Papers by Valérie Lussi Borer
Information bibliographique publiée par «Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek» «Die Deutsche Nationalb... more Information bibliographique publiée par «Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek» «Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek» répertorie cette publication dans la «Deutsche Nationalbibliografie»; les données bibliographiques détaillées sont disponibles sur Internet sous ‹http. Cette publication a fait l'objet d'une évaluation par les pairs.
Presses Universitaires de France eBooks, 2016
Vidéo-formation et développement de l'activité professionnelle enseignante
Vidéo-formation et développement de l'activité professionnelle enseignante
International audienc
Presses Universitaires de France eBooks, Jan 6, 2016
Perspectives en éducation et formation, 2009
Apprendre à enseigner, 2016

Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 2018
Recent literature reviews in the field of video-enhanced teacher learning (e.g. Gaudin & Chalies,... more Recent literature reviews in the field of video-enhanced teacher learning (e.g. Gaudin & Chalies, 2015) show that video viewing has been increasingly used over the past 10 years in teacher education and professional development in all subject areas, at all grade levels, and all over the world. Three main reasons are identified: (i) video is an “artifact of practice” that helps create a link between the traditional theoretical education at the university and classroom practice; (ii) video viewing has been greatly eased by technical progress (e.g., digitalization, storage, edition, annotation); (iii) video viewing is a means to facilitate the implementation of institutional reforms. The effects of video on the development of teachers’ abilities (e.g., noticing relevant features, reflecting on practice) are well documented. However, little is known about teacher and facilitator experience in video-enhanced educational situations and about how to develop user/learner experience design f...

Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 2018
Recent literature reviews in the field of video-enhanced teacher learning show that video viewing... more Recent literature reviews in the field of video-enhanced teacher learning show that video viewing has been increasingly used over the past 15 years in teacher education and professional development in all subject areas, at all grade levels, and all over the world (Gaudin & Chaliès, 2015; Major & Watson, 2018; Marsh & Mitchell, 2014; Tripp & Rich, 2012). Gaudin and Chaliès (2015) identified three main reasons: (a) video is an “artifact of practice” that helps create a link between the traditional theoretical education at the university and classroom practice, (b) video viewing has been greatly eased by technical progress (e.g., digitalization, storage, edition, and annotation), and (c) video viewing is a means to facilitate the implementation of institutional reforms. Video viewing may, therefore, potentially improve preand in-service teacher educational programs.

As shown by Gaudin and Chalies (2015), researches conducted in recent years in the field of video... more As shown by Gaudin and Chalies (2015), researches conducted in recent years in the field of video-enhanced teacher education and professional development mainly focus on identifying (i) the effects of different types of video (e.g. "best practices" vs “typical practices”), (ii) the identity or status of the teacher videoed and of the teacher viewing (self vs others, peers vs experts) and (iii) the influence of video viewing on teachers' ability to notice and interpret relevant features to analyze classroom situations, in order to develop knowledge-based reasoning and/or a "professional vision". On one hand, these researches produced a strong evidence basis about the links and relations between different instructional settings and different learning outcomes. On the other hand, their theoretical and empirical variety seems to be an obstacle for a compelling scientific advance (Flandin, 2015). Therefore we think that the field needs to investigate more generic ...

Notre contribution presente un volet d'une recherche de plus grande envergure qui etudie la m... more Notre contribution presente un volet d'une recherche de plus grande envergure qui etudie la maniere dont evolue la fabrique des savoirs dans le champ pedagogique depuis le milieu du 19e jusqu’a la fin du 20e siecle. L'enjeu est de degager l'evolution du profil des acteurs individuels et collectifs (emanant des champs pratiques, administratifs, politiques, scientifiques) qui contribuent a la construction des savoirs en education et de cerner l'evolution de leur activite intellectuelle (notamment sur la base de leurs publications). Nous postulons l’existence de trois strates : la montee des praticiens, l’essor des sciences de l’education puis l’emprise de l’expertise. Cette contribution se focalise sur la deuxieme strate, en concentrant l'analyse sur l'evolution des personnes specialisees dans la recherche educationnelle et œuvrant dans le cadre d’institutions creees a cet effet (instituts et universites). L'enquete porte sur l'ensemble des sites univer...

The effects of video-based programs on teacher ability to notice are now well documented. However... more The effects of video-based programs on teacher ability to notice are now well documented. However, evidences showing some concrete teaching transformations are still very few, especially because research often focuses on initial education. This contribution presents an exploratory study dealing with the influence of two types of video-based induction programs on trainee teachers’ (TT) teaching activity: one prescribing the learning objects (LO) and one not prescribing them. These programs have been designed on the same conceptual framework—an activity-based framework for work analysis (Durand, 2013)—but using different instructional approaches. The first type of program (P1) defines and plans the LO (e.g. craft rules or professional gestures) and TTs are taught by the facilitator through an iterative course. The second type (P2) does not: LO are supposed to emerge during TTs’ activity, which is guided by the facilitator in a digital environment. Using observation and self-confrontat...

En France, l’injonction a ancrer davantage la formation a l'enseignement dans la realite du m... more En France, l’injonction a ancrer davantage la formation a l'enseignement dans la realite du metier a ete adressee aux formateurs avec la mise en place des ESPE. Neanmoins, la prise en compte du travail reel en formation reste encore problematique pour de nombreux formateurs. Pourtant, l’analyse ergonomique de l’activite enseignante a contribue au cours des 20 dernieres annees a lever un coin du voile sur le travail enseignant tel qu’il se deploie concretement au quotidien dans les salles de classe et les etablissements scolaires : les gestes et les operations de travail, les difficultes et les facons d’y faire face, etc. Elle a aussi donne lieu a de nouvelles conceptualisations des processus d’apprentissage du metier et de developpement professionnel ainsi qu’a la production de ressources variees pour la formation. Cependant, ces developpements soulevent differentes problemes concernant la didactisation du travail. Ce numero thematique a pour intention de les mettre en lumiere. ...
Papers by Valérie Lussi Borer