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A briefing of the most significant concepts from which considerations on learning modules have originated. In particular, referring to the last fifty years, focusing on how such concepts have influenced the learning modules of caring staff.
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      Medical EducationFaculty DevelopmentProblem Based LearningStandardized Patients
Competency-based education has attracted renewed interest in recent years among educators and policy-makers in the health care professions. Changes in educational thinking and in health professions programs provide an opportunity to... more
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      Core CompetenceDidattica
Volume stampato con il contributo di SOMMARIO 1 Presentazione GIUSEPPE MILAN 3 Introduzione La Riforma Universitaria e le responsabilità dei docenti LUCIANO GALLIANI Tomo I -Relazioni invitate 11 FABIO MINAZZI Il sapere e i saperi tra... more
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    • Faculty Development
The goal of this paper is to describe how the educational approach called " Problem based learning " is applied in Italian Universities. First we dene what Problem based learning is, when it was introduced into the University programs,... more
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    • Problem Based Learning
The migration experience is normally associated with acculturative stress; this condition assumes relevance when the migrant is a minor alone. The aim of this study was to explore perceptions about the migration process and educational... more
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    • Unaccompanied Refugee Minors
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      Complementary and Alternative MedicineOsteopathic Medicine
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Le competenze previste dai profili professionali in uscita dai corsi di laurea triennali e magistrali dovrebbero  essere i traguardi formativi e gli obiettivi generali dei corsi di laurea stessi, da cui dovrebbero essere derivati i... more
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      Core CompetenceDidattica
Some teachers from eight Italian universities have become members of the Italian Association for the Development of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (ASDU). ASDU promoted a survey based on a questionnaire developed by the... more
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The migration experience is normally associated with acculturative stress; this condition assumes relevance when the migrant is a minor alone. The aim of this study was to explore perceptions about the migration process and educational... more
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      PsychologyAcculturationPublic health systems and services researchRoutledge
The goal of this paper is to describe how the educational approach called "Problem based learning" is applied in Italian Universities. First we define what Problem based learning is, when it was introduced into the University programs,... more
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    • Problem Based Learning
BACKGROUNDː There is an increasing emphasis on humanized care in obstetric and midwifery practice. The goal of this paper is to investigate if and how medical humanities content was present in the undergraduate medical syllabus and how... more
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      Medical EducationMedicineCurriculumClinical Sciences
Questo articolo affronta il tema della valutazione delle competenze, intese come traguardi educativi complessi, nell'ambito della formazione universitaria. Analizza il metodo dell'esame strutturato oggettivo clinico (Objective Structured... more
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This paper highlights Faculty Development in Medical Education, its creation and evolution, approaches, main strategies and content.Faculty Development in Medical Education started at Buffalo University (USA) in the Fifties and the paper... more
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Nome e Cognome (dell'autore o degli autori)
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      Distance EducationMedical EducationHealth ProfessionalsBachelor
This paper highlights Faculty Development in Medical Education, its creation and evolution, approaches, main strategies and content. Faculty Development in Medical Education started at Buffalo University (USA) in the Fifties and the paper... more
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