Papers by Federica Epifani
Proceedings e report
The progressive degradation of the landscape, the loss of biodiversity, the difficulty of contain... more The progressive degradation of the landscape, the loss of biodiversity, the difficulty of containing pollution and marine waste are just some of the consequences of a process of extreme littoralisation. As a result, coastal land management is also increasingly complex and requires the involvement of different actors. On the base of the latest experiences of cooperation, such as the INTERREG Re.Co.RD. project, we reflect on how the multifunctional approach can be applied to coastal management and, more specifically, on the role of private actors, such as bathing facilities managers.

Ît a cà, "are you home?" Governance of sustainable travel for local enhancement: the experience o... more Ît a cà, "are you home?" Governance of sustainable travel for local enhancement: the experience of the IT.A.CÀ Salento Network FEDERICA EPIFANI, SARA NOCCO 48 In Bologna (Italy), when a traveler comes back, he or she is usually been asked "Ît a cà?", which means "are you home?" in local dialect. IT.A.CÀ. is also the name of the first italian festival devoted to sustainable tourism. Launched in Bologna in 2009 by COSPE Onlus, YODA and NEXUS Emilia Romagna, ten years later the festival involves about 700 subjects at local, national and international scale. In 2018, IT.A.CÀ. was awarded by UNWTO for excellence and innovation within the field of tourism. The same year, in September, the Salento edition took place for the first time. There are at least two innovative aspects: on one hand, the vision of the festival aims to stimulate a process of awareness in the tourist-traveler, who is intended as a "temporary citizen" while experiencing a place; on the other hand, the organizational structure of the festival is based on a complex networking system both vertical (national board and local networks) and horizontal (local stakeholders identified among institutions, companies, cultural and tour operators, associations): it represents an interesting example of governance of tourism conceived as a tool for local
Together with the strengthening of independent graphic journalism publishing, in Italy "no f... more Together with the strengthening of independent graphic journalism publishing, in Italy "no fiction" comics are spreading also in mainstream publishing. On one hand, we find what we call "mutant" comics, which are progressively exploiting communication opportunities given by the web, becoming available as e-books while preserving their paper format. On the other hand, throughout the web are spreading experimental experiences like the one implemented by Graphic News, the first made in Italy open access portal. By adopting the approach of popular geopolitics, this research analyses the structure and the contents of the portal, focusing on reportages which are the result of comic authors' direct observation, as well as on their ability to help the reader to get embedded in difficult environments, with specific regard to migration issues.
sui luoghi e sulle loro rappresentazioni Collana Peer review diretta da Fabio Pollice Le pubblica... more sui luoghi e sulle loro rappresentazioni Collana Peer review diretta da Fabio Pollice Le pubblicazioni proposte alla collana "Placetelling. Collana di Studi Geografici sui luoghi e sulle loro rappresentazioni" sono sottoposte a processo di peer review double-blind.
Almatourism: Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development, 2017
This paper is intended to underline the importance of human capital and adequate professional adv... more This paper is intended to underline the importance of human capital and adequate professional advanced training in the field of cultural heritage as a core asset for local development. Through the example given by the Italian experience within the project MODI-FY, we argue that the development of integrated models of management of cultural assets requires specific professional skills which are not always provided by universities. An exploratory survey helps to describe the state of the art of the national educational framework and its main weaknesses and potentialities, in order to outline enhancement strategies able to implement virtuous behaviours in sectors such as tourism, which are crucial to local development.
Landscape as vocation: an exploration of the development strategies of some Italian inner areas .... more Landscape as vocation: an exploration of the development strategies of some Italian inner areas . – Going beyond a limiting approach of the protection of landscape as constraining, this might be interpreted as an asset for development. Building on this background, this contribution, analyzing the local development strategies produced by some of the project areas included in the Italian National Strategy for Inner Areas, investigates to what extent landscape is interpreted as a driver for development, or as vocation, in places where its preservation and protection are a matter of paramount importance.

From the disputed space to the shared space: territorial identity as an inclusion factor among im... more From the disputed space to the shared space: territorial identity as an inclusion factor among immigrants. The case of the Muslim community in Lecce (Italy) The essay starts with a brief overview concerning the concepts which are most relevant to approach the issue of integration within the context of a migration experience. It moves on to study inclusion and exclusion factors within the Muslim community in Lecce (Italy), providing interesting suggestions for the elaboration of more effective inclusion policies at the urban scale. De l’espace dispute a l’espace en partage: l’identite territoriale comme facteur d’integration parmi les immigres. Le cas de la communaute islamique a Lecce (Italie) Apres un apercu sur les concepts qui sont les plus pertinents a aborder la question de l’integration dans le cadre de l’experience migratoire, cette etude examine les facteurs d’inclusion et d’exclusion de la communaute islamique musulmane a Lecce (Italie), en fournissant des suggestions inter...

The prevalence of mainstream media as source of information on environmental issues and their ten... more The prevalence of mainstream media as source of information on environmental issues and their tendency to draw global attention around a few major, dramatic environmental disasters (melting of glaciers in the Arctic, desertification and drought in the African continent, deforestation of the Amazon, oil pollution in the oceans, etc.), is creating in less conative readers/audience a lack of awareness of the damages suffered in the local territorial systems to which they belong and low willingness to collective action. Therefore, crossing and comparing the highest possible number of sources of information, preferring those that can generate a proactive response to events and themes concerning environmental sustainability and highlight deep local/global interconnections, is essential to attain an independent, critical, and responsible narration. After shortly illustrating some theoretical and methodological considerations developed in the areas of popular geopolitics, anti-geopolitics a...

Sustainability, 2021
In the settlement network of Italian small towns (the so-called “borghi”, with a population ceili... more In the settlement network of Italian small towns (the so-called “borghi”, with a population ceiling lower than 5000 inhabitants), not lacking in discontinuities and patches, a “common thread” is increasingly noticeable, which allows to look optimistically beyond several weaknesses (economy depending on a relatively unprofitable or declining agriculture, social and economic stasis, demographic decline and consequent contraction of public and private services, hydrogeological instability, etc.): we are talking of the firm, pigheaded determination of an increasing number of local communities to become sustainable and responsible realities, get involved, and undertake a process of “hot authentication” of their milieu. Since 2013, such resilient attitude is at the heart of the National Strategy for Inner Areas (SNAI, Strategia Nazionale per le Aree Interne) aimed at promoting coordinated, multi-scalar projects of self-enhancement; in April 2019, the above innovative form of territorial p...

Sustainability, 2020
This paper reports on the experience of the first Placetelling® training course in Santo Antão an... more This paper reports on the experience of the first Placetelling® training course in Santo Antão and Santiago, Cape Verde, promoted by Società Geografica Italiana and Fondazione Lelio e Lisli Basso. Placetelling® is a particular type of storytelling of places that promotes local development and helps to develop a sense of identity and belonging among the members of the community. Indeed, Placetelling® supports local communities to become directly engaged in the preservation of their common legacy in order to transmit it to coming generations. Tourism is the field where Placetelling® can best express its potential. This is particularly true for what concerns tourism to islands. The paper shows the first results of what we can define as a “maieutic reworking of local heritage” in Cape Verde, through the sharing of narrative and symbolic artifacts. Special attention will be dedicated to some crucial issues: The involvement of stakeholders through the lenses of empowerment, the discrepanc...

Geotema, 2019
Il presente lavoro riguarda la narrazione dell'autenticità promossa dall'Associazione «Borghi au... more Il presente lavoro riguarda la narrazione dell'autenticità promossa dall'Associazione «Borghi autentici d'Italia» nel libro intitolato I racconti delle Comunità Ospitali. Attraverso una metodologia induttiva basata sull'analisi dei titoli, del corredo fotografico, della diegesi, della quantità e qualità dei sedimenti materiali e immateriali, intendiamo esaminare l'intreccio semantico di ciascuno dei trentasei racconti presenti nel testo, puntando a mettere in luce le core competence dei sistemi territoriali protagonisti del processo di autenticazione e a valutare l'impulso che diverse tipologie di narrazio-ne possono dare allo sviluppo di due competenze fondamentali: «fare società locale» (Magnaghi, 2013, p. 80) e «coltivare l'amor loci» (Pileri e Granata, 2012), condizioni necessarie per l'innesco di una «patrimonializzazione contestualizzata» (Emanuel, 1999, p. 316) sostenibile e condivisa. «Once upon a Time… and there is still»: The Authenticity Storytelling in the «Comunità Ospitali» Project of «Borghi autentici d'Italia» Association This study assesses the authenticity storytelling promoted by «Borghi autentici d'Italia» Association thanks to the book entitled I racconti delle Comunità Ospitali. We use an inductive methodology in order to analyse the tales titles, the pictures attached, the diegesis, as well as the quantity and quality of tangible and untangible elements considered in each of the thirtysix tales. By using such approach, we intend to point out the local systems core competences that trigger the authenticity processes; furthermore, we aim to evaluate how diverse types of narratives can foster the development of two foundational competences: «to make local society» (Magnaghi, 2013, p. 80) and «nurture amor loci» (Pileri and Granata, 2012), which are necessary to the implementation of a sustainable and shared «contextualized partimonialisation» (Emanuel, 1999, p. 316). « Il était une fois... et il est encore » : la narration de l'authenticité dans le projet « Comunità Ospitali » de l'Association « Borghi autentici d'Italia » Ce travail concerne la narration de l'authenticité promue par l'Association «Villages authentiques d'Italie » à travers le livre intitulé I racconti delle Comunità Ospitali. Utilisant une méthodologie inductive basée sur l'analyse des titres, du matériel photographique, de la diégésis, de la quantité et de la qualité des sédiments matériels et immatériels, nous avons l'intention d'examiner l'imbrication sémantique de chacune des trente-six histoires du texte, de souligner la compétence centrale des systèmes territoriaux qui sont les protagonistes du processus d'authentification et d'évaluer l'impulsion que différents types de narration peuvent donner au développement des deux compétences clés : « faire la société locale » (Magnaghi, 2013, p. 80) et « cultiver l'amor loci » (Pileri et Granata, 2012), conditions nécessaires au déclenchement d'une « patrimonialisation contextualisée » durable et partagée (Emanuel, 1999, p. 316). Parole chiave: autenticità, sviluppo turistico locale, storytelling, progetto «Comunità Ospitali» Nota: i paragrafi 1 e 3 sono da attribuirsi ad Antonella Rinella, il paragrafo 2 a Francesca Rinella, il paragrafo 4 a Fede-rica Epifani e i paragrafi 5 e 6 a Fabio Pollice.
PERCORSI GEOGRAFICI IN CAMPANIA, Roma, Aracne Editrice, 2018, pp. 181-190
ISBN: 978-88-255-1343-1
DOI: 10.4399/978882551343110
The essay starts with a brief overview concerning the concepts which are most relevant to approac... more The essay starts with a brief overview concerning the concepts which are most relevant to approach the issue of integration within the context of a migration experience. It moves on to study inclusion and exclusion factors within the Muslim community in Lecce (Italy), providing interesting suggestions for the elaboration of more effective inclusion policies at the urban scale.

Le politiche d'integrazione come eeemento d'innovazione sociale. ccni ricontri a livello europeo ... more Le politiche d'integrazione come eeemento d'innovazione sociale. ccni ricontri a livello europeo Integration policies as a tool for social innovation. Abstract The European Council has stated the importance of integration of third-country nationals as a " dynamic, two-way process of mutual accommodation by all immigrants and residents of Member States ". After ten years, what has been stated during the Council of Ypres demonstrates the increasing effort of European institutions in encouraging Member States to trigger actions and interventions inspired by a community-shared vision based on the recognition of legal migration and mobility as potential factors of innovation and development for the whole Union. Nevertheless, in this framework, the local dimension gains a primary role as the very place where the migrant ties his/her networks and where he/she designs his/her life project. It is at the local scale, especially at the urban level, that integration policies can become an effective tool for social innovation which not only empowers the migrant by engaging him in local development processes, but also favors the rise of specific socio-political configurations that reinforce urban identity and cities' planning attitude.
Papers by Federica Epifani
PERCORSI GEOGRAFICI IN CAMPANIA, Roma, Aracne Editrice, 2018, pp. 181-190
ISBN: 978-88-255-1343-1
DOI: 10.4399/978882551343110
PERCORSI GEOGRAFICI IN CAMPANIA, Roma, Aracne Editrice, 2018, pp. 181-190
ISBN: 978-88-255-1343-1
DOI: 10.4399/978882551343110