Papers/Publications by Mirja Lehmann
Pictor 12, 2023
in Carrive M., Spühler A., Tomassini P. (dir.), Peintures et stucs d’époque romaine. Etudes toich... more in Carrive M., Spühler A., Tomassini P. (dir.), Peintures et stucs d’époque romaine. Etudes toichographologiques. Actes du 33e colloque de l’AFPMA, Bordeaux, 25 et 26 novembre 2021, Pictor 12, Bordeaux, 2023, p. 303-315.
Pictor 11, 2022
in Boislève J., Dardenay A., Monier F. (dir.), Peintures et stucs d’époque romaine. Etudes toicho... more in Boislève J., Dardenay A., Monier F. (dir.), Peintures et stucs d’époque romaine. Etudes toichographolo- giques. Actes du 32e colloque de l’AFPMA, Nîmes, 22 et 23 novembre 2019, Pictor 11, Bordeaux, 2022, p. 273-281.

in : Boislève J., Dardenay A., Monier F. (éd.), Peintures et stucs d'époque romaine. Etudes toich... more in : Boislève J., Dardenay A., Monier F. (éd.), Peintures et stucs d'époque romaine. Etudes toichographologiques. Actes du 28e colloque de l'AFPMA, Paris, 20 et 21 novembre 2015, Bordeaux, Ausonius, 2017, p. 147-160.
A small Roman villa was excavated in 2013 at Olten-Sälistrasse (CH, canton of Solothurn). Fragments of wall painting revealing a rich decor were discovered in some backfill belonging to the first phase of the villa (IInd century CE). Above a plinth with a speckled pink background, a continuous scroll is painted with leaves and stems. The main zone, separated from the lower zone by a pale pink band, is divided by bicoloured golden shafts. The narrow fields are decorated with pink shafts surrounded by stems, leaves, flowers, and grapes. The main and upper zones are separated by an entablature made up of an architrave, a cornice of dentils and a band. On a white background are painted columns of foliage, festoons, grapes, animals and at least one human figure. However, we do not know how they were placed on the painting. The abundance of plants, grapes and the existence of ladders or a trellising structure could recall a Dionysiac atmosphere.
Archäologie und Denkmalpflege im Kanton Solothurn 21, 2016, p. 31-50.
in : Scholz M., Horster M. (éd), Lesen und Schreiben in den römischen Provinzen. Schriftliche Kom... more in : Scholz M., Horster M. (éd), Lesen und Schreiben in den römischen Provinzen. Schriftliche Kommunikation im Alltagsleben. Akten des 2. Internationalen Kolloquiums von DUCTUS- Association internationale pour l'étude des inscriptions mineures, RGZM Mainz, 15.-17. Juni 2011, Mainz, Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, 2015, p. 229-233
in : Boislève J., Dardenay A., Monier F. (éd.), Peintures murales et stucs d’époque romaine. D... more in : Boislève J., Dardenay A., Monier F. (éd.), Peintures murales et stucs d’époque romaine. De la fouille au musée. Actes des 24e et 25e colloques de l’AFPMA, Narbonne, 12 et 13 novembre 2010, Paris, 25 et 26 novembre 2011 (Pictor 1), Bordeaux, Ausonius, 2013, p. 215-222.
Talks/Communications by Mirja Lehmann
Nîmes, 32e colloque de l'AFPMA, 23 novembre 2019
Toulouse, 27e colloque de l'AFPMA, 21 novembre 2014
Master Thesis/ Mémoire de master by Mirja Lehmann
Mémoire de maîtrise universitaire ès Lettres en Sciences de l'Antiquité. Sous la direction du Pro... more Mémoire de maîtrise universitaire ès Lettres en Sciences de l'Antiquité. Sous la direction du Prof. M. Fuchs. Session d'automne 2013.
Books by Mirja Lehmann
Monographien der Kantonsarchäologie Zürich, 2020
Abb. 8. Zusammenstellung der Gewässerdaten des Zürichsees (Seespiegelmaximal-und -minimalwerte im... more Abb. 8. Zusammenstellung der Gewässerdaten des Zürichsees (Seespiegelmaximal-und -minimalwerte im Zeitraum 1951-2016 und Mittelwert), der Sihl (durchschnittliche monatliche Abflussmenge) und des jährlichen Niederschlags (grau). Drag. 35/36 1 3 21 Drag. 36 1 Drag. 42 1 TS total 18 45 104 Glanzton total 0 2 (0,8%) 15 (3,4%) Goldglimmer total 1 (0,5%) 11 (4,4%) 23 (5,2%) grautonige Schüssel (z.B. Kat. 32) 1 Total Fragmente 192 247 434 Abb. 15. Die Keramik aus der Schichtenabfolge (SH VIIa, VIIb) im Bereich der Thermen am linken Limmatufer (B13.1).
Papers/Publications by Mirja Lehmann
in Daniaux Th., Dasen V. (dir.), Quoi de neuf sur la culture ludique antique ?, Pallas, 119, 2022, p. 437-454.
A small Roman villa was excavated in 2013 at Olten-Sälistrasse (CH, canton of Solothurn). Fragments of wall painting revealing a rich decor were discovered in some backfill belonging to the first phase of the villa (IInd century CE). Above a plinth with a speckled pink background, a continuous scroll is painted with leaves and stems. The main zone, separated from the lower zone by a pale pink band, is divided by bicoloured golden shafts. The narrow fields are decorated with pink shafts surrounded by stems, leaves, flowers, and grapes. The main and upper zones are separated by an entablature made up of an architrave, a cornice of dentils and a band. On a white background are painted columns of foliage, festoons, grapes, animals and at least one human figure. However, we do not know how they were placed on the painting. The abundance of plants, grapes and the existence of ladders or a trellising structure could recall a Dionysiac atmosphere.
Talks/Communications by Mirja Lehmann
Master Thesis/ Mémoire de master by Mirja Lehmann
Books by Mirja Lehmann
in Daniaux Th., Dasen V. (dir.), Quoi de neuf sur la culture ludique antique ?, Pallas, 119, 2022, p. 437-454.
A small Roman villa was excavated in 2013 at Olten-Sälistrasse (CH, canton of Solothurn). Fragments of wall painting revealing a rich decor were discovered in some backfill belonging to the first phase of the villa (IInd century CE). Above a plinth with a speckled pink background, a continuous scroll is painted with leaves and stems. The main zone, separated from the lower zone by a pale pink band, is divided by bicoloured golden shafts. The narrow fields are decorated with pink shafts surrounded by stems, leaves, flowers, and grapes. The main and upper zones are separated by an entablature made up of an architrave, a cornice of dentils and a band. On a white background are painted columns of foliage, festoons, grapes, animals and at least one human figure. However, we do not know how they were placed on the painting. The abundance of plants, grapes and the existence of ladders or a trellising structure could recall a Dionysiac atmosphere.