Papers by Valentina Volpi
Il contributo si focalizza sull’impatto che i dati prodotti dai cittadini attraverso i canali onl... more Il contributo si focalizza sull’impatto che i dati prodotti dai cittadini attraverso i canali online producono nel settore dell’informazione. In particolare, partendo da un focus sui cambiamenti che il digitale ha introdotto in quest’ambito, anche in relazione ai ruoli e alle competenze richieste ai professionisti dell’informazione, si passerà ad indagare le possibilità di riutilizzo dei dati implicitamente o esplicitamente condivisi dai cittadini attraverso diverse tipologie di strumenti interattivi. Il focus sarà sull’impatto dei dati sia nel settore giornalistico, sia nei servizi pubblici, evidenziando come questi influenzino il lavoro dei professionisti dell’informazione, la vita dei cittadini e le attività delle Istituzioni

Interaction Design and Architecture(s), 2019
Digital technologies integrated in the physical spaces enable new practices that open new possibl... more Digital technologies integrated in the physical spaces enable new practices that open new possible interactions between people and the urban public spaces. These emerging hybrid spaces might have a crucial role in the processes aiming at having a more satisfying urban life. Mobility is a field strongly impacted by hybrid urban spaces and this should be considered in order to improve the quality of life in cities. In this paper the authors, starting from the concept of Mobility as a Service (MaaS), show as game elements applied in different moments of the travel experience and disseminated in different parts of these hybrid spaces can enhance the interaction between people and mobility services. Finally the outcome of a co-design session about a game solution aiming at improving the people experience with the mobility services is presented as an example of this assumption.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2019
For the elderly the use of public transportation services represents a central need, not only fro... more For the elderly the use of public transportation services represents a central need, not only from an economic point of view, especially for the most disadvantages social classes, but also from a social perspective, since it creates social relations. However the elderly have several needs in their travel experience, deriving mainly from their psychophysical problems. In this scenario, to improve the travel experience of the elderly it is necessary to adopt an inclusive design approach, in which the different categories of people are considered as a resource for a more accommodating design.
International Journal of Urban Planning and Smart Cities, 2020
Cities can be considered as “complex systems,” since they are characterized by multiple connected... more Cities can be considered as “complex systems,” since they are characterized by multiple connected elements and by relations among them that are not always recognizable. The massive presence of digital technologies in urban spaces that transform them into “hybrid” spaces makes cities even more complex. This article shows some of the challenges that arise in this new context (e.g., rethinking the people experience in the urban spaces; developing new “urban competences” using in an effective way the large amount of produced data; focusing on the human aspects rather than the technological ones; thinking of sustainable solutions from the environmental, social, and economic point of view; etc.), and it proposes the application of collaborative design frameworks that can offer specific tools and methodologies to face them.

Human-Computer Interaction. Design and User Experience, 2020
In a scenario where the whole society is more and more complex, due to the increasing of the inte... more In a scenario where the whole society is more and more complex, due to the increasing of the interactions and relations created by the technological evolution, it is essential to develop training models that allow to interface with these technological and social ecosystems in a sustainable way, providing specific, transversal and interdisciplinary skills to new professionals. They should be able to identify the needs of people and society and to find new (digital and non-digital) solutions and services based on them. In this context, one of the challenges concerns how to train young generations for the achievement of these objectives, first of all in creating services and products which allow people to have an effective, efficacy and satisfying experience (taking into consideration the Quality in Interaction and User Experience criteria). This contribution discusses some experiences carried out by the authors related to the engagement of high school students in learning processes oriented to how designing solutions and services according to this vision, by also identifying some key points to take into account to spread awareness about these topics to young generations.

Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Healthy and Active Aging, 2020
In public urban spaces different generations meet and eventually end up by sharing the same kind ... more In public urban spaces different generations meet and eventually end up by sharing the same kind of activities. Nowadays, more occasions of encounter are generated by a widespread push to the re-appropriation of urban spaces for green, social and inclusive aims, so creating sustainable urban ecosystems. Information and Communication Technologies scattered in the urban environment boost these processes by supporting the user experience in different kinds of services. For example, in the transport sector several digital technologies allow the use of shared mobility services and sustain other kinds of more sustainable behaviors for travelers both improving their mobility experience and motivating them towards a common green goal. According to this scenario, the paper examines the physical and digital media and services that might support the user experience during a scattered cultural urban event. Indeed, events that concern different urban spaces at the same times require different kinds of efforts by the attendants, from retrieving information about the available sites, to getting the indication on how to reach them. However, different habits and needs emerge according to the different age of the attendants. The paper shows the results of a survey administered to a group of people from different ages attending a cultural event in Rome. The study analyzes the kind of media and services people used and suggested to retrieve information about the event. Then it envisions some opportunities that emerge in creating services supporting the communication and the user experience of the event, and of the city as well. Keywords: Generational differences in IT use Á Multimedia design for the elderly Á Human smart city Á Urban user experience Á Social innovation

The digital and social transformation we are facing affects also the urban spaces by redirecting ... more The digital and social transformation we are facing affects also the urban spaces by redirecting the attention and the efforts of different stakeholders towards a renewed interest for the human aspect of the city and for behaviors more aware of their possible impacts at a systemic level on society and environment. The human-centered design approach and the design thinking provide specific tools and methodologies which allow to consider the ‘human’ point of view during the different stages of the design process. However, some limitations arise: in details, most of these methodologies do not take into adequate consideration the social, environmental and economic impact of the designed solutions. For this reason, the research on design should identify the most suitable tools for measuring and assessing the impact of the project during and after its implementation, in order to find solutions really desirable from the social point of view, feasible from the organizational and technical p...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2018
The evolution of mobility sector towards a multimodal and multi-service approach enables new poss... more The evolution of mobility sector towards a multimodal and multi-service approach enables new possibilities of interaction for travellers. At once it creates a complex ecosystem where the final users are one of the main key components for the effectiveness and the success of the deployed mobility strategies and solutions. It implies that, both for academic and commercial purposes, a remarkable attention should be put on the design approaches focusing on human aspects in interactive systems. Moreover different methods aiming at enhancing the user experience should be exploited, in order to trigger desirable and worthy innovations. So in this paper we focus on gamification for improving the quality of interaction with the mobility services. In effect, mobility represents a more and more promising domain for the application of playful solutions, although in this field it is nowadays employed mostly for incentivizing smart and sustainable behaviours, also in combination with crowdsourcing. However we can suppose a wider use of this approach in the mobility services, e.g. to improve the overall traveller experience and to increase an active collaboration among the stakeholders. In detail, in this paper we will discuss three main variables to identify which possibilities can emerge in future mobility services by applying a gamification approach: the different stages of a journey, for better knowing the contexts of action and the needs of people potentially interested in; the devices to be exploited, for better accomplishing gamification purposes; the game components, for better understanding how they contribute to fulfill the traveller objectives.
Acta Europeana Systemica, 2020
The environmental transformations of the city are the expression of processes of emergence in soc... more The environmental transformations of the city are the expression of processes of emergence in social systems that continuously redefine the city as a system (Minati, 2001). In detail, in a previous study, we identified and illustrated three examples to show how the city evolves on the basis of the emergent properties: the re-semantization of specific city elements; the

Acta Europeana Systemica, 2020
The widespread of Information and Communication Technologies and the consequently redefinition of... more The widespread of Information and Communication Technologies and the consequently redefinition of roles in the usage and management of the city brought along new systems of relationships and interactions that produce an auto-organisation of territories or communities, showed also through temporary transformation of the environment. In effect, cities are continuously redefined by emergent properties that may, both be originated and then impact on social, political, cultural, and economical people practices. On the other hand, through the arrangement of its patterns the city shapes the social and connective relations occurring among people. So, the city can be regarded as a complex system, that in the last years has been expanded by the widespread of communication devices and sensors connected to the Internet. In this context, the design of new patterns of interactions that focuses on the new relationship opportunities, in part offered by the Information and Communication Technologies...

International Journal of Public Administration in the Digital Age, 2017
In the last years new relational systems between citizens and Institutions have been arising. One... more In the last years new relational systems between citizens and Institutions have been arising. One of the main effects of such transformation is an increasing citizen engagement in designing public services. The motivations, modes, and effects concerning this practice are relevant research topics addressing political, social, and economic issues. In this paper the authors present the SPAC3 project, as it involved the citizens in the design process. The project aims to allow families of the Municipality of Bergamo (Italy) to access services and information dedicated to them in a more effective way. Here, the authors will focus on the analysis carried out in the project, by pointing out the methodology and the main achieved outcomes, and the features of the identified solution. In the end, the SPAC3 project has been a good opportunity to think about the complex relationship between citizens and Institutions in order to strengthen it.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2016
The widespread of ICTs has been transforming the physical city. This process has been definitely ... more The widespread of ICTs has been transforming the physical city. This process has been definitely influencing people’s experiences within the urban environment creating new public spaces of interaction, affecting the physical and social urban structures. So, the city can be considered as an interface embedding different relational systems. In this perspective, Public Administration may benefit from the emergence of new interaction patterns for reinforcing the relationship with citizens. In effect, as the success of any public initiative appears to be strongly influenced by human aspects, Public Administrations should use the city interface to facilitate the communication and the collaboration with citizens. This paper aims to reflect on the interactive systems connecting citizens and Public Administration within the public sphere, and on the emergence of new perspectives and relations among people and urban places, in order to suppose new types of public touchpoints and interfaces supporting a sustainable city development.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2015
In a "smart" city context, citizens' participation allows to create public services and products ... more In a "smart" city context, citizens' participation allows to create public services and products meeting the real people's needs. In this regard, the co-design process is a useful practice for encouraging city users to co-create new effective solutions. However, it is fundamental to renovate methodologies and tools for citizens' engagement. In this paper, we argue that the gamification approach could increase the willingness of city users in getting involved in Public Administration (PA) decision-making processes and in co-design practices. Assuming that, we present the main findings of a survey conducted to investigate city users' behaviours and needs on gamification and co-design issues. These findings will be useful to identify the most suitable applications combining these two practices. Keywords: Co-design Á Gamification Á Game design Á Survey Á Smart city Á Decision-making processes Á Citizen engagement and participation
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2015
Within an operating room, surgeons need to interact with a large amount of patient’s medical info... more Within an operating room, surgeons need to interact with a large amount of patient’s medical information and data. In order to avoid misunderstandings among the staff and protecting the patient safety, the medical staff may use a touchless interaction system that allows the surgeons to directly interact with digital devices that visualize digital images. The RISO project aims to create a gesture recognition system for the visualization and manipulation of medical images, useful for the surgeons even during the surgical procedures. In this paper we show the main findings from a usability study carried out with the aim to evaluate, among others, the learnability of the system and the memorability of the gestures employed for the interaction.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2014
The open data availability, promoted by the open government approach, does not correspond to an e... more The open data availability, promoted by the open government approach, does not correspond to an effective and organized use of them with the detriment of both citizens and PAs. We assume that a data visualization tool could help the spread of information in an easy and accessible way, even for what concerns open data. In this paper we will focus on the map, as one of the most suitable tools for the interactive representation of spatial related data. So, we will present the Roma Crash Map platform, a web application that allows to visualize the road crashes open data related to the 19 Municipalities of the city of Rome. In details, we will report the considerations about the selection and design of the visualization tools, according to the purpose to familiarize the users with participating tools integrating maps or more complex geographical systems.
This demo paper describes the pilot plant of the PALM-Cities Project, installed at a modern art m... more This demo paper describes the pilot plant of the PALM-Cities Project, installed at a modern art museum in Genoa. The objective of the system is offering visitors a novel and immersive experience when visiting the exhibit. In fact, owing to automatic identification technologies, such as Near Field Communication (NFC) and the Quick Response Code (QR Code), people can interact with the surrounding environment by means of their own devices, e.g., smartphones or tablets, receiving personalized contents as they move in a given location. Different resources for the same artwork in the museum are delivered to different users on the basis of their preferences, such as, e.g., language, age and device.
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2016
Religioni E Societa, 2006
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2016
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2016
Papers by Valentina Volpi