Papers by Michela Biancardi
After a design competition held in February 2014, the “NMC Comacchio” design group, formed by you... more After a design competition held in February 2014, the “NMC Comacchio” design group, formed by young Italian architects, was charged with designing a new archaeological museum in Comacchio, on the Adriatic coast of Italy. This paper deals with the design methodology experimented in this museum: the project is based on a “symbolical approach” in exhibit design, which tries to balance both didactic and emotional aspects of the exhibition, focusing on the comprehension of archaeological heritage and the relation between territory and cultural heritage. The museum, named “Museo Delta Antico”, opened in 2017 with very good acknowledgement of critics and audiences.
Structure and Bonding
The new information and communication technologies (ICT) are playing an increasingly predominant ... more The new information and communication technologies (ICT) are playing an increasingly predominant role in contemporary society. We must provide the opportunity to experiment and to develop new possible interactions between narrative techniques and multimedia tools able to promote our Cultural Heritage.
Il Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Ferrara, in collaborazione con il TekneHub - Laboratorio de... more Il Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Ferrara, in collaborazione con il TekneHub - Laboratorio del Tecnopolo di Ferrara e la ditta TechSigno s.r.l., ha avviato una sperimentazione sull’applicazione di tecnologie ITC al proprio patrimonio per migliorare la gestione delle collezioni e facilitare le normali procedure dell’operatore museale. E’ stata scelta la tecnologia RFId (Radio Frequency Identification) con l’applicazione di “tags” (etichette) a due collezioni ornitologiche del Museo. La comparazione tra le procedure tradizionali e i risultati ottenibili con l’introduzione dei tags consente di proporre, attraverso l’analisi dei bisogni dei diversi operatori e applicando una metodologia caratteristica dello “user-centered design”, nuovi modelli procedurali e nuovi prototipi di strumenti specificatamente concepiti per le diverse tipologie di collezioni naturalistiche.
Il Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Ferrara, in collaborazione con il TekneHub - Laboratorio de... more Il Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Ferrara, in collaborazione con il TekneHub - Laboratorio del Tecnopolo di
Ferrara e la ditta TechSigno s.r.l., ha avviato una sperimentazione sull’applicazione di tecnologie ITC al proprio
patrimonio per migliorare la gestione delle collezioni e facilitare le normali procedure dell’operatore museale.
E’ stata scelta la tecnologia RFId (Radio Frequency Identification) con l’applicazione di “tags” (etichette) a due
collezioni ornitologiche del Museo. La comparazione tra le procedure tradizionali e i risultati ottenibili con l’introduzione
dei tags consente di proporre, attraverso l’analisi dei bisogni dei diversi operatori e applicando una
metodologia caratteristica dello “user-centered design”, nuovi modelli procedurali e nuovi prototipi di strumenti
specificatamente concepiti per le diverse tipologie di collezioni naturalistiche.

2013 Digital Heritage International Congress (DigitalHeritage), 2013
In Italy, the Central Institute for Cataloguing and Documentation (ICCD) rules the cataloguing of... more In Italy, the Central Institute for Cataloguing and Documentation (ICCD) rules the cataloguing of the rich and articulated Italian Cultural Heritage through a complex system of shared methodology and formats. ICCD established different catalogue datasheets for each typology of Cultural Good, providing also detailed instructions to fill them. However, the computer assisted process necessary to the management of these complex datasheets (in some cases up to nearly 500 fields) is inadequate. TekneHub carried out a survey at Italian Museums and Soprintendenze ai beni storici, artistici ed etnoantropologici to analyse problems and needs through all the steps of the cataloging activity, thus drawing a precise picture of the issues to be addressed. Fhoster, an Italian hi-tech startup specialized in model-driven Application Platform as a Service (APaaS), offered its flagship platform, called Livebase, to support the research. Livebase is a cloud-computing service integrating an environment to quickly design custom applications and a hosting environment to immediately deploy such applications. Livebase can be accessed and used by authenticated users via a simple web browser. The unique model-driven approach of the Livebase platform allowed Fhoster and TekneHub to quickly test many alternative designs to match the ICCD datasheet chosen as a test (Naturalistic Palaeontological Goods -form BNP 3.01), and to implement specific functions to facilitate the cataloguing activity. As a test bed, the Geological Museum "Capellini" offered all the paper entry catalogue of its collection of fossil fish from the Middle Eocene of Bolca (Vicenza, Italy). The application interface has been shaped taking into account consistency and intuitiveness. In conclusion, the application created on the Livebase platform strongly improves the efficiency of the cataloguing activity and, at the same time, allows a quick and effective query of the catalogue through basic and advanced filters still compliant with the complex Italian cataloguing standards.

In Italy, the Central Institute for Cataloguing and
Documentation (ICCD) rules the cataloguing of... more In Italy, the Central Institute for Cataloguing and
Documentation (ICCD) rules the cataloguing of the rich and
articulated Italian Cultural Heritage through a complex system
of shared methodology and formats. ICCD established different
catalogue datasheets for each typology of Cultural Good,
providing also detailed instructions to fill them. However, the
computer assisted process necessary to the management of these
complex datasheets (in some cases up to nearly 500 fields) is
inadequate. TekneHub carried out a survey at Italian Museums
and Soprintendenze ai beni storici, artistici ed etnoantropologici
to analyse problems and needs through all the steps of the
cataloging activity, thus drawing a precise picture of the issues to
be addressed. Fhoster, an Italian hi-tech startup specialized in
model-driven Application Platform as a Service (APaaS), offered
its flagship platform, called Livebase, to support the research.
Livebase is a cloud-computing service integrating an
environment to quickly design custom applications and a hosting
environment to immediately deploy such applications. Livebase
can be accessed and used by authenticated users via a simple web
browser. The unique model-driven approach of the Livebase
platform allowed Fhoster and TekneHub to quickly test many
alternative designs to match the ICCD datasheet chosen as a test
(Naturalistic Palaeontological Goods - form BNP 3.01), and to
implement specific functions to facilitate the cataloguing activity.
As a test bed, the Geological Museum “Capellini” offered all the
paper entry catalogue of its collection of fossil fish from the
Middle Eocene of Bolca (Vicenza, Italy). The application
interface has been shaped taking into account consistency and
intuitiveness. In conclusion, the application created on the
Livebase platform strongly improves the efficiency of the
cataloguing activity and, at the same time, allows a quick and
effective query of the catalogue through basic and advanced
filters still compliant with the complex Italian cataloguing

2013 Digital Heritage International Congress (DigitalHeritage), 2013
In Italy, the Central Institute for Cataloguing and Documentation (ICCD) rules the cataloguing of... more In Italy, the Central Institute for Cataloguing and Documentation (ICCD) rules the cataloguing of the rich and articulated Italian Cultural Heritage through a complex system of shared methodology and formats. ICCD established different catalogue datasheets for each typology of Cultural Good, providing also detailed instructions to fill them. However, the computer assisted process necessary to the management of these complex datasheets (in some cases up to nearly 500 fields) is inadequate. TekneHub carried out a survey at Italian Museums and Soprintendenze ai beni storici, artistici ed etnoantropologici to analyse problems and needs through all the steps of the cataloging activity, thus drawing a precise picture of the issues to be addressed. Fhoster, an Italian hi-tech startup specialized in model-driven Application Platform as a Service (APaaS), offered its flagship platform, called Livebase, to support the research. Livebase is a cloud-computing service integrating an environment to quickly design custom applications and a hosting environment to immediately deploy such applications. Livebase can be accessed and used by authenticated users via a simple web browser. The unique model-driven approach of the Livebase platform allowed Fhoster and TekneHub to quickly test many alternative designs to match the ICCD datasheet chosen as a test (Naturalistic Palaeontological Goods -form BNP 3.01), and to implement specific functions to facilitate the cataloguing activity. As a test bed, the Geological Museum "Capellini" offered all the paper entry catalogue of its collection of fossil fish from the Middle Eocene of Bolca (Vicenza, Italy). The application interface has been shaped taking into account consistency and intuitiveness. In conclusion, the application created on the Livebase platform strongly improves the efficiency of the cataloguing activity and, at the same time, allows a quick and effective query of the catalogue through basic and advanced filters still compliant with the complex Italian cataloguing standards.

The increasing interest in biodiversity conservation and management pushes
Natural History Museu... more The increasing interest in biodiversity conservation and management pushes
Natural History Museums to foster the study, conservation and promotion of their
own Cultural Heritage. This research project is a preliminary feasibility study,
developed through a user-centered-design methodology, on the application of RFId
devices to natural history collections in order to promptly locate the specimens,
manage them in both storehouses and exhibitions, and trace their handling.
This project is a collaboration between TekneHub, a laboratory of the Emilia-
Romagna High Technologies Network, the enterprise TechSigno, leader in the
development of smart technologies, and the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale of
Ferrara. At present, this museum has collection management problems such as:
locating the specimens in the storages, linking the catalogue datasheets (partially
paper catalogue) to the specimens, tracing the handling of the specimens, attracting
customers because of the obsolete exhibition and communication methodologies.
The first problem addressed was to simplify the operator’s tasks in identifying and
locating the specimens, through defining a procedure that could be developed
without the use of paper cataloguing datasheets. According to the newly designed
procedure, based on user’s needs analysis results, RFId devices have been applied
to all the specimens of chosen batches of specimens, so that they can be
immediately identified through a mobile “reader”. The new procedure allowed also
an automation of the database updating through an ad-hoc customization of the
software supplied by TechSigno, whose interface has been redesigned to fit the
operator’s needs. The introduction of the RFId technology opened a wide range of
opportunities for the management and valorization of the specimens, since the same
tag applied to the specimens holds the basic information about it and records its
position in the cupboard, storage house or exhibition space. Through this method
the museum staff can manage at the same time data recording, monitoring of
handling, and traceability of the goods, simplifying the activities and reducing the
time required.
Poster by Michela Biancardi

The increasing interest in biodiversity conservation and management pushes Natural History Museum... more The increasing interest in biodiversity conservation and management pushes Natural History Museums to foster the study, conservation and promotion of their own Cultural Heritage. This research project is a preliminary feasibility study, developed through a user-centered-design methodology, on the application of RFId devices to natural history collections in order to promptly locate the specimens, manage them in both storehouses and exhibitions, and trace their handling.
This project is a collaboration between TekneHub, a laboratory of the Emilia-Romagna High Technologies Network, the enterprise TechSigno, leader in the development of smart technologies, and the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale of Ferrara. At present, this museum has collection management problems such as: locating the specimens in the storages, linking the catalogue datasheets (partially paper catalogue) to the specimens, tracing the handling of the specimens, attracting customers because of the obsolete exhibition and communication methodologies.
The first problem addressed was to simplify the operator’s tasks in identifying and locating the specimens, through defining a procedure that could be developed without the use of paper cataloguing datasheets. According to the newly designed procedure, based on user’s needs analysis results, RFId devices have been applied to all the specimens of chosen batches of specimens, so that they can be immediately identified through a mobile “reader”. The new procedure allowed also an automation of the database updating through an ad-hoc customization of the software supplied by TechSigno, whose interface has been redesigned to fit the operator’s needs. The introduction of the RFId technology opened a wide range of opportunities for the management and valorization of the specimens, since the same tag applied to the specimens holds the basic information about it and records its position in the cupboard, storage house or exhibition space. Through this method the museum staff can manage at the same time data recording, monitoring of handling, and traceability of the goods, simplifying the activities and reducing the time required.
Abstract by Michela Biancardi
The increasing interest in biodiversity conservation and management pushes Natural History Museum... more The increasing interest in biodiversity conservation and management pushes Natural History Museums to foster the study, conservation and promotion of their own Cultural Heritage. This research project is a preliminary feasibility study on the application of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) devices to natural history collections in order to promptly locate the specimens, manage them in both storehouses and exhibitions, and trace their handling.
Papers by Michela Biancardi
Ferrara e la ditta TechSigno s.r.l., ha avviato una sperimentazione sull’applicazione di tecnologie ITC al proprio
patrimonio per migliorare la gestione delle collezioni e facilitare le normali procedure dell’operatore museale.
E’ stata scelta la tecnologia RFId (Radio Frequency Identification) con l’applicazione di “tags” (etichette) a due
collezioni ornitologiche del Museo. La comparazione tra le procedure tradizionali e i risultati ottenibili con l’introduzione
dei tags consente di proporre, attraverso l’analisi dei bisogni dei diversi operatori e applicando una
metodologia caratteristica dello “user-centered design”, nuovi modelli procedurali e nuovi prototipi di strumenti
specificatamente concepiti per le diverse tipologie di collezioni naturalistiche.
Documentation (ICCD) rules the cataloguing of the rich and
articulated Italian Cultural Heritage through a complex system
of shared methodology and formats. ICCD established different
catalogue datasheets for each typology of Cultural Good,
providing also detailed instructions to fill them. However, the
computer assisted process necessary to the management of these
complex datasheets (in some cases up to nearly 500 fields) is
inadequate. TekneHub carried out a survey at Italian Museums
and Soprintendenze ai beni storici, artistici ed etnoantropologici
to analyse problems and needs through all the steps of the
cataloging activity, thus drawing a precise picture of the issues to
be addressed. Fhoster, an Italian hi-tech startup specialized in
model-driven Application Platform as a Service (APaaS), offered
its flagship platform, called Livebase, to support the research.
Livebase is a cloud-computing service integrating an
environment to quickly design custom applications and a hosting
environment to immediately deploy such applications. Livebase
can be accessed and used by authenticated users via a simple web
browser. The unique model-driven approach of the Livebase
platform allowed Fhoster and TekneHub to quickly test many
alternative designs to match the ICCD datasheet chosen as a test
(Naturalistic Palaeontological Goods - form BNP 3.01), and to
implement specific functions to facilitate the cataloguing activity.
As a test bed, the Geological Museum “Capellini” offered all the
paper entry catalogue of its collection of fossil fish from the
Middle Eocene of Bolca (Vicenza, Italy). The application
interface has been shaped taking into account consistency and
intuitiveness. In conclusion, the application created on the
Livebase platform strongly improves the efficiency of the
cataloguing activity and, at the same time, allows a quick and
effective query of the catalogue through basic and advanced
filters still compliant with the complex Italian cataloguing
Natural History Museums to foster the study, conservation and promotion of their
own Cultural Heritage. This research project is a preliminary feasibility study,
developed through a user-centered-design methodology, on the application of RFId
devices to natural history collections in order to promptly locate the specimens,
manage them in both storehouses and exhibitions, and trace their handling.
This project is a collaboration between TekneHub, a laboratory of the Emilia-
Romagna High Technologies Network, the enterprise TechSigno, leader in the
development of smart technologies, and the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale of
Ferrara. At present, this museum has collection management problems such as:
locating the specimens in the storages, linking the catalogue datasheets (partially
paper catalogue) to the specimens, tracing the handling of the specimens, attracting
customers because of the obsolete exhibition and communication methodologies.
The first problem addressed was to simplify the operator’s tasks in identifying and
locating the specimens, through defining a procedure that could be developed
without the use of paper cataloguing datasheets. According to the newly designed
procedure, based on user’s needs analysis results, RFId devices have been applied
to all the specimens of chosen batches of specimens, so that they can be
immediately identified through a mobile “reader”. The new procedure allowed also
an automation of the database updating through an ad-hoc customization of the
software supplied by TechSigno, whose interface has been redesigned to fit the
operator’s needs. The introduction of the RFId technology opened a wide range of
opportunities for the management and valorization of the specimens, since the same
tag applied to the specimens holds the basic information about it and records its
position in the cupboard, storage house or exhibition space. Through this method
the museum staff can manage at the same time data recording, monitoring of
handling, and traceability of the goods, simplifying the activities and reducing the
time required.
Poster by Michela Biancardi
This project is a collaboration between TekneHub, a laboratory of the Emilia-Romagna High Technologies Network, the enterprise TechSigno, leader in the development of smart technologies, and the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale of Ferrara. At present, this museum has collection management problems such as: locating the specimens in the storages, linking the catalogue datasheets (partially paper catalogue) to the specimens, tracing the handling of the specimens, attracting customers because of the obsolete exhibition and communication methodologies.
The first problem addressed was to simplify the operator’s tasks in identifying and locating the specimens, through defining a procedure that could be developed without the use of paper cataloguing datasheets. According to the newly designed procedure, based on user’s needs analysis results, RFId devices have been applied to all the specimens of chosen batches of specimens, so that they can be immediately identified through a mobile “reader”. The new procedure allowed also an automation of the database updating through an ad-hoc customization of the software supplied by TechSigno, whose interface has been redesigned to fit the operator’s needs. The introduction of the RFId technology opened a wide range of opportunities for the management and valorization of the specimens, since the same tag applied to the specimens holds the basic information about it and records its position in the cupboard, storage house or exhibition space. Through this method the museum staff can manage at the same time data recording, monitoring of handling, and traceability of the goods, simplifying the activities and reducing the time required.
Abstract by Michela Biancardi
Ferrara e la ditta TechSigno s.r.l., ha avviato una sperimentazione sull’applicazione di tecnologie ITC al proprio
patrimonio per migliorare la gestione delle collezioni e facilitare le normali procedure dell’operatore museale.
E’ stata scelta la tecnologia RFId (Radio Frequency Identification) con l’applicazione di “tags” (etichette) a due
collezioni ornitologiche del Museo. La comparazione tra le procedure tradizionali e i risultati ottenibili con l’introduzione
dei tags consente di proporre, attraverso l’analisi dei bisogni dei diversi operatori e applicando una
metodologia caratteristica dello “user-centered design”, nuovi modelli procedurali e nuovi prototipi di strumenti
specificatamente concepiti per le diverse tipologie di collezioni naturalistiche.
Documentation (ICCD) rules the cataloguing of the rich and
articulated Italian Cultural Heritage through a complex system
of shared methodology and formats. ICCD established different
catalogue datasheets for each typology of Cultural Good,
providing also detailed instructions to fill them. However, the
computer assisted process necessary to the management of these
complex datasheets (in some cases up to nearly 500 fields) is
inadequate. TekneHub carried out a survey at Italian Museums
and Soprintendenze ai beni storici, artistici ed etnoantropologici
to analyse problems and needs through all the steps of the
cataloging activity, thus drawing a precise picture of the issues to
be addressed. Fhoster, an Italian hi-tech startup specialized in
model-driven Application Platform as a Service (APaaS), offered
its flagship platform, called Livebase, to support the research.
Livebase is a cloud-computing service integrating an
environment to quickly design custom applications and a hosting
environment to immediately deploy such applications. Livebase
can be accessed and used by authenticated users via a simple web
browser. The unique model-driven approach of the Livebase
platform allowed Fhoster and TekneHub to quickly test many
alternative designs to match the ICCD datasheet chosen as a test
(Naturalistic Palaeontological Goods - form BNP 3.01), and to
implement specific functions to facilitate the cataloguing activity.
As a test bed, the Geological Museum “Capellini” offered all the
paper entry catalogue of its collection of fossil fish from the
Middle Eocene of Bolca (Vicenza, Italy). The application
interface has been shaped taking into account consistency and
intuitiveness. In conclusion, the application created on the
Livebase platform strongly improves the efficiency of the
cataloguing activity and, at the same time, allows a quick and
effective query of the catalogue through basic and advanced
filters still compliant with the complex Italian cataloguing
Natural History Museums to foster the study, conservation and promotion of their
own Cultural Heritage. This research project is a preliminary feasibility study,
developed through a user-centered-design methodology, on the application of RFId
devices to natural history collections in order to promptly locate the specimens,
manage them in both storehouses and exhibitions, and trace their handling.
This project is a collaboration between TekneHub, a laboratory of the Emilia-
Romagna High Technologies Network, the enterprise TechSigno, leader in the
development of smart technologies, and the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale of
Ferrara. At present, this museum has collection management problems such as:
locating the specimens in the storages, linking the catalogue datasheets (partially
paper catalogue) to the specimens, tracing the handling of the specimens, attracting
customers because of the obsolete exhibition and communication methodologies.
The first problem addressed was to simplify the operator’s tasks in identifying and
locating the specimens, through defining a procedure that could be developed
without the use of paper cataloguing datasheets. According to the newly designed
procedure, based on user’s needs analysis results, RFId devices have been applied
to all the specimens of chosen batches of specimens, so that they can be
immediately identified through a mobile “reader”. The new procedure allowed also
an automation of the database updating through an ad-hoc customization of the
software supplied by TechSigno, whose interface has been redesigned to fit the
operator’s needs. The introduction of the RFId technology opened a wide range of
opportunities for the management and valorization of the specimens, since the same
tag applied to the specimens holds the basic information about it and records its
position in the cupboard, storage house or exhibition space. Through this method
the museum staff can manage at the same time data recording, monitoring of
handling, and traceability of the goods, simplifying the activities and reducing the
time required.
This project is a collaboration between TekneHub, a laboratory of the Emilia-Romagna High Technologies Network, the enterprise TechSigno, leader in the development of smart technologies, and the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale of Ferrara. At present, this museum has collection management problems such as: locating the specimens in the storages, linking the catalogue datasheets (partially paper catalogue) to the specimens, tracing the handling of the specimens, attracting customers because of the obsolete exhibition and communication methodologies.
The first problem addressed was to simplify the operator’s tasks in identifying and locating the specimens, through defining a procedure that could be developed without the use of paper cataloguing datasheets. According to the newly designed procedure, based on user’s needs analysis results, RFId devices have been applied to all the specimens of chosen batches of specimens, so that they can be immediately identified through a mobile “reader”. The new procedure allowed also an automation of the database updating through an ad-hoc customization of the software supplied by TechSigno, whose interface has been redesigned to fit the operator’s needs. The introduction of the RFId technology opened a wide range of opportunities for the management and valorization of the specimens, since the same tag applied to the specimens holds the basic information about it and records its position in the cupboard, storage house or exhibition space. Through this method the museum staff can manage at the same time data recording, monitoring of handling, and traceability of the goods, simplifying the activities and reducing the time required.