Papers by Valdilena Rammé

Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978)
Dentro da Nanossintaxe, a variação no comportamento sintático-semântico de distintas classes é ex... more Dentro da Nanossintaxe, a variação no comportamento sintático-semântico de distintas classes é explicada pelo fato de que línguas diferentes codificariam partes distintas de sequências funcionais hierárquicas em diferentes itens lexicais. Essas sequências seriam, por sua vez, construídas a partir de conceitos primitivos muito mais finos do que as categorias sintáticas tradicionais e se aproximariam de uma decomposição semântico-conceitual como a proposta de Jackendoff (1983, 1990, 1997). Para diversos autores (STARKE, 2010, 2011; CAHA, 2009; PANTECHVA, 2011), a questão da variação se reduziria, então, à diferença no tamanho das estruturas estocadas em diferentes itens do léxico. Este trabalho apresentará, assim, uma discussão sobre a relevância da aplicação da noção de hierarquia funcional-conceitual na análise das preposições do português brasileiro.

In this paper, we investigate the causativization process in Brazilian Portuguese in order to un... more In this paper, we investigate the causativization process in Brazilian Portuguese in order to understand the constraints and generalizations that allow us to explain the apparently chaotic data in this language. We explore the hypothetico-deductive method and hypothesize that there are elements from the Aktionsarten domain that determine the verbal behavior in relation with a causative meaning. Consequently, we present a theoretical review of aspectual classes, employing the tools of a recent approach to the architecture of grammar named Nanosyntax (STARKE, 2009). Thereby, it will be possible to understand the finer-grained
constraints that the classes of ‘states’ and ‘accomplishments’, for instance, impose for the causativization, taking into account ‘nano’ syntactic and semantic features, such as Initiation, Process, Result and Boundness. We conclude, therefore, that for a predicate to be interpreted
as a causative one, the event denoted by it needs to be dynamic in its nature. In addition, we show that the functional sequence (F-seq), in the way it is proposed within the nanosyntactic model, allows us to explain the possible association of more than one syntactic node with the
same verbal argument, as well as its underassociation and consequent identification with a null causative nucleus, as it happens to be the case in Brazilian Portuguese causativization.

Revista Veredas, v. 18, n. 1, 2014
This article examines in BP the distinctive behavior of some verbs belonging to the motion verbs ... more This article examines in BP the distinctive behavior of some verbs belonging to the motion verbs class in their interaction with the prepositions em and para to express movement. For our analysis, we mainly make use of Ramchand’s (2008) proposal associated with Nanosyntax concepts as suggested in Fábregas (2007) and Pantcheva (2007). Our data and conclusions madeus suggest that, in fact, the behavior of a verb is not predictable only because it carries a particular conceptual feature, but by the combining of various features of a limited number These features are encoded then within one or more lexical items, varying in distribution from one language to another. Nonetheless we believe that the hierarchy and arrangement of these traits are Universals.
Keywords: motion verbs, spatial prepositions, Nanosyntax.
RAMMÉ, Valdilena; WACHOWICZ, Teresa Cristina. Análise da expressão do deslocamento no português brasileiro (PB) dentro da nanosintaxe: respostas para a variação. Revista Veredas, v. 18, n. 1, 2016.
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License: Política de Acesso Livre
Este trabalho se propõe a fazer um estudo comparativo entre o imparfait do francês e as duas form... more Este trabalho se propõe a fazer um estudo comparativo entre o imparfait do francês e as duas formas, aparentemente sinônimas, o pretérito imperfeito e a perífrase estava –ndo do português brasileiro. O problema se desenvolveu a partir da intuição de que o imparfait teria as leituras aspectuais tanto de uma forma quanto de outra forma do português e que a tradução do imparfait pela forma simples ou pela perífrase não seria tão indiscriminada. A discussão se baseia em teorias e reflexões sobre tempo e aspecto como o trabalho de Rothstein (2004) sobre aspecto lexical e semântica de eventos, Castilho (2003) sobre o aspecto do português falado, e Wachowicz (2005) sobre os valores aspectuais da perífrase com
–ndo do português. A inspiração inicial veio da leitura de um artigo de Molendijk (2005) onde o autor compara o imparfait do francês com o past progressive do inglês.

Article presented at the XXI Seminário do CELLIP (Paranaguá, Brasil) and published at: more Article presented at the XXI Seminário do CELLIP (Paranaguá, Brasil) and published at:
Este artigo pretende, primeiramente, discutir alguns tópicos do livro Toward a Cognitive Semantics Vol. 1 de Talmy (2000), no qual o autor propõe uma grande teoria da Causação que vai além da ideia de Causa como um primitivo irreduzível e que leva em conta também noções da teoria de Dinâmicas de Força. Num segundo momento, analisaremos a
aplicabilidade das categorias ali apresentadas como um possível traço definidor de algumas classes verbais do inglês, conforme sugerido em Pinker (2008), comparando seus testes e afirmações com exemplos do português brasileiro (PB). Finalmente, tendo como base essas duas teorias, uma breve análise será aplicada à classe verbal dos verbos de maneira de movimento do PB.
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Licença aberta.

Cet article est la traduction en portugais de l'article "Politiques linguistiques et méthodologie... more Cet article est la traduction en portugais de l'article "Politiques linguistiques et méthodologies d'enseignement-apprentissage des langues. Quelques réflexions sur l'histoire et l'actualité", publié dans la revue Dialogue (revue du GFEN, Groupe Français d’Éducation Nouvelle"), n° 144, avril 2012, "Éducation et Politique. Histoire ancienne, enjeux d'avenir".
Il est publié sur le site de l'auteur:
Et aussi dans le journal brésilien "Revista X":
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Licença GNU General Public License.

This Project offers the Federal University of Latin American Integration community and the Triple... more This Project offers the Federal University of Latin American Integration community and the Triple Border community a complementary method to traditional language classes for the learning of Latin American languages-cultures. Thus, initially, we propose the coordinated action of face to face tandem meetings, where half of the participants are Spanish speakers and the other half speaks Portuguese. With regard to the formation of our tandem learners, we contribute to the establishment of an environment where they can practice and improve an autonomous learning model focused on oral interaction and communication. Our main goal, however, is to offer our community a space to strengthen the Portuguese-Spanish bilingualism, sought more promptly in UNILA, and ideologically throughout
Latin America. Still, this project arises as a pilot program for future institutionalization of the tandem practice as a complementary tool for language learning at the University, considering the great need for such resources in this area. Finally, within this program, we provide continuous data for the Research Project "Portuguese and Spanish riding together: the relevance of tandem learning to strengthen bilingualism in neighboring languages", dedicated to the review and improvement of this teaching
resource. Key-words: Tandem. Solidary learning. Autonomy. Orality.
RAMMÉ, Valdilena. TANDEM: Pedalando juntos em espanhol e português/TÁNDEM: Pedaleando juntos en español y português. Experiência. Revista Científica de Extensão, v. 1, n. 1, 2015.
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Licença Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

The implementation of tandem in foreign languages teaching-learning processes provides real conte... more The implementation of tandem in foreign languages teaching-learning processes provides real contexts of interaction where responsibilities are shared among students: sometimes they are the apprentices, sometimes the masters. In such cases, autonomy and reciprocity make possible the meeting of students from different cultures-languages expanding the content learned in the classroom and the professional and cultural horizons according to individual goals. This riding in the same direction implies a mutual collaboration, as well as it happens in any relationship between people that aim to benefit from a partnership. The responsibility given to tandem partners requires and gives them the opportunity to define their own goals and create strategies to achieve their own objectives (BRAMMERTS & CALVET, 2003, p. 33). Thus, self-assessment becomes paramount for a critical and constant practice of learning. By this bias, this study aims to examine the relevance of self-assessment activities in the processes of teaching and learning similar languages (Portuguese and Spanish), focusing on strategies developed by the learners to make better use of this teaching-learning tool. Therefore, we investigate the theoretical contributions and self-assessment forms developed inside this pedagogical model (MOSQUE, 2008; CAVALRY, 2009; FURTOSO, 2011). Data was generated through the monitoring of tandem and teletandem sessions in UNILA and UNIOESTE, the development and implementation of surveys and grids of (self)evaluation, as well as Reflective Conversation sessions with the peers. Preliminary results point to the development, in students and teachers, of the real understanding that the LE apprentice is also an agent of his/her learning process. This change in conception consequently leads students and teachers to re-examine their roles, and such action, in time, promotes a greater participation of students in the teaching-learning-evaluation processes developed in foreign language courses. This whole practice results finally in a higher student achievement.
Keywords: tandem; (self) evaluation; autonomy in learning.
TIRLONI, Larissa Paula; RAMMÉ, Valdilena. TANDEM, AUTOAVALIAÇÃO E A AUTONOMIA NA APRENDIZAGEM DE LÍNGUAS ESTRANGEIRAS. Trabalhos em Lingüística Aplicada, v. 54, n. 3, 2015.
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Licença Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)

Much has been considered about the causativization phenomenon (cf. ALEXIADOU, ANAGNOSTOPOLOU & EV... more Much has been considered about the causativization phenomenon (cf. ALEXIADOU, ANAGNOSTOPOLOU & EVERAERT, 2003; PYLKKANEN, 1999; RAMCHAND, 2008; among others) which consists, roughly, as the insertion of a trigger
argument in monoargumental verbs (unergatives and unaccusatives). This new element gives the event the notion that its conclusion was indirectly caused, that is, the only argument of the verb is "compelled" to play a role in the event, as we can observe in the following sentences, in which A represents the structure of the monoargumental verb and B its causative counterpart: (1) A. Joana dançou pelo salão todo durante a festa / B. Eu dancei a Joana pelo salão todo durante a festa. When we look at the process of this phenomenon in Brazilian Portuguese (BrP) and also in other languages, whether they be satellite or not (TALMY, 2000), we observe quite interesting construction patterns: languages like Finnish license structures as in (2) Jussi naura-tti Maija-a [Jussi.NOM laughed-CAUSE Maija-PAR = 'Jussi made Maija laugh], while in other languages such sentences are ungrammatical, as can be seen in (3) *Joana riu a mãe [Portuguese] and in (4) * Mary laughed John [English]. Some questions arise immediately: (a) why do some verbs within the same class causativize? (b) hat are the factors that license and constrain this change of transitivity? and (c) how can one deal with this change in the structure of events through an approach that holds the parametric variation found in languages? To answer these questions, this study aims to analyze the causativization of manner of motion verbs in BrP, since, apparently, this is the more productive verb class in relation to the phenomenon. Our proposal is to decompose the causativization data within Ramchand (2008, 2013)’s nano-syntactic approach, since this author takes the notion of causation as a guideline of her model, believing that relations between participants in sub-events of any nature should be described in terms of observable causes, changes and effects. From this notion, she proposes some primitive elements ([init, proc, res]) that constitute a small set of basic argumentation relations, involved in the linguistic construction of eventive predication. Within this framework, our hypothesis is that the restriction imposed, on verbs that causativize or not, is related to its
eventive structure. In Ramchand (2008)’s proposal, the fact that a verb can or cannot causativize is related to the combination of the notions of [init], [proc] and [res]. Therefore we analyzed data collected from spontaneous speech coming from television programs and a corpus of
longitudinal recordings and we decomposed this data according to Ramchand’s model. We then concluded that only unergative manner of motion verbs causativize, for these verbs license the insertion of a null [init] projection in their structure. Interestingly, at the same time, unaccusative manner of motion verbs do not license causativization. Our findings are still preliminary, but we believe we can contribute to the advancement in fruitful debate on
KEYWORDS: Causativization. Manner of motion verbs. Predicate decomposition.
Books by Valdilena Rammé
Unpublished version of the book "Tandem: guia para uma aprendizagem solidária/Guía para un aprend... more Unpublished version of the book "Tandem: guia para uma aprendizagem solidária/Guía para un aprendizaje solidario".
Licença Creative Commons BY NC
Thesis Chapters by Valdilena Rammé
PhD Dissertation:
The purpose of this thesis is to analyze and discuss the semantic changes that ... more PhD Dissertation:
The purpose of this thesis is to analyze and discuss the semantic changes that motion verbs and prepositions involved in the expression of spatial displacement may have undergone in Brazilian Portuguese (BrP) between the 18th and 21st centuries. Located on the semantic and syntax interface, the present work finds in Nanosyntax and Conceptual Semantics the theoretical framework that will support its architectural conception of the natural languages grammar.
Papers by Valdilena Rammé
constraints that the classes of ‘states’ and ‘accomplishments’, for instance, impose for the causativization, taking into account ‘nano’ syntactic and semantic features, such as Initiation, Process, Result and Boundness. We conclude, therefore, that for a predicate to be interpreted
as a causative one, the event denoted by it needs to be dynamic in its nature. In addition, we show that the functional sequence (F-seq), in the way it is proposed within the nanosyntactic model, allows us to explain the possible association of more than one syntactic node with the
same verbal argument, as well as its underassociation and consequent identification with a null causative nucleus, as it happens to be the case in Brazilian Portuguese causativization.
Keywords: motion verbs, spatial prepositions, Nanosyntax.
RAMMÉ, Valdilena; WACHOWICZ, Teresa Cristina. Análise da expressão do deslocamento no português brasileiro (PB) dentro da nanosintaxe: respostas para a variação. Revista Veredas, v. 18, n. 1, 2016.
Link to publication:
License: Política de Acesso Livre
–ndo do português. A inspiração inicial veio da leitura de um artigo de Molendijk (2005) onde o autor compara o imparfait do francês com o past progressive do inglês.
Este artigo pretende, primeiramente, discutir alguns tópicos do livro Toward a Cognitive Semantics Vol. 1 de Talmy (2000), no qual o autor propõe uma grande teoria da Causação que vai além da ideia de Causa como um primitivo irreduzível e que leva em conta também noções da teoria de Dinâmicas de Força. Num segundo momento, analisaremos a
aplicabilidade das categorias ali apresentadas como um possível traço definidor de algumas classes verbais do inglês, conforme sugerido em Pinker (2008), comparando seus testes e afirmações com exemplos do português brasileiro (PB). Finalmente, tendo como base essas duas teorias, uma breve análise será aplicada à classe verbal dos verbos de maneira de movimento do PB.
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Licença aberta.
Il est publié sur le site de l'auteur:
Et aussi dans le journal brésilien "Revista X":
Link to publication:
Licença GNU General Public License.
Latin America. Still, this project arises as a pilot program for future institutionalization of the tandem practice as a complementary tool for language learning at the University, considering the great need for such resources in this area. Finally, within this program, we provide continuous data for the Research Project "Portuguese and Spanish riding together: the relevance of tandem learning to strengthen bilingualism in neighboring languages", dedicated to the review and improvement of this teaching
resource. Key-words: Tandem. Solidary learning. Autonomy. Orality.
RAMMÉ, Valdilena. TANDEM: Pedalando juntos em espanhol e português/TÁNDEM: Pedaleando juntos en español y português. Experiência. Revista Científica de Extensão, v. 1, n. 1, 2015.
Link to publication:
Licença Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Keywords: tandem; (self) evaluation; autonomy in learning.
TIRLONI, Larissa Paula; RAMMÉ, Valdilena. TANDEM, AUTOAVALIAÇÃO E A AUTONOMIA NA APRENDIZAGEM DE LÍNGUAS ESTRANGEIRAS. Trabalhos em Lingüística Aplicada, v. 54, n. 3, 2015.
Published at:
Licença Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
argument in monoargumental verbs (unergatives and unaccusatives). This new element gives the event the notion that its conclusion was indirectly caused, that is, the only argument of the verb is "compelled" to play a role in the event, as we can observe in the following sentences, in which A represents the structure of the monoargumental verb and B its causative counterpart: (1) A. Joana dançou pelo salão todo durante a festa / B. Eu dancei a Joana pelo salão todo durante a festa. When we look at the process of this phenomenon in Brazilian Portuguese (BrP) and also in other languages, whether they be satellite or not (TALMY, 2000), we observe quite interesting construction patterns: languages like Finnish license structures as in (2) Jussi naura-tti Maija-a [Jussi.NOM laughed-CAUSE Maija-PAR = 'Jussi made Maija laugh], while in other languages such sentences are ungrammatical, as can be seen in (3) *Joana riu a mãe [Portuguese] and in (4) * Mary laughed John [English]. Some questions arise immediately: (a) why do some verbs within the same class causativize? (b) hat are the factors that license and constrain this change of transitivity? and (c) how can one deal with this change in the structure of events through an approach that holds the parametric variation found in languages? To answer these questions, this study aims to analyze the causativization of manner of motion verbs in BrP, since, apparently, this is the more productive verb class in relation to the phenomenon. Our proposal is to decompose the causativization data within Ramchand (2008, 2013)’s nano-syntactic approach, since this author takes the notion of causation as a guideline of her model, believing that relations between participants in sub-events of any nature should be described in terms of observable causes, changes and effects. From this notion, she proposes some primitive elements ([init, proc, res]) that constitute a small set of basic argumentation relations, involved in the linguistic construction of eventive predication. Within this framework, our hypothesis is that the restriction imposed, on verbs that causativize or not, is related to its
eventive structure. In Ramchand (2008)’s proposal, the fact that a verb can or cannot causativize is related to the combination of the notions of [init], [proc] and [res]. Therefore we analyzed data collected from spontaneous speech coming from television programs and a corpus of
longitudinal recordings and we decomposed this data according to Ramchand’s model. We then concluded that only unergative manner of motion verbs causativize, for these verbs license the insertion of a null [init] projection in their structure. Interestingly, at the same time, unaccusative manner of motion verbs do not license causativization. Our findings are still preliminary, but we believe we can contribute to the advancement in fruitful debate on
KEYWORDS: Causativization. Manner of motion verbs. Predicate decomposition.
Books by Valdilena Rammé
Licença Creative Commons BY NC
Thesis Chapters by Valdilena Rammé
The purpose of this thesis is to analyze and discuss the semantic changes that motion verbs and prepositions involved in the expression of spatial displacement may have undergone in Brazilian Portuguese (BrP) between the 18th and 21st centuries. Located on the semantic and syntax interface, the present work finds in Nanosyntax and Conceptual Semantics the theoretical framework that will support its architectural conception of the natural languages grammar.
constraints that the classes of ‘states’ and ‘accomplishments’, for instance, impose for the causativization, taking into account ‘nano’ syntactic and semantic features, such as Initiation, Process, Result and Boundness. We conclude, therefore, that for a predicate to be interpreted
as a causative one, the event denoted by it needs to be dynamic in its nature. In addition, we show that the functional sequence (F-seq), in the way it is proposed within the nanosyntactic model, allows us to explain the possible association of more than one syntactic node with the
same verbal argument, as well as its underassociation and consequent identification with a null causative nucleus, as it happens to be the case in Brazilian Portuguese causativization.
Keywords: motion verbs, spatial prepositions, Nanosyntax.
RAMMÉ, Valdilena; WACHOWICZ, Teresa Cristina. Análise da expressão do deslocamento no português brasileiro (PB) dentro da nanosintaxe: respostas para a variação. Revista Veredas, v. 18, n. 1, 2016.
Link to publication:
License: Política de Acesso Livre
–ndo do português. A inspiração inicial veio da leitura de um artigo de Molendijk (2005) onde o autor compara o imparfait do francês com o past progressive do inglês.
Este artigo pretende, primeiramente, discutir alguns tópicos do livro Toward a Cognitive Semantics Vol. 1 de Talmy (2000), no qual o autor propõe uma grande teoria da Causação que vai além da ideia de Causa como um primitivo irreduzível e que leva em conta também noções da teoria de Dinâmicas de Força. Num segundo momento, analisaremos a
aplicabilidade das categorias ali apresentadas como um possível traço definidor de algumas classes verbais do inglês, conforme sugerido em Pinker (2008), comparando seus testes e afirmações com exemplos do português brasileiro (PB). Finalmente, tendo como base essas duas teorias, uma breve análise será aplicada à classe verbal dos verbos de maneira de movimento do PB.
Link to publication:
Licença aberta.
Il est publié sur le site de l'auteur:
Et aussi dans le journal brésilien "Revista X":
Link to publication:
Licença GNU General Public License.
Latin America. Still, this project arises as a pilot program for future institutionalization of the tandem practice as a complementary tool for language learning at the University, considering the great need for such resources in this area. Finally, within this program, we provide continuous data for the Research Project "Portuguese and Spanish riding together: the relevance of tandem learning to strengthen bilingualism in neighboring languages", dedicated to the review and improvement of this teaching
resource. Key-words: Tandem. Solidary learning. Autonomy. Orality.
RAMMÉ, Valdilena. TANDEM: Pedalando juntos em espanhol e português/TÁNDEM: Pedaleando juntos en español y português. Experiência. Revista Científica de Extensão, v. 1, n. 1, 2015.
Link to publication:
Licença Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Keywords: tandem; (self) evaluation; autonomy in learning.
TIRLONI, Larissa Paula; RAMMÉ, Valdilena. TANDEM, AUTOAVALIAÇÃO E A AUTONOMIA NA APRENDIZAGEM DE LÍNGUAS ESTRANGEIRAS. Trabalhos em Lingüística Aplicada, v. 54, n. 3, 2015.
Published at:
Licença Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
argument in monoargumental verbs (unergatives and unaccusatives). This new element gives the event the notion that its conclusion was indirectly caused, that is, the only argument of the verb is "compelled" to play a role in the event, as we can observe in the following sentences, in which A represents the structure of the monoargumental verb and B its causative counterpart: (1) A. Joana dançou pelo salão todo durante a festa / B. Eu dancei a Joana pelo salão todo durante a festa. When we look at the process of this phenomenon in Brazilian Portuguese (BrP) and also in other languages, whether they be satellite or not (TALMY, 2000), we observe quite interesting construction patterns: languages like Finnish license structures as in (2) Jussi naura-tti Maija-a [Jussi.NOM laughed-CAUSE Maija-PAR = 'Jussi made Maija laugh], while in other languages such sentences are ungrammatical, as can be seen in (3) *Joana riu a mãe [Portuguese] and in (4) * Mary laughed John [English]. Some questions arise immediately: (a) why do some verbs within the same class causativize? (b) hat are the factors that license and constrain this change of transitivity? and (c) how can one deal with this change in the structure of events through an approach that holds the parametric variation found in languages? To answer these questions, this study aims to analyze the causativization of manner of motion verbs in BrP, since, apparently, this is the more productive verb class in relation to the phenomenon. Our proposal is to decompose the causativization data within Ramchand (2008, 2013)’s nano-syntactic approach, since this author takes the notion of causation as a guideline of her model, believing that relations between participants in sub-events of any nature should be described in terms of observable causes, changes and effects. From this notion, she proposes some primitive elements ([init, proc, res]) that constitute a small set of basic argumentation relations, involved in the linguistic construction of eventive predication. Within this framework, our hypothesis is that the restriction imposed, on verbs that causativize or not, is related to its
eventive structure. In Ramchand (2008)’s proposal, the fact that a verb can or cannot causativize is related to the combination of the notions of [init], [proc] and [res]. Therefore we analyzed data collected from spontaneous speech coming from television programs and a corpus of
longitudinal recordings and we decomposed this data according to Ramchand’s model. We then concluded that only unergative manner of motion verbs causativize, for these verbs license the insertion of a null [init] projection in their structure. Interestingly, at the same time, unaccusative manner of motion verbs do not license causativization. Our findings are still preliminary, but we believe we can contribute to the advancement in fruitful debate on
KEYWORDS: Causativization. Manner of motion verbs. Predicate decomposition.
Licença Creative Commons BY NC
The purpose of this thesis is to analyze and discuss the semantic changes that motion verbs and prepositions involved in the expression of spatial displacement may have undergone in Brazilian Portuguese (BrP) between the 18th and 21st centuries. Located on the semantic and syntax interface, the present work finds in Nanosyntax and Conceptual Semantics the theoretical framework that will support its architectural conception of the natural languages grammar.