Papers by Moroof Oloruntola

Environmental Sustainability in Transportation Infrastructure, 2015
Geophysical investigation of Elekuro and environs, Abeokuta, South western Nigeria was undertaken... more Geophysical investigation of Elekuro and environs, Abeokuta, South western Nigeria was undertaken to explore the potential for further ground water development, considering the depth, thickness, resistivity and layer at which water can be obtained. The geo-electrical method used in the survey is Vertical Electrical Sounding. Six Vertical Electrical Soundings (VES) were conducted using the Schlumberger configuration covering the entire area. The VES data were subjected to an iteration software (WIN RESIST) which showed that the area is composed of top soil, weathered layer, fractured layer and basement. The result of a quantitative interpretation of the VES data obtained in a geophysical survey are represented by a geoelectric section which shows the sequence and relationship between the subsurface lithologies. The weathered layer and the fractured zone have been identified as the aquiferous in the area. The weathered layer is thicker in VES 1 and thinnest in VES 2, while the fracture basement is thickest in VES 1. Based on low resistivity values, overburden thickness and Reflection coefficient, VES1 has the highest and brightest potential for future groundwater exploration and development in addition to the existing ones.The study area falls within the basement complex of Southwestern Nigeria. The rocks are Precambrian in age as they lie between the pan African orogenic belts.

Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems 2009, 2009
Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) has been used as a tool to study the groundwater potentials ex... more Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) has been used as a tool to study the groundwater potentials exploration pattern of Imope, Igaran, Aparaki and Idofe villages, in southwestern Nigeria. A total number of eighty VES stations were established on the study areas covering 4,375,000m using the schlumberger configuration with electrodes spacing varying from 50 to 120m. The surveys were carried out on equal grids of 250 by 250m. Two to four lithological sections were inferred from the study areas. These are the Top soil, Lateritic Horizon, Clayey/sandy clay Horizon, and Weathered/Fresh Basement. The thicknesses of these horizons vary from 0.4-1.5m, 0-17.5m, 0 -39.1m for the top soil, lateritic layer and the clayey/sandy clay horizon respectively. The resistivity values range from 15.2-1,700 Ohm-m for top soil, 271-2,769.1 Ohm-m for lateritic horizon, 1.8-197.4 Ohm-m for the clayey/sandy clay horizon, and 337-15,300 Ohm-m for the weathered/fracture/fresh basement. Isoresistivity map of the basement and Isopach map of the overburden were plotted. Areas with thick overburden and fractured basement have been identified with high potentials for groundwater exploration.
Journal of Mining and Geology, 2008

Electrical resistivity investigation involving Schlumberger electrode array was carried out in th... more Electrical resistivity investigation involving Schlumberger electrode array was carried out in the study area. Interpretation was done by curve matching and 1D computer iteration software. Two to four lithological sections were inferred from the study areas. These are the Top soil, Lateritic Horizon, Clayey/sandy clay Horizon, and Weathered/Fresh Basement. The thicknesses of these horizons vary from 0.4-1.5m, 0-17.5m, 0 -39.1m for the top soil, lateritic layer and the clayey/sandy clay horizon respectively. The resistivity values range from 15.2-1,700 Ohm-m for top soil, 271-2,769.1 Ohm-m for lateritic horizon, 1.8-197.4 Ohm-m for the clayey/sandy clay horizon, and 337-15,300 Ohm-m for the weathered/fracture/fresh basement. The various lithology units of the subsurface, soil competency and soil corrosivity level for the depths at 1m, 2m and 5m have been identified from the resistivity values. This study serves as basis for further engineering investigation for the design and construction of the proposed buildings and has shown the relevancy of the application of geophysics to civil engineering work. The cost of the investigation also adds to the advantage of this approach when compared to what it would have cost to drill several boreholes and conduct laboratory tests.

22nd EEGS Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems
Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) has been used as a tool to study the groundwater potentials ex... more Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) has been used as a tool to study the groundwater potentials exploration pattern of Imope, Igaran, Aparaki and Idofe villages, in southwestern Nigeria. A total number of eighty VES stations were established on the study areas covering 4,375,000m using the schlumberger configuration with electrodes spacing varying from 50 to 120m. The surveys were carried out on equal grids of 250 by 250m. Two to four lithological sections were inferred from the study areas. These are the Top soil, Lateritic Horizon, Clayey/sandy clay Horizon, and Weathered/Fresh Basement. The thicknesses of these horizons vary from 0.4-1.5m, 0-17.5m, 0 -39.1m for the top soil, lateritic layer and the clayey/sandy clay horizon respectively. The resistivity values range from 15.2-1,700 Ohm-m for top soil, 271-2,769.1 Ohm-m for lateritic horizon, 1.8-197.4 Ohm-m for the clayey/sandy clay horizon, and 337-15,300 Ohm-m for the weathered/fracture/fresh basement. Isoresistivity map of the ...

Applied Water Science, 2016
This aim of this work is to assess the degree of leachate infiltration at a dumpsite in Agbara in... more This aim of this work is to assess the degree of leachate infiltration at a dumpsite in Agbara industrial estate, Southwestern Nigeria using electrical resistivity techniques. Around the dumpsite were 45 vertical electrical sounding (VES) stations and 3 electrical resistivity tomography profiles. Current electrode spread varied from 300 to 600 m for the electrical sounding. Electrode configuration includes Schlumberger and Wenner array for sounding and profiling. The state of leachate contamination was tested using parameters such as aquifer vulnerability index, overburden protective capacity and longitudinal unit conductance (Si) derived from the apparent resistivity values. Four principal geoelectric layers inferred from the VES data include the topsoil, sand, clayey sand, and clay/shale. Resistivity values for these layers vary from 3 to 1688, 203 to 3642 123 to 388, and 67 to 2201 Ω m with corresponding thickness of 0.8–2.4, 2.5–140, 3–26 m and infinity, respectively. The leacha...

Journal of Natural Sciences Research, 2014
Subgrade soils beneath sections of Ibadan-Ife highway were studied with a view to identifying fac... more Subgrade soils beneath sections of Ibadan-Ife highway were studied with a view to identifying factor(s) responsible for the stability or failure of sections of the expressway.Bulk soil samples were collected from four stable locations on the Ibadan bound carriageway while four samples were collected from unstable locations on the Ife bound way. Specific gravity, grain size distribution, liquid limit, plastic limit, linear shrinkage, California Bearing Ratio (CBR) and Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) of the soils compacted at West African and Modified American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) levels were determined.The soils are essentially well graded with those from stable locations having between 25.42 & 56.89% amount of fines and 29.92 & 83.00% amount of fines in those from unstable locations. Variation in the degree of laterization of soil samples resulted in significant variation in the amount of fines in subgrades. Soils from the stable l...

Geophysical investigation of Elekuro and environs, Abeokuta, South western Nigeria was undertaken... more Geophysical investigation of Elekuro and environs, Abeokuta, South western Nigeria was undertaken to explore the potential for further ground water development, considering the depth, thickness, resistivity and layer at which water can be obtained. The geo-electrical method used in the survey is Vertical Electrical Sounding. Six Vertical Electrical Soundings (VES) were conducted using the Schlumberger configuration covering the entire area. The VES data were subjected to an iteration software (WIN RESIST) which showed that the area is composed of top soil, weathered layer, fractured layer and basement. The result of a quantitative interpretation of the VES data obtained in a geophysical survey are represented by a geoelectric section which shows the sequence and relationship between the subsurface lithologies. The weathered layer and the fractured zone have been identified as the aquiferous in the area. The weathered layer is thicker in VES 1 and thinnest in VES 2, while the fractur...

International Journal of Energy and Water Resources, 2019
Hydro-geophysical investigation of groundwater resource of Ikorodu area, SE Lagos was carried out... more Hydro-geophysical investigation of groundwater resource of Ikorodu area, SE Lagos was carried out using vertical electrical sounding (VES), lithologic, resistivity, and gamma ray logs. This was with the aim of evaluating the lateral and vertical variations of lithologic sequence and also delineates the aquifers within the subsurface. Fifty (53) VES of which six (6) traverse lines were selected and their geo-electric logs along these profiles were correlated to highlight the extent of continuity of different layers and evaluate their hydrogeological significance in the study are. The field data were curve-matched and computer iterated. Both modelled VES curves and borehole logs showed the alternation of subsurface layers of clay, sandy clay, “upper” sand, “lower” sand, and ferrugenized sand. The resistivities (Ω m) of these layers are: 3.3–93.9, 102.6–155.5, 219.9–1140, 250.6–1020.2, and 1428.8–6141, while the thicknesses in metres are: 0.5–62.6, 0.5–30.9, 1.4–34, 15–112.4, and 6.2–6...
Papers by Moroof Oloruntola