Papers by Ivo Wallimann-Helmer

Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Philosophie
The principle of common but differentiated responsibilities is a key principle in international c... more The principle of common but differentiated responsibilities is a key principle in international climate and environmental governance. This paper explores the normative implications of the differentiation of responsibilities. I explain how responsibility as a four-digit relation can be used to reconstruct the complex networks of responsibilities in climate and environmental governance. I argue that depending on the area, governance level and concrete case of climate and environmental governance, other or differently specified norms become relevant for the differentiation of responsibilities. However, I show that the attribution of responsibility must always consider the actors' ability for responsibility. I argue that it is not only the fairness of the attribution of responsibilities that matters, but the capacity for responsibility of the relevant agents and their dependence on networks and institutions of responsibility. Spätestens seit der Rio-Konferenz der Vereinten Nationen 1992 gilt in der internationalen Klima-und Umweltpolitik das Prinzip der gemeinsamen aber unterschiedlichen Verantwortlichkeiten (common but differentiated responsibilities) als zentrale Governance-Norm. 1 Für die Klimaethik kann dieses Prinzip als der Kernpunkt der ethischen bzw. gerechtigkeitstheoretischen Auseinandersetzung gesehen werden. 2 In der breiter gefassten Umweltethik spielen Fragen nach der Verantwortungszuschreibung in der Umweltpraxis hingegen eine eher untergeordnete Rolle. Viel wichtiger ist in dieser Debatte die Frage nach dem moralischen Status der nicht-menschlichen Natur. 3 Dieser Aufsatz untersucht die normativen Implikationen der Differenzierung von Verantwortlichkeiten für die relevanten Akteure im Klima-und Umweltschutz. Ich zeige, dass je nach Kontext und konkreter Herausforderung der Klima-und Umweltpolitik und je nach den Umständen der Verantwortungsträger andere moralische Normen bzw. andere Spezifizierungen von Normen von Bedeutung sind. Entsprechend müssen auch die Verantwortlichkeiten anders differenziert werden. Diese These impliziert, dass nicht immer nur die Verursacher von Klima-und Umweltherausforderungen die grösste Verantwortung zu tragen haben, sondern je nach Umständen auch die Fähigsten oder die am direktesten Betroffenen. Wie diese Verantwortlichkeiten aber zu definieren sind, hängt zentralerweise von den komplexen Verantwortungsnetzwerken ab, inner-1 United Nations: The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development (1992).
GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society
Was dem Schutz des Klimas dient, kann den Verlust der Artenvielfalt befördern. Deshalb sind Maßna... more Was dem Schutz des Klimas dient, kann den Verlust der Artenvielfalt befördern. Deshalb sind Maßnahmen gegen den Klimawandel und den Biodiversitätsverlust aufeinander abzustimmen. Grundlage dafür bilden Suffizienzkriterien der Gerechtigkeit, die erlauben, mögliche Konflikte zu erkennen und übergreifende Ziele zu formulieren, um die Transformation hin zur Nachhaltigkeit gerecht zu gestalten.
GAIA , 2024
gesellschaft für umweltforschung und ökologie societé académique suisse pour la recherche sur l'e... more gesellschaft für umweltforschung und ökologie societé académique suisse pour la recherche sur l'environnement et l'écologie swiss academic society for environmental research and ecology
Environmental Ethics, 2024
In her dissertation "The Ethics of Carbon Dioxide Removal," she argued for a differentiation of a... more In her dissertation "The Ethics of Carbon Dioxide Removal," she argued for a differentiation of agents and their responsibilities to remove carbon. She has a background in philosophy, politics, and economics. Her research interests include ethics, climate justice, ethics of technology, and environmental feminism.

EurSafe2024 Proceedings, 2024
The impacts of climate change are growing increasingly severe, and human communities must adapt t... more The impacts of climate change are growing increasingly severe, and human communities must adapt to avoid these impacts. However, adaptation options are limited by constraints, which are both natural, or 'hard' , and social, or 'soft'. Fundamental transformation of social systems and structures can expand these limits by adding adaptive capacities. However, such transformations may also negatively affect the communities whose adaptive capacities they are intended to expand. This article argues that transformational adaptation should take these negative effects into account by considering the value that soft adaptation limits have for communities. According to the no-harm principle, the transformation of what we term 'devalued' soft adaptation limits should be prioritized over the transformation of 'valued' ones. However, this general recommendation for action does not suffice to deal with value conflicts where trade-offs must be made. We suggest that giving the highest priority to basic human needs is a first step towards solving this issue.

Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Philosophie - Studia Philosophica, 2023
The principle of common but differentiated responsibilities is a key principle in international c... more The principle of common but differentiated responsibilities is a key principle in international climate and environmental governance. This paper explores the normative implications of the differentiation of responsibilities. I explain how responsibility as a four-digit relation can be used to reconstruct the complex networks of responsibilities in climate and environmental governance. I argue that depending on the area, governance level and concrete case of climate and environmental governance, other or differently specified norms become relevant for the differentiation of responsibilities. However, I show that the attribution of responsibility must always consider the actors' ability for responsibility. I argue that it is not only the fairness of the attribution of responsibilities that matters, but the capacity for responsibility of the relevant agents and their dependence on networks and institutions of responsibility.

Le Climatoscope, 2024
Règle générale, les éthiciens et éthiciennes du climat développent des arguments centrés sur la j... more Règle générale, les éthiciens et éthiciennes du climat développent des arguments centrés sur la juste distribution des ressources atmosphériques et des droits d'émissions dans les structures politiques de l'atténuation des changements climatiques. En revanche, les dispositifs éthiques permettant de guider les choix difficiles des différentes parties prenantes locales confrontées aux défis de l'adaptation aux changements climatiques demeurent largement négligés à ce jour. Afin de remédier à cette lacune, cet article vise à examiner les enjeux éthiques et normatifs d'un terrain en particulier, soit la commune de Guttannen, en Suisse, déjà sévèrement vulnérabilisée par les répercussions des perturbations climatiques. Pour ce faire, deux modélisations d'éthique pratique seront mises à profit dans la présente analyse, soit l'éthique environnementale pragmatiste et le principalisme méthodologique (Voisard et Wallimann-Helmer, 2023). En nous inspirant de ces deux approches éthiques, nous souhaitons offrir des avenues pertinentes au développement d'outils d'analyse éthique capables d'informer et d'accompagner la gouvernance climatique locale.
GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 2023

Le Climatoscope, 2023
According to Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports, the risks of negative impa... more According to Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports, the risks of negative impacts from climate change are very high (IPCC, 2022). Many world regions must already take action to cope with the adverse effects of climate change and minimize the risks of climate losses and damages, for example, loss of lives or cultural heritage, damage to housing or agriculture. Particularly in smallholder farming communities, these climate impacts threaten to undermine livelihoods and food security, likely leading to famine and other catastrophic consequences for survival and social stability. This article explores the ethical implications of different framings of both the need to adapt to changing climatic conditions and the actions that must be taken should unavoidable or unavoided climate losses and damages materialize (Roderick & Verheyen, 2008). To explore the moral implications of climate adaptation and of loss and damage (L&D) action, consider a variation of Peter Singer's famous pond case (Singer, 1972). You walk by a deep pond and see a stranger's child drowning 1. In such a case, it seems clear that you have a duty to help, at least if you do not have to risk anything of similar moral importance. If you cannot swim and would risk drowning yourself, it would be too much to expect you to jump into the pond and save the child. On the other hand, if you can swim well enough, it would be perfectly reasonable to expect you to jump into the pond and miss an important appointment. This is the "child in a pond" case. Intuitively, everyone would agree that it concerns an emergency.

IIASA/EQU Justice Framework, 2024
The consideration of justice has become a critical area of focus for researchers, as awareness is... more The consideration of justice has become a critical area of focus for researchers, as awareness is increasing that (perceived) injustices are a main barrier for effectively tackling the interconnected global grand challenges, such as the climate and the biodiversity crises. Insufficient attention to perceptions of justice is a major issue slowing progress on climate change and other major policy issues. Justice, however, is difficult to grasp as it is a multi-dimensional and culturally diverse term and is in many instances of global socio-environmental issues not formally institutionalized.
This working paper introduces the first version of the IIASA/EQU justice framework, which comprehensively outlines justice in its multiple aspects with the aim to facilitate justice assessment across diverse research and policy contexts. It is thus a descriptive framework with no normative objectives. The framework is grounded in philosophy and is applied and tested in a variety of applications, to be useful for research and decision-making. It is meant to be accessible across disciplines, powerful in terms of capacity to express a variety of justice ideas, and modular so researchers can select and deploy the aspects that are most appropriate or useful.
The framework as presented here serves as a baseline for further refinement, expansion, applications, and evaluation across disciplines, subject areas, and cultural backgrounds.

Le Climatoscope, 2023
elon les rapports du GIEC, les risques d'impacts négatifs des changements climatiques sont très é... more elon les rapports du GIEC, les risques d'impacts négatifs des changements climatiques sont très élevés (GIEC, 2022). De nombreuses régions du monde doivent déjà prendre des mesures pour faire face aux effets négatifs des changements climatiques et pour minimiser les risques de pertes et de dommages liés au climat. Par exemple, les changements climatiques peuvent entraîner la perte de vies humaines, la perte de patrimoine culturel, des dommages aux habitations ou à l'agriculture. En particulier dans les communautés de petits exploitants agricoles, ces impacts climatiques menacent de saper leurs moyens de subsistance et leur sécurité alimentaire, conduisant potentiellement à la famine et à d'autres conséquences délétères pour la survie et la stabilité sociale. Cet article explore les implications éthiques des différentes conceptions de la nécessité de s'adapter aux conditions climatiques changeantes et des mesures à prendre en cas de pertes et de dommages climatiques inévitables ou non évités (Roderick et Verheyen, 2008).
Global Sustainability, 2023
Climate stabilization requires scaling-up technologies to capture
and store carbon. Carbon remova... more Climate stabilization requires scaling-up technologies to capture
and store carbon. Carbon removal could be very profitable, and some of the agents best placed to benefit are ‘carbon majors’, i.e. fossil fuel companies. We argue that in ordinary circumstances only agents without significant historical climate responsibilities would be entitled to the full benefits from carbon removal. Under non-ideal conditions, carbon majors might
be entitled to benefit, provided that no other agent could remove similar quantities of carbon at similar costs. This burden of proof is only likely to be met in countries with poor governance capacities.

Evidence of observed negative impacts on natural and human systems from anthropogenic climate cha... more Evidence of observed negative impacts on natural and human systems from anthropogenic climate change is increasing. However, human systems in particular are dynamic and influenced by multiple drivers and hence identifying an anthropogenic climate signal is challenging. Here we analyze the case of lake Palcacocha in the Andes of Peru, which offers a representative model for other glacier lakes and related risks around the world because it features a dynamic evolution of flood risk driven by physical and socioeconomic factors and processes. Furthermore, it is the object of a prominent climate litigation case, wherein a local Peruvian citizen sued a large German energy producer over risk of flooding from lake Palcacocha. Adopting a conceptual model of cascading impacts and multiple drivers of risk, we first study climatic and other geophysical drivers of flood risk. We find that an anthropogenic signal from flood risk to greenhouse gas emissions is traceable. In parallel, flood risk has been strongly shaped (and increased) by interacting socioeconomic, institutional and cultural processes over the past few decades. The case raises important questions about the differentiation of responsibilities relating to flood risk of both global and local agents, which are, however, difficult to address in cases like Palcacocha, where we reveal a complex network of interlinked global, national and local drivers. Following from this, we outline a normative framework with a differentiated perspective on responsibility, implying that global emitters commit to support strengthening capacities in affected regions and localities and that local institutions and societies engage in local risk reduction measures and policies in collaboration with and driven by local communities.
J.B. Metzler eBooks, 2021
J.B. Metzler eBooks, 2021
Geoengineering – die technische Manipulation des Klimas – muss mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit schon... more Geoengineering – die technische Manipulation des Klimas – muss mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit schon bald im grossen Stil Wirklichkeit werden. Denn zwei Drittel der wissenschaftlichen Analysen, die das Einhalten der 2-Grad-Leitplanke globaler Erwarmung des Klimasystems fur moglich halten, gehen davon aus, dass unsere globale Wirtschaft noch in diesem Jahrhundert emissionsneutral funktioniert. Das scheint weder in der breiten Offentlichkeit noch in der Politik hinlanglich bekannt zu sein.
Papers by Ivo Wallimann-Helmer
This working paper introduces the first version of the IIASA/EQU justice framework, which comprehensively outlines justice in its multiple aspects with the aim to facilitate justice assessment across diverse research and policy contexts. It is thus a descriptive framework with no normative objectives. The framework is grounded in philosophy and is applied and tested in a variety of applications, to be useful for research and decision-making. It is meant to be accessible across disciplines, powerful in terms of capacity to express a variety of justice ideas, and modular so researchers can select and deploy the aspects that are most appropriate or useful.
The framework as presented here serves as a baseline for further refinement, expansion, applications, and evaluation across disciplines, subject areas, and cultural backgrounds.
and store carbon. Carbon removal could be very profitable, and some of the agents best placed to benefit are ‘carbon majors’, i.e. fossil fuel companies. We argue that in ordinary circumstances only agents without significant historical climate responsibilities would be entitled to the full benefits from carbon removal. Under non-ideal conditions, carbon majors might
be entitled to benefit, provided that no other agent could remove similar quantities of carbon at similar costs. This burden of proof is only likely to be met in countries with poor governance capacities.
This working paper introduces the first version of the IIASA/EQU justice framework, which comprehensively outlines justice in its multiple aspects with the aim to facilitate justice assessment across diverse research and policy contexts. It is thus a descriptive framework with no normative objectives. The framework is grounded in philosophy and is applied and tested in a variety of applications, to be useful for research and decision-making. It is meant to be accessible across disciplines, powerful in terms of capacity to express a variety of justice ideas, and modular so researchers can select and deploy the aspects that are most appropriate or useful.
The framework as presented here serves as a baseline for further refinement, expansion, applications, and evaluation across disciplines, subject areas, and cultural backgrounds.
and store carbon. Carbon removal could be very profitable, and some of the agents best placed to benefit are ‘carbon majors’, i.e. fossil fuel companies. We argue that in ordinary circumstances only agents without significant historical climate responsibilities would be entitled to the full benefits from carbon removal. Under non-ideal conditions, carbon majors might
be entitled to benefit, provided that no other agent could remove similar quantities of carbon at similar costs. This burden of proof is only likely to be met in countries with poor governance capacities.
Die Autoren führen ein Raster zur Analyse von medizinischen Einzelfällen ein, das stark anwendungsbezogen aufgebaut ist und eine praxistaugliche Reflexionshilfe für den medizinischen Berufsalltag bietet. Anhand dieses Rasters stellt das Buch Fallbeispiele mit Lösungsvorschlägen für alle Berufe des Gesundheitswesens vor.
Kontrollfragen und Arbeitsaufträge fördern das Verständnis und die Diskussion. Die Raster zur Fallanalyse stehen zudem auch als Download zur Verfügung.
A number of philosophers have written about the significance of social equality, and it has also played an important role in real-life egalitarian movements, such as feminism and civil rights movements. However, as it has been relatively neglected in comparison to the debates about distributive equality, it requires much more theoretical attention. This volume brings together a collection of ten original essays which present new analyses of social and relational equality in philosophy and political theory. The essays analyze the nature of social equality, as well as its relationship to justice and politics.
Hierzu müssen sowohl aus normativer als auch aus pädagogischer Perspektive folgende drei Fragen beantwortet werden: a) Was ist im Kontext der Rede von Chancengleichheit im Bildungswesen überhaupt unter „Behinderung“ zu verstehen? b) Wie sind die knappen Ressourcen zur Sicherstellung von Chancengleichheit zwischen „Behinderten“ und Nicht-„Behinderten“ zu verteilen? c) Welche pädagogischen Massnahmen lassen sich zur Sicherstellung von Chancengleichheit für „Behinderte“ rechtfertigen? Die in diesem Band vereinten Beiträge erläutern diese drei Fragen aus gerechtigkeitstheoretischer und sonderpädagogischer Sicht.
Die gerechtigkeitstheoretischen Beiträge in diesem Band bilden die egalitaristische und non-egalitaristische Rechtfertigungsperspektive ab und diskutieren die Forderung nach Chancengleichheit im Lichte der Bildungsansprüche behinderter Menschen. Im Gegensatz zur philosophischen Debatte ist die Diskussion über Bildungsansprüche behinderter Menschen aus der Perspektive der Sonderpädagogik nicht in erster Linie mit deren normativen Rechtfertigung befasst. Die sonderpädagogischen Beiträge in diesem Band behandeln Fragen der Umsetzung von Chancengleichheit für „Behinderte“ vor dem Hintergrund der normativen Theorie.
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