Papers by Maria Lorenzo Martinez

Resumé : Roc de Combe est l’un des sites de reference pour etudier les modalites de passage Pale... more Resumé : Roc de Combe est l’un des sites de reference pour etudier les modalites de passage Paleolithique moyen récent – Paleolithique superieur initial (Chatelperronien) et Paleolithique superieur ancien (Aurignacien ancien) dans le Sud-Ouest de la France. Fouillépar F. Bordes en 1966 et longtemps reputé pour une « interstratification » – desormais rejetee – servant la these de l’acculturation, il a fait l’objet d’une etude des niveaux attribues au Chatelperronien et àl’Aurignacien, mais les series du Mousterien demeuraient jusqu’àce jour identifiees, cependant non etudiees. Un recent travail universitaire menépar l’une d’entre nous (M.L.M.) permet desormais de disposer d’un bilan techno-economique et typologique confirmant l’attribution de cette serie au Mousterien de debitage Discoide àdenticules, techno-complexe qui clot dans le Sud-Ouest de la France nombre d’archeo-séquences. La presente etude donne les premieres donnees numeriques relatives àcette serie inedite, la positionne dans un cadre chrono-culturel et son contexte regional, en insistant sur un statut petrographique relativement original propre àla Bouriane, region faisant la liaison entre Perigord et Quercy.
Abstract: The middle Palaeolithic lithic industry of Roc de Combe (Payrignac, Lot, France), A new example of Denticulate Discoïd Mousterian. Roc de Combe (Lot, France) is one of the key sites concerning the Late Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition in southwestern France. 1966’ excavation, led by François Bordes, has yielded some Mousterian, Chatelperronian, Aurignacian and Gravettian rich assemblages. Here we present the analysis of the unpublished Mousterian lithic assemblages, studied by one of us during a Master degree. From this study, the belonging of this industry to a Denticulate-Discoid Mousterian has been confirmed, a technocomplex usually classically attributed to the final stage of the Mousterian. Several radiocarbon dates confirm this attribution. Finally, our analysis shows an original lithic raw material procurement strategy, due to the site location, peculiar to the Bouriane between Perigord and Quercy.
Key-words: Late Middle Paleolithic (LMP), Isotopic stage 3 (MIS 3), Discoid, Denticulate Mousterian, Perigord, Quercy, lithic technology, raw material.
Papers by Maria Lorenzo Martinez
Abstract: The middle Palaeolithic lithic industry of Roc de Combe (Payrignac, Lot, France), A new example of Denticulate Discoïd Mousterian. Roc de Combe (Lot, France) is one of the key sites concerning the Late Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition in southwestern France. 1966’ excavation, led by François Bordes, has yielded some Mousterian, Chatelperronian, Aurignacian and Gravettian rich assemblages. Here we present the analysis of the unpublished Mousterian lithic assemblages, studied by one of us during a Master degree. From this study, the belonging of this industry to a Denticulate-Discoid Mousterian has been confirmed, a technocomplex usually classically attributed to the final stage of the Mousterian. Several radiocarbon dates confirm this attribution. Finally, our analysis shows an original lithic raw material procurement strategy, due to the site location, peculiar to the Bouriane between Perigord and Quercy.
Key-words: Late Middle Paleolithic (LMP), Isotopic stage 3 (MIS 3), Discoid, Denticulate Mousterian, Perigord, Quercy, lithic technology, raw material.
Abstract: The middle Palaeolithic lithic industry of Roc de Combe (Payrignac, Lot, France), A new example of Denticulate Discoïd Mousterian. Roc de Combe (Lot, France) is one of the key sites concerning the Late Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition in southwestern France. 1966’ excavation, led by François Bordes, has yielded some Mousterian, Chatelperronian, Aurignacian and Gravettian rich assemblages. Here we present the analysis of the unpublished Mousterian lithic assemblages, studied by one of us during a Master degree. From this study, the belonging of this industry to a Denticulate-Discoid Mousterian has been confirmed, a technocomplex usually classically attributed to the final stage of the Mousterian. Several radiocarbon dates confirm this attribution. Finally, our analysis shows an original lithic raw material procurement strategy, due to the site location, peculiar to the Bouriane between Perigord and Quercy.
Key-words: Late Middle Paleolithic (LMP), Isotopic stage 3 (MIS 3), Discoid, Denticulate Mousterian, Perigord, Quercy, lithic technology, raw material.