Papers by Aleksandar Antić
International journal of geoheritage and parks, Dec 1, 2022
The region of Carpathian Serbia is much dominated by karst terrain with numerous geological and g... more The region of Carpathian Serbia is much dominated by karst terrain with numerous geological and geomorphological features, especially caves and natural stone bridges, potentially significant for geotourism development. The geotourism potential of these sites is still largely untapped. In this paper, we analyze several natural stone bridges that possess geotourism potential. These sites include
Social Science Research Network, 2022

Mенаџмент у хотелијерству и туризму, 2021
Show caves and speleotourism can have a major impact on the tourism industry as well as the local... more Show caves and speleotourism can have a major impact on the tourism industry as well as the local and regional economic develop ment. Promotion is a crucial aspect of generating plans and strategies for tourist caves. In the case of speleotourism, promotion needs to be professional, attractive and continuous because caves are often considered to be dangerous and inaccessible places. The main goal of this paper is to determine the quality of official show cave websites in Serbia. The assessment included the application of modified Website evaluation model. Website design techniques were also assessed, including the performance and the degree of optimization for search engines SEO. The results show extreme deficiencies and weaknesses regarding the level of internet promotion of Serbian show (tourist) caves. These results are of great importance for cave management teams and tourist organizations because they point out the negative factors of cave promotion in Serbia that need to be revised.

Geoheritage, Jan 20, 2021
Interpretation of paleontological heritage of mammoths is an important factor for the development... more Interpretation of paleontological heritage of mammoths is an important factor for the development of tourism in Serbia. Most fossil remains of mammoths are found in a unique geological environment, indicating the significant tourist value of these sites. The principal aim of this paper is to emphasize the tourism potential and geoconservation values of mammoth fossils throughout Serbia. These fossil remains provide an excellent basis for establishing the first ever mammoth route in Serbia. The route stretches from the city of Kikinda in the north to the city of Jagodina in the south, encompassing the basins of three major rivers, the Danube, Tisa, and Morava River. Throughout history, these rivers have been a place where different cultures have flourished over a long period of time. Also, many prehistoric animals such as mammoths and other species inhabited these areas continuously for nearly a million years. The current state and tourism potential of the selected mammoth sites were evaluated by using the CREM (Cultural Route Evaluation Model). The application of this methodology will provide us with crucial information for future route development and help us identify which areas and sites require more attention as well as identify the major fields for improvement at each mammoth site in order to attract a larger number of tourists in the future.

Turizam, 2021
The aim of this research is to explore the current state and potential of Tribuća, Rača and Beli ... more The aim of this research is to explore the current state and potential of Tribuća, Rača and Beli Rzav canyons for their further development as canyoning geotourism destinations in Western Serbia. This was done by applying the modified geosite assessment model (M-GAM) on the three analyzed canyons with special focus on values of importance for canyoning tourists. The results indicate that all three analyzed canyons possess significant natural values of great importance for the development of canyoning tourism, such as possibility for interpretation, representativeness, surrounding landscape and nature, protection level and current condition. The main issues are related to human induced elements such as promotional activities, interpretive tools and visitor centers. Given their importance for further tourism development, these activities should have priority in the future in order to attract a larger number of canyoning tourists to these geosites. Significant improvement of these elements along with improved promotional activities would bring more domestic as well as foreign tourists to these geosites which would benefit the local population and local economy through higher income and new jobs for the local community.

Turizam, 2019
Western Serbia is a part of the Dinaric karst, which makes this area rich with caves, karst sprin... more Western Serbia is a part of the Dinaric karst, which makes this area rich with caves, karst springs, karst waterfalls and other karst phenomena. Caves in the Zlatibor county, as representative speleological geosites, are one of the first established tourist caves in Serbia. They have great potential for speleotourism and geotourism development in the region and are considered important for tourism development of Zlatibor mountain. In this paper we analyze the speleological potential for geotourism development in Zlatibor county (west Serbia). The main goal of the paper was to determine the current state of speleotourism in Zlatibor county and possibilities for further development by analyzing two caves in this area: Stopića cave and Potpećka cave. Our research was carried out by applying the Modified Geosite Assessment Model (M-GAM). The results show that these caves are not just favourable geosites with great complementary tourism potential of the Zlatibor mountain, but they are also unique speleological objects with vast speleotourism and geotourism development opportunities.
Geographica Pannonica, 2019
Karst areas, as areas with attractive geological and geomorphological features are an important a... more Karst areas, as areas with attractive geological and geomorphological features are an important and integral part of geoheritage. They possess huge tourism potential and can be used for the development of geotourism. The Pek River basin is a highly dominant karst terrain with numerous geological and geomorphological features, especially caves. However, their geotourism potential still remains fully unrevealed. In this paper, we analyzed several geosites that represent significant karst geoheritage formations and as such they can be the backbone of future geotourism development in this area. The aim of this paper is to emphasize the geotourism potential of the Pek River lower basin and to determine the current state and geotourism potential of these geosites by applying the modified geosite assessment model (M-GAM).
Quaternary, Mar 16, 2023
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
International Journal of Tourism Anthropology

Typical patterns of the Late Pleistocene loess–paleosol units are preserved in the Novo Orahovo b... more Typical patterns of the Late Pleistocene loess–paleosol units are preserved in the Novo Orahovo brickyard, Northern Serbia. Presented preliminary luminescence chronology supports the chronostratigraphic interpretations of global isotopic marine climate reconstructions. Magnetic susceptibility and sedimentological evidence exhibit general similarities with the marine oxygen-isotope stratigraphy. These records provide new insights into the dust accumulation regimes over the eastern side of the Bačka loess plateau and offer new paleoenvironmental information for the region. They represent an important step forward towards the establishment of a catena from the thin loess-like sediments of the Banat foothills in the east towards the thicker and seemingly more complete loess sections of the southeastern and central Carpathian Basin. Grain-size data from the loess record of Nova Orahovo explain the regional differentiation in dust deposition.

International Journal of Geoheritage and Parks
This paper explores the current state and the perspectives of sustainable cave tourism developmen... more This paper explores the current state and the perspectives of sustainable cave tourism development of show caves in Serbia. The results of the research were determined through the application of the newly developed methodology-Show Cave Assessment Model (SCAM). The obtained results of the research indicate shortcomings in terms of the protection of underground ecosystems and the tourist infrastructure. Moreover, based on the obtained data, future perspectives of the cave tourism development in Serbia include the establishment of karst parks, the affirmation of speleoarchaeology and the creation of innovative show cave routes. The focus is also placed on the importance of applying appropriate geoethical principles in cave tourism. The adventurous concept of cave tourism, which includes visiting caves that are not arranged for classic cave tours, and requires special equipment and professional guides, is particularly highlighted. Final results of the reserarch confirmed that the popularization and application of ethically responsible behavior towards underground karst ecosystems is necessary in order to preserve speleological geoheritage for current and future generations of local residents, tourists, managers, scientists and researchers, mountaineers, enthusiasts and speleologists.

International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage, 2020
Serbia is a country with diverse karst terrain, full of various surface and underground karst for... more Serbia is a country with diverse karst terrain, full of various surface and underground karst formations. This terrain is one of the factors that influenced the development of cultures and civilizations in this area. Many archaeological findings indicate that prehistoric people found refuge, safety and peace in many caves in present-day Serbia. The natural environment has also influenced many spiritual endeavours, which have shaped cultural identities throughout history. In this study, Orthodox anchorite sacred caves in Serbia are explored, as well as their related pilgrimage activities and potential for religious tourism development. For the purpose of this research, three pilgrimage caves in Serbia have been singled out, that could be considered for possible positioning on the tourist market. All the caves have a remarkable historical background and spiritual richness, which is important for both believers and curious recreational tourists. However, research shows that some caves are more visited than others, and that there are numerous differences in management between them.

Menadzment u hotelijerstvu i turizmu, 2018
Resava Cave is a very old cave in Eastern Serbia, authentic and popular, with special geological ... more Resava Cave is a very old cave in Eastern Serbia, authentic and popular, with special geological and geomorphological features that are excellent representatives of the area"s geodiversity. Most of the speleotourism and geotourism potential of this geosite still remains unlocked. This paper provides an analysis of the tourist potential and tourist experience for speleotourism development of Resava Cave. The aim was to explore the speleotourism potential of Resava cave and to determine and compare tourist experience while visiting this cave. The research includes a a survey of tourists who visited Resava Cave during the month of May, 2018. Each respondent was asked a total of sixteen questions related to their social-demographic profile, the evaluation of certain speleotourist indicators and the tourists" personal attitude to their experience in the cave. Results of the paper have shown that the tourism potential is very high and experiences are diverse, but some of them are more present than the others.

Turizam, 2019
Western Serbia is a part of the Dinaric karst, which makes this area rich with caves, karst sprin... more Western Serbia is a part of the Dinaric karst, which makes this area rich with caves, karst springs, karst waterfalls and other karst phenomena. Caves in the Zlatibor county, as representative speleological geosites, are one of the first established tourist caves in Serbia. They have great potential for speleotourism and geotourism development in the region and are considered important for tourism development of Zlatibor mountain. In this paper we analyze the speleological potential for geotourism development in Zlatibor county (west Serbia). The main goal of the paper was to determine the current state of speleotourism in Zlatibor county and possibilities for further development by analyzing two caves in this area: Stopića cave and Potpećka cave. Our research was carried out by applying the Modified Geosite Assessment Model (M-GAM). The results show that these caves are not just favourable geosites with great complementary tourism potential of the Zlatibor mountain, but they are also unique speleological objects with vast speleotourism and geotourism development opportunities.

Zbornik radova Departmana za geografiju, turizam i hotelijerstvo, 2018
The Monastery Vitovnica is an Orthodox monastery founded in 1291, when King Stefan Uroš IIIMiluti... more The Monastery Vitovnica is an Orthodox monastery founded in 1291, when King Stefan Uroš IIIMilutin defeated the Bulgarian enemies who ruled Braničevo from the town of Ždrelo in Gornjačka gorge. Today the monastery is a cultural and historical monument of great importance for the Braničevo district and Serbia. The research included a survey of tourists about the motive of visiting Vitovnica monastery. The respondents rated the offered motifs on the scale from 1 to 5. The objective of the paper is to assess the most common motives and to examine the attitudes of tourists, local residents and tourist workers regarding the cultural offer of the monastery. The motives of tradition and customs were shown to be the highest grade, while the lowest grade assessed scientificeducational motives. The results of the SWOT analysis showed that the monastery possesses exceptional tourist potentials when it comes to its natural environment and an anthropogenic basis for the development of tourism. An empirical survey conducted on a sample of 85 respondents aimed to show the specific views and motives of tourists when visiting the monastery. The data obtained in the research were processed using the statistical program SPSS (version 17.0).

Skola biznisa, 2015
Sažetak: Oblik turizma koji najbolje prikazuje značaj tradicije za razvoj turističkih destinacija... more Sažetak: Oblik turizma koji najbolje prikazuje značaj tradicije za razvoj turističkih destinacija jeste ruralni turizam. Muzika, ples, odeća, gastronomski specijaliteti domaće kuhinje, jedinstvenost prirodnih lepota, pa i sam mentalitet i gostroprimstvo naroda koji su domaćini ruralnih sredina, predstavljaju neke od faktora koji utiču na svest turista prilikom odabira ovakvog tipa odmora. Istraživanje se baziralo na glavnoj hipotezi da tradicija jeste pokretač razvoja turizma u ruralnim sredinama i da utiče na pozitivne efekte u oblasti turizma, ekonomije i privrede regiona. Cilj rada je prikazivanje važnosti tradicije u sklopu kulturološkog identiteta ruralnih mesta i potencijal tradicije kao pokretača njihovog turističkog razvoja. Intervju sa zaposlenim osobljem u turističkoj organizaciji Požarevca pomogao je pri SWOT analizi posmatrane ruralne destinacije. Empirijsko istraživanje koje je sprovedeno na uzorku od 232 ispitanika imalo je za cilj da ukaže na pogodnosti razvoja ruralnog turizma na prostoru Požarevca. Podaci dobijeni u istraživanju su obrađeni korišćenjem statističkog programa SPSS (verzija 17.0).

Open Geosciences
The main goal of this study is to emphasise the geotourism potential and the values of geoethics ... more The main goal of this study is to emphasise the geotourism potential and the values of geoethics as drivers of rural development in the territory of the Knjaževac municipality, which is one of the richest areas in Serbia in terms of geoheritage. Numerous objects of geomorphological and hydrological heritage stand out in an area of 1,202 km2. Despite this richness in geoheritage, the potential of geotourism development has been ignored by many stakeholders, and the geoheritage of this area has not been sufficiently explored and proposed for tourism purposes. This study makes an inventory of geosites in the municipality of Knjaževac. The selected sites were evaluated by applying the Modified Geosite Assessment Model to discover the most suitable geosites for future geotourism development, in order to select the geosite that possesses the greatest geotourism potential to support rural development. The results uncover information about the major areas of improvement for each evaluated g...

SSRN Electronic Journal
This paper explores the current state and the perspectives of sustainable cave tourism developmen... more This paper explores the current state and the perspectives of sustainable cave tourism development of show caves in Serbia. The results of the research were determined through the application of the newly developed methodology-Show Cave Assessment Model (SCAM). The obtained results of the research indicate shortcomings in terms of the protection of underground ecosystems and the tourist infrastructure. Moreover, based on the obtained data, future perspectives of the cave tourism development in Serbia include the establishment of karst parks, the affirmation of speleoarchaeology and the creation of innovative show cave routes. The focus is also placed on the importance of applying appropriate geoethical principles in cave tourism. The adventurous concept of cave tourism, which includes visiting caves that are not arranged for classic cave tours, and requires special equipment and professional guides, is particularly highlighted. Final results of the reserarch confirmed that the popularization and application of ethically responsible behavior towards underground karst ecosystems is necessary in order to preserve speleological geoheritage for current and future generations of local residents, tourists, managers, scientists and researchers, mountaineers, enthusiasts and speleologists.
Papers by Aleksandar Antić