming awesome in the contemporary time. Using cross-sectional survey design, this study samples Nigerian students in Malaysia higher learning institutions (N=312) with a view to examine the influence of online newspapers use on their political participation potentials in their homeland politics. Findings reveal weak but positive and significant correlations between online newspapers use and political interest on the one hand and online newspapers use and political participation on the other. The results thus show that reading online newspapers could be one of many factors cuing diasporic citizens to their homeland political development.

The increasing transnational migration of people and availability of homeland newspapers on the w... more The increasing transnational migration of people and availability of homeland newspapers on the web have stimulated interest in the understanding of the use and effects of homeland media on a nation's foreign residents. This study explores the relationship between the agenda covered in three Nigerian online newspapers (N=260) and how they were perceived by Nigerian students in Malaysia (N=350) during the 2011 Nigerian presidential election. Specifically, the issues in online newspapers and their location (homepage and index) and length were compared with the issues perceived as being important by Nigerian students in Malaysia. Comparing content analysis data with survey responses, the findings revealed a modest but plausible support for the agenda-setting potential of the online newspapers. In view of the established correspondence between issues that are salient in the news and issues perceived by the readers, the study establishes the importance of homeland online media to political cognitions and actions among diasporic Nigerians. It also suggests the need to explore other cues in the online newspapers capable of raising the salience of issues in the perceptions of the Nigerian diaspora.
Books by Lambe K A Y O D E Mustapha
Papers by Lambe K A Y O D E Mustapha
2.0, has reconfigured the media and
political landscape as well as media-politics
relations in a way that is supplying
the citizens with more powers. By limiting
the gate-keeping of information
common to the mainstream media, the
social media generally offer platforms for
stimulating mass participation through
their information dissemination and
networking power. While pundits and
prognosticators are of the view that social
media platforms stimulate as well
as attenuate youths’ community and
political participation, findings remained
inconclusive and are mostly skewed
towards the examination of events in
developed democracies. To offer a developing
country perspective on the nexus
between social media and political engagement
among the youths, this study examined the democratising prowess of
social media on Nigerian youths’ community
participation and political participation.
Situated within the social
capital theoretical paradigm, representative
samples of youths were drawn
from two universities in Ilorin, Kwara
State, Nigeria. The results showed that
social media enhance the social capital
and political participation of the youths,
particularly during the period of national
Key words: Social media, social capital,
political participation, Nigeria, university
Keywords: Online newspapers, Nigerian students in Malaysia, Presidential election, Perceived election issues, Perceived candidates’ attributes
Books by Lambe K A Y O D E Mustapha
2.0, has reconfigured the media and
political landscape as well as media-politics
relations in a way that is supplying
the citizens with more powers. By limiting
the gate-keeping of information
common to the mainstream media, the
social media generally offer platforms for
stimulating mass participation through
their information dissemination and
networking power. While pundits and
prognosticators are of the view that social
media platforms stimulate as well
as attenuate youths’ community and
political participation, findings remained
inconclusive and are mostly skewed
towards the examination of events in
developed democracies. To offer a developing
country perspective on the nexus
between social media and political engagement
among the youths, this study examined the democratising prowess of
social media on Nigerian youths’ community
participation and political participation.
Situated within the social
capital theoretical paradigm, representative
samples of youths were drawn
from two universities in Ilorin, Kwara
State, Nigeria. The results showed that
social media enhance the social capital
and political participation of the youths,
particularly during the period of national
Key words: Social media, social capital,
political participation, Nigeria, university
Keywords: Online newspapers, Nigerian students in Malaysia, Presidential election, Perceived election issues, Perceived candidates’ attributes