Papers by Ana de Benito Trigueros
Revista Internacional de Medicina y Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte, 2019
Diseño y validación de una herramienta observacional para el bádminton (BOT) / Design and Validit... more Diseño y validación de una herramienta observacional para el bádminton (BOT) / Design and Validity of a Badminton Observation Tool (BOT).
… 2-5 de abril de 2008 …, 2008

The main aim of the current study was to determine the effectiveness of two strength training for... more The main aim of the current study was to determine the effectiveness of two strength training for climbing. 30 healthy men participated in the present study, and they were randomly divided into three groups: control group (GC) (n=10), maximal strength training group (GFM) and endurance-strength training group (GFR). The three groups trained three days per week, GC trained always in wall, but GFM and GFR changed one of them for a training session in the gym. The program lasted 10 weeks and we assesed different kinds of variables before and after the training: physical conditioning variables and hand-grip strength after climbing. We found significant differences in the three groups analysed. GFR obtained the best results according to climbing demands and GFM also obtained significant differences but not as specific as GFR. It could be said that endurance-strength training is the best for climbing.Key Words:Climbing, training, maximal strength, endurance-strength. El objetivo principal...

El presente estudio pretende comprobar que el trabajo aislado de la fuerza resistencia en miembro... more El presente estudio pretende comprobar que el trabajo aislado de la fuerza resistencia en miembros inferiores produce una mejora de los niveles de resistencia, en términos tanto de potencia como de capacidad aeróbica, optimizando así el entrenamiento de la fuerza para pruebas de resistencia de media y larga duración. Para ello, veinte sujetos participaron en el estudio, dividiéndose de forma aleatoria en dos grupos: grupo control (GC) (n=10) y grupo experimental (GE) (n=10) el cual llevó a cabo un entrenamiento de fuerza resistencia extensivo por intervalos, de diez semanas de duración. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que este tipo de entrenamiento es efectivo para mejorar el rendimiento en una prueba de resistencia aeróbica para sujetos físicamente activos, gracias a la mejora de la capacidad aeróbica, de la fuerza máxima dinámica, elástico explosiva y elástico explosivo reactiva y a la disminución de los niveles de grasa, sin aumento de la masa muscular.

Background Foam roller and vibration techniques are currently used to assist in recovery after fa... more Background Foam roller and vibration techniques are currently used to assist in recovery after fatigue. The main purpose of this study was to determine the effects of the use of a foam roller with and without vibration on dynamic balance, ankle dorsiflexion, hamstring and lumbar spine flexibility and perceived knee and ankle stability after an induced fatigue protocol. Methods A total of 24 healthy recreationally active participants (17 males and seven females) were recruited to a randomized cross over trial consisting of; no treatment (NT), foam roller treatment (FR) and vibration foam roller treatment (VFR). The assessments included; the Sit & Reach test, Y balance test and post-treatment perceived knee and ankle stability. Measurements were taken after a standardized warm up (baseline) and repeated following an exercise-induced muscle fatigue protocol consisting of repeated lunges until volitional fatigue. The three treatment conditions were assessed on three separate days in a r...

Background Due to the early specialization of golf players, examining the within session sequence... more Background Due to the early specialization of golf players, examining the within session sequence of training should be considered to enhance performance and prevent injury risk. The present study analyzed the effects of an 18-week concurrent training developed before or after a specific golf session in adolescence elite golfers on several performance factors. Methods Sixteen right-handed male golfers, were randomly divided into two groups: after golf specific training (AG) (n = 8, age: 16.77 ± 0.58 years) and before golf specific training (BG) (n = 8, age: 16.93 ± 0.59 years). AG and BG players followed a concurrent physical conditioning program (CT) after or before the golf specific training, respectively. Body mass, body fat, muscle mass, jumping ability (CMJ), ball speed (Sball), golf movements screens (GMS), power in a golf swing-specific cable woodchop (Wmax) and the perceived training load (TL) in golf specific training (TL-G) and TL in CT (TL-CT) were measured on three separ...
Journal of Human Sport and Exercise

The aim of this study was to analyse and quantify the acute effects of competition on several per... more The aim of this study was to analyse and quantify the acute effects of competition on several performance factors in under-19 male soccer players. To this end, 198 national league players (17.56 ± 0.78 years) performed various tests to measure jump capacity, kicking velocity and sprint times immediately pre-match (T1), at half-time (T2) and post-match (T3). Tests included kicking the ball to measure ball velocity (KICK), sprinting for 40 meters, timing the first 30 meters (30mACCEL), the last 10 meters (10mACCEL) and the total distance (40mACCEL), and performing countermovement jumps (CMJ). For subsequent analysis, the sample was divided into 5 playing positions: goalkeepers (n = 24), defenders (n = 51), midfielders (n = 36), wingers (n = 54) and forwards (n = 33). For all positions, we found a significant decline in performance (p<0.05) for kicking velocity (2.91%-6.51%) and sprinting (0.44%-5.85%). For the CMJ, all positions except defenders presented a significant decline in performance that ranged from 1.5% to 4.56%. These findings highlight the need to individualise fitness training, taking into account the match needs and demands of the different playing positions in order to minimise the effects of match fatigue and accelerate post-match recovery.

The aim of this study was to determine changes in knee biomechanics during badminton lunges due t... more The aim of this study was to determine changes in knee biomechanics during badminton lunges due to fatigue, lunge strategy and knee bracing. Kinetic and kinematic data were collected from 16 experienced right-handed badminton players. Three factor repeated measures ANOVAs (lunge direction—fatigue—brace) were performed with Least Significant Difference pairwise comparisons. In addition, clinical assessments including; Y-balance test, one leg hop distance and ankle dorsiflexion range of motion were performed pre- and postfatigue. The knee showed significantly greater flexion during the forehand lunge compared to backhand. In contrast, the internal rotation velocity and the knee extension moment were greater during backhand. Knee angular velocity in the sagittal plane, peak knee moment and range of moment in the coronal plane and stance time showed significantly lower values postfatigue. In addition, the peak knee adduction moment showed significantly lower values in the braced conditi...

11th World Congress of Performance Analysis of Sport
The purpose of the current study was to identify players' behaviours and to assess differences be... more The purpose of the current study was to identify players' behaviours and to assess differences between genders at final singles matches of 2015 Badminton World Championship, focusing on time events, shots and court movements. Final men's (MS) and women's (WS) singles matches of 2015 Yakarta World Championship were analysed (150 points and 967 actions). Official videos from Badminton World Federation were used to carry out the post-event analysis. Variables analyzed were: 'timing factors', type of 'shots' and players' trajectories executed during the match. Descriptive (mean and % of distribution) and comparative analysis between gender and result of events (successful vs. unsuccessful) were carried out. Generally speaking, time-related variables show higher figures in the men's final than in the women's. Smash, net and lob shots occur more frequently in the men's final, whereas clear, drop and drive shots are used more often in the women's final. The hitting of the shuttlecock without any previous movement redominates over the rest or movements for both genders. In the training field, these findings may be used by coaches in order to improve athletes' performance. In research field, it could be a new way to obtain information that had not been previously taken into account.
Investigacion E Innovacion En El Deporte 2012 Isbn 978 84 9910 197 2 Pags 651 659, 2012
Actas Del I Congreso De Jovenes Investigadores En Ciencias De La Actividad Fisica Y Del Deporte Recurso Electronico Valladolid 15 Y 16 De Diciembre De 2006 2006 Isbn 84 690 2720 4 Pags 173 180, 2006
Investigacion E Innovacion En El Deporte 2012 Isbn 978 84 9910 197 2 Pags 556 563, 2012

European Journal of Human Movement, Nov 29, 2011
RESUMEN El objetivo de este estudio fue elaborar un instrumento de observación de las acciones qu... more RESUMEN El objetivo de este estudio fue elaborar un instrumento de observación de las acciones que efectúan los escaladores en su ascenso y analizar la influencia de la lateralidad y del nivel técnico del escalador sobre la ejecución motriz y por tanto, sobre el rendimiento. La muestra del estudio está compuesta por 54 sujetos que participaron en el Campeonato de España Universitario de Escalada de 2008. Se ha utilizado una metodología observacional, siendo las variables de estudio el tipo de vía, el número de movimientos, el ranking del deportista, la lateralidad del deportista, el inicio de movimiento y fin de movimiento. Los resultados revelan que los movimientos más utilizados en la muestra son: tracción corta (TRC) y bloqueo corto (BC) realizados por la extremidad superior y progresión corta (PC) y equilibrio corto (EQC) de la extremidad inferior. En cuanto a la lateralidad, se ha obtenido mayor porcentaje de acciones realizadas por segmentos derechos (54.5%) que izquierdos (45.5%). En cuanto al nivel técnico de los escaladores, en general, se aprecia un aumento progresivo de la frecuencia de las diferentes categorías, a medida que vamos ascendiendo de ranking.
Training Futbol Revista Tecnica Profesional, 2007
Red Revista De Entrenamiento Deportivo, 2006

INTRODUCCIÓN El rendimiento en fútbol es multifactorial y depende de los planos técnico, táctico,... more INTRODUCCIÓN El rendimiento en fútbol es multifactorial y depende de los planos técnico, táctico, físico, fisiológico y psicológico, (Stolen et al., 2005; Vescovi et al., 2006). El objetivo principal de nuestro estudio es analizar las diferencias existentes en variables antropométricas, de fuerza explosiva y de golpeo de balón en función de la posición ocupada habitualmente en el terreno de juego por jugadores de División de Honor Juvenil Española. MÉTODO La muestra se compone de un total de 40 jugadores (18,02 ± 0,54 años, 4 días/semana de frecuencia media de entrenamiento), divididos por posiciones de juego: 4 porteros, 12 defensas, 12 centrocampistas y 12 delanteros. Después de registrar el masa corporal y la talla y tomar valores de seis pliegues, tres diámetros y cuatro perímetros, se calculó el porcentaje de grasa a través de la ecuación de Yuhasz (1974). En cuanto a la Fuerza Explosiva se utilizaron dos pruebas de salto recogidas dentro de la batería de Bosco: Counter Movemen...

RESUMEN El objetivo de este estudio fue elaborar un instrumento de observación de las acciones qu... more RESUMEN El objetivo de este estudio fue elaborar un instrumento de observación de las acciones que efectúan los escaladores en su ascenso y analizar la influencia de la lateralidad y del nivel técnico del escalador sobre la ejecución motriz y por tanto, sobre el rendimiento. La muestra del estudio está compuesta por 54 suje- tos que participaron en el Campeonato de España Universitario de Escalada de 2008. Se ha utilizado una metodología observacional, siendo las variables de estudio el tipo de vía, el número de movimientos, el ranking del deportista, la lateralidad del deportista, el inicio de movimiento y fin de movimiento. Los resultados revelan que los movimientos más utilizados en la muestra son: tracción corta (TRC) y bloqueo corto (BC) realizados por la extremidad superior y progresión corta (PC) y equilibrio corto (EQC) de la extremidad inferior. En cuanto a la lateralidad, se ha obtenido mayor porcentaje de acciones realizadas por segmentos derechos (54.5%) que izquierdos (...

The purpose of the current study was to determine whether a strength endurance training program o... more The purpose of the current study was to determine whether a strength endurance training program of lower limbs isolate can increase endurance levels, both aerobic capacity and aerobic power, in order to adapt the strength training for endurance races. 20 phisically active men participated in the study. They were divided into two groups: control group (GC) (n=10) and experimental group (GE) (n=10). GE carried out a strength endurance training program for ten weeks. Results obtained showed that this type of training regime was useful to improve the performance in an aerobic endurance test. This could be due to an improvement in aerobic capacity, maximal dynamic strength, explosive strength and reactive strength. Moreover, there was a decrease in fat mass without increase in muscle mass. Key Words: Training, strength endurance, aerobic capacity, anthropometry. El presente estudio pretende comprobar que el trabajo aislado de la fuerza resistencia en miembros inferiores produce una mejor...
Papers by Ana de Benito Trigueros