Marianna Porta
Mi occupo di analisi dei macroresti vegetali come semi, legno/ carbone, e anche prodotti alimentari a base di cereali recuperati in contesti archeologici. Lo studio di questi materiali è uno strumento conoscitivo delle comunità antiche e delle loro dinamiche di relazione con l'ambiente circostante.
Grazie al mio progetto di dottorato sto approfondendo le metodologie di studio dei resti di cibo archeologici, testandole su una collezione di confronto sperimentale ottenuta riproducendo alcune antiche ricette.
I deal with analysis of plant macroremains such as seeds, wood/coal, and also processed cereal-based food products from archaeological excavations. The study of these materials is a tool for understanding ancient communities and their relationship's dynamics of with the surrounding environment.
Thanks to my PhD project I am deepening the methodologies of study of the remains of archaeological food, testing them on a collection of experimental comparison obtained by reproducing some ancient recipes.
Address: Via Dalmazio Birago 64, Dipartimento di Beni Culturali, Lecce
Grazie al mio progetto di dottorato sto approfondendo le metodologie di studio dei resti di cibo archeologici, testandole su una collezione di confronto sperimentale ottenuta riproducendo alcune antiche ricette.
I deal with analysis of plant macroremains such as seeds, wood/coal, and also processed cereal-based food products from archaeological excavations. The study of these materials is a tool for understanding ancient communities and their relationship's dynamics of with the surrounding environment.
Thanks to my PhD project I am deepening the methodologies of study of the remains of archaeological food, testing them on a collection of experimental comparison obtained by reproducing some ancient recipes.
Address: Via Dalmazio Birago 64, Dipartimento di Beni Culturali, Lecce
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