Papers by Frédéric Darbellay
Anthem Press eBooks, Mar 7, 2023
Edward Elgar Publishing eBooks, May 12, 2023
Recherches & éducations
In this article we present our reflections on children's rights education and its development... more In this article we present our reflections on children's rights education and its development through inter- and transdisciplinary practices in the school context. To enable school pupils to experience their status as subjects of the law to the full, their rights must feature on the level of both knowledge transfer and everyday application. An exclusively disciplinary approach proves insufficient to achieving this objective, and inter- and transdisciplinary teaching is deployed to provide a more comprehensive education in children's rights.
Springer eBooks, 2023
To conclude this stage of research on the representations of supernatural agents in children's dr... more To conclude this stage of research on the representations of supernatural agents in children's drawings, this chapter summarizes some of the main results of the works collected in this volume. The use of drawings to study children's representations is not a classic methodology in child psychology. Analysing images is challenging on different levels: content analysis, material features of the drawings, and the development of technical tools needed for the analysis. This chapter discusses the benefits and the limitations of this methodology, as well as those of interdisciplinary approaches that try to combine computer vision methods with studies on child and adolescent development. It ends with the presentation of specific research ideas generated by this first stage of investigation, ideas which we propose as a program for a second stage of research.

Children's Geographies, 2021
Based on a transdisciplinary perspective, this contribution aims to describe the methodological i... more Based on a transdisciplinary perspective, this contribution aims to describe the methodological issues presenting themselves when walking is deployed as a tool to co-produce knowledge in a research project conducted with children. An analysis of two projects, one in Switzerland and the other in Spain, shows the relevance of working across a number of disciplines to study the movement of children and adolescents in their living environment. These research projects use a participatory methodological device, combining the interview and walking technique (mobile interview or accompanied itineraries) as a method of analysing and understanding the experiences of young social actors by prioritising their viewpoints. We also show how adopting a transdisciplinary approach to data co-production enables the participants to inhabit the research through their physical presence and their words

New Approaches to the Scientific Study of Religion
Empirical demonstrations of the embodied and grounded cognition approach, involving diverse areas... more Empirical demonstrations of the embodied and grounded cognition approach, involving diverse areas and phenomena, have increased exponentially in recent years. However, little research has been done in the religious domain. To the best of our knowledge, no study based on this theoretical framework has explored spatial dimension in pictorial representation of the divine in children’s drawings or in religious art in general. The present study represents the very first attempt to investigate if and how spatiality is involved in the way children depict the divine in their drawings. Drawings collected from four groups of participants (n = 1156, ages 6–15) characterized by different cultural and religious environments: Japanese (Buddhism and Shinto), Russian-Buryat (Buddhism, Shamanism), Russian Slavic (Christian Orthodoxy), and French-speaking Swiss (Catholic and reformed Christianity) were annotated using the Gauntlet annotation tool and then analysed. The main result indicates that chil...

Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe - HAL - SHS, 2018
Cet article reprend les potentialités et les difficultés rencontrées lors de l'élaboration d'outi... more Cet article reprend les potentialités et les difficultés rencontrées lors de l'élaboration d'outils numériques dans le cadre d'un projet interdisciplinaire investiguant des dessins de dieux chez l'enfant et l'adolescent. Il se concentre sur les réorientations du projet qui en ont découlé par rapport aux attentes de départ. En particulier, nous décrirons comment des solutions ont été trouvées pour profiter des potentialités des outils numériques et quels choix ont dû être effectués concernant ces outils, en fonction de quatre types de défis : l'introduction et l'adaptation d'outils numériques aux questions de recherche des sciences humaines et sociales, le développement simultané des outils et des questions de recherche, les limitations techniques dues à la nouveauté du sujet du point de vue numérique, et la collaboration entre les sciences humaines et les spécialistes du numérique.

Children's Geographies
Based on a transdisciplinary perspective, this contribution aims to describe the methodological i... more Based on a transdisciplinary perspective, this contribution aims to describe the methodological issues presenting themselves when walking is deployed as a tool to co-produce knowledge in a research project conducted with children. An analysis of two projects, one in Switzerland and the other in Spain, shows the relevance of working across a number of disciplines to study the movement of children and adolescents in their living environment. These research projects use a participatory methodological device, combining the interview and walking technique (mobile interview or accompanied itineraries) as a method of analysing and understanding the experiences of young social actors by prioritising their viewpoints. We also show how adopting a transdisciplinary approach to data co-production enables the participants to inhabit the research through their physical presence and their words

Over the last few years, Switzerland has introduced three new curricula for primary and lower-sec... more Over the last few years, Switzerland has introduced three new curricula for primary and lower-secondary schools, one for each linguistic region. On several occasions, Switzerland has claimed that these curricula meet the required standards of children’s human rights education as conceptualized in international documents such as the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child or the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights Education and Training. The aim of this article is twofold: first, to provide a conceptual study of the theoretical frameworks related to children’s human rights education and other close related educational forms; second, to analyse how these different concepts are translated and implemented through the three regional curricula. (DIPF/Orig.)Während der letzten Jahre hat die Schweiz drei neue Lehrpläne für die Volksschule eingeführt, jeweils einen pro Sprachregion. Die Schweiz hat mehrfach bekräftigt, dass diese Lehrpläne die Anforderungen im Bereich der...
Revue des sciences sociales
La recherche centrée sur l’enfant. Défis éthiques et innovations méthodologiques, 2020
Cette contribution porte sur les considérations méthodologiques de la recherche avec les enfants,... more Cette contribution porte sur les considérations méthodologiques de la recherche avec les enfants, et elle expose un exemple concret de participation active d'un groupe d'enfants dans le processus de recherche en tant que co-chercheuses et co-chercheurs. Elle vise plus précisément à présenter la méthodologie participative élaborée dans le cadre du projet de recherche transdisciplinaire « Exploring the way to and from school with children : An interdisciplinary approach of children's experiences of the third place », soutenu par le Fonds national suisse de la recherche scientifique (FNS), et portant sur les expériences individuelles et collectives réalisées sur le chemin de l'école par des enfants âgés de 8 à 12 ans et se déplaçant sans adulte, dans trois cantons des Alpes suisses

Bulletin VALS-ASLA, 2019
Language and discourse practices play a role in scientific research and its evaluation, since the... more Language and discourse practices play a role in scientific research and its evaluation, since they shape knowledge construction. Therefore, it matters in which language research is carried out and knowledge constructed. More precisely, engaging in plurilingual research practices instead of monolingual ones has an impact on the research process and the results obtained. That is because science has its origin in scientific communities and is expressed in discourse activities. Today, however, the diversity of scientific communities and discourse activities tends to be smoothed out to meet the needs of the broad and instant communication of knowledge. This can be witnessed in the emergence of an international scientific macro-community and the uniformization of scientific discourse genres following the same norms and models in a small number of international papers. In this context of the internationalization of scientific research, this paper addresses the tension between the increasing uniformity of scientific practices and language diversity in multilingual Switzerland, from the perspective of research evaluation by the Swiss National Science Foundation. More precisely, this paper shows research councillors' social representations and their views on monolingualism and plurilingualism in science and its evaluation, in relation to their views on science in general and the role of language in research practices.
How are non academic experts involved in successive stages of the programming and funding cycles ... more How are non academic experts involved in successive stages of the programming and funding cycles in research and teaching ?

The concept of god, at least in some religious traditions, is one of the most difficult concepts ... more The concept of god, at least in some religious traditions, is one of the most difficult concepts to grasp, and presupposes a long evolution in an individual. The interdisciplinary project " Drawings of gods : A multicultural and interdisciplinary approach to children’s representations of supernatural agents " aims to demonstrate the richness of drawing as a method for studying representations of god in children and thus contribute to our understanding of this concept, its origins and its development. In this perspective, drawings from a variety of cultural and religious traditions (Switzerland, Japan, Russia, Iran, Brazil, Netherlands and so on) were collected and analysed by the project team and their partners from different countries. The purpose of this workshop is to bring together these researchers with the objective on one side of sharing the results of their research, and on the other side critically examining the contributions and limitations of this methodology, w...

The project “Drawings of gods: A Multicultural and Interdisciplinary Approach to Children’s Repre... more The project “Drawings of gods: A Multicultural and Interdisciplinary Approach to Children’s Representations of Supernatural Agents” (Supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), grant number: CR11I1_156383) is an inter- and transdisciplinary project which aims to discover novel patterns in children’s representation of gods using the mixed-method (children’s drawings, narratives and questionnaires). Unlike previous studies mostly conducted within Western Christian context, this project is based on data from a larger diversity of countries and religious traditions (currently, 6’500 drawings from eight countries) and seeks to contribute to the lack of research in culture and interfaith variation of children’s representations. Primarily rooted in developmental psychology and psychology of religion, the project largely integrates religious studies, sociology and computer sciences to gain more insight into the complexity and diversity of children’s representations of superna...

Cette contribution revele le double enjeu de la recherche interdisciplinaire qui reside de manier... more Cette contribution revele le double enjeu de la recherche interdisciplinaire qui reside de maniere complementaire dans l’avancement du dialogue entre les disciplines et dans la co-production de nouvelles methodes et techniques d’analyse. Au travers d’une auto-analyse d’un projet de recherche interdisciplinaire et multiculturel sur les representations que les enfants se font d’agents surnaturels (i.e., des figures de «dieux»), nous etudions les enjeux epistemologiques et methodologiques qui surgissent lorsque plusieurs regards disciplinaires sont convoques pour le traitement, l’analyse et l’interpretation d’un corpus de dessins d’enfant numerises. En nous basant sur l’observation participante, la documentation et l’autoreflexivite des chercheurs impliques dans la dynamique du projet, nous montrons comment le processus interdisciplinaire se met en place, avec ses points de convergence, ses potentialites mais aussi ses difficultes au regard des divers horizons epistemiques et culturels...
Papers by Frédéric Darbellay
En cherchant à répondre à ces questions, ce livre s’adresse à tous les chercheurs, enseignants et apprenants, ainsi qu’à toutes les personnes intéressées par l’exploration des frontières qui se redessinent aux confins des sciences.