The University of Lodz
Dans cet article, nous étudions la façon dont la «value-relevance» des données comptables évolue en fonction du mois au cours duquel la valeur de marché a été observée. Pour cela nous estimons un modèle de résultat résiduel à partir de... more
This study discovered market determinants of credit default swap (CDS) spreads in the North American oil and gas industry. Due to the limited theoretical background on market sources of CDS price fluctuations, we chose to alleviate model... more
Dynamiczne modele czynnikowe (DFM) umozliwiają uzyskanie syntetycznej informacji o ksztaltowaniu sie zmienności duzego zbioru danych. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest sprawdzenie jakości krotkookresowych prognoz inflacji CPI oraz... more
Bayesian VAR (BVAR) models offer a practical solution to the parameter proliferation concerns as they allow to introduce a priori information on seasonality and persistence of inflation in a multivariate framework. We investigate... more
In this paper, we extend comparative value relevance research by examining patterns in the value relevance of accounting numbers as a function of the month in which market values are observed. We stimate the residual income model on a... more
We analyse the short-term dynamics of Polish economy with a prominent state-dependent pricing mechanism of Dotsey, King and Wolman (1999). We compare macroeconomic evidence of price rigidity in a small-scale DSGE model with a... more
This year the conference was held in post-industrial interiors of Hotel Focus in ód. The meeting gave the opportunity to present papers on well diversi ed topics starting from methodological aspects of nancial modelling and macroeconomic... more
We investigate commonality and heterogeneity of inflationary processes in ten Central andEastern European (CEE) countries over the period 2001–2013. The research is important forthe analysis of monetary policy as it helps understand the... more