Published Peer-Reviewed Papers by René M Micallef

Gregorianum, 2019
This paper is at same time a brief summary of Hervé Carrier’s thought on catholic tertiary educat... more This paper is at same time a brief summary of Hervé Carrier’s thought on catholic tertiary education and an inquiry on its relevance for today. The entire paper focuses on five points which are present in his 1969 Gregorianum article: (1) the balance between research and teaching; (2) access to university education; (3) the organization of the university community; (4) the relationship between education and contemporary culture and (5) the role of universities within civil society. An inductive principle guides the qualitative research carried out in five pontifical universities in Rome (with 42 interviewees) to gather data on the relevance of Carrier’s thought. A dialogical strategy is adopted to compare Carrier’s thought with data from surveyed universities. In spite of the difference between the social context from which Carrier developed his thought and the current socio-ecclesial context of pontifical universities in Rome, most of the ideas he defended are, more or less, part of the core vision of the surveyed universities. Though slightly different from one university to another, the major findings of this research endeavour suggest the adoption of the following major goals: improvement of teaching through the use of modern technological and didactic means, increase of the means for research through funding and new research position, strengthening of participatory mechanisms to maximize students’ and faculty’s inclusion in university’s decisional schema, intensification of a discerning embrace of “new cultures” in all activities, and of training of students to affect social transformation.

Archivio Teologico Torinese, 2019
In this essay, the author reflects on the relevance of terrorism to contemporary theological (and... more In this essay, the author reflects on the relevance of terrorism to contemporary theological (and philosophical) social ethics and then links it to migration, arguing that these two fields have reached maturity and have earned their place on the Social Ethics podium alongside classical issues such as the dignity of labour or the universal destination of wealth. The first part proposes a way of understanding terrorism and the moral evil implied, and then discusses three elements of novelty that warrant renewed ethical investigation. The second part reflects on Migration within the Christian Moral Tradition, using a rights-based and a virtue-ethics approach, and notes that crime and terrorism tend to obscure our understanding of human mobility today, warranting ethical research
into the «crimmigration» myths and their effect on political decision-making.

Urbaniana University Journal, 2022
The author explores the complexity of the relationship between vulnerability and freedom/autonomy... more The author explores the complexity of the relationship between vulnerability and freedom/autonomy in various anthropological discourses (from Greek Antiquity to contemporary authors) to highlight a tension which is constitutive of theological ethics as a discipline, and which should not be resolved by minimizing the importance of one of the two terms in tension. By minimizing the importance of freedom, we run the risk of conceiving human moral action as excessively exposed to the whims of both good and baci luck and the agent's sense of responsibility is eroded. Conversely, by minimizing the importance of vulnerability,
we lose sight of the precarious beauty of the action of beings who are rooted in a finite world, where many factors are not under their contrai, despite the Promethean illusions of current technocracy. Recently, the theme of vulnerability seems to fascinate many mora! theologians, but if it is not theologically grounded in the Trìnitarian God, who accepts to be vulnerable in Christ, challenging certain Augustinian tendencies in our tradition, ìt risks remaining an extrinsic discourse.
Introduzione-1. Due letture filosofiche del racconto del chitarrista-2. La complessità e l'utilità della nozione di "autonomia"-3. L'agire morale può essere schermato dagli assalti della fortuna?-4. L'approccio agostiniano: amare ciò che è invulnerabile-5. Quale nozione di Dio per fondare la nostra nozione di "autonomia teonoma"?-6. Alcune proposte per un uso fecondo della nozione di "vulnerabilità" nella teologia morale odierna-Conclusione Parole chiave: vulnerabilità; libertà; autonomia;fortuna morale; Agostino Introduzione Vorrei iniziare con un racconto che ha avuto un impatto importante sulla mia concezione di autonomia e di vulnerabilità nella mia giovinezza. Possiamo intitolarlo "La paradossale libertà del chitarrista incarcerato":
Melita Theologica, 2017
In the first part of the article, the author reflects on Malta and its European neighbours and th... more In the first part of the article, the author reflects on Malta and its European neighbours and their history of being providing a safe haven for strangers: this is a key part of Maltese and European identity that is often ignored or silenced in movements that reduce patriotism to mere ethnonationalism. In the second part, this notion of hospitality that can shape one's identity is linked to the biblical concept of "mercy" as excellence in living out justice. Finally, the author presents some of the rights and principles included in Catholic Social Thought on Migration and Asylum that he believes should shape the concrete decisions taken by Maltese and European policymakers.
Gregorianum, 2016
In this article, I retrace the complex synodal drafting process of the War Avoidance («De bello v... more In this article, I retrace the complex synodal drafting process of the War Avoidance («De bello vitando») text in Gaudium et Spes (79-82), focussing especially on paragraphs 80 («Total War») and 81 («The Arms Race»), with the help of material published by the main drafters in the 1960s and recent studies conducted in their personal archives (though not yet available in English). I explore the ethical implications of each stumbling block in the drafting process, drawing lessons for
contemporary Moral Theology, and applying them briefly to the Weapons having Uncontainable Effects currently being developed (cyberwarfare, autonomous killer robots).
Gregorianum, 2015
The figure of Cain in Gen 4 has a privileged place in the speeches and writings of Pope Francis o... more The figure of Cain in Gen 4 has a privileged place in the speeches and writings of Pope Francis on immigration and on the political commitment of believers. Starting with the text of EG 211, this article examines this metaphor to reveal its power and help the reader to understand the implications of the political discourse of Pope Francis. The article focuses on four features of the pope’s discourse: Francis’ perspective from the suburbs, his prophetic tone, his holistic approach to the issue of the defense of life, and his insistence on fraternity/kinship.
Keywords: Immigration, Political Commitment, Fraternity, Kinship, Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium
Xjenza, 1998
In recent years there have been numerous studies made on the marine benthic assemblages of Maltes... more In recent years there have been numerous studies made on the marine benthic assemblages of Maltese coastal waters, either as elements of the seascape, or in order to gain an understanding of the nature of these assemblages and of the factors which structure them, or to assess the potential of such assemblages as indicators of environmental change, principally that due to anthropogenic activities. The massive data sets generated by such studies can realistically only be analysed objectively using an array of sophisticated statistical techniques that it has only been possible to apply now that powerful computers are readily available.
Published Scholarly Papers & Book Sections by René M Micallef
Il Diritto d’Asilo. Report 2023. Liberi di scegliere se migrare o restare?, 2023

La famiglia a cinquant'anni da Humanae vitae (ed. E. Palladino - H.M. Yáñez), 2018
In this chapter, we reflect on the situation of today's families, especially in countries which, ... more In this chapter, we reflect on the situation of today's families, especially in countries which, like Italy, are confronted with the novel forms of multiculturalism that arise from various types of migrations. We believe it is necessary to find a way to bring the social sciences and moral theology into dialogue on some of the effects of these phenomena, and more precisely, on cultural islands and generational conflicts in the context where two or more cultures meet. Cultural changes generate social problems, which many are tempted to eliminate by curbing change and, in this case, combatting migration and multiculturalism. This radical and false "solution" is based on fear, and it can easily fuel xenophobic attitudes and policies that violate the rights of poor and vulnerable people. Hence it is unacceptable from a moral standpoint, and from a sociological perspective it does not seem capable of solving the real social problems which underlie contemporary societies and families. Similarly, we believe that even the opposite "solution", that of laissez-faire that turns a blind eye to the social problems that multiculturalism causes, is ethically unsound and socially ineffective.
This leads us to propose the following claim: our societies today face a series of problems that stimulate, on the one hand, racist (or anti-religious) policies that want to close borders, and on the other hand, overly liberal policies that want to exploit migrant labor force without thinking carefully about the issue of integration. These problems lead us to favour a Catholic "via media"" regarding the issue of immigration, promoting "porous borders", and to seek to shift the attention from initial reception to integration. This via media is also the goal of one of the Global Compacts being discussed at the UN this year (the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration). Any via media is the fruit of discernment, and not of ready-made solutions, a discernment in which one seeks satisfy the just demands of all, using practical wisdom in the public space.
Teologia Morale, 2019
Sommario - I. Note preliminari: 1. Il concetto di migrante forzato o “vulnerabile”; 2. I resident... more Sommario - I. Note preliminari: 1. Il concetto di migrante forzato o “vulnerabile”; 2. I residenti de facto; 3. Il dialogo con le scienze sociali.
II. Percorso storico: 1. Percorso veterotestamentario; 2. Percorso neotestamentario; 3. Percorso storico-ecclesiale. III. Percorso sistematico: 1. L’etica della gestione delle migrazioni; 2. Quattro soggetti di diritti, e princìpi per aggiudicare e limitare le pretese incompatibili. IV.
Conclusione: un discernimento continuo in dialogo con le etiche professionali e la pratica delle virtù.
The authors reflect on the phenomenon of climate refugees/environmentally-displaced people, in th... more The authors reflect on the phenomenon of climate refugees/environmentally-displaced people, in the light of Pope Francis' encyclical letter, Laudato si', building a dialogue between the social and the natural sciences, jurisprudence, political philosophy and Christian ethics, and making various proposals to alleviate the plight of this group of migrants.
The author reflects on the credibility of the scientific basis of Pope Francis' encyclical letter... more The author reflects on the credibility of the scientific basis of Pope Francis' encyclical letter Laudato si', in the light of climate-change skepticism, partisan and biased newsfeeds, and internet filter-bubbles.
The author analyses critically the methodology used in Pope Francis' encyclical letter Laudato si... more The author analyses critically the methodology used in Pope Francis' encyclical letter Laudato si', starting with a general introduction on the use of an inductive, interdisciplinary methodology in post-Vatican II social encyclicals, and then analyzing the methodology of Laudato si' chapter by chapter.
Foundations of Integral Ecology, 2022
In this chapter, I focus on the major magisterial text on the topic of integral ecology, the ency... more In this chapter, I focus on the major magisterial text on the topic of integral ecology, the encyclical Laudato Si' (LS), and study the way it engages other sciences in critical dialogue. Furthermore, to show that LS is not an exception, but crowns a search for an appropriate inter- and trans-disciplinary methodology spanning many decades, I will place its methodology in historical context. I believe that LS is a remarkable point of arrival and a great model for "integral ecology", yet it should also be seen as a point of departure for a project that is still taking shape. This is why I will conclude by comment on its methodological limitations and shortcomings in view of the future of "integral ecology".
ella riflessione cattolica del secondo dopoguerra. 4. Il diritto alla pace: le riflessioni della... more ella riflessione cattolica del secondo dopoguerra. 4. Il diritto alla pace: le riflessioni della comunità internazionale. 4.1. La Dichiarazione sul diritto dei popoli alla pace (1984). 4.2. Altri sviluppi tra il 1989 e il 2016. 4.3. La Dichiarazione sul diritto alla pace (2016). 5. Il cristianesimo e la pace. 5.1. Le religioni: una fonte di conflitti? 5.2. Ideologia e utopia. 5.3. La promozione “religiosa” della pace: un esempio storico. 5.4. L’uso tollerabile della violenza. 5.5. Prospettive per il futuro della pace: la vigilanza giusta e l’arma dell’umore. 6. Conclusione. 7. Bibliografia.
Jeevadhara, 2017
In this article, the author reflects on Pope Francis' invitation to Catholic universities to resp... more In this article, the author reflects on Pope Francis' invitation to Catholic universities to respond to the situation of today's migrants and refugees by doing research on the phenomenon, teaching and becoming engaged in social promotion. After briefly surveying Catholic Social Thought and providing some statistics on human mobility, the article encourages teachers and lecturers (especially in Theology, Philosophy and the Social Sciences) to include this topic in their teaching, and reflects on what to teach and how to teach about human mobility by proposing some elements of a teaching "ethos" from personal experience.
Public Theology and the Global Common Good, 2016
In a festschrift celebrating the work of David Hollenbach, SJ, the author reflects on the notion ... more In a festschrift celebrating the work of David Hollenbach, SJ, the author reflects on the notion of porous borders in Catholic Social Thought on migration, and on some priority rules suggested by Hollenbach to adjudicate between the conflicting rights claims of migrants, refugees and citizens. The author also refers to the virtue of hospitality which can help us go beyond speaking of duties and possibly deal with some of the current policy impasses.
Aggiornamento – damals und heute: Perspektiven für die Zukunft, 2017
The paper traces the evolution of Catholic Social Thought on human mobility during the 20th centu... more The paper traces the evolution of Catholic Social Thought on human mobility during the 20th century and in recent years.

Evangelii gaudium - il testo ci interroga (ed. H. M Yáñez)
In paragraphs 210-211 of his Apostolic exhortation "Evangelii Gaudium" (EG), Pope Francis speaks ... more In paragraphs 210-211 of his Apostolic exhortation "Evangelii Gaudium" (EG), Pope Francis speaks of the issue of immigration
using strong language that invites us to get involved with our experience in the experience of immigrants. Behind the Pope's words, there is an implicit reference to a long tradition of reflection on this topic which strikes a dialogue between pathos and logos. This article discusses four important issues that are highlighted in this part of EG: (I) The reference to begging children, a little-known phenomenon in many rich countries, is an example of the perspective from the "periphery" adopted by this Pope. (II) The harsh and condemnatory language, quite rare in the speeches and writings of Francis, indicates a shift of the prophetic charism of papal teaching on the topic of immigration. (III) This is confirmed by the use of the language of the defense of life in dealing with issues of social ethics, which some Catholics have tended to bracket in recent years. (IV) However, this Pope is also making a constructive proposal; this is to be found in his discussion of "fraternity" or "kinship", which deeper and more complex than it seems at first glance.

La sfida delle migrazioni. rischi e opportunità, 2015
In this article, we offer a reflection in two moments, corresponding to the two parts of the titl... more In this article, we offer a reflection in two moments, corresponding to the two parts of the title.
In the first moment we focus on the "fact of migration". On the one hand, human mobility is a fact with which we must deal always and everywhere, and especially in our "globalized" world. On the other hand, when we speak about "facts", we need to challenge a culture of myths, lies, and half-truths concerning the phenomenon of human migration. In fact, this points to the political and cultural role of every higher-ed institution: to help its students, and the "city" (polis) in which it is rooted, to move from a culture of confusion and unfounded beliefs to a culture of rigorous search of truth.
In the second moment, then, we make some concrete proposals to stimulate the Pontifical Gregorian to take up this challenge, so that its members, in their reflection and action, may respond adequately to the contacts and clashes between cultures provoked by the "fact of human mobility".
Published Peer-Reviewed Papers by René M Micallef
into the «crimmigration» myths and their effect on political decision-making.
we lose sight of the precarious beauty of the action of beings who are rooted in a finite world, where many factors are not under their contrai, despite the Promethean illusions of current technocracy. Recently, the theme of vulnerability seems to fascinate many mora! theologians, but if it is not theologically grounded in the Trìnitarian God, who accepts to be vulnerable in Christ, challenging certain Augustinian tendencies in our tradition, ìt risks remaining an extrinsic discourse.
Introduzione-1. Due letture filosofiche del racconto del chitarrista-2. La complessità e l'utilità della nozione di "autonomia"-3. L'agire morale può essere schermato dagli assalti della fortuna?-4. L'approccio agostiniano: amare ciò che è invulnerabile-5. Quale nozione di Dio per fondare la nostra nozione di "autonomia teonoma"?-6. Alcune proposte per un uso fecondo della nozione di "vulnerabilità" nella teologia morale odierna-Conclusione Parole chiave: vulnerabilità; libertà; autonomia;fortuna morale; Agostino Introduzione Vorrei iniziare con un racconto che ha avuto un impatto importante sulla mia concezione di autonomia e di vulnerabilità nella mia giovinezza. Possiamo intitolarlo "La paradossale libertà del chitarrista incarcerato":
contemporary Moral Theology, and applying them briefly to the Weapons having Uncontainable Effects currently being developed (cyberwarfare, autonomous killer robots).
Keywords: Immigration, Political Commitment, Fraternity, Kinship, Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium
Published Scholarly Papers & Book Sections by René M Micallef
This leads us to propose the following claim: our societies today face a series of problems that stimulate, on the one hand, racist (or anti-religious) policies that want to close borders, and on the other hand, overly liberal policies that want to exploit migrant labor force without thinking carefully about the issue of integration. These problems lead us to favour a Catholic "via media"" regarding the issue of immigration, promoting "porous borders", and to seek to shift the attention from initial reception to integration. This via media is also the goal of one of the Global Compacts being discussed at the UN this year (the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration). Any via media is the fruit of discernment, and not of ready-made solutions, a discernment in which one seeks satisfy the just demands of all, using practical wisdom in the public space.
II. Percorso storico: 1. Percorso veterotestamentario; 2. Percorso neotestamentario; 3. Percorso storico-ecclesiale. III. Percorso sistematico: 1. L’etica della gestione delle migrazioni; 2. Quattro soggetti di diritti, e princìpi per aggiudicare e limitare le pretese incompatibili. IV.
Conclusione: un discernimento continuo in dialogo con le etiche professionali e la pratica delle virtù.
using strong language that invites us to get involved with our experience in the experience of immigrants. Behind the Pope's words, there is an implicit reference to a long tradition of reflection on this topic which strikes a dialogue between pathos and logos. This article discusses four important issues that are highlighted in this part of EG: (I) The reference to begging children, a little-known phenomenon in many rich countries, is an example of the perspective from the "periphery" adopted by this Pope. (II) The harsh and condemnatory language, quite rare in the speeches and writings of Francis, indicates a shift of the prophetic charism of papal teaching on the topic of immigration. (III) This is confirmed by the use of the language of the defense of life in dealing with issues of social ethics, which some Catholics have tended to bracket in recent years. (IV) However, this Pope is also making a constructive proposal; this is to be found in his discussion of "fraternity" or "kinship", which deeper and more complex than it seems at first glance.
In the first moment we focus on the "fact of migration". On the one hand, human mobility is a fact with which we must deal always and everywhere, and especially in our "globalized" world. On the other hand, when we speak about "facts", we need to challenge a culture of myths, lies, and half-truths concerning the phenomenon of human migration. In fact, this points to the political and cultural role of every higher-ed institution: to help its students, and the "city" (polis) in which it is rooted, to move from a culture of confusion and unfounded beliefs to a culture of rigorous search of truth.
In the second moment, then, we make some concrete proposals to stimulate the Pontifical Gregorian to take up this challenge, so that its members, in their reflection and action, may respond adequately to the contacts and clashes between cultures provoked by the "fact of human mobility".
into the «crimmigration» myths and their effect on political decision-making.
we lose sight of the precarious beauty of the action of beings who are rooted in a finite world, where many factors are not under their contrai, despite the Promethean illusions of current technocracy. Recently, the theme of vulnerability seems to fascinate many mora! theologians, but if it is not theologically grounded in the Trìnitarian God, who accepts to be vulnerable in Christ, challenging certain Augustinian tendencies in our tradition, ìt risks remaining an extrinsic discourse.
Introduzione-1. Due letture filosofiche del racconto del chitarrista-2. La complessità e l'utilità della nozione di "autonomia"-3. L'agire morale può essere schermato dagli assalti della fortuna?-4. L'approccio agostiniano: amare ciò che è invulnerabile-5. Quale nozione di Dio per fondare la nostra nozione di "autonomia teonoma"?-6. Alcune proposte per un uso fecondo della nozione di "vulnerabilità" nella teologia morale odierna-Conclusione Parole chiave: vulnerabilità; libertà; autonomia;fortuna morale; Agostino Introduzione Vorrei iniziare con un racconto che ha avuto un impatto importante sulla mia concezione di autonomia e di vulnerabilità nella mia giovinezza. Possiamo intitolarlo "La paradossale libertà del chitarrista incarcerato":
contemporary Moral Theology, and applying them briefly to the Weapons having Uncontainable Effects currently being developed (cyberwarfare, autonomous killer robots).
Keywords: Immigration, Political Commitment, Fraternity, Kinship, Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium
This leads us to propose the following claim: our societies today face a series of problems that stimulate, on the one hand, racist (or anti-religious) policies that want to close borders, and on the other hand, overly liberal policies that want to exploit migrant labor force without thinking carefully about the issue of integration. These problems lead us to favour a Catholic "via media"" regarding the issue of immigration, promoting "porous borders", and to seek to shift the attention from initial reception to integration. This via media is also the goal of one of the Global Compacts being discussed at the UN this year (the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration). Any via media is the fruit of discernment, and not of ready-made solutions, a discernment in which one seeks satisfy the just demands of all, using practical wisdom in the public space.
II. Percorso storico: 1. Percorso veterotestamentario; 2. Percorso neotestamentario; 3. Percorso storico-ecclesiale. III. Percorso sistematico: 1. L’etica della gestione delle migrazioni; 2. Quattro soggetti di diritti, e princìpi per aggiudicare e limitare le pretese incompatibili. IV.
Conclusione: un discernimento continuo in dialogo con le etiche professionali e la pratica delle virtù.
using strong language that invites us to get involved with our experience in the experience of immigrants. Behind the Pope's words, there is an implicit reference to a long tradition of reflection on this topic which strikes a dialogue between pathos and logos. This article discusses four important issues that are highlighted in this part of EG: (I) The reference to begging children, a little-known phenomenon in many rich countries, is an example of the perspective from the "periphery" adopted by this Pope. (II) The harsh and condemnatory language, quite rare in the speeches and writings of Francis, indicates a shift of the prophetic charism of papal teaching on the topic of immigration. (III) This is confirmed by the use of the language of the defense of life in dealing with issues of social ethics, which some Catholics have tended to bracket in recent years. (IV) However, this Pope is also making a constructive proposal; this is to be found in his discussion of "fraternity" or "kinship", which deeper and more complex than it seems at first glance.
In the first moment we focus on the "fact of migration". On the one hand, human mobility is a fact with which we must deal always and everywhere, and especially in our "globalized" world. On the other hand, when we speak about "facts", we need to challenge a culture of myths, lies, and half-truths concerning the phenomenon of human migration. In fact, this points to the political and cultural role of every higher-ed institution: to help its students, and the "city" (polis) in which it is rooted, to move from a culture of confusion and unfounded beliefs to a culture of rigorous search of truth.
In the second moment, then, we make some concrete proposals to stimulate the Pontifical Gregorian to take up this challenge, so that its members, in their reflection and action, may respond adequately to the contacts and clashes between cultures provoked by the "fact of human mobility".
of Catholicism into the world of international politics during the second half of the twentieth century.
Le père Joseph Marie Joblin, interviewé à l’occasion du centenaire de cette revue, dresse le bilan d’un siècle d’histoire sociale. Il parle de son expérience de plus de vingt-cinq ans au Bureau international du Travail (BIT), de sa longue collaboration avec la Faculté de Sciences sociales de l’Université pontificale grégorienne, des évolutions dans la société et la pensée catholique au cours du XXème siècle, de la portée des Organisations internationales catholiques et de l’importance de l’entrée du catholicisme dans le monde de la politique internationale pendant la deuxième moitié du XXème siècle.
La difficile condizione di oggi è affrontata in questo testo cercando di coniugare teoria e prassi dei diritti umani con la prova collettiva che sta sperimentando l’attuale generazione e che mai prima era accaduta nella storia. Parlare di diritti umani oggi, ai tempi del Covid, con democrazie indebolite, economie che escludono, un ambiente manipolato e distrutto per la persecuzione di interessi privati di gruppo o individuali, l’urgenza della pandemia che ha visto prendere decisioni di potere molto nette e forse “pericolose”, significa ribadire senza se e senza ma, che la centralità di ogni azione strutturale, istituzionale, pubblica, come anche privata, è il riconoscimento della dignità della persona umana. Dignità umana che fonda la Dichiarazione e che non può e non deve essere solo un concetto di cui parlare, un’idea che unisce o divide, ma qualcosa la cui realizzazione richiede prassi concrete, reali, visibili.