Luisa Villa
Luisa Villa is Professor of English Literature at the University of Genova. Her research work has concentrated mainly on Victorian and early-modernist literature, with a focus on the construction of modern subjectivities, and an interest in the intesections between literature and other discursive practices (such as philosophy, psychoanalysis, economics, history). Her early work in the 1980s focussed mainly on Henry James and other authors connected with aestheticism and decadence (Wilde, Symons, Pater, Machen), whom she read through the lens of philosophically-oriented critique of ideology (drawing on Simmel, Lukács, Adorno, Benjamin). Later on she tackled questions related to female identity in the works of George Eliot and Olive Schreiner, which she investigated mainly through feminist appropriations of psychoanalysis. More recently she has been studying fin-de-siècle variants of masculinity -- working on Gissing, Conrad, Stevenson, Kipling, and on the representation of violence and colonial warfare. At present, her main research work is focussed on the young Disraeli.
She has published books in Italian on Henry James (1989), George Eliot (1994), ressentiment in late nineteenth-century fiction (1997), and more recently on the representation of the British military campaigns in the Sudan (“For Honour, not Honours”, 2009). Some of her articles – on James and Ruskin, Gissing, the fin de siècle Schopenhauerian vogue, Stevenson, Kipling, Wilfrid Scawen Blunt – have been included in collections published by Palgrave, Rodopi, Peter Lang, Equilibris, and University of Wisconsin Press, and in the Journal of Victorian Culture. She edited Modernism and the Mediterranean: Literature and Politics 1900-1937 (2014), and co-edited with Marco Pustianaz, Maschilità decadenti. La lunga fin de siècle (2004), Alessandro Vescovi and Paul Vita The Victorians and Italy: Literature, Travel, Politics and Art (2009), and with Massimo Bacigalupo, The Politics and Poetics of Displacement: Modernism off the Beaten Track (2011). Her current research project concerns Benjamin Disraeli’s early fiction.
She has published books in Italian on Henry James (1989), George Eliot (1994), ressentiment in late nineteenth-century fiction (1997), and more recently on the representation of the British military campaigns in the Sudan (“For Honour, not Honours”, 2009). Some of her articles – on James and Ruskin, Gissing, the fin de siècle Schopenhauerian vogue, Stevenson, Kipling, Wilfrid Scawen Blunt – have been included in collections published by Palgrave, Rodopi, Peter Lang, Equilibris, and University of Wisconsin Press, and in the Journal of Victorian Culture. She edited Modernism and the Mediterranean: Literature and Politics 1900-1937 (2014), and co-edited with Marco Pustianaz, Maschilità decadenti. La lunga fin de siècle (2004), Alessandro Vescovi and Paul Vita The Victorians and Italy: Literature, Travel, Politics and Art (2009), and with Massimo Bacigalupo, The Politics and Poetics of Displacement: Modernism off the Beaten Track (2011). Her current research project concerns Benjamin Disraeli’s early fiction.
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Books by Luisa Villa
A Look Inside:
"Virginia Woolf asserts that Gissing "reverenced facts and had no faculty it seems (his language is meagre and unmetaphorical) for impressions". Woolf's response appears principally determined by a modernist rejection of outmoded ways of writing and its seeming devotion to material culture, akin to the criticism levelled in essays such as "Mr Bennett and Mrs Brown" and "Modern Fiction". In an effort, perhaps, to emphasise the difference between Gissing's art and her own, Woolf constructs an amplified binary between fact and impression. But, for all the geographical specificity and documentary exactitude of Gissing's prose it is all, of course, only an impression of the real. The reader, such as Woolf, may be coaxed into accepting his writing as referential but any such "facts" are selected, selective, subjective and personal. What's more, the 'real' is frequently disrupted by the self-reflexive tendencies of Gissing's fiction that register a limitation to omniscience. Gissing's reputation as a composer of documentary-style pseudo-fictions, then, is at least in part a result of a clash between realist and modernist agendas." (p.4)
Chapters by Silvia Antosa, Ilaria Berti, Claudia Capancioni, Maria Teresa Chialant, Silvana Colella, Emanuela Ettorre, William Greenslade, Pam Lock, Jude V. Nixon, Francesca Orestano, Oriana Palusci, Maria Parrino, Kim Salmons, Marilena Saracino, Eleonora Sasso, Luisa Villa.
List of contents:
• Premessa
• Nota ortografica
• Capitolo 1. Alla ricerca di Gordon: l’eroe soldato nell’Età degli Imperi
• Capitolo 2. Con Kipling, Churchill, Steevens e altri a Omdurman: le rappresentazioni della “riconquista” del Sudan
• Capitolo 3. Le campagne militari sudanesi nella narrativa inglese di fine Ottocento
• Bibliografia
• Indice dei nomi
edited books by Luisa Villa
Premessa (Stefano Verdino)
Tiziana Arvigo, Rifigurare il reale. Narrativa italiana del nuovo millennio »
Elisa Bricco, Lampi di Jean Echenoz: lo stile nel romanzo
Marco Succio, Narrativa spagnola del XXI secolo
Roberto Francavilla, Imparare a pregare. Sulla narrativa portoghese contemporanea
Nicoletta Vallorani, Orfani. Nazione e narrazione nel nuovo romanzo inglese
Elena Agazzi, Realismo, fantasia e ironia nel Literaturbetrieb: Uwe Tellkamp, Ingo Schulze, Daniel Kehlmann e Sibylle Lewitscharoff
Andrea Berardini, Uscire dall’irrealtà: nuove tendenze nel romanzo scandinavo
Laura Quercioli Mincer, Noi polacchi andiamo in Paradiso
Galina Denissova, Il crocevia letterario russo degli anni duemila
Silvio Ferrari, I narratori del primo quindicennio del secolo XXI nei Paesi dell’ex Jugoslavia (Bosnia, Croazia, Serbia)
Filippomaria Pontani, La Grecia della crisi
Edited collection of essays on late nineteenth century masculinity. http://www.sestanteedizioni.com/new/index.php?pagename=product_info&products_id=53&osCsid=db77bf7bd88058027b7e36df94b90bef
Quaderni del Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere Moderne (University of Genova, Italy), n. 7, published by Tilgher, Genova 1995.
It contains essays on Women's freedom as a philosophical issue, Suffragism, Women and World War I, fin de siècle short-stories, German Cabaret, Women in Surrealism, Judith Gautier, Zinaida Gippius and Marietta Saginjan, Anna de Noailles, Vanessa Bell, Katherine Mansfield, Virginia Woolf.
Papers by Luisa Villa
A Look Inside:
"Virginia Woolf asserts that Gissing "reverenced facts and had no faculty it seems (his language is meagre and unmetaphorical) for impressions". Woolf's response appears principally determined by a modernist rejection of outmoded ways of writing and its seeming devotion to material culture, akin to the criticism levelled in essays such as "Mr Bennett and Mrs Brown" and "Modern Fiction". In an effort, perhaps, to emphasise the difference between Gissing's art and her own, Woolf constructs an amplified binary between fact and impression. But, for all the geographical specificity and documentary exactitude of Gissing's prose it is all, of course, only an impression of the real. The reader, such as Woolf, may be coaxed into accepting his writing as referential but any such "facts" are selected, selective, subjective and personal. What's more, the 'real' is frequently disrupted by the self-reflexive tendencies of Gissing's fiction that register a limitation to omniscience. Gissing's reputation as a composer of documentary-style pseudo-fictions, then, is at least in part a result of a clash between realist and modernist agendas." (p.4)
Chapters by Silvia Antosa, Ilaria Berti, Claudia Capancioni, Maria Teresa Chialant, Silvana Colella, Emanuela Ettorre, William Greenslade, Pam Lock, Jude V. Nixon, Francesca Orestano, Oriana Palusci, Maria Parrino, Kim Salmons, Marilena Saracino, Eleonora Sasso, Luisa Villa.
List of contents:
• Premessa
• Nota ortografica
• Capitolo 1. Alla ricerca di Gordon: l’eroe soldato nell’Età degli Imperi
• Capitolo 2. Con Kipling, Churchill, Steevens e altri a Omdurman: le rappresentazioni della “riconquista” del Sudan
• Capitolo 3. Le campagne militari sudanesi nella narrativa inglese di fine Ottocento
• Bibliografia
• Indice dei nomi
Premessa (Stefano Verdino)
Tiziana Arvigo, Rifigurare il reale. Narrativa italiana del nuovo millennio »
Elisa Bricco, Lampi di Jean Echenoz: lo stile nel romanzo
Marco Succio, Narrativa spagnola del XXI secolo
Roberto Francavilla, Imparare a pregare. Sulla narrativa portoghese contemporanea
Nicoletta Vallorani, Orfani. Nazione e narrazione nel nuovo romanzo inglese
Elena Agazzi, Realismo, fantasia e ironia nel Literaturbetrieb: Uwe Tellkamp, Ingo Schulze, Daniel Kehlmann e Sibylle Lewitscharoff
Andrea Berardini, Uscire dall’irrealtà: nuove tendenze nel romanzo scandinavo
Laura Quercioli Mincer, Noi polacchi andiamo in Paradiso
Galina Denissova, Il crocevia letterario russo degli anni duemila
Silvio Ferrari, I narratori del primo quindicennio del secolo XXI nei Paesi dell’ex Jugoslavia (Bosnia, Croazia, Serbia)
Filippomaria Pontani, La Grecia della crisi
Edited collection of essays on late nineteenth century masculinity. http://www.sestanteedizioni.com/new/index.php?pagename=product_info&products_id=53&osCsid=db77bf7bd88058027b7e36df94b90bef
Quaderni del Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere Moderne (University of Genova, Italy), n. 7, published by Tilgher, Genova 1995.
It contains essays on Women's freedom as a philosophical issue, Suffragism, Women and World War I, fin de siècle short-stories, German Cabaret, Women in Surrealism, Judith Gautier, Zinaida Gippius and Marietta Saginjan, Anna de Noailles, Vanessa Bell, Katherine Mansfield, Virginia Woolf.
In Disraeli’s Lothair (1870), towards the end of the novel, and as part of his Bildung, the eponymous aristocratic protagonist undertakes a Mediterranean voyage, which includes landing on a beautiful fictional Greek island owned by a fashionable Hellenising painter aptly named Mr Phoebus. This essay highlights the biographical, political and cultural contexts mobilized by Lothair’s voyage and Mr Phoebus’s island, especially investigating the Mr Phoebus-Frederic Leighton connection, and finally underscoring Disraeli’s complex take on nineteenth-century Hellenism and neopaganism, as – on the one hand – a politically engagé artistic trend, connected with republicanism and the revolutionary spirit pervading Europe at mid-century, and – on the other hand – as a crucial component of the much tamer “aesthetic movement” that would soon be associated with Pater and the late Victorian literary and artistic avant-garde.
In the 1870s Samuel White Baker and Charles George Gordon wrote accounts of their explorations and military campaigns in the Upper Nile while in the pay of the Egyptian Khedive Ismail. Temperamentally they were very different and came from very different backgrounds, but in the impervious Central African regions they were supposed to “civilize” they were placed in, roughly, the same predicaments, and construed them by drawing, generally speaking, on the same conceptual-ideological baggage. In comparing their accounts, my article underscores how they articulate different attitudes on a number of issues related to territorial expansion and enforced modernization, showing what margins the Victorian imperialist doxa left for discursive dissent.
Essays by Silvana Colella, Zeljka Flegar, Rebecca Hutcheon, Gail Marshall, Andrei Nae, Ann-Marie Richardson, Gary Totten, and Carolyn Williams.
Free access and download at: https://edizionicafoscari.unive.it/riviste/english-literature/2019/1/