Papers by Ilenia Colonna
Giornate di studio sul razzismo, 2023
Nel weekend tra il 9 e l’11 settembre 2022 si è svolto ad Anaheim, in California, “D23 Expo”, eve... more Nel weekend tra il 9 e l’11 settembre 2022 si è svolto ad Anaheim, in California, “D23 Expo”, evento Disney biennale in cui la casa di Topolino presenta le sue principali novità e i progetti in cantiere. I fan sono stati entusiasti di assistere alle anticipazioni delle nuove produzioni dei brand Disney, dalle serie tv Marvel e Star Wars, all’ultimo episodio della saga di Indiana Jones. Ma è soprattutto una delle produzioni targate Disney-Pixar ad avere attirato l’attenzione di fan e media, diventando oggetto di dibattito pubblico su un tema particolarmente sensibile e purtroppo sempre attuale.
H-ermes. Journal of Communication , 2023
Prefazione al numero Speciale di H-ermes. Journal of Communication "Oltre L'Odio".

Iconocrazia, 2022
Since the first days of the pandemic, the media system has contributed significantly to shaping o... more Since the first days of the pandemic, the media system has contributed significantly to shaping our perceptions, interpretations and reactions to the new reality. The narrative of the pandemic followed the media logic, but at the same time suffered the impact of the emergency, having to adapt the forms and contents of the representations. The representation of political power has also been conditioned by the pandemic. The local and regional elections of 20 and 21 September 2020 were the first electoral tests for Italian politics, in the Covid-19-era. The paper analyzes the election campaign for the regional elections in Puglia in 2020, in order to detect how the Coronavirus emergency shaped political communication. The article focuses on the some informative and analysis TV programmes and on social communication (Facebook) of the main candidates for the presidency of the Region.
Ciberactivismo y nuevos movimientos urbanos: La producción de la nueva ciudadanía digital, 2021, ISBN 9788418476143, págs. 91-124, 2021

In March 2017, in Salento, the No Tap Movement was born: a protest movement that takes position a... more In March 2017, in Salento, the No Tap Movement was born: a protest movement that takes position against the construction of the Tap pipeline. The movement has involved the local population, has discussed with national and international institutional actors and has placed the protection of the environment and the action in defending the right of citizens at the center of its claim. The account of the experience by some activists has highlighted the important role that personal relationships and digital media have played in the history of the Movement. Through the stories of the insiders, this paper intends to achieve three objectives: outline a self-portrait of the No tap Movement that allows us to understand how these people perceive the Movement; bring out the dynamics of collaboration, communication and participation that have characterized the No Tap Movement; define the role that social relations and digital media have played in the organization, communication and action of the ...

H-ermes Journal of Communication, 2022
Nuclear explosions, incendiary bombs and wandering castles. Japanese animation (anime) and the ho... more Nuclear explosions, incendiary bombs and wandering castles. Japanese animation (anime) and the horrors of war. The atomic bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the defeat in World War II are traumas that have marked the collective consciousness and the imagination of Japan. Since the postwar period, the Japanese cultural industry has produced many products dedicated to these events. This paper focuses on the analysis of some Japanese anime that have addressed the theme of war. This typical Japanese medium is a vehicle for cultural transmission and a useful tool for historical and social analysis. In this paper, the anime are questioned focusing on the objective of detecting the elements that have characterized the representations of the war theme. To the synopsis of the films, then, is added the detection of aspects that characterized the narrative of the war. The analysis of ten animated movies reveals the attention given to technology, pacifism and relationships within "atypical" families. Anime are suitable cultural products to be at the centre of a series of intellectual studies" (Napier 2000, p. 118), because they are historical documents; agents of social change, because of their capacity to (re)define the imaginary; they are useful cultural products for sociological analysis because they are valuable documents of complex phenomena and tell the reality and its relational practices, even if through the distorting mirror of the cartoon.

Mediascapes journal , 2022
The administrative and regional elections of 20 and 21 September 2020, and the constitutional ref... more The administrative and regional elections of 20 and 21 September 2020, and the constitutional referendum on the cut in the number of parliamentarians, were the first electoral tests for Italian politics, in the era of Covid-19.This paper aims to analyze the social communication of the three main candidates for the presidency of the Puglia Region during the election campaign period. The objective of the analysis is to detect if and how the pandemic has shaped the forms and contents of the online electoral campaign. Social media are today a fundamental environment for political communication. It is customary for a character to use his social account not only as a showcase-a widespread approach in the first phase of rapprochement between the web and Italian politics-but as a direct and privileged communication channel with users, whose engagement is sought. In a context in which all social relations in general have undergone a drastic downsizing, the candidates have relied above all on social communication to get closer to the Apulian voters. From this fact emerged the questions that guided the analysis in question and to which we will try to answer in the following pages: What were the peculiarities of the candidates' social political communication? What role did the pandemic play in their narration?
Indiscipline. Rivista di Scienze Sociali, 2022
Sin primi giorni del lockdown (marzo 2020), esperti di varie discipline iniziano a ri ettere su q... more Sin primi giorni del lockdown (marzo 2020), esperti di varie discipline iniziano a ri ettere su quello che lo storico Yuval Noah Harari ave- va de nito un enorme “esperimento sociale”, che coinvolgeva un terzo della popolazione mondiale. Chi si occupa di studiare la società prova a interrogarsi su cosa può accadere nel momento in cui capitano cose che no al giorno prima erano considerate ipotesi di scuola, da veri care in futuro. Molti studiosi hanno così l’idea di mettere insieme, in forma scritta, le proprie ri essioni, per renderle accessibili alla più vasta platea di lettori possibile. Ne nascono volumi collettanei in formato digitale e open access, alcuni dei quali saranno brevemente illustrati nelle pagine seguenti.
Giornate di Studio sul razzismo, edizioni n. 1 e n. 2, 2021
Il presente contributo si propone di individuare e analizzare quei tratti dell’ambiente digitale ... more Il presente contributo si propone di individuare e analizzare quei tratti dell’ambiente digitale che influiscono sulla circolazione dei contenuti razzisti e quindi sugli atteggiamenti d’odio, considerando però l’ambiente digitale come una dimensione sempre più interconnessa, ibridata con quella analogica, con la nostra quotidianità abitata da attori che sono sempre più degli assemblaggi, mescolanze di umano e non umano

H-ermes Journal of Communication, 2021 Attivismo tra reti digitali e incontri di sguardi. Il caso del Movi... more Attivismo tra reti digitali e incontri di sguardi. Il caso del Movimento No Tap Ilenia Colonna, Università del Salento Activism between digital networks and looks that meet. The case of the No Tap Movement. In March 2017, in Salento, the No Tap Movement was born: a protest movement that takes position against the construction of the Tap pipeline. The movement has involved the local population, has discussed with national and international institutional actors and has placed the protection of the environment and the action in defending the right of citizens at the center of its claim. The account of the experience by some activists has highlighted the important role that personal relationships and digital media have played in the history of the Movement. Through the stories of the insiders, this paper intends to achieve three objectives: outline a self-portrait of the No tap Movement that allows us to understand how these people perceive the Movement; bring out the dynamics of collaboration, communication and participation that have characterized the No Tap Movement; define the role that social relations and digital media have played in the organization, communication and action of the Movement.
Le Scienze Umane alla prova della distanza sociale, 2020
This paper collects some reflections - arising during the webinar dedicated to the media and comm... more This paper collects some reflections - arising during the webinar dedicated to the media and communication - about the importance that information and the hybrid media system had during the lockdown period. Months during which mediated communication has contributed significantly to shaping our perceptions, interpretations and reactions to the new reality. SARS CoV 2 has highlighted how indispensable and urgent a correct knowledge of the digital environment is in order to orientate ourselves in the society and in the time we are living.
H Ermes Journal of Communication, Dec 18, 2014
H Ermes Journal of Communication, Dec 18, 2014
Le Scienze Umane alla prova della distanza sociale, 2020
This paper collects some reflections - arising during the webinar dedicated to the media and comm... more This paper collects some reflections - arising during the webinar dedicated to the media and communication - about the importance that information and the hybrid media system had during the lockdown period. Months during which mediated communication has contributed significantly to shaping our perceptions, interpretations and reactions to the new reality. SARS CoV 2 has highlighted how indispensable and urgent a correct knowledge of the digital environment is in order to orientate ourselves in the society and in the time we are living., 2018
La crisi del 2008 sugli schermi italiani. La narrazione "contro" del giornalismo televisivo e lo ... more La crisi del 2008 sugli schermi italiani. La narrazione "contro" del giornalismo televisivo e lo sguardo intimo del cinema 1 Dicembre 2018 di Ilenia Colonna Iconocrazia 14/2018-"2008. Lo spartiacque", Saggi Estate 2007. La bolla speculativa alimentata dai titoli subprime che investe il settore immobiliare statunitense fa salire la tensione sui mercati finanziari: è l'inizio di una crisi internazionale con la quale si sarebbero fatti i conti per i dieci anni successivi. In quel momento gli italiani non hanno ancora la percezione del disastro che sarebbe arrivato di lì a un anno. Il nostro sistema finanziario, composto soprattutto da banche relativamente poco internazionalizzate con in portafoglio quantità modeste di titoli tossici (i subprime), non registrano danni tali da surriscaldare il sistema mediale e quindi l'ambiente comunicativo italiano. Quello che succede il 15 settembre del 2008 ha un effetto diverso, perché la dichiarazione di bancarotta di Lehman Brothers-una delle più importanti banche americane con attività per oltre 600 miliardi di dollari-comunica al mondo la caduta di una "too big to fail", e lo mette in guardia sulla portata delle conseguenze, non più circoscrivibili al solo mercato immobiliare statunitense. A quel punto, gli obiettivi dell'intero sistema mediale mettono a fuoco il simbolo della finanza mondiale, Wall Street, e in pochi secondi le immagini dei dipendenti della banca d'affari che abbandonano i propri uffici di New York fanno il giro del pianeta. Fig. 1-Wall Street Quelle immagini segnano un punto di non ritorno, uno spartiacque che delinea chiaramente un prima e un dopo, diventando il simbolo dell'inizio di una crisi che marcherà un passaggio storico in termini politici, socio-economici, e non solo. Attraverso le narrazioni e rappresentazioni che il sistema mediatico produrrà dello tsunami partito, simbolicamente, dalla via più famosa del Financial District, la crisi si imprimerà anche nell'immaginario collettivo della nostra epoca. È questa la dimensione della crisi che il presente contributo si propone di indagare, adottando una lettura che guarda ai media come produttori e veicoli dell'immaginario attraverso il quale si comunica e interpreta il reale, e alla società nella quale viviamo in quanto immersa costantemente in un ambiente mediale. A tal fine saranno illustrati i tratti più significativi emersi da una ricerca sulle rappresentazioni mediatiche della crisi e dell'Italia attraversata dalla crisi[1], condotta nel tentativo di rispondere ad alcuni interrogativi-guida: com'è stata raccontata la crisi dai media italiani? Quali sono state le sue rappresentazioni più caratterizzanti e significative? Quali rappresentazioni della società italiana in crisi sono emerse dai racconti del sistema mediale italiano?
SegnoSpeciale le storie più improbabili, metta in qualche modo in scena la società che lo circond... more SegnoSpeciale le storie più improbabili, metta in qualche modo in scena la società che lo circonda" (Casetti 1993, p. 119)?

Multilevel hypocrisy: quando l'ipocrisia mediatizzata è nuda. La crisi economico-finanziaria del ... more Multilevel hypocrisy: quando l'ipocrisia mediatizzata è nuda. La crisi economico-finanziaria del 2008 e le sue narrazioni ipocrite. i Ilenia Colonna Multilevel hypocrisy: when the mediatizated hypocrisy is naked. The economic crisis of 2008 and its hypocritical tales. The contemporary communication environment in which we are deep every day is a media environment, that is, permeated by the logics and the dynamics of the media industry. These logics and dynamics contain a physiological dose of hypocrisy, just as with logics and dynamics relating to the political sphere – increasingly hybridized with the media system – which participates in the construction of social reality. The mediatization and hybridization processes have " normalized " the presence of hypocrisy in contemporary society, so much so that it is perceived more and more difficult, particularly in social pacification periods. However – as this paper will try to demonstrate – significant and shocking social phenomena (as the economic and financial crisis of 2008) can blow the mechanisms of " mediatizated hypocrisy " , making visible its presence in the different levels of the media-politics representation.
Conference Presentations by Ilenia Colonna

Giornate di studio sul razzismo - 2021, 2021
Come mai il razzismo e la discriminazione continuano a rappresentare delle problematiche sempre p... more Come mai il razzismo e la discriminazione continuano a rappresentare delle problematiche sempre più urgenti? Come mai i contenuti d’odio trovano la massima circolazione proprio nel web, in quel cyberspazio nel quale, secondo la Dichiarazione di indipendenza del 1996, l’etnia le differenze economiche, di genere, di religione, sarebbero state irrilevanti; dove tutti, grazie alle technologies of freedom avrebbero potuto accedere a una società priva di barriere e di tutti quei vincoli che avevano impedito agli individui di essere veramente liberi?
Il presente contributo si propone di individuare e analizzare quei tratti dell’ambiente digitale che influiscono sulla circolazione dei contenuti razzisti e quindi sugli atteggiamenti d’odio, considerando però l’ambiente digitale come una dimensione sempre più interconnessa, ibridata con quella analogica, con la nostra quotidianità abitata da attori che sono sempre più degli assemblaggi, mescolanze di umano e non umano

Ten years ago, on September 15, 2008, Lehman Brothers went bankrupt. That distinctive event has b... more Ten years ago, on September 15, 2008, Lehman Brothers went bankrupt. That distinctive event has become the symbol of the beginning of the 2008 international economic and financial crisis.
Since 2008, the debate in the Italian public sphere has been dominated by the crisis issue: a growth of analysis, debates, and recipes against an economic crisis that has been infiltrated into dynamics of the media system, through which the media produce representations and narratives, participating in the construction of a social reality.
This poster presents the most significant results of a study about the Italian media representations of the crisis and Italian society in a period touched by the crisis. This analysis is aimed at answering some important questions: How was the crisis told by the Italian media and the Italian governing class? What kinds of representations of Italian society have emerged from the Italian media system?
The analysis considered the period from September 2008 to July 2015 (Television seasons 2008/2009-2014/2015), and investigated three media domains separately: TV, the cinema and the web.
The research work has converged into a recently published book: Colonna I., Sette anni di crisi italiana nella narrazione dei media. Un’analisi socio-comunicativa, Mimesis, Sesto San Giovanni, 2018.
Papers by Ilenia Colonna
Conference Presentations by Ilenia Colonna
Il presente contributo si propone di individuare e analizzare quei tratti dell’ambiente digitale che influiscono sulla circolazione dei contenuti razzisti e quindi sugli atteggiamenti d’odio, considerando però l’ambiente digitale come una dimensione sempre più interconnessa, ibridata con quella analogica, con la nostra quotidianità abitata da attori che sono sempre più degli assemblaggi, mescolanze di umano e non umano
Since 2008, the debate in the Italian public sphere has been dominated by the crisis issue: a growth of analysis, debates, and recipes against an economic crisis that has been infiltrated into dynamics of the media system, through which the media produce representations and narratives, participating in the construction of a social reality.
This poster presents the most significant results of a study about the Italian media representations of the crisis and Italian society in a period touched by the crisis. This analysis is aimed at answering some important questions: How was the crisis told by the Italian media and the Italian governing class? What kinds of representations of Italian society have emerged from the Italian media system?
The analysis considered the period from September 2008 to July 2015 (Television seasons 2008/2009-2014/2015), and investigated three media domains separately: TV, the cinema and the web.
The research work has converged into a recently published book: Colonna I., Sette anni di crisi italiana nella narrazione dei media. Un’analisi socio-comunicativa, Mimesis, Sesto San Giovanni, 2018.
Il presente contributo si propone di individuare e analizzare quei tratti dell’ambiente digitale che influiscono sulla circolazione dei contenuti razzisti e quindi sugli atteggiamenti d’odio, considerando però l’ambiente digitale come una dimensione sempre più interconnessa, ibridata con quella analogica, con la nostra quotidianità abitata da attori che sono sempre più degli assemblaggi, mescolanze di umano e non umano
Since 2008, the debate in the Italian public sphere has been dominated by the crisis issue: a growth of analysis, debates, and recipes against an economic crisis that has been infiltrated into dynamics of the media system, through which the media produce representations and narratives, participating in the construction of a social reality.
This poster presents the most significant results of a study about the Italian media representations of the crisis and Italian society in a period touched by the crisis. This analysis is aimed at answering some important questions: How was the crisis told by the Italian media and the Italian governing class? What kinds of representations of Italian society have emerged from the Italian media system?
The analysis considered the period from September 2008 to July 2015 (Television seasons 2008/2009-2014/2015), and investigated three media domains separately: TV, the cinema and the web.
The research work has converged into a recently published book: Colonna I., Sette anni di crisi italiana nella narrazione dei media. Un’analisi socio-comunicativa, Mimesis, Sesto San Giovanni, 2018.