Saúl Blanco
Main research interests:
- Taxonomy and ecology of freshwater diatoms
- Biogeography of continental microalgae
- Limnology of shallow lakes
Principales líneas de trabajo: Taxonomía y ecología de diatomeas de agua dulce. Índices diatomológicos. Bioindicadores. Índices bióticos de la calidad del agua. Biomonitorización. Directiva Marco del Agua. Microalgas en biorreactores. Depuración de aguas residuales.
Address: Diatom Laboratory - La Serna 58 (24007 Leon, Spain)
- Taxonomy and ecology of freshwater diatoms
- Biogeography of continental microalgae
- Limnology of shallow lakes
Principales líneas de trabajo: Taxonomía y ecología de diatomeas de agua dulce. Índices diatomológicos. Bioindicadores. Índices bióticos de la calidad del agua. Biomonitorización. Directiva Marco del Agua. Microalgas en biorreactores. Depuración de aguas residuales.
Address: Diatom Laboratory - La Serna 58 (24007 Leon, Spain)
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Books by Saúl Blanco
(recent and fossil) diatoms in Portugal, including the Archipelagos of
Madeira and Azores, since the early beginnings of the diatom studies in
Portugal at the middle of the XIXth century until 2010.
The diatom taxa are presented following an updated taxonomy;
nevertheless, in order to provide a historical overview, the nomenclatural
synonyms found in the literature from Portugal are also included. For the
1381 taxa the following information is presented: basionym, nomenclatural
synonyms, citations (with the precise indication of the sampling sites),
frequent taxonomical synonyms and a distribution map.
An exhaustive reference list and indices of taxa conclude this volume and make it a valuable source of information for biologists working on benthic diatoms in general, not only of the Mediterranean region.
The aim of the present work is to elaborate a practical identification guide in accordance with the needs of technicians and biologists evaluating water biological quality in the Duero Basin. This book gathers the 200 main diatom taxa in terms of abundance and occurrence, selected from more than 600 samples of river epilithon collected during annual surveys carried out between 2003 and 2007 in the Spanish part of the basin. Certain taxa that could not be identified to specific level are also presented. For every diatom species, the following information is provided: a mor-phometric and autoecological description, a selection of illustrated bibliographic references and an iconographic series illustrating the taxon’s morphological variability, with a total of 3110 photographs in light and scanning electron microscopy gathered into 109 plates. The nomenclature, taxonomy and systematic position of taxa follow the most recent phycological literature. 116 species new to the Duero Basin and 34 species new to the Iberian Peninsula are presented."
Papers by Saúl Blanco
(recent and fossil) diatoms in Portugal, including the Archipelagos of
Madeira and Azores, since the early beginnings of the diatom studies in
Portugal at the middle of the XIXth century until 2010.
The diatom taxa are presented following an updated taxonomy;
nevertheless, in order to provide a historical overview, the nomenclatural
synonyms found in the literature from Portugal are also included. For the
1381 taxa the following information is presented: basionym, nomenclatural
synonyms, citations (with the precise indication of the sampling sites),
frequent taxonomical synonyms and a distribution map.
An exhaustive reference list and indices of taxa conclude this volume and make it a valuable source of information for biologists working on benthic diatoms in general, not only of the Mediterranean region.
The aim of the present work is to elaborate a practical identification guide in accordance with the needs of technicians and biologists evaluating water biological quality in the Duero Basin. This book gathers the 200 main diatom taxa in terms of abundance and occurrence, selected from more than 600 samples of river epilithon collected during annual surveys carried out between 2003 and 2007 in the Spanish part of the basin. Certain taxa that could not be identified to specific level are also presented. For every diatom species, the following information is provided: a mor-phometric and autoecological description, a selection of illustrated bibliographic references and an iconographic series illustrating the taxon’s morphological variability, with a total of 3110 photographs in light and scanning electron microscopy gathered into 109 plates. The nomenclature, taxonomy and systematic position of taxa follow the most recent phycological literature. 116 species new to the Duero Basin and 34 species new to the Iberian Peninsula are presented."