Papers by Emilio Manzotti
Territorios En Red Practicas Culturales Y Analisis Del Discurso 2008 Isbn 978 84 9742 856 9 Pags 121 134, 2008
Diversitate si Identitate Culturala in Europa, 2018
This study, placed in the double framework of the so called 'soundscapes' and the secular... more This study, placed in the double framework of the so called 'soundscapes' and the secular satirical polemic 'against bells' in Italian literature, attempts to examine thoroughly a poem once renowned – and systematically memorized in the schools – of a Ninetieth Century minor Italian poet, Giacomo Zanella (1820-1888): Le campane de' villaggi "The Villages Bells". The analysis highlights the sophisticated syntactic and semantic construction of the poem, as well as its lexical and formulaic debts to former authors and lyrics (especially Parini), and fully justifies the high consideration of the poem (and of its author) in the works of C.E. Gadda, and the recurrent quotations and complex elaborations of some central lines.
Diversitate si Identitate Culturala in Europa, 2016
The Author presents here the first instalment of a broader study on the literary and cultural his... more The Author presents here the first instalment of a broader study on the literary and cultural history of the polenta: a «staple in Northern Italian cuisine» (, once «cibus vilissimus» according to the venerable Latin dictionary of E. Forcellini. The second half of the Settecento shows an interesting ongoing change in the social and 'gastronomic' status of the polenta, witnessed for instance in the successful scherzo ditirambico (1st ed. 1791) of the Venetian doctor and amateur poet Lodovico Pastò (1744-1806), which is here at some length presented and analysed. The last section reviews and discusses several other works, both technical (scientific and popular) and literary of the rich production about maize and polenta between eighteenth and nineteenth century.
Voprosy jazykoznanija, 2018

Propongo in queste pagine, con la tecnica ‘per aggiustamenti successivi’ propria ai mortaisti ed ... more Propongo in queste pagine, con la tecnica ‘per aggiustamenti successivi’ propria ai mortaisti ed agli artiglieri oltre che ai filologi, un’ulteriore approssimazione ad alcune delle pagine piu straordinarie della prosa novecentesca: il capitolo ottavo, o meglio la prima delle due parti di diversa lunghezza di cui esso si compone, del Pasticciaccio gaddiano – che nell’edizione in volume di capitoli ne conta dieci. I capp. VIII e IX, introdotti ex novo assieme a VII e X in questa edizione, sono, come non e inutile rilevare, i capitoli ‘del Pestalozzi’, i capitoli cioe del carabiniere (brigadiere, o vicebrigadiere) motociclista piemontese o piu precisamente ossolano Guerrino Pestalozzi che prende qui il posto e il ruolo dell’investigatore principale, relegando sullo sfondo il commissario Ingravallo. E il frammento di una ‘telemachia’ del Pestalozzi, insomma, che qui si analizza: fortemente unitario anche nel tempo e dislocata spazialmente fuori Roma, nella ‘campagna’ e (in parte) sui Co...
Festschrift für Gottfried Kolde zum 65. Geburtstag
The Author considers the strong polemical emphasis placed in C.E Gadda's novel "La Cogni... more The Author considers the strong polemical emphasis placed in C.E Gadda's novel "La Cognizione del dolore" (and elsewhere in his works) on a very common sort of shrub or tree: the Robinia pseudoacacia (= black locust); and analyses eight different interacting 'reasons' (according to the point of view of the narrator) for its odd textual status - from the uneven shape to the tendency to proliferate, and the lack of cultural tradition. The conclusion focuses the neutralizing effect of lyric 'pathetic' contexts on Gadda's resentment against the robinia.

Emilio MANZOTTI Ginevra pero que sólo influye en cosas minúsculas: en el grito de un pájaro, en l... more Emilio MANZOTTI Ginevra pero que sólo influye en cosas minúsculas: en el grito de un pájaro, en los matices de la herrumbre y del polvo, en los entresueños del alba. [J. L. Borges, «La lotería en Babilonia»-esempi?] 1. ESEMPIO-'OMNIBUS'? 1.1. Esempi in test¡ sc¡entiflci Tra i procedimenti per elaborare e trasmettere informazione complessa, uno dei ph?' diffusi-provvisto anzi per le discipline scientifiche di uno statuto che direi costitutivo-~senza dubbio il 'fare esempi', il 'dare esempi': l'EsEMpLiFicARE, come nel séguito diremo. Non si pué pensare ad un manuale o ad un articolo specialistico che non si fondi sistematicamente su progressioni da affermazioni generail a casi particolari esemplificanti o viceversa da casi particolari alía generalizzazione che da essi viene estratta. Apriamo, per prova, un classico dell'insegnamento universitario (italiano) della matematica, le Istituzioni di algebra astratta di Lucio Lombardo Radice2. Mi riallaccio qui, approfondendone alcune problematiche e correggendo le analisi allora proposte, a due miei precedenti lavori sulla esemplificazione: (O «Lesemplificazione. Natura e funzioni di un procedimento di composizione testuale», in Vincenzo Bonini e Marco Mazzoleni (a c. di), L 'italiano (e altre lingue). Strumenti e modelli di analisi? Atti del IV Seminario di Studi [della Scuola Superiore per interpreti e Traduttori del Comune di Milano],

Entrepreneurship is gradually becoming a parameter of measuring socioeconomic developments among ... more Entrepreneurship is gradually becoming a parameter of measuring socioeconomic developments among nations. Entrepreneurship is helping the growth of economies by creating additional jobs, wealth, and reducing the incidence of abject poverty. Developed countries ascribe their achievements to technological development, scientific breakthrough , improved communication and information technology, and competitive advantage gained through their entrepreneurial competencies and adventures. The objective of this paper is to examine the significance of entrepreneurial skills and their influence on entrepreneurial career option. Entrepreneurial competencies seek to create awareness among students about entrepreneurship as the appropriate career option to engage after graduation, as well as impart the needed social skills and knowledge of the use of insights and intuitions to identify and exploit opportunities to start a business. A quantitative approach was used involving a total of 505 questionnaires distributed to polytechnic students in Nigeria. A total of 425 questionnaires were completed and returned with a response rate of 84.2 percent. Data were analysed using SmartPLS 3; results indicate a significant positive influence of know-who and know-when competencies on entrepreneurial career option. The study was consistent with earlier studies on the relationship between entrepreneurial competencies and entrepreneurial career option among students. The findings of the study will be of immense benefit to the government, education regulatory agencies, higher education institutions, and the general public. Further, the study will serve as a framework for future reference and assist in formulating future policies on entrepreneurship in Nigeria.

The Author presents here the first instalment of a broader study on the literary and cultural his... more The Author presents here the first instalment of a broader study on the literary and cultural history of the polenta: a «staple in Northern Italian cuisine» (, once «cibus vilissimus» according to the venerable Latin dictionary of E. Forcellini. The second half of the Settecento shows an interesting ongoing change in the social and ‘gastronomic’ status of the polenta, witnessed for instance in the successful scherzo ditirambico (1st ed. 1791) of the Venetian doctor and amateur poet Lodovico Pastò (1744-1806), which is here at some length presented and analysed. The last section reviews and discusses several other works, both technical (scientific and popular) and liter-ary of the rich production about maize and polenta between eight-eenth and nineteenth century.
Keywords : Italian (and Venetian) literature, burlesque dithyrambic poetry, Lodovico Pastò; history of agriculture, food history, maize, Antoine Parmentier

The article deals with the logico-semantic relation of specification within the sentence and more... more The article deals with the logico-semantic relation of specification within the sentence and more generally in discourse. The authors propose as first step a distinction between two classes of its manifestations: that is the specification in praesentia and in absentia, and consequently between two semantic types of specification: intensional and extensional. The realization of the first of them is possible only in praesentia. On the basis of the analysis of the specification markers in Russian and Italian two types of extensional specification can furthermore be distinguished: a partial and an exhaustive specification, and within the first – four subtypes: i) choice of a relevant element, ii) differential choice, iii) exemplification and iv) specific case or element. Within the intensional specification, two subtypes are here recognized: i) “concretizing” precision and ii) precision stricto sensu. The analysis carried out allows thus the authors to propose a fully-fledged classification of the relation of specification, and to ascribe it, together with the (symmetric) relation of generalization, to the group of mereological discourse relations.
Keywords: Italian, logical-semantic relations, Russian, semantics, specification.
This study, placed in the double framework of the so called ‘soundscapes’ and the secular satiric... more This study, placed in the double framework of the so called ‘soundscapes’ and the secular satirical polemic ‘against bells’ in Italian literature, attempts to examine thoroughly a poem once renowned – and systematically memorized in the schools – of a Ninetieth Century minor Italian poet, Giacomo Zanella (1820-1888): Le campane de’ villaggi “The Villages Bells”. The analysis highlights the sophisticated syntactic and semantic construction of the poem, as well as its lexical and formulaic debts to former authors and lyrics (especially Parini), and fully justifies the high consideration of the poem (and of its author) in the works of C.E. Gadda, and the recurrent quotations and complex elaborations of some central lines.
Les notions exprimées par les mots général, généraliser, généralisation couvrent un champ concept... more Les notions exprimées par les mots général, généraliser, généralisation couvrent un champ conceptuel fondamental pour la pensée rationnelle. Se fondant sur les données de l'italien et du russe, les auteurs se penchent sur cette problématique du point de vue de la linguistique textuelle. Ils font d'abord la distinction entre généralisation en tant que propriété intrinsèque de certaines propositions, attitude entre généralisation sommative, inductive et 'de principe'. Sont ensuite analysées les fonctions textuelles de la généralisation et sa relation aux mouvements textuels voisins.
Papers by Emilio Manzotti
Keywords : Italian (and Venetian) literature, burlesque dithyrambic poetry, Lodovico Pastò; history of agriculture, food history, maize, Antoine Parmentier
Keywords: Italian, logical-semantic relations, Russian, semantics, specification.
Keywords : Italian (and Venetian) literature, burlesque dithyrambic poetry, Lodovico Pastò; history of agriculture, food history, maize, Antoine Parmentier
Keywords: Italian, logical-semantic relations, Russian, semantics, specification.
papers 16 | pages 390 | words 133,184
ISBN 1904371-06-X
Raffaele Donnarumma
«Riformare la categoria di causa»: Gadda e la costruzione del romanzo
Aldo Pecoraro
Gadda, la trama, le trame
Federica G Pedriali
Fistola in succhio. Il romanzo come regime idraulico
Andrea Cortellessa
Figure del reduce nella «Cognizione del dolore»
Giuseppe Bonifacino
L’oceano delle parvenze: dal «bateau ivre» a Gonzalo
Pierpaolo Antonello
Gadda e il darwinismo
Sergia Adamo
Gadda e Dostoevskij
Simone Casini
Gadda e Moravia. Due scrittori a confronto
Emanuele Narducci
Gadda e gli antichi
Emilio Manzotti
«Paese, a guisa di introduzione». Sul primo disegno dell’«Adalgisa»
Maurizio Rebaudengo
I giardini dell’ingegnere
Niva Lorenzini
Il carnevale della «Cognizione del dolore»
Paola Italia
Dal «cuófeno» dell’Ingegnere. Lo stato delle carte
Maria Luigia Ceccotti & Manuela Sassi
L’Archivio elettronico delle opere di Gadda in DBT 2000
Luisa Carrer & Paola Ponticelli
Per una gaddistica interattiva: The Edinburgh Journal of Gadda Studies
Riccardo Stracuzzi
Le recensioni di Gadda (Scritti dispersi, SGF I 669-1226)
Alba Andreini
La fortuna del «Pasticciaccio»
Giuseppe Stellardi
L’alba della «Cognizione»: Gadda postmoderno?