Papers by ince raden

Nusantara Bioscience
Raden I, Fathillah SS, Fadli M, Suyadi. 2017. Nutrient content of Liquid Organic Fertilizer (LOF)... more Raden I, Fathillah SS, Fadli M, Suyadi. 2017. Nutrient content of Liquid Organic Fertilizer (LOF) by various bio-activator and soaking time. Nusantara Bioscience 9: 209-213. Inorganic fertilizers have negative impacts on soil structure, cause water and soil pollution, and produce less healthy crop production. These conditions can be improved with organic fertilizers. The research aimed to make liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) treated with various bio-activator and soaking time and to know the nutritional content in it as well. Observed variables were pH; C/N ratio; macro and micro nutrients. Research used a completely randomized design in factorial analysis. The first factor was the various bio-activator (b), i.e. b1 = EM-4 culture; b2 = boisca; and b3 = shrimp paste. The second factor was soaking time (t), i.e. t1 = 10 days; t2 = 20 days, t3 = 30 days; and t4 = 40 days. The treatment was repeated (r) three times and tested by analysis of variance and LSD at 5% level. The results sho...

Agrifor, Apr 15, 2013
This study aimed to determine the suitability classes of land and improvement efforts in order to... more This study aimed to determine the suitability classes of land and improvement efforts in order to develop lowland and upland rice in the Bila Tabang village of Tabang Sub District. Survey fieldwork was conducted with making mini profile (1.2 x 1.2 x 1 m) for morphological properties of the samples that were carried out at a depth of 0-30 cm and 30-60 cm, while drilling carried around a mini profile with composite method (8 points) for the analysis of the nature of soil physic/chemical. The data obtained were analyzed using standard criteria of the Soil Research Institute, Centre for Research and Development of Land and Agro-climate, Agricultural Research Agency, the Department of Agriculture in 2003 that use of land quality criteria which include temperature, availability of water, availability of oxygen, rooting media, nutrient retention, sodisitas, erosion and land preparation. Each area was divided into several quality characteristics of land used as a reference to assess the characteristics of the land so that this land can be determined several factors limiting the growth of rice crops to be developed. The survey showed that the actual land suitability classes are marginally suitable (S3) for lowland paddy as well as upland rice, but compliance can be improved through efforts to improve by adding the organic matter, fertilizing, liming, drainage, terracing and guludan so that potential land suitability class to be quite suitable (S2).
… Journal of Agronomy …, 2010
The objective of this research was to study shoot architecture in relation to growth, increase pr... more The objective of this research was to study shoot architecture in relation to growth, increase production and seed oil content through various stem pruning and number of primary branches. This research was conducted using Randomized Complete Block ...
… Indonesian Journal of …, 2010
... Peubah yang diamati meliputi: luas daun dihitung menggunakan gravimetri (Sitompul dan Guritno... more ... Peubah yang diamati meliputi: luas daun dihitung menggunakan gravimetri (Sitompul dan Guritno, 2005); bobot kering daun diukur setelah dioven pada suhu 75-800C selama 2x24 jam (Sitompul dan Guritno, 2005); panjang tangkai daun (petiole) diukur dari titik helai daun ...
… Journal of Agronomy …, 2010
... Pan jang Akar (c m) kontrol daun akar biji 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 3 6 9 Umur Tanaman (hari)... more ... Pan jang Akar (c m) kontrol daun akar biji 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 3 6 9 Umur Tanaman (hari) Panja ng Plumula (c m ) kontrol daun akar biji Page 4. Bul. Agron. (36) (1) 78 83 (2008) InceRaden, Bambang S. Purwoko, Edi Santosa, Hariyadi dan Munif Ghulamahdi 81 Gb. ...

Nusantara Bioscience, Jun 1, 2017
Inorganic fertilizers have negative impacts on soil structure, cause water and soil pollution, an... more Inorganic fertilizers have negative impacts on soil structure, cause water and soil pollution, and produce less healthy crop production. These conditions can be improved with organic fertilizers. The research aimed to make liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) treated with various bio-activator and soaking time and to know the nutritional content in it as well. Observed variables were pH; C/N ratio; macro and micro nutrients. Research used a completely randomized design in factorial analysis. The first factor was the various bio-activator (b), i.e. b1 = EM-4 culture; b2 = boisca; and b3 = shrimp paste. The second factor was soaking time (t), i.e. t1 = 10 days; t2 = 20 days, t3 = 30 days; and t4 = 40 days. The treatment was repeated (r) three times and tested by analysis of variance and LSD at 5% level. The results showed that culture of EM4 bio-activator had higher content of C/N ratio; organic-C; total-N; Co; B; Mn; Fe; Cu; and Zn than the other bio-activators, although it also had lower content of pH, P 2 O 5 ; K 2 O than others but those values were not significantly different compared to boisca and shrimp paste bio-activators. The other result showed that soaking time had significantly effect in determining the nutrient content of the C/N ratio; Organic-C; Total-N; P 2 O 5 ; K 2 O; Total-Ca; Mg; S; Co; B; Mn; Fe; Cu; and Zn, but not at pH variable. Soaking time of 40 days (t4) provided the highest value on the C/N ratio; pH; Mn; Fe; and Zn. On the other hand, soaking time of 30 days (t3) provided the highest value on the organic-C; K 2 O; total-Ca; and B. Meanwhile, soaking time of 20 days (t2) provided the highest nutrient values on Cu; Co; B; Mg; and total-N. While, soaking time of 10 days (t1) gave the highest value on the nutrient content of P 2 O 5 and S. The interaction between the various bio-activator and soaking time b3t3 had the highest value 575.41 ppm of B, then treatment b2t3 had the highest 0.89% of K 2 O, and treatment b1t4 gave the highest nutrient content 1648.82 ppm of Fe.

This study aims to determine the temperature change when composting and compare the nutrient cont... more This study aims to determine the temperature change when composting and compare the nutrient content of compost using a bio-activator EM4 compost on the basis of different materials, ie materials straw, nuts, and vegetables. Research using exploration method that is material hay, vegetables and nuts in the count, then placed in a different container, then each material is mixed with husk compost, chicken manure, rice bran. After that, the material is included in the bucket corresponding doses at 3 different cans. Furthermore, on each of the compost material is poured molasses (sugar water by water) and then given 250 ml EM4. Furthermore, the temperature is measured with a thermometer, pH with a pH meter and nutrients N, P, and K were measured by using the tool flamefotometer and AAS The results showed that at the beginning of composting up to the 7th day the temperature of the compost material nuts and vegetables continued to rise up to 43 o C to 46 o C, when this occurs the growth of bacteria (mesophilic growth), after which the temperature decreases approximately 22 o C – 25 o C until conditions experienced mature compost (maturation). Conversely temperature at the start composting straw until the second day experiencing the highest temperatures around (46 o C) after it decreased with increasing days of composting. Compost made from straw and vegetables have an alkaline pH, respectively 8.56 and the 8.93, while the compost made from nuts have the ideal pH, ie 7:49. C/N ratio straw have C/N ratio of 12.73; nuts 9:20; and vegetables 10.80, with an organic Carbon content between 26%-30%. N-total analysis results indicate that the compost nuts contains N-total of 3:28 mg L-1 is higher than compost made from straw and vegetables. In the phosphor element of compost made from straw has a higher P 2 O 5 (4:47 mg L-1) compared to compost made from beans 3:56 mg L-1 and compost-based vegetable 3:08 mg L-1. The same thing happened on the K 2 O content, the results of the analysis showed that the potassium content of the compost material coming from higher straw 4:50 mg L-1 than vegetables (4:36 mg L-1) and Nuts (4:14 mg L-1)
Conference Presentations by ince raden
Permintaan kedelai terus meningkat seiring dengan pertumbuhan jumlah penduduk, peningkatan pendap... more Permintaan kedelai terus meningkat seiring dengan pertumbuhan jumlah penduduk, peningkatan pendapatan perkapita, peningkatan kesadaran masyarakat akan kecukupan gizi, dan berkembangnya industri ternak
Papers by ince raden
Conference Presentations by ince raden