Wayang orang is one of the cultural heritages that until now is still being preserved. However, t... more Wayang orang is one of the cultural heritages that until now is still being preserved. However, the wayang orang Ngesti Pandawa in Semarang ifaces difficulty in attracting an audience. The number of viewers are few and limited to residents of Semarang and its surroundings. Internet technology, financial technology, website, social media integration, and government support is expected to increase the interest of people to attend the performances. This study examines the view of new students towards the Ngesti Pandawa wayang theatre. The results shows that young people are still interested in the wayang orang Ngesti Pandawa. They also have given various inputs on how to increase the audience number and keep the Wayang Orang well preserved
Traditional theatres have had an important role in promulgating timehonoured traditional wisdom t... more Traditional theatres have had an important role in promulgating timehonoured traditional wisdom to the community in Indonesia. The stories presented in such a performance generally teach noble values to the viewers and the community in general. In the past, traditional theatre such as wayang kulit or Indonesian shadow puppet has been an effective medium in delivering moral messages. However, up to now this art form was only presented through traditional means. Furthermore, it has not been well documented, making it difficult for the younger generation to gain access to them. Limited access to materials to be studied creates an obstacle for the younger generation to know, learn, and thus preserve these art forms. Therefore, the actors involved need to learn to deliver their work of art using modern technology. This will not just allow them to document their work but could generate economic benefits for them. This paper will describe the technical aspect of disseminating the traditional wisdom of wayang kulit by the actors themselves using modern technology. To make it sustainable, the actors should be able to do it themselves without difficulty. The results are e-learning materials that can be studied by the younger generation.
In the field of psychology, determining the psychological condition of a person’s can be done usi... more In the field of psychology, determining the psychological condition of a person’s can be done using various types of tests. Neuropsychology test is a battery test that means every person should be taken 11 test in a moment. Each test has a different objective, as an example, The Boston Naming test is used to measure a person's ability in the language domain. The data stored for each data in the Boston Naming Test (BNT) is around 130 fields. Each test has different specific data. This makes the data grow rapidly and requires a database design that can accommodate this need.There are many approaches can be done to store the database such a relational database and NoSQL database. When the data are stored using relational methods and amount of data are large, there can be a lack of time in both processing and tracking. This article proposes a system to store the result of the neuropsychological test using the NoSQL database approach with sample data in subtest BNT.
Abstact- folk songs in indonesia's is wealth cultural heritage most of our ancestors. In this... more Abstact- folk songs in indonesia's is wealth cultural heritage most of our ancestors. In this modern era narrower the knowledge of their own folk songs due to the influx of foreign cultures. Augmented is a new technology to display digital visual in the real world. This technology is very interesting when applied in the field of entertainment. This Research Report contains about how to create a game titled Tembang which aims to preserve the songs of the region that originated from the Indonesian. In this game will provide information about the local songs along with their origin, packed in Augmented Reality technology, with challenge quizzes, and there is a gift feature to make players interested in completing the game.
Indonesia’s first confirmed case of COVID-19 infection was in early March 2020. Of course, the ci... more Indonesia’s first confirmed case of COVID-19 infection was in early March 2020. Of course, the citizens in Indonesia want this pandemic to end soon. The fact is, there are plenty of people who do not apply the health protocols properly in daily life. Therefore, the effort to formulate the educational media in the form of a game will be carried out in this study. “New Normal” game is an educational media about how to apply the health protocols properly that have a nice user interface design so that the players will not get bored easily while playing. Thus, the knowledge about the importance of applying the health protocols properly will be embedded in every player’s mind.
2017 4th International Conference on Information Technology, Computer, and Electrical Engineering (ICITACEE), 2017
Ngesti Pandowo is a wayang orang (traditional Javanese theatre) company, which is trying to prese... more Ngesti Pandowo is a wayang orang (traditional Javanese theatre) company, which is trying to preserve this art form. There are many ways to do this. One of them is by utilizing technology to carry out promotion and ticket sales online. Financial technology is an innovation in the field of finance employing modern technology to make financial transactions more practical, easy and secure.
Indonesia had been suffered by earthquake and tsunami for many centuries. Since many lives have t... more Indonesia had been suffered by earthquake and tsunami for many centuries. Since many lives have taken by tsunami strikes, alert and response system are very important as important part of Disaster Risk Reduction, especially in area with high population density. This research conducted in Kangkung fishing village in Bandar Lampung coastal area which is an earthquake and tsunami prone area. The aim of the research is to study alert and response of Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction. The research conducted by qualitative method and purposive-descriptive approach. There were 53 respondents which participated in the survey and interview. It is reported that “Smart Resilient City” model suitable for community needs of alert and response of earthquake and tsunami disaster. This research meets conclusion that “Smart Resilient City” model may become a great solution in Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction to cope with the hazard of earthquake and tsunami comprehensively and sustainably.
The development of educational games is one form of school's entrepreneurship. Teachers might... more The development of educational games is one form of school's entrepreneurship. Teachers might create the games based on their expertise and knowledge using the most familiar game engines. The high number of teachers who share their expertise and knowledge through the education game will create bigger multiplier effect for teachers, schools and students. One of easy tools to be used for teachers in developing the educational game is RPG Maker. However, the products are not so interesting for the students because they have to play in the personal computer (PC) while the small computer called smartphone and tablet computer are most widely used. Increasing the joy and easiness to play the games is the important part in the educational games. The objective is not only to increase the successfulness of the learning, but also to increase the possibility in the school entrepreneurship. This paper will present the strategy to transform the game products for the smartphone and tablet comp...
Digital technology has been changing the landscape of higher education teaching and learning. Exi... more Digital technology has been changing the landscape of higher education teaching and learning. Existing literature on students‘ attitude on technology in the classroom shows that students are highly adaptable in using sophisticated technology for communication and for educational purposes. However, in order to be able to make the most of technology, students need guidance. Research on technology-based projects for knowledge sharing indicates that students have highly favorable opinions toward active learning strategies where students can contribute significantly to the collective knowledge. While the impact of technology on the academic achievement shows mixed results, numerous studies highlight the benefits of the use of technology on students‘ retention rate, class engagement, teamwork skill, and students‘ undergraduate education satisfaction. This paper discusses the results of a collaborative technologybased project and its implications on undergraduate educational policies. We e...
ABSTRACT This article discusses how the production of “original”/“asli” commodity through a local... more ABSTRACT This article discusses how the production of “original”/“asli” commodity through a local/global dialectic in how “intangible heritage” is defined and how contemporary global market-facing Sumba weaving contributes to shifts and contradictions in gender roles as they are shaped simultaneously through local community needs and through a global facing westernised patriarchal business ethos. The increasing global north facing integration of global south production communities into the world markets for instance, leads to a masculinisation of management and global facing leadership while along with a feminisation of the local production process. Evidence for our observations were drawn from over 50 in-depth interviews and onsite observation during field visits to the site.
Puppet is most prominent one of the arts in Indonesia. In the puppet also has good values deliver... more Puppet is most prominent one of the arts in Indonesia. In the puppet also has good values delivered. In an educational pursuit puppet story are characters that are also included in the 18-character value that has been determined by the curriculum in 2013 as efforts to establish the desired character of the nation and the State.Although the puppet contains good values that can be emulated, unfortunately generation of young people today just do not know the puppet. This is influenced by the development of technology that can not only be used to help complete the work, but also as a means of entertainment. This makes the younger generation today is more interested in the development of the technology to get to know about puppet.To introduce the puppets against children, can be done by introducing one puppet stories. The story introduced should also start from scratch a puppet story. It is expected with the introduction of one of the stories of the many stories puppet, can make children...
2016 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and Communication (ISemantic), 2016
Nowadays, conventional methods of learning are no longer enthused by students, because a one-way ... more Nowadays, conventional methods of learning are no longer enthused by students, because a one-way teaching method makes students easily bored. Collaborative learning methods are used to make students more interested in learning and encourage students to actively contribute to the classroom session. One of the benefits of collaborative learning as a learning method is that it allows each student in a group to actively contribute and share their ideas. An example of collaborative learning implementation in the classroom is computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL). CSCL is a type of collaborative learning technique in which students can learn a subject matter with their peers using computers. Such strategies could be implemented in the form of digital games to make the collaborative learning methods more attractive and interactive. This paper attempts to investigate students' perception toward the collaborative task of designing a game in a language classroom. Overall, the findings suggest that students showed positive attitude towards the task because it allowed them to understand the subject matter better.
Data communication in the web was changed since Ajax was used to send and request the data withou... more Data communication in the web was changed since Ajax was used to send and request the data without bothering the web interface. However, the most common implementation in using Ajax is to request data from the server only. Data delivery initiatives from the server to the client can not be done in the HTTP architecture. Several approaches were invented to overcome the limitations in allowing the web servers to send data to the browser without any client initiative. Green Ajax is one of the approaches that has dependency with additional nonstandard software on the web browser to receive the notification from the server. The new HTML standard called HTML5 has Server-Sent Events feature that is offering the technology to push a message from server to the client and natively supported by most of the web browsers. However, it should not work solely to get the objectives in obtaining the complete data from the server using minimum bandwidth. The integration HTML5 features in Green Ajax could be the best implementation of Push Technology. It will be able to solve the Green Ajax limitation in web browser's plug-in dependency but reduce the large bandwidth consumption caused by Server-Sent Events feature. This paper will describe the technique of using the Server-Sent Events feature in Green Ajax to find better approach on two-way data communication in HTTP architecture using minimum bandwidth. The result could be a model for web programmers to display the real time data from the server. The Flight Information Display Screen (FIDS) will be used as the case in the implementation.
Information Technology is often associated with the modern and sophisticated things where the mos... more Information Technology is often associated with the modern and sophisticated things where the most users are usually related with good financial means. Not surprisingly, most success stories on the utilization of Information Technology mostly come from those people who are able to use high-tech devices. For the poor, the gadget and internet usage is still a luxury and requires an additional expenditure beyond their basic necessities. However, the poor should be able to enhance their financial opportunities if the university can recommend the appropriate information technology to them. The technology does not always mean high-tech and expensive. The effectiveness in the Information Technology usage could be learnt by the student and lecturer before they do the community service to obtain the optimum benefit for good impact for their economic welfare. Unfortunately, most of the community service programs are often associated with the only basic needs of the community and the greater potential of information technology is never introduced by the university students and lecturers. This paper will describe a strategy to encourage university’s Social Entrepreneurship to empower underprivileged communities by leveraging Information Technology, as part of the implementation of university’s awareness which should combines the academic advancement and concern for poverty. The expected final result of the proposed social entrepreneurship is to establish financial independence among the poor and their neighborhoods.
Kesenian wayang kulit semakin pudar popularitasnya jika dibandingkan dengan beberapa dekade sebel... more Kesenian wayang kulit semakin pudar popularitasnya jika dibandingkan dengan beberapa dekade sebelumnya. Hal ini jauh berbeda dengan kondisi sebelum tahun 2000 dimana wayang masih ditayangkan secara rutin di beberapa televisi nasional. Akibatnya semakin banyak masyarakat terutama generasi muda di Indonesia yang tidak lagi mengenal kesenian wayang kulit, terutama pelaku-pelaku kesenian yang terlibat di dalamnya. Frekuensi pertunjukan wayang kulit semakin menurun dan eksistensinya juga semakin terancam. Diperlukan suatu cara alternatif untuk kembali mengenalkan wayang dan dalang agar keduanya dapat lebih dikenal masyarakat, baik di dalam negeri maupun di luar negeri. Tujuannya agar kesenian ini dapat berkembang kembali dan menjadi warisan budaya yang lestari. Pemanfaatan internet dipandang perlu untuk mengangkat karya-karya kesenian wayang kulit agar dapat disaksikan oleh orang-orang di seluruh dunia. Pengembangan portal web Indonesian Wayang Network merupakan solusi untuk mempermudah masyarakat dalam mengetahui kesenian wayang kulit dan dalang-dalang yang aktif. Partisipasi masyarakat yang distimulasi di dalam website tersebut diharapkan dapat meningkatkan rasa memiliki kesenian ini. Paper ini membahas strategi dan teknis pengembangan portal web Indonesian Wayang Network untuk menjawab permasalahan di atas.
For centuries wayang kulit has played an important role in shaping the world view of the Javanese... more For centuries wayang kulit has played an important role in shaping the world view of the Javanese, including the special kind of tolerance that the Javanese people have. In recent years, however, we have seen an erosion of this sense of tolerance amongst the Javanese. Because of this, a team of researchers from the Soegijapranata Catholic University in Semarang has introduced a portal dedicated to the artists of wayang in Solo and Semarang. It is hoped that this portal will make wayang not only survive, but continue to be able to contribute in the development of a plural, tolerant and multi-cultural Indonesian society.
International Journal of Technoentrepreneurship, 2015
The growth of computer technology has created bigger opportunities for computer game based creati... more The growth of computer technology has created bigger opportunities for computer game based creative industries. The increasing number of computer users means more market opportunities for computer game developers. Anyone who has interests in computer games, including school teachers, has the opportunity to be involved in educational game development. School teachers have the knowledge and experience that they can use to develop the contents of the games as their start-up capital. However, not all teachers have the computer background and computer programming skills to create computer games. These problems can be eliminated and the teachers can develop technology entrepreneurship if they are provided with the tools to create computer games and given the trainings to use those tools. This paper presents the results of the observation process of a success determination in the manufacturing of computer games which can be utilised as a model of technology-based entrepreneurial school.
Wayang orang is one of the cultural heritages that until now is still being preserved. However, t... more Wayang orang is one of the cultural heritages that until now is still being preserved. However, the wayang orang Ngesti Pandawa in Semarang ifaces difficulty in attracting an audience. The number of viewers are few and limited to residents of Semarang and its surroundings. Internet technology, financial technology, website, social media integration, and government support is expected to increase the interest of people to attend the performances. This study examines the view of new students towards the Ngesti Pandawa wayang theatre. The results shows that young people are still interested in the wayang orang Ngesti Pandawa. They also have given various inputs on how to increase the audience number and keep the Wayang Orang well preserved
Traditional theatres have had an important role in promulgating timehonoured traditional wisdom t... more Traditional theatres have had an important role in promulgating timehonoured traditional wisdom to the community in Indonesia. The stories presented in such a performance generally teach noble values to the viewers and the community in general. In the past, traditional theatre such as wayang kulit or Indonesian shadow puppet has been an effective medium in delivering moral messages. However, up to now this art form was only presented through traditional means. Furthermore, it has not been well documented, making it difficult for the younger generation to gain access to them. Limited access to materials to be studied creates an obstacle for the younger generation to know, learn, and thus preserve these art forms. Therefore, the actors involved need to learn to deliver their work of art using modern technology. This will not just allow them to document their work but could generate economic benefits for them. This paper will describe the technical aspect of disseminating the traditional wisdom of wayang kulit by the actors themselves using modern technology. To make it sustainable, the actors should be able to do it themselves without difficulty. The results are e-learning materials that can be studied by the younger generation.
In the field of psychology, determining the psychological condition of a person’s can be done usi... more In the field of psychology, determining the psychological condition of a person’s can be done using various types of tests. Neuropsychology test is a battery test that means every person should be taken 11 test in a moment. Each test has a different objective, as an example, The Boston Naming test is used to measure a person's ability in the language domain. The data stored for each data in the Boston Naming Test (BNT) is around 130 fields. Each test has different specific data. This makes the data grow rapidly and requires a database design that can accommodate this need.There are many approaches can be done to store the database such a relational database and NoSQL database. When the data are stored using relational methods and amount of data are large, there can be a lack of time in both processing and tracking. This article proposes a system to store the result of the neuropsychological test using the NoSQL database approach with sample data in subtest BNT.
Abstact- folk songs in indonesia's is wealth cultural heritage most of our ancestors. In this... more Abstact- folk songs in indonesia's is wealth cultural heritage most of our ancestors. In this modern era narrower the knowledge of their own folk songs due to the influx of foreign cultures. Augmented is a new technology to display digital visual in the real world. This technology is very interesting when applied in the field of entertainment. This Research Report contains about how to create a game titled Tembang which aims to preserve the songs of the region that originated from the Indonesian. In this game will provide information about the local songs along with their origin, packed in Augmented Reality technology, with challenge quizzes, and there is a gift feature to make players interested in completing the game.
Indonesia’s first confirmed case of COVID-19 infection was in early March 2020. Of course, the ci... more Indonesia’s first confirmed case of COVID-19 infection was in early March 2020. Of course, the citizens in Indonesia want this pandemic to end soon. The fact is, there are plenty of people who do not apply the health protocols properly in daily life. Therefore, the effort to formulate the educational media in the form of a game will be carried out in this study. “New Normal” game is an educational media about how to apply the health protocols properly that have a nice user interface design so that the players will not get bored easily while playing. Thus, the knowledge about the importance of applying the health protocols properly will be embedded in every player’s mind.
2017 4th International Conference on Information Technology, Computer, and Electrical Engineering (ICITACEE), 2017
Ngesti Pandowo is a wayang orang (traditional Javanese theatre) company, which is trying to prese... more Ngesti Pandowo is a wayang orang (traditional Javanese theatre) company, which is trying to preserve this art form. There are many ways to do this. One of them is by utilizing technology to carry out promotion and ticket sales online. Financial technology is an innovation in the field of finance employing modern technology to make financial transactions more practical, easy and secure.
Indonesia had been suffered by earthquake and tsunami for many centuries. Since many lives have t... more Indonesia had been suffered by earthquake and tsunami for many centuries. Since many lives have taken by tsunami strikes, alert and response system are very important as important part of Disaster Risk Reduction, especially in area with high population density. This research conducted in Kangkung fishing village in Bandar Lampung coastal area which is an earthquake and tsunami prone area. The aim of the research is to study alert and response of Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction. The research conducted by qualitative method and purposive-descriptive approach. There were 53 respondents which participated in the survey and interview. It is reported that “Smart Resilient City” model suitable for community needs of alert and response of earthquake and tsunami disaster. This research meets conclusion that “Smart Resilient City” model may become a great solution in Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction to cope with the hazard of earthquake and tsunami comprehensively and sustainably.
The development of educational games is one form of school's entrepreneurship. Teachers might... more The development of educational games is one form of school's entrepreneurship. Teachers might create the games based on their expertise and knowledge using the most familiar game engines. The high number of teachers who share their expertise and knowledge through the education game will create bigger multiplier effect for teachers, schools and students. One of easy tools to be used for teachers in developing the educational game is RPG Maker. However, the products are not so interesting for the students because they have to play in the personal computer (PC) while the small computer called smartphone and tablet computer are most widely used. Increasing the joy and easiness to play the games is the important part in the educational games. The objective is not only to increase the successfulness of the learning, but also to increase the possibility in the school entrepreneurship. This paper will present the strategy to transform the game products for the smartphone and tablet comp...
Digital technology has been changing the landscape of higher education teaching and learning. Exi... more Digital technology has been changing the landscape of higher education teaching and learning. Existing literature on students‘ attitude on technology in the classroom shows that students are highly adaptable in using sophisticated technology for communication and for educational purposes. However, in order to be able to make the most of technology, students need guidance. Research on technology-based projects for knowledge sharing indicates that students have highly favorable opinions toward active learning strategies where students can contribute significantly to the collective knowledge. While the impact of technology on the academic achievement shows mixed results, numerous studies highlight the benefits of the use of technology on students‘ retention rate, class engagement, teamwork skill, and students‘ undergraduate education satisfaction. This paper discusses the results of a collaborative technologybased project and its implications on undergraduate educational policies. We e...
ABSTRACT This article discusses how the production of “original”/“asli” commodity through a local... more ABSTRACT This article discusses how the production of “original”/“asli” commodity through a local/global dialectic in how “intangible heritage” is defined and how contemporary global market-facing Sumba weaving contributes to shifts and contradictions in gender roles as they are shaped simultaneously through local community needs and through a global facing westernised patriarchal business ethos. The increasing global north facing integration of global south production communities into the world markets for instance, leads to a masculinisation of management and global facing leadership while along with a feminisation of the local production process. Evidence for our observations were drawn from over 50 in-depth interviews and onsite observation during field visits to the site.
Puppet is most prominent one of the arts in Indonesia. In the puppet also has good values deliver... more Puppet is most prominent one of the arts in Indonesia. In the puppet also has good values delivered. In an educational pursuit puppet story are characters that are also included in the 18-character value that has been determined by the curriculum in 2013 as efforts to establish the desired character of the nation and the State.Although the puppet contains good values that can be emulated, unfortunately generation of young people today just do not know the puppet. This is influenced by the development of technology that can not only be used to help complete the work, but also as a means of entertainment. This makes the younger generation today is more interested in the development of the technology to get to know about puppet.To introduce the puppets against children, can be done by introducing one puppet stories. The story introduced should also start from scratch a puppet story. It is expected with the introduction of one of the stories of the many stories puppet, can make children...
2016 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and Communication (ISemantic), 2016
Nowadays, conventional methods of learning are no longer enthused by students, because a one-way ... more Nowadays, conventional methods of learning are no longer enthused by students, because a one-way teaching method makes students easily bored. Collaborative learning methods are used to make students more interested in learning and encourage students to actively contribute to the classroom session. One of the benefits of collaborative learning as a learning method is that it allows each student in a group to actively contribute and share their ideas. An example of collaborative learning implementation in the classroom is computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL). CSCL is a type of collaborative learning technique in which students can learn a subject matter with their peers using computers. Such strategies could be implemented in the form of digital games to make the collaborative learning methods more attractive and interactive. This paper attempts to investigate students' perception toward the collaborative task of designing a game in a language classroom. Overall, the findings suggest that students showed positive attitude towards the task because it allowed them to understand the subject matter better.
Data communication in the web was changed since Ajax was used to send and request the data withou... more Data communication in the web was changed since Ajax was used to send and request the data without bothering the web interface. However, the most common implementation in using Ajax is to request data from the server only. Data delivery initiatives from the server to the client can not be done in the HTTP architecture. Several approaches were invented to overcome the limitations in allowing the web servers to send data to the browser without any client initiative. Green Ajax is one of the approaches that has dependency with additional nonstandard software on the web browser to receive the notification from the server. The new HTML standard called HTML5 has Server-Sent Events feature that is offering the technology to push a message from server to the client and natively supported by most of the web browsers. However, it should not work solely to get the objectives in obtaining the complete data from the server using minimum bandwidth. The integration HTML5 features in Green Ajax could be the best implementation of Push Technology. It will be able to solve the Green Ajax limitation in web browser's plug-in dependency but reduce the large bandwidth consumption caused by Server-Sent Events feature. This paper will describe the technique of using the Server-Sent Events feature in Green Ajax to find better approach on two-way data communication in HTTP architecture using minimum bandwidth. The result could be a model for web programmers to display the real time data from the server. The Flight Information Display Screen (FIDS) will be used as the case in the implementation.
Information Technology is often associated with the modern and sophisticated things where the mos... more Information Technology is often associated with the modern and sophisticated things where the most users are usually related with good financial means. Not surprisingly, most success stories on the utilization of Information Technology mostly come from those people who are able to use high-tech devices. For the poor, the gadget and internet usage is still a luxury and requires an additional expenditure beyond their basic necessities. However, the poor should be able to enhance their financial opportunities if the university can recommend the appropriate information technology to them. The technology does not always mean high-tech and expensive. The effectiveness in the Information Technology usage could be learnt by the student and lecturer before they do the community service to obtain the optimum benefit for good impact for their economic welfare. Unfortunately, most of the community service programs are often associated with the only basic needs of the community and the greater potential of information technology is never introduced by the university students and lecturers. This paper will describe a strategy to encourage university’s Social Entrepreneurship to empower underprivileged communities by leveraging Information Technology, as part of the implementation of university’s awareness which should combines the academic advancement and concern for poverty. The expected final result of the proposed social entrepreneurship is to establish financial independence among the poor and their neighborhoods.
Kesenian wayang kulit semakin pudar popularitasnya jika dibandingkan dengan beberapa dekade sebel... more Kesenian wayang kulit semakin pudar popularitasnya jika dibandingkan dengan beberapa dekade sebelumnya. Hal ini jauh berbeda dengan kondisi sebelum tahun 2000 dimana wayang masih ditayangkan secara rutin di beberapa televisi nasional. Akibatnya semakin banyak masyarakat terutama generasi muda di Indonesia yang tidak lagi mengenal kesenian wayang kulit, terutama pelaku-pelaku kesenian yang terlibat di dalamnya. Frekuensi pertunjukan wayang kulit semakin menurun dan eksistensinya juga semakin terancam. Diperlukan suatu cara alternatif untuk kembali mengenalkan wayang dan dalang agar keduanya dapat lebih dikenal masyarakat, baik di dalam negeri maupun di luar negeri. Tujuannya agar kesenian ini dapat berkembang kembali dan menjadi warisan budaya yang lestari. Pemanfaatan internet dipandang perlu untuk mengangkat karya-karya kesenian wayang kulit agar dapat disaksikan oleh orang-orang di seluruh dunia. Pengembangan portal web Indonesian Wayang Network merupakan solusi untuk mempermudah masyarakat dalam mengetahui kesenian wayang kulit dan dalang-dalang yang aktif. Partisipasi masyarakat yang distimulasi di dalam website tersebut diharapkan dapat meningkatkan rasa memiliki kesenian ini. Paper ini membahas strategi dan teknis pengembangan portal web Indonesian Wayang Network untuk menjawab permasalahan di atas.
For centuries wayang kulit has played an important role in shaping the world view of the Javanese... more For centuries wayang kulit has played an important role in shaping the world view of the Javanese, including the special kind of tolerance that the Javanese people have. In recent years, however, we have seen an erosion of this sense of tolerance amongst the Javanese. Because of this, a team of researchers from the Soegijapranata Catholic University in Semarang has introduced a portal dedicated to the artists of wayang in Solo and Semarang. It is hoped that this portal will make wayang not only survive, but continue to be able to contribute in the development of a plural, tolerant and multi-cultural Indonesian society.
International Journal of Technoentrepreneurship, 2015
The growth of computer technology has created bigger opportunities for computer game based creati... more The growth of computer technology has created bigger opportunities for computer game based creative industries. The increasing number of computer users means more market opportunities for computer game developers. Anyone who has interests in computer games, including school teachers, has the opportunity to be involved in educational game development. School teachers have the knowledge and experience that they can use to develop the contents of the games as their start-up capital. However, not all teachers have the computer background and computer programming skills to create computer games. These problems can be eliminated and the teachers can develop technology entrepreneurship if they are provided with the tools to create computer games and given the trainings to use those tools. This paper presents the results of the observation process of a success determination in the manufacturing of computer games which can be utilised as a model of technology-based entrepreneurial school.
Papers by Ridwan Sanjaya