Papers by Agnieszka Krawczyk

Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana
W niniejszym artykule poddałam analizie losy bohaterów filmu pod tytułem Cud purymowy. Celem prow... more W niniejszym artykule poddałam analizie losy bohaterów filmu pod tytułem Cud purymowy. Celem prowadzonych analiz jest rekonstrukcja losów bohaterów tego filmu, a także ukazanie przemiany, jaka dokonała się w ich życiu. Struktura artykułu składa się z dwóch części – teoretycznej i analitycznej. We wprowadzeniu przedstawiam rys historyczny święta Purim, czyli najważniejszego święta dla przedstawicieli religii mojżeszowej, zwanego żydowskim karnawałem. W części teoretycznej prezentuję zestawienie zagadnień dotyczących wydarzeń przełomowych w życiu człowieka. Następnie wyjaśniam kwestie dotyczące struktur procesowych w ujęciu Fritza Schützego. W części analitycznej przybliżam losy bohaterów filmu Cud purymowy, czyli rodziców (Jana i Jadwigi) oraz ich syna (Henia). Proces odkrywania swojego pochodzenia stanowi wydarzenie przełomowe zarówno dla życia całej rodziny, jak i dla poszczególnych jej członków. Powoduje to zmiany w ich biografii, co wymaga podjęcia pracy biograficznej. Losy bohat...

Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana
W niniejszym artykule prezentujemy macierzyńskie doświadczenia trzech kobiet żydowskiego pochodze... more W niniejszym artykule prezentujemy macierzyńskie doświadczenia trzech kobiet żydowskiego pochodzenia. Dane zebrane zostały za pomocą wywiadu swobodnego z elementami narracji, a analizowane za pomocą językowo-narracyjnej metody analizy tekstu. Głównym pytaniem, na które staramy się znaleźć odpowiedź, jest: Jakie typy macierzyństwa prezentują matki Żydówki? I czym charakteryzuje się każdy z nich? Cele artykułu to: (1) Zestawienie trzech stylów macierzyństwa i charakterystyka każdego z nich, (2) Ukazanie znaczenia transferu kultury pochodzenia i wychowania dla pełnienia roli rodzicielskiej przez kobiety pochodzenia żydowskiego. W artykule przedstawiamy kulturowy wzór macierzyństwa, zestawiamy figurę Matki Polki z Jidysze Mame. Następnie prezentujemy szczegółowe założenia metodologiczne. W kolejnej części charakteryzujemy trzy typy macierzyństwa: jednokulturowe, dwukulturowe i wielokulturowe. Nasze analizy prowadzą do wniosków końcowych, wskazujących na to, że pomimo współczesnych przem...

Studia Pedagogica Ignatiana, 2023
In this article, I analyze the fate of the protagonists of the film titled The Purim Miracle. The... more In this article, I analyze the fate of the protagonists of the film titled The Purim Miracle. The purpose of the analysis is to reconstruct the fate of the protagonists, as well as to show the transformations that took place in their lives. The structure of the article consists of two parts: theoretical and analytical. In the introduction, I present a historical outline of Purim, the most important holiday for the representatives of the Mosaic religion, called the Jewish carnival. In the theoretical part, I summarize the issues that relate to landmark events in human life. Then I explain the issues concerning biographical process structures as seen by Fritz Schütze. In the analytical part, I describe the fate of the protagonists of The Purim Miracle, namely the parents (Jan and Jadwiga) and their son (Henio). The process of discovering one's origins is a watershed event both for the life of the whole family and for individual family members. It causes changes in their biography, which requires biographical work. The fate of the characters is interpreted in relation to the process structures distinguished by Fritz Schütze. The title of the film itself is symbolic, as it refers to the holiday during which the transformation of the characters from Catholics to Jews took place. The biculturalism of the family is revealed not simultaneously, but linearly.
Studia Pedagogica Ignatiana, 2023
This article discusses the maternal experiences of three women of Jewish origin. The data was col... more This article discusses the maternal experiences of three women of Jewish origin. The data was collected by means of a free-text interview with narrative elements, and analyzed by means of the linguistic-narrative method of text analysis. The main question we seek to answer is: What types of motherhood do Jewish mothers represent? and What are the characteristics of each of them? The aims of the article are (1) to juxtapose the three styles of motherhood and describe each of them, and (2) to show the importance of the transfer
Kultura i Wychowanie, 2022
Streszczenie: Transmisja kultury żydowskiej w rodzinach pochodzenia odbywa się na trzy sposoby: j... more Streszczenie: Transmisja kultury żydowskiej w rodzinach pochodzenia odbywa się na trzy sposoby: jawny, niejawny i ukryty. Artykuł stanowi odpowiedź na dwa pytania badawcze: [1] W jaki sposób w żydowskich rodzinach pochodzenia przekazywane są poszczególne elementy kultury etnicznej? [2] Które aspekty kultury stanowią treść międzygeneracyjnego przekazu? Przywołane dane analizowane były za pomocą językowo-narracyjnej metody, a w badaniach wzięło udział 12 młodych osób dorosłych pochodzenia żydowskiego. Słowa kluczowe: młode osoby dorosłe pochodzenia żydowskiego, językowo-narracyjna metoda, kultura żydowska, transmisja kultury, rodzina pochodzenia

Podstawy Edukacji, 2021
In this paper we present the ways in which young adults of Jewish origin experience multicultural... more In this paper we present the ways in which young adults of Jewish origin experience multiculturalism. Gaining such experiences helps to shape self-knowledge and to build narrative identity. We also analyze the role that different cultures play for the socialization of a young person. The following concepts constitute the theoretical axis of our article: cultural pattern, habitus, intergenerational transmission, communicative knowledge, conjunctive knowledge and multiculturalism. We supplement our consideration of them with data from interviews that were conducted in a community of young adults of Jewish origin. We refer primarily to such life experiences as: sources of knowledge about oneself and Jewish culture, intergenerational transmission, the sense of one’s own difference, giving meaning to one’s origin, the need for community, intellectualism and mysticism, and constructing one’s own identity. The research referred to falls within a qualitative orientation.

Podstawy Edukacji, 2021
My research falls within a qualitative orientation. The purpose of this study is to show the ways... more My research falls within a qualitative orientation. The purpose of this study is to show the ways and consequences of intergenerational transmission of trauma as reflected in the life experiences of young adults. Data were analyzed using a linguistic-narrative method. In this paper, I look at the intergenerational transmission of trauma in Jewish families as reflected in the life experiences of young adults. They see the consequences of trauma in their loved ones and in themselves. In the case of the former, they can be grouped into three categories: fear of disclosing one’s nationality, a special form of which is the prohibition on speaking about one's Jewish origin to one’s descendants and the change of name by one’s ancestors; overprotectiveness towards one’s descendants; and showing emotional distance from them. In turn, the consequences of trauma perceived in the self are: fear of strangers and overprotectiveness towards one's own children.
This article presents the profiles of German (German Cultural-Social Association; Biblical Associ... more This article presents the profiles of German (German Cultural-Social Association; Biblical Association of the German language) and Jewish (Jewish Community of Lodz; The Ronald S. Lauder Foundation with The Magen Dawid Association and Foundation) organizations. Their activities are analyzed with regard to selected regulations of the “Associations law” and the concept of social educators. Aleksander Kaminski described associations by defining their functions. These functions are also realized in actions undertaken by German and Jewish organizations.
Ten utwór jest dostępny na licencji Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa-Na tych samych warunkach 4... more Ten utwór jest dostępny na licencji Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa-Na tych samych warunkach 4.0 Międzynarodowe.
Kultura i Wychowanie, 2019
This article draws on four free-form interviews with elements of narration, which I conducted wit... more This article draws on four free-form interviews with elements of narration, which I conducted with representatives of the "third generation" of people of Jewish origin living in Łódź. In my text, I refer to the knowledge (and lack of knowledge) of the surveyed women as to their roots. I also distinguish two family models they have created. I place Jewish culture and religion in the context of the women's everyday experiences.
Przegląd Badań Edukacyjnych, 2019

Internet w komunikacji emigrantów Człowiek Zalogowany. Od mowy nienawiści do integracji w sieci S... more Internet w komunikacji emigrantów Człowiek Zalogowany. Od mowy nienawiści do integracji w sieci Strona 139 Agnieszka Krawczyk Internet w komunikacji emigrantów Wprowadzenie Internet często bywa przeceniany lub demonizowany. Do negatywnych jego aspektów zazwyczaj zalicza się różne formy uzależnień (np. od gier, filmów, seriali, portali społecznościowych), ograniczenie kontaktów towarzyskich aż do całkowitej rezygnacji z nich. Wśród pozytywów wymieniane są z kolei możliwości, jakie daje jego używanie, a mianowicie: okazje do odbywania w irtualnych podróży, kontaktowania się z osobami przebywającymi nawet w najbardziej odległych miejscach etc. W niniejszym artykule chciałabym właśnie zwrócić uwagę na tę ostatnią kwestię. Internet, jeśli używa się go rozsądnie, może stanowić nieograniczone źródło korzyści. To właśnie dzięki niemu emigranci nie muszą tracić kontaktu z rodzinami i znajomymi, a po powrocie do ojczyzny zamiast przeznaczać czas na nadrabianie zaległości towarzyskich, spowodowanych długotrwałą rozłąką, mogą zająć się tworzeniem bieżących relacji.

Experiencing the multiculturalism of people of Jewish origin in the perspective of intergenerational transmission, 2021
In this paper we present the ways in which young adults of Jewish origin experience multicultural... more In this paper we present the ways in which young adults of Jewish origin experience multiculturalism. Gaining such experiences helps to shape self-knowledge and to build narrative identity.
We also analyze the role that different cultures play for the socialization of a young person. The
following concepts constitute the theoretical axis of our article: cultural pattern, habitus, intergenerational transmission, communicative knowledge, conjunctive knowledge and multiculturalism.
We supplement our consideration of them with data from interviews that were conducted in
a community of young adults of Jewish origin. We refer primarily to such life experiences as:
sources of knowledge about oneself and Jewish culture, intergenerational transmission, the sense
of one’s own difference, giving meaning to one’s origin, the need for community, intellectualism
and mysticism, and constructing one’s own identity. The research referred to falls within a qualitative orientation.

Intergenerational transmission of trauma in the experiences of young adult individuals of Jewish origin, 2021
My research falls within a qualitative orientation. The purpose of this study is to show the ways... more My research falls within a qualitative orientation. The purpose of this study is to show the ways
and consequences of intergenerational transmission of trauma as reflected in the life experiences
of young adults. Data were analyzed using a linguistic-narrative method.
In this paper, I look at the intergenerational transmission of trauma in Jewish families as reflected in the life experiences of young adults. They see the consequences of trauma in their loved
ones and in themselves. In the case of the former, they can be grouped into three categories: fear
of disclosing one’s nationality, a special form of which is the prohibition on speaking about one's
Jewish origin to one’s descendants and the change of name by one’s ancestors; overprotectiveness towards one’s descendants; and showing emotional distance from them. In turn, the consequences of trauma perceived in the self are: fear of strangers and overprotectiveness towards
one's own children.
Kultura i Wychowanie, 2020
The article presents an analysis of Skrivnosti (Secrets) – a collection of poems
by Niko Grafenau... more The article presents an analysis of Skrivnosti (Secrets) – a collection of poems
by Niko Grafenauer. References are made to general concepts regarding narration which
constitute the basis for interpretation of the author’s poems. Skrivnosti are a collection of
secrets which may be unveiled by readers themselves, but which also aid tutors working
with young people. The aim of the text is to familiarize Polish readers with the works of
the Slovenian poet, to use the narrative aspect to analyse poetic work, and to demonstrate
how poetry may be used in pedagogical practice.

Dziecko jako podmiot poznania, 2016
The poems in "Pedenjped" can be interpreted on two levels. Each simple poem is a part of child‟s ... more The poems in "Pedenjped" can be interpreted on two levels. Each simple poem is a part of child‟s daily life, which starts with an awakening morning toilet and breakfast. Then the child learns about the surrounding world. After the afternoon snack there is time for static
activities such as reading books and dreaming. Before falling asleep the boy plays dynamically runs or pretends to be a train, which is advised by pedagogues. The tired protagonist falls fast asleep. The second level is hidden and symbolic. Each poem can be interpreted as a metaphor of a man‟s journey through life. The first ten poems show the birth and childhood. Then there‟s the early adolescence. Next they present the life of an adult and finally old age. The poems can be analysed literally and pedagogically including phases of human life described by developmental psychology. This article was prepared on the basis of
MA thesis on Slavonic philology.
Kultura i Wychowanie, 2019
This article draws on four free-form interviews with elements of narration,
which I conducted wit... more This article draws on four free-form interviews with elements of narration,
which I conducted with representatives of the “third generation” of people of Jewish origin
living in Łódź. In my text, I refer to the knowledge (and lack of knowledge) of the
surveyed women as to their roots. I also distinguish two family models they have created.
I place Jewish culture and religion in the context of the women’s everyday experiences.

Przegląd Badań Edukacyjnych, 2019
The article aims at presenting a method rooted in philological science in order to analyze freefo... more The article aims at presenting a method rooted in philological science in order to analyze freeform interviews with elements of narration. The method presented is a compilation of two methods: communicative grammar and narratology. Both of the aforementioned methods were created in order to analyse narrative texts. In the case of the former method, the discipline in which particular texts were created is of no importance. The latter method, on the other hand, is used mainly for literary analyses. The communicative grammar method originated from Polish linguistics, provides a possibility of conducting in-depth linguistic analyses. When used for interview analyses, communicative grammar may help a researcher overcome their subjective approach and get, as close as possible, to the contents uttered by a respondent indirectly. Application of the discussed method also facilitates the process of overcoming cultural differences between a researcher and a respondent. * Dziękuję prof. dr hab. Danucie Urbaniak-Zając za merytoryczne konsultacje i wskazówki.
Odmienność w kulturze, 2017
The article has workshop character and features the initial presentation of data from three inter... more The article has workshop character and features the initial presentation of data from three interviews. The interviews were conducted in spring and autumn of 2015 with three women involved in Jewish associations of Lodz. This article consists of two parts – the theoretical and the research one. The first part discusses theories concerning multiculturalism in the perspective of cultural anthropology and pedagogy, while the second one emphasizes spheres of individual experience of the respondents, reflecting multiculturalism. Simultaneously, they constitute the personal borderland of a man.
Papers by Agnieszka Krawczyk
We also analyze the role that different cultures play for the socialization of a young person. The
following concepts constitute the theoretical axis of our article: cultural pattern, habitus, intergenerational transmission, communicative knowledge, conjunctive knowledge and multiculturalism.
We supplement our consideration of them with data from interviews that were conducted in
a community of young adults of Jewish origin. We refer primarily to such life experiences as:
sources of knowledge about oneself and Jewish culture, intergenerational transmission, the sense
of one’s own difference, giving meaning to one’s origin, the need for community, intellectualism
and mysticism, and constructing one’s own identity. The research referred to falls within a qualitative orientation.
and consequences of intergenerational transmission of trauma as reflected in the life experiences
of young adults. Data were analyzed using a linguistic-narrative method.
In this paper, I look at the intergenerational transmission of trauma in Jewish families as reflected in the life experiences of young adults. They see the consequences of trauma in their loved
ones and in themselves. In the case of the former, they can be grouped into three categories: fear
of disclosing one’s nationality, a special form of which is the prohibition on speaking about one's
Jewish origin to one’s descendants and the change of name by one’s ancestors; overprotectiveness towards one’s descendants; and showing emotional distance from them. In turn, the consequences of trauma perceived in the self are: fear of strangers and overprotectiveness towards
one's own children.
by Niko Grafenauer. References are made to general concepts regarding narration which
constitute the basis for interpretation of the author’s poems. Skrivnosti are a collection of
secrets which may be unveiled by readers themselves, but which also aid tutors working
with young people. The aim of the text is to familiarize Polish readers with the works of
the Slovenian poet, to use the narrative aspect to analyse poetic work, and to demonstrate
how poetry may be used in pedagogical practice.
activities such as reading books and dreaming. Before falling asleep the boy plays dynamically runs or pretends to be a train, which is advised by pedagogues. The tired protagonist falls fast asleep. The second level is hidden and symbolic. Each poem can be interpreted as a metaphor of a man‟s journey through life. The first ten poems show the birth and childhood. Then there‟s the early adolescence. Next they present the life of an adult and finally old age. The poems can be analysed literally and pedagogically including phases of human life described by developmental psychology. This article was prepared on the basis of
MA thesis on Slavonic philology.
which I conducted with representatives of the “third generation” of people of Jewish origin
living in Łódź. In my text, I refer to the knowledge (and lack of knowledge) of the
surveyed women as to their roots. I also distinguish two family models they have created.
I place Jewish culture and religion in the context of the women’s everyday experiences.
We also analyze the role that different cultures play for the socialization of a young person. The
following concepts constitute the theoretical axis of our article: cultural pattern, habitus, intergenerational transmission, communicative knowledge, conjunctive knowledge and multiculturalism.
We supplement our consideration of them with data from interviews that were conducted in
a community of young adults of Jewish origin. We refer primarily to such life experiences as:
sources of knowledge about oneself and Jewish culture, intergenerational transmission, the sense
of one’s own difference, giving meaning to one’s origin, the need for community, intellectualism
and mysticism, and constructing one’s own identity. The research referred to falls within a qualitative orientation.
and consequences of intergenerational transmission of trauma as reflected in the life experiences
of young adults. Data were analyzed using a linguistic-narrative method.
In this paper, I look at the intergenerational transmission of trauma in Jewish families as reflected in the life experiences of young adults. They see the consequences of trauma in their loved
ones and in themselves. In the case of the former, they can be grouped into three categories: fear
of disclosing one’s nationality, a special form of which is the prohibition on speaking about one's
Jewish origin to one’s descendants and the change of name by one’s ancestors; overprotectiveness towards one’s descendants; and showing emotional distance from them. In turn, the consequences of trauma perceived in the self are: fear of strangers and overprotectiveness towards
one's own children.
by Niko Grafenauer. References are made to general concepts regarding narration which
constitute the basis for interpretation of the author’s poems. Skrivnosti are a collection of
secrets which may be unveiled by readers themselves, but which also aid tutors working
with young people. The aim of the text is to familiarize Polish readers with the works of
the Slovenian poet, to use the narrative aspect to analyse poetic work, and to demonstrate
how poetry may be used in pedagogical practice.
activities such as reading books and dreaming. Before falling asleep the boy plays dynamically runs or pretends to be a train, which is advised by pedagogues. The tired protagonist falls fast asleep. The second level is hidden and symbolic. Each poem can be interpreted as a metaphor of a man‟s journey through life. The first ten poems show the birth and childhood. Then there‟s the early adolescence. Next they present the life of an adult and finally old age. The poems can be analysed literally and pedagogically including phases of human life described by developmental psychology. This article was prepared on the basis of
MA thesis on Slavonic philology.
which I conducted with representatives of the “third generation” of people of Jewish origin
living in Łódź. In my text, I refer to the knowledge (and lack of knowledge) of the
surveyed women as to their roots. I also distinguish two family models they have created.
I place Jewish culture and religion in the context of the women’s everyday experiences.
Głównym celem badań była rekonstrukcja międzykulturowych doświadczeń młodych osób dorosłych pochodzenia żydowskiego. W badaniach wzięło udział 12 młodych osób dorosłych pochodzenia żydowskiego. Dane były zbierane za pomocą wywiadów swobodnych z elementami narracji. Na potrzeby analizy opracowana została językowo-narracyjna metoda, która składa się z zasad polskiej gramatyki, gramatyki komunikacyjnej i narratologii.
Poszczególne rozdziały budowane są przez trzy warstwy: teoretyczną, teoretyczno-metodologiczną i analityczną. Kwestie omówione w pierwszym rozdziale stanowią źródło założeń konstytuujących przedmiot badań i możliwości jego poznania. W drugim rozdziale przedstawione zostały założenia metodologiczne badań. W trzecim rozdziale zaprezentowane zostały cztery przypadki kluczowe, czyli losy tych narratorów, których doświadczenia były najbardziej charakterystyczne dla omawianych zagadnień. W czwartym rozdziale przedstawiona została rekonstrukcja międzykulturowych doświadczeń młodych osób dorosłych pochodzenia żydowskiego.
Prezentowane w rozdziale czwartym analizy prowadziły do wyróżnienia czterech typów radzenia sobie z doświadczaniem różnic w kontekście międzykulturowości. Analiza zaprezentowana w podsumowaniu stanowi najwyższy poziom uogólnienia, a także odnosi się bezpośrednio do przyjętego celu badań.