Papers by Giorgio Cannata

Tactile sensing endows the robots to perceive certain physical properties of the object in contac... more Tactile sensing endows the robots to perceive certain physical properties of the object in contact. Robots with tactile perception can classify textures by touching. Interestingly, textures of fine micro-geometry beyond the nominal resolution of the tactile sensors can also be identified through exploratory robotic movements like sliding. To study the problem of fine texture classification, we design a robotic sliding experiment using a finger-shaped multi-channel capacitive tactile sensor. A feature extraction process is presented to encode the acquired tactile signals (in the form of time series) into a low dimensional (≤7D) feature vector. The feature vector captures the frequency signature of a fabric texture such that fabrics can be classified directly. The experiment includes multiple combinations of sliding parameters, i.e., speed and pressure, to investigate the correlation between sliding parameters and the generated feature space. Results show that changing the contact pre...
Supplemental material, supplemental_material_submission_2 for Pressure distribution classificatio... more Supplemental material, supplemental_material_submission_2 for Pressure distribution classification and segmentation of human hands in contact with the robot body by Alessandro Albini and Giorgio Cannata in The International Journal of Robotics Research

2018 27th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), 2018
Tactile data processing or classification is commonly performed using tactile images, i.e. two-di... more Tactile data processing or classification is commonly performed using tactile images, i.e. two-dimensional representation of the applied contact. When tactile sensors cover the whole robot body, their relative spatial relations change depending on the robot posture. If the applied contact involves two adjacent links, the current relations among the tactile elements must be considered in order to generate a tactile image that preserves the contact shape. The goal of this paper is to propose a method for creating tactile images from pressure measurement acquired from a large area tactile system, where the relative displacement among the sensors fixed to different links change according to the robot posture. The proposed approach is experimentally validated using a Baxter robot equipped with distributed tactile sensors.
on Information Technologies,
Proceedings 1992 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
ABSTRACT The problem of grasping rigid objects using robot hands is addressed. In particular, a r... more ABSTRACT The problem of grasping rigid objects using robot hands is addressed. In particular, a representation of the space of the internal forces is given. Within this framework, an algorithm is proposed for the determination of feasible grasp and manipulation forces. sufficient conditions for the solution of this problem of coordinated manipulation are given
[1993] Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
Page 1. HYBRID LEARNING CONTROL TECHNIQUES FOR THE MANIPULATION OF RIGID OBJECTS tDept. c M. Aica... more Page 1. HYBRID LEARNING CONTROL TECHNIQUES FOR THE MANIPULATION OF RIGID OBJECTS tDept. c M. Aicardit, G. Canna&, G. Casalino* Communication, Computer and System Sciences (DIS"), University c Via Opera Pia 11A - 16145 Genova - Italy Genova, ...

2019 Third IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC), 2019
In recent times, safe interactions between humans and robots are required for innumerable tasks a... more In recent times, safe interactions between humans and robots are required for innumerable tasks and environments. This safety can be achieved using compliance design and control of mechanisms. Cable-driven mechanisms are used when applications need to have light structures, meaning that their actuators must be relocated to ground and forces are transferred along tensioned cables. This paper presents a compliant cable-driven revolute joint using biphasic media variable stiffness actuators. Actuator's stiffness is controlled by changing pressure of control fluid into distribution lines. The used control fluid is biphasic, composed of separated gas and liquid fractions with predefined ratio. The mathematical model of the actuator is presented along with its position and stiffness model-based control, then, equations relating to the dynamics of the mechanism are provided with a joint stiffness and orientation controller. Results from simulations are discussed.

Providing a robot with large-scale tactile sensing capabilities requires the use of design tools ... more Providing a robot with large-scale tactile sensing capabilities requires the use of design tools bridging the gap between user requirements and technical solutions. Given a set of functional requirements (e.g., minimum spatial sensitivity or minimum detectable force), two prerequisites must be considered: (i) the capability of the chosen tactile technology to satisfy these requirements from a technical standpoint; (ii) the ability of the customisation process to find a trade-off among different design parameters, such as (in case of robot skins based on the capacitive principle) dielectric thickness, diameter of sensing points, or weight. The contribution of this paper is two-fold: (i) the description of the possibilities offered by a design toolbox for large-scale robot skin based on Finite Element Analysis and optimisation principles, which provides a designer with insights and alternative choices to obtain a given tactile performance according to the scenario at hand; (ii) a disc...


IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2021
Algorithms for tactile data processing heavily rely on the generation of tactile images represent... more Algorithms for tactile data processing heavily rely on the generation of tactile images representing the contact pressure distribution. This approach allows to exploit existing algorithms for image processing, but requires the integration of the tactile elements on a flat surface. Robot skin technologies introduce challenges related to the non-regular distribution of the tactile elements and the non-planar surface over which they are integrated. In this paper, we present a method to address these challenges by developing a local filtering technique directly applicable on large-area tactile sensing systems. The proposed filter can process the contact distribution without the need of intermediate steps that are required in the typical method of generating a tactile image. We particularly focus on the design of a filter to detect sharp variations in the contact distribution, i.e. edges. The approach is validated in a task of planar contour following performed using a robot equipped with two different end-effectors (planar and non-planar) sensorized with largearea tactile sensing technology. Additional experiments have been performed to evaluate strengths and limitations of the proposed approach with respect to tactile image-based data processing techniques.
Biosystems & Biorobotics, 2021

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, 2020
Nowadays, an increasing number of industrial processes are expected to have robots interacting sa... more Nowadays, an increasing number of industrial processes are expected to have robots interacting safely with humans and the environment. Compliance control of robotic systems strongly addresses these scenarios. This article develops a variable stiffness actuator (VSA) whose position and stiffness can be controlled independently. The method for adapting the stiffness in the VSA includes a member configured to transmit motion that is connected to a fluidic circuit, into which a biphasic control fluid circulates. Actuator's stiffness is manipulated by varying pressure of control fluid into distribution lines. The control fluid used is composed of gas and liquid, which are separated from each other and in proportions with predefined ratio. An approach for the mathematical model is introduced and a model-based control method is implemented to track the desired position and stiffness. Results from force loaded and unloaded simulations and possible applications of the system are discussed. Index Terms-Biphasic media, variable stiffness actuator, stiffness control, position control I.
Sensors, 2019
Tactile sensing is a key enabling technology to develop complex behaviours for robots interacting... more Tactile sensing is a key enabling technology to develop complex behaviours for robots interacting with humans or the environment. This paper discusses computational aspects playing a significant role when extracting information about contact events. Considering a large-scale, capacitance-based robot skin technology we developed in the past few years, we analyse the classical Boussinesq–Cerruti’s solution and the Love’s approach for solving a distributed inverse contact problem, both from a qualitative and a computational perspective. Our contribution is the characterisation of the algorithms’ performance using a freely available dataset and data originating from surfaces provided with robot skin.

Robotica, 2018
SummaryThe paper presents physical modeling, design, simulations, and experimentation on a novel ... more SummaryThe paper presents physical modeling, design, simulations, and experimentation on a novel Soft Underwater Artificial Skin (SUAS) used as tactile sensor. The SUAS functions as an electrostatic capacitive sensor, and it is composed of a hyperelastic membrane used as external cover and oil inside it used to compensate the marine pressure. Simulation has been performed studying and modeling the behavior of the external interface of the SUAS in contact with external concentrated loads in marine environment. Experiments on the external and internal components of the SUAS have been done using two different conductive layers in oil. A first prototype has been realized using a 3D printer. The results of the paper underline how the soft materials permit better adhesion of the conductive layer to the transducers of the SUAS obtaining higher capacitance. The results here presented confirmed the first hypotheses presented in a last work and opened new ways in the large-scale underwater ta...

IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 1994
Oral colonization with Candida in part of new born children represents the start of their oral ec... more Oral colonization with Candida in part of new born children represents the start of their oral ecosystem whereby homeostasis is an important defense factor. The aim of the present study is to follow the oral colonization with Candida in new born children and children up to 1 year of age and seek dependence of these microorganisms on the general health status of the children. The study was carried out with 160 children age 0 to 1 year. Fungi of Candida type are among the first colonizers in oral medium, populating 16.5% of the new born children and reaching 38.46% of the children up to 1 year of age. The type characteristics of oral Candida shows that C. albicans is isolated in 87% of the children. Candida quantities are very different; more then 1/3 of the children with Candida have quantities of 105-106 cells/ml without exhibiting clinical symptoms of oral candidosis. Candida colonises more frequently children with systematic chronical diseases and damages. The dependence between the general health status of the children and the oral Candida provides reasoning to propose that Candida in oral cavity be accepted as a marker indicating the influence of the general status of the organism on the oral medium.

IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 1993
Dexterous manipualtion of rigid objects involves two main objectives. The first one is to apply t... more Dexterous manipualtion of rigid objects involves two main objectives. The first one is to apply to the grasped object proper force/torque wrenches in order to perform an assigned motion, the second is to plan suitable contact forces that guarantee the satisfaction of both the motion specification and the physical constraints characteristics of a given grasp. In order to deal with this control problem, a formalism suitable for representing the space of the contact forces, allowing a grasped object to perform an assigned motion, is presented. Moreover a particular emphasis to the advantages that can be gained, using such a formalism, is given whenever "robust grasping" planning problems are dealt with. The paper also shows that "manipulation dexterity" in performing grasping actions can be attained in cases where possible repetitions of the planned task are somehow allowed. This is done on the basis of some results concerning the so called "Iterative Learning Hybrid Control Theory", extended toward robotic manipulation problems.
IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 1992
This paper presellts some Ullderwater Robotics activities carried on at the Naval Automatioll Ins... more This paper presellts some Ullderwater Robotics activities carried on at the Naval Automatioll Institute (IAN) of the Italiall Natiollal Research Council. III particular it discusses the setup of a teslbed underwater vehicle (ROBY) devoled to experimelltal activity in the field of oceanology. ROBY is designed 10 develop autonomous or semi-autonomous functiolls although a physical link exists between the cOllfrol station (MASTER) and the actual ullderwater module (SLAVE). The SLAVE module has to accomplish three maill tasks: commullicatiolls halldling, data loggillg and tight loop cOllfrol. The MASTER module performs high level operatiolls like navigatioll plalllling and control. The implemellfatioll of such a distributed architecture has also required the developmelll of high speed reliable communicatioll channels.
IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 1998
In this paper the feedback control of a 3D space vehicle is considered. A simple strategy is dete... more In this paper the feedback control of a 3D space vehicle is considered. A simple strategy is detennined on the basis of standard vector kinematics and a Lyapunov-like stability analysis. The results extend the ones already found for the planar case corresponding to a unicycle-like vehicles.

IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, 2016
Providing a robot with large-scale tactile sensing capabilities requires the use of design tools ... more Providing a robot with large-scale tactile sensing capabilities requires the use of design tools bridging the gap between user requirements and technical solutions. Given a set of functional requirements (e.g., minimum spatial sensitivity or minimum detectable force), two prerequisites must be considered: (i) the capability of the chosen tactile technology to satisfy these requirements from a technical standpoint; (ii) the ability of the customisation process to find a trade-off among different design parameters, such as (in case of robot skins based on the capacitive principle) dielectric thickness, diameter of sensing points, or weight. The contribution of this paper is twofold: (i) the description of the possibilities offered by a design toolbox for large-scale robot skin based on Finite Element Analysis and optimisation principles, which provides a designer with insights and alternative choices to obtain a given tactile performance according to the scenario at hand; (ii) a discussion about the intrinsic limitations in simulating robot skin.
Papers by Giorgio Cannata