Papers by Esamagu, Efemena Emmanuel

Agidigbo: ABUAD Journal of the Humanities, 2024
This paper basically considered the effects of AI on African history, vis-à-vis interdisciplinary... more This paper basically considered the effects of AI on African history, vis-à-vis interdisciplinary collaboration, either overtly or covertly. It posited that recent historical works embrace interdisciplinary perspective, thus, it was examined in light of the emergence of AI. Being a historical piece of work, historical methodology was adopted as secondary sources in this case, which consist of published and unpublished works. These formed the gamut of data collection used to prosecute and enrich this research. The paper sought to answer the following questions: what is the connection between artificial intelligence, interdisciplinary collaboration and African history? What are the effects of AI on African history as a specialization? The core of the paper is necessitated by the emergence of AI. As such, it was juxtaposed visa -vis African history and other related disciplines. On the whole, the study established or found out that artificial intelligence (AI), though with its negative impact, has enhanced and strengthened new trends and perspectives in African historical research vis-à-vis the relationships between History, Social and Natural Sciences; History, Sociology and Anthropology; History and Psychology; History, Economics and Demographic Studies; History and Literature; which was exhaustively explained in the paper. While the paper noted that AI, when used properly, could provide relevant information critical to historical studies. It also highlighted the challenges which stem from the use of artificial intelligence, which include: data bias and representation, contextual understanding, source reliability and verification, ethical considerations, complexity of interpretation, technical limitations, preservation of historical integrity, among others. The study concluded that historians generally,
poverty,which includes unemployment,corruption, inequality,pooreducationand nondiversification of... more poverty,which includes unemployment,corruption, inequality,pooreducationand nondiversification of the economy and its implications on human security and migration. The study recommended that concrete initiatives be taken to drastically reduce the rate of poverty, more industries should be built to employ the teeming young unemployed people while security must be prioritized and enforced.
Lafia Journal of History and International Development (LAJHID), 2022
Lafia Journal of History and International Development (LAJHID), 2022

International Journal of Advanced Academic Research (IJAAR), 2020
The year 1999 is significant in the annals of Nigerian history being the period the country retur... more The year 1999 is significant in the annals of Nigerian history being the period the country returned to democratic rule after the democratic process was severally interrupted by the military incursion into politics. It can be adduced that the period of military dictatorship spanned through a phase of twenty-nine years. Military rule is synonymous with arbitrariness, brutalization of citizens and the entrenchment of the practice of impunity. However, the return to the democratic dispensation culminated in the conduct of elections at both the federal and state levels in 1999. This was after the conduct of primary elections by different political parties, the platform through which political leaders were elected to power. The election in Plateau State produced Joshua Chibi Dariye as the governor and he was reelected in 2003 to serve a second term in office. This article discusses participatory leadership theory, also regarded as democratic theory, a succinct representation of the period being considered. The administration was bedeviled with challenges like impeachment, ethno-religious crisis etc. The administration tried in few sectors, but largely failed in other sectors and did not maximize the gains of democracy. In particular, the education sector was revamped, wards were created and chiefdoms were upgraded. On the other hand, the administration interfered with the legislature, judiciary, mass media and press freedom, and local government administration. It concludes by reiterating the need for checks and balances and strengthening of institutions through proper dissolution of powers and autonomy to all the arms of government and its tiers.

International Journal of Advanced Academic Research (IJAAR), 2020
Prior to the current pandemic, Nigeria has witnessed the emergence of other viruses which were co... more Prior to the current pandemic, Nigeria has witnessed the emergence of other viruses which were contained. Science is yet to proffer complete solution to this new wave of virus known as Covid-19, and the magnitude on other aspects of life is far reaching. Despite negative predictions and a wobbling health sector, the number of casualties due to the pandemic has been relatively low. Researchers are researching to find a vaccine to the virus which has culminated in the death of thousands all over the world. This study attempts to examine issues related to leadership, politics and economic policy within the context of the pandemic. The paper argues that one major problem Nigeria grapples with is leadership deficit which inevitably has affected our disposition and response to emergencies. The aforementioned can be adduced to failure of leadership to invest heavily in the health sector over the years, which is the sole responsibility of government. The study also examined the politics involved in the Covid-19 and how the economy has been affected thus far. It stressed the need for leaders to prioritize transparency and accountability while there should be a clear demarcation between politics and reality. It also buttresses the need for speedy economic reforms.

VUNA Journal of History and International Relations , 2023
Plateau State has gone through orgies of violence with snowball effects on the people and the dev... more Plateau State has gone through orgies of violence with snowball effects on the people and the development of the state. This paper clearly examines ethno-religious conflicts in Jos from 2001 to 2010. Many lives were lost in these crises during this period. Literature reviewed pointed out that the precursors to these crises include "settlers", "natives", "indigenes", "immigrants", "Christians", "Moslems", etc., and these are issues that previous and successive administrations in the state have not fully addressed. The conflict trap theory was employed and factored to explain that the conflicts in Jos are interlaced with continuation, recurrence, escalation, and diffusion, i.e., the four pathways to conflict. The paper advanced the discussion by considering the 2001, 2008, and 2010 crises, which were largely responsible for the segregation in terms of settlements within the city. Attention focused on the negative impacts over the years on both genders, which can be perceived from the prism of economic implication, like loss of livelihood leading to poverty, and social implication, i.e., the disruption of social life vis-à-vis political issues, whereby women were mostly excluded from negotiations, especially in the post-conflict era, among others. The paper concluded by recommending severe punishment for perpetrators of conflicts, conflict merchants, comprehensive security, especially in crises prone areas and proper implementation of previous commissions of inquiry in order to forestall the recurrence of these crises.

Dutse International Journal of Social and Economic Research (DIJSER), 2020
The present world is plagued with the Covid-19 pandemic which has not been experienced in this di... more The present world is plagued with the Covid-19 pandemic which has not been experienced in this dimension prior to this time. Different countries have witnessed the emergence of other diseases at various epochs in their history. Since the virus was discovered in China in the year 2019, containing its spread has been a herculean challenge while the effects have been devastating. Thus, almost all facets of human life have been affected. Having spread to Nigeria, the country has made frantic efforts to contain it. In truism, and considering our experience and response thus far, the country was never prepared for a situation with such negative magnitude. Of utmost consideration is its toll on our national existence which is alarming. This paper examined issues associated with the Covid-19 experience in Nigeria. It also analyzed the challenges and contributions of civil society organizations during this period and advocated that they be strengthened for future purpose. The paper relied heavily on secondary sources of investigation, data collection and analysis,thus historicized method was adopted.

FUDMA Journal of Gender and Development , 2021
In Nigeria,discourses on gender equality seem to downplay the role of Non-governmental organisati... more In Nigeria,discourses on gender equality seem to downplay the role of Non-governmental organisations in the pursuit of gender equity. However, non-governmental organisations have made profound contributions to the struggle for gender equality. This paper attempts to examine the roles as well as the contributions of of Non-governmental organizations to the advancement of gender equity and relations in Nigeria. It conceptualises non-governmental organizations, advancement, gender, gender equity, gender relations and adopts the equity sensitivity construct and the sociological approach advanced by Adams and Connell respectively. These theories which promote equity lends credence to the roles played by non-governmental organizations in ensuring that the society treats everyone equally. Based on research findings, the following were discovered: NGOs play strategic roles in the realisation and implementation of gender framework and protocols, they work towards improvement in the standard of living of both genders,solicit for relationships among both genders to be managed, reinforce the need for the formulation, adoption, implementation, and evaluation of the country's gender equality-related policies and laws, campaign and organise workshops for both genders, among others. The paper adopted the historical method of analysis and relied heavily on secondary sources which includes journal articles, government reports, reports from non-governmental organisations etc. The paper contends basically that non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have made immense contributions to the realization of gender equity in Nigeria though much more needs to be done.
Conference Presentations by Esamagu, Efemena Emmanuel

In a global world, there is a dire need for synergy between various disciplines in order to produ... more In a global world, there is a dire need for synergy between various disciplines in order to produce comprehensive researches. Same applies to the humanities known to have delved into human culture, thought, and experiences, to which history as a discipline belongs. As a result of the foregoing, and with the advancement in technology, it is incumbent on historians to promote thorough historical researches via interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary collaborations and in tandem with Artificial Intelligence (AI). This paper basically examined the role of AI in transforming dynamics of research in the humanities, specifically history in a digitalized world. It further provided a dispassionate analysis of collaborations between history and other disciplines via artificial intelligence. Being a historical piece of work, historical methodology was adopted as secondary sources in this case, which consist of published and unpublished materials, like textbooks, articles in journals, published workshop papers, symposia papers, newspapers, magazine articles, seminar papers, among others, were consulted and formed the gamut of data collection used to prosecute this research. The data garnered were objectively analyzed with the use of analytical approach, also known as the critical method. On the whole, the study established or found out that artificial intelligence (AI) has enhanced and strengthened new trends and perspectives in historical research vis-à-vis the relationships between History, Social and Natural Sciences; History, Sociology and Anthropology; History and Psychology; History, Economics and Demographic Studies; History and Literature; which was exhaustively explained in the paper. It further unveiled that with artificial intelligence, the use of interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary method (I/MM) in the study of history can be sustained. While the paper noted that AI when used properly could provide relevant information critical to historical studies, it also examined the challenges stemming from the use of artificial intelligence, which include; data bias and representation, contextual understanding, source reliability and verification, ethical considerations, complexity of interpretation, technical limitations, preservation of historical integrity, among others. The study concluded that historians exercised caution in the use of AI for comprehensive historical research.
Keywords: Intersection, Interdisciplinary Collaboration, AI-Driven Research, History
Papers by Esamagu, Efemena Emmanuel
Conference Presentations by Esamagu, Efemena Emmanuel
Keywords: Intersection, Interdisciplinary Collaboration, AI-Driven Research, History
Keywords: Intersection, Interdisciplinary Collaboration, AI-Driven Research, History