Journal of Polymer Engineering, 2013
Efforts were made to synthesize polystyrene (PS) using free radical solution polymerization. Four... more Efforts were made to synthesize polystyrene (PS) using free radical solution polymerization. Four common solvents with dissimilar polarities, acetone, chloroform, benzene and toluene, with two different initiators, were selected. The homo-polymerization was conducted in an ace round-bottom pressure flask of diameter 62 mm, with a thermo well, which housed the thermometer. The reaction temperature was maintained at 120°C using a heater with a temperature controller, coupled with a magnetically driven stirrer. One hundred experimental runs of 8 different groups were carried out. Polymerization was conducted in the mass concentration of 0.1 g for each initiator [benzoyl peroxide (BPO) and its blend]. The key parameter considered is the volume ratio of monomer to solvents under different types of solvents, initiators and reaction time. Initially, there was an increase in conversion with the solvent volume and time, until a certain point where there was a gradual decline in monomer conve...
Environmental Quality Management

Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering & Technologies
Modeling and optimization of trans-esterification of palm kernel oil (PKO) to trimethylolpropone ... more Modeling and optimization of trans-esterification of palm kernel oil (PKO) to trimethylolpropone ester (TMP ester- a bio-lubricant) via palm kernel oil methyl ester (PKOME-a biodiesel) synthesis were investigated. The central composite design (CCD) component of the response surface methodology (RSM) was adopted for the optimization of the process parameters, where temperature and weight ratio of PKOME to TMP were held constant at 130 °C and 3.9 : 1 respectively, to generate 20 experimental runs. Bio-lubricant yield was calculated for each experimental run. A quadratic-like model was generated that related the yield to the process parameters (Reaction time, Stirring Speed, and Catalyst concentration). The predicted and actual R2 value were 0.9856 and 0.9959 respectively, which indicate an excellent agreement between experimental and predicted bio-lubricant yield. The predicted maximum bio-lubricant yield was 98.11 % at reaction time of 99.9084 mins, stirring speed of 863.794 rpm, and...

Castor oil is a unique vegetable oil with peculiar features such as extremely high viscosity and ... more Castor oil is a unique vegetable oil with peculiar features such as extremely high viscosity and unusual miscibility with short chain alcohol. This necessitates a comprehensive exploration of all process parameters in the transesterification of castor oil, which is rarely done for other vegetable oils. In this study, the methanolysis of castor oil using alkaline catalyst (potassium hydroxide, KOH) was investigated in a batch reactor via the conventional one-variable-at-a-time protocol. The effects of process parameters including reaction time, reaction temperature, methanol-to-oil molar ratio, catalyst concentration and stirring rate on biodiesel yield were evaluated. The results indicate the significant influence of all parameters on the biodiesel yield. An optimum yield of 96% was achieved at a reaction time of 60 min, reaction temperature of 65 o C, methanol-to-oil molar ratio of 12:1, catalyst concentration of 1.5% w/w and stirring rate of 125 rpm. The fuel properties and fourier transform infra-red (FTIR) spectrum of the biodiesel obtained at optimum condition were mostly found to be in conformity with the ASTM D6751 and EN 14214 specification standards.
ZSM-5 crystals have been morphologically prepared through the combination of Fluoride and Low-Wat... more ZSM-5 crystals have been morphologically prepared through the combination of Fluoride and Low-Water Synthesis Routes. This was done in order to bring about larger zeolite crystals with high Si/Al ratio and surface area suitable for environmental applications. The zeolite was analyzed to have crystal size between 200-218µm with a micropore volume of 0.79cm 3 /g. It was also found to possess a Si/Al ratio (SAR) of 194.4 with good adsorption and catalytic prowess when analyzed by SEM and XRD. The prepared zeolite was employed in the petroleum refinery wastewater treatment to evaluate its organic and inorganic removal efficacies as evident from the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Iron (Fe) contents adsorption where it exhibited 99% and 98% efficiency removal respectively.

Cogent Engineering, 2016
In this study, the potential of an improved empty fruit bunch (EFB) based powdered activated carb... more In this study, the potential of an improved empty fruit bunch (EFB) based powdered activated carbon (PAC) with high surface area was employed in removing suspended solids and turbidity from a high-strength wastewater. Also, the effects of operating parameters, such as PAC dosage, contact time, and mixing speed on sorption trends of the two pollutants from the wastewater – biotreated palm oil mill effluent (BPOME) using a full factorial experimental design was investigated. Adsorption efficiency of 89.1 and 91.4% were observed for suspended solids and turbidity, respectively, at the operating condition of 3.5 g PAC dosage, 45 min contact time, and 150 rpm mixing speed. The analysis of variance also revealed that the actual and model predicted values were in agreement with R2 values of 0.9949 and 0.9991 for suspended solids and turbidity, respectively. The three operating factors had similar significance on the sorption of both pollutants with an increasing sequence of significance: contact time < mixing speed < PAC dosage. This is indicative of their similar mechanistic pathway and response trends to the adsorption process. The Freundlich and pseudo-second order models also predicted the experimental data in describing the adsorption behavior with R2 values of 0.9057 and 0.9998.

ZSM-5 crystals have been morphologically prepared through the combination of Fluoride and Low-Wat... more ZSM-5 crystals have been morphologically prepared through the combination of Fluoride and Low-Water Synthesis Routes. This was done in order to bring about larger zeolite crystals with high Si/Al ratio and surface area suitable for environmental applications. The zeolite was analyzed to have crystal size between 200 -218µm with a micropore volume of 0.79cm 3 /g. It was also found to possess a Si/Al ratio (SAR) of 194.4 with good adsorption and catalytic prowess when analyzed by SEM and XRD. The prepared zeolite was employed in the petroleum refinery wastewater treatment to evaluate its organic and inorganic removal efficacies as evident from the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Iron (Fe) contents adsorption where it exhibited 99% and 98% efficiency removal respectively. Morphological synthesis and environmental application of ZSM-5 zeolite crystals from combined low-water and fluoride syntheses routes.

In this study, some of the property reclamation methods for spent lubricating oil (SLO) were
demo... more In this study, some of the property reclamation methods for spent lubricating oil (SLO) were
demonstrated. Firstly, 3.5 Litres of SLO was subjected to physical methods such as natural settling,
sedimentation, magnetisaton and filtration to remove all forms of particles irrespective of size. The
remaining samples were either subjected to acid treatment using concentrated sulphuric acid or solvent
treatment using methanol, butanol and toluene including their blends to study their performance in the
extraction process to recover the lubricating oil. The key parameter considered is the volume ratio of
solvent/acid to used lubricating oil. In all, 5, 10, 15 and 20 ml respectively were used for each of the
treatments. Activated carbon was equally introduced as adsorbent. A ratio of 4:1 (B20 formulation) for
the treated spent oil and additives was used in this study for the final reclamation of the spent oil. The
performance of each of the treatments process was investigated by subjecting all samples to
laboratory analysis using American Standards for Testing and Methods (ASTM) to evaluate certain
lubricating/tribological properties such as density, viscosity, pour point, cloud point etc. Both virgin oil
and used oil were also simultaneously subjected to analysis with other recovered oil samples. The results
suggest that the oil recovered by solvent treatments, particularly methanol exhibited better lubricating
properties and can be rendered as good as virgin lubricants with the addition of certain additives.
However, acid treatment demonstrated improved colour and appearance recovery compared to solvents.

ZSM-5 crystals have been morphologically prepared through the combination of Fluoride and Low-Wat... more ZSM-5 crystals have been morphologically prepared through the combination of Fluoride and Low-Water Synthesis Routes. This was done in order to bring about larger zeolite crystals with high Si/Al ratio and surface area suitable for environmental applications. The zeolite was analyzed to have crystal size between 200 -218µm with a micropore volume of 0.79cm 3 /g. It was also found to possess a Si/Al ratio (SAR) of 194.4 with good adsorption and catalytic prowess when analyzed by SEM and XRD. The prepared zeolite was employed in the petroleum refinery wastewater treatment to evaluate its organic and inorganic removal efficacies as evident from the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Iron (Fe) contents adsorption where it exhibited 99% and 98% efficiency removal respectively. Morphological synthesis and environmental application of ZSM-5 zeolite crystals from combined low-water and fluoride syntheses routes.

In this research, four bio-sourced oil viz. milk bush, orange, pawpaw and water melon seed oils w... more In this research, four bio-sourced oil viz. milk bush, orange, pawpaw and water melon seed oils were selected for assessment of their tribological properties and sensitivity as prospective lubricant basestocks. The bio-basedstocks were obtained after extraction using hexane as solvent and degumming using 85% phosphoric acid. Results showed that both orange and milk bush seeds recorded both high oil yield and low gum contents. The oils were chemically modified by hydrogenation to improve their thermo-oxidative stability. An additive-free base oil commercially coded as SN and BN were used along with the bio-sourced base oil to synthesize various lubricants using the B20 formulation. The trio of water-melon, milk bush and pawpaw seed oils were adjudged to be promising candidates. A simple model based on dimensional analysis was equally presented to predict the amount of oil recoverable from the seeds.

In this study, some of the property reclamation methods for spent lubricating oil (SLO) were demo... more In this study, some of the property reclamation methods for spent lubricating oil (SLO) were demonstrated. Firstly, 3.5 L of SLO was subjected to physical methods such as natural settling, sedimentation, magnetisaton and filtration to remove all forms of particles irrespective of size. The remaining samples were either subjected to acid treatment using concentrated sulphuric acid or solvent treatment using methanol, butanol and toluene including their blends to study their performance in the extraction process to recover the lubricating oil. The key parameter considered is the volume ratio of solvent/acid to used lubricating oil. In all, 5, 10, 15 and 20 ml respectively were used for each of the treatments. Activated carbon was equally introduced as adsorbent. A ratio of 4:1 (B20 formulation) for the treated spent oil and additives was used in this study for the final reclamation of the spent oil. The performance of each of the treatments process was investigated by subjecting all samples to laboratory analysis using American Standards for Testing and Methods (ASTM) to evaluate certain lubricating/tribological properties such as density, viscosity, pour point, cloud point etc. Both virgin oil and used oil were also simultaneously subjected to analysis with other recovered oil samples. The results suggest that the oil recovered by solvent treatments, particularly methanol exhibited better lubricating properties and can be rendered as good as virgin lubricants with the addition of certain additives. However, acid treatment demonstrated improved colour and appearance recovery compared to solvents.

The need to imp rove the performance of the high pressure polymer production process, and timely ... more The need to imp rove the performance of the high pressure polymer production process, and timely introduction of new and functionalised products even at reduced production cost which is becoming critical to staying in business has given room for overall studies of the ethylene polymerizat ion process. In this review, emerging issues in the high pressure ethylene polymerization process through free radical approach is unveiled and presented. Different views and approaches of several authors on the tasking issues were compiled, analysed and discussed. Future researchable areas were made clear in this study. Further investigations were also made to model kinetically the high pressure ethylene polymerization react ion in tubular reactors only using mass balances and moment analysis. Although not discussed in this paper, the modeling of heterogeneous polymerization reactions such as precipitation poly merization and emulsion poly merizat ion remains a challenge.

Several attempts have been made by researchers across the globe to counter the effects of the gro... more Several attempts have been made by researchers across the globe to counter the effects of the growing informat ion related to the finite nature of the present fossil fuel reserve and the associated hazards. Biofuel has gained global popularity in this respect as a biomass based fuel that have been tipped as a timely candidate. This review strictly focuses on biodiesel of all b io mass derived biofuel.The major feedstock and their supply lines in a b id to create a balance between food and energy was considered. Various catalyst used including biocatalyst for the simp le trans-esterification react ion of the feedstock (Vegetable/Used Oil; Edible/Inedib le Oil and Alcohol) were analyzed. In fluence of the feedstock mo lar rat io, temperature and t ime of the reaction on the conversion/yield and product purity and quality were equally reviewed. The thermo-kinetics of the biodiesel production, fuel properties of biodiesel and the trials subjected to biodiesel in terms of workab ility were considered for review in th is paper.
The use of waste cooking oil (WCO) from extended household and restaurants was considered as a su... more The use of waste cooking oil (WCO) from extended household and restaurants was considered as a suitable feedstock for biodiesel production in this paper. The paper also focuses to showcase the qualities of biodiesel produced from WCO compared to that of other virgin oil. The oil that was supposed to be disposed, at times indiscriminately was de-odoured and purified using appropriate solvents. The purified oil was characterized and used for biodiesel production. The physical and fuel properties such as density, viscosity, cloud point, pour point, cetane number etc were determined according to ASTM standards. The properties obtained were not only comparable with that of others but also within standard limits .
Polythene is the most common thermoplastic with wide range of applications (Tham, 2005) and numer... more Polythene is the most common thermoplastic with wide range of applications (Tham, 2005) and numerous articles have been published about its processes and products. Nigeria in particular enjoys the use of polymer to the extent of embracing the concept of polymer made currency, unfortunately the good management culture of the used polythene is lacking. This research work however focuses on used water sachet-a grade of polymer, its effective management and potentials of conversion to a more useful product such as super wax. The formulation entails the combination of 10g, 15g of polythene wax to 60cm3 of K25 each and 20g, 25g of polythene wax to 100cm3 of K25 each. Four different samples which demonstrated good properties were produced. Averagely, a solidification time of 20-30 minutes was observed for each of the samples.
This research work is a study of dechlorination of water vented into water storage tanks and the ... more This research work is a study of dechlorination of water vented into water storage tanks and the microbial analysis of the stored water. The amount of residual chlorine was determined using DPD lovibond method which is effective, accurate and less cumbersome. The pour plate method was used to detect the growth of Salmonellae Shigellae, total coliforms and other microbes that could be present in the stored water. W ith time, the stored water dechlorinates. After three days the residual chlorine of the stored water had completely diminished thereby supporting massive microbial growth. The study reviews the causes of stored water contamination and prescribes measures to make the source safe to the end users. The study also highlights that the best length of time for storing water in tanks for consumption for people of the locality is three days.
This research work is a study of transit dechlorination of public water supply through undergroun... more This research work is a study of transit dechlorination of public water supply through underground lead pipe to different destinations taking samples at an interval of 0.5km and the microbial analysis of the transported water. The amount of residual chlorine was determined using DPD lovibond method which is effective, accurate and less cumbersome. The pour plate method was used to detect the growth of Salmonellae Shigellae, total coliforms and other microbes that could be present in the water. With time, the transported water dechlorinates. After some covered distance, the residual chlorine of the water had completely diminished thereby supporting massive microbial growth. The study proposes the likely causes of the transit dechlorination of water and prescribes measures to make the source safe to the end users.
demonstrated. Firstly, 3.5 Litres of SLO was subjected to physical methods such as natural settling,
sedimentation, magnetisaton and filtration to remove all forms of particles irrespective of size. The
remaining samples were either subjected to acid treatment using concentrated sulphuric acid or solvent
treatment using methanol, butanol and toluene including their blends to study their performance in the
extraction process to recover the lubricating oil. The key parameter considered is the volume ratio of
solvent/acid to used lubricating oil. In all, 5, 10, 15 and 20 ml respectively were used for each of the
treatments. Activated carbon was equally introduced as adsorbent. A ratio of 4:1 (B20 formulation) for
the treated spent oil and additives was used in this study for the final reclamation of the spent oil. The
performance of each of the treatments process was investigated by subjecting all samples to
laboratory analysis using American Standards for Testing and Methods (ASTM) to evaluate certain
lubricating/tribological properties such as density, viscosity, pour point, cloud point etc. Both virgin oil
and used oil were also simultaneously subjected to analysis with other recovered oil samples. The results
suggest that the oil recovered by solvent treatments, particularly methanol exhibited better lubricating
properties and can be rendered as good as virgin lubricants with the addition of certain additives.
However, acid treatment demonstrated improved colour and appearance recovery compared to solvents.
demonstrated. Firstly, 3.5 Litres of SLO was subjected to physical methods such as natural settling,
sedimentation, magnetisaton and filtration to remove all forms of particles irrespective of size. The
remaining samples were either subjected to acid treatment using concentrated sulphuric acid or solvent
treatment using methanol, butanol and toluene including their blends to study their performance in the
extraction process to recover the lubricating oil. The key parameter considered is the volume ratio of
solvent/acid to used lubricating oil. In all, 5, 10, 15 and 20 ml respectively were used for each of the
treatments. Activated carbon was equally introduced as adsorbent. A ratio of 4:1 (B20 formulation) for
the treated spent oil and additives was used in this study for the final reclamation of the spent oil. The
performance of each of the treatments process was investigated by subjecting all samples to
laboratory analysis using American Standards for Testing and Methods (ASTM) to evaluate certain
lubricating/tribological properties such as density, viscosity, pour point, cloud point etc. Both virgin oil
and used oil were also simultaneously subjected to analysis with other recovered oil samples. The results
suggest that the oil recovered by solvent treatments, particularly methanol exhibited better lubricating
properties and can be rendered as good as virgin lubricants with the addition of certain additives.
However, acid treatment demonstrated improved colour and appearance recovery compared to solvents.