in: Philip McCosker and Denys Turner (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to the Summa Theologiae (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016), p. 129-141, 2016
This contribution presents the Holy Spirit in Thomas Aquinas's Summa Theologiae. The Summa does n... more This contribution presents the Holy Spirit in Thomas Aquinas's Summa Theologiae. The Summa does not include a treatise on pneumatology properly speaking; but Thomas’ teaching about the Holy Spirit is spread throughout all the major treatises of this work. So, to grasp properly the place and role of the Holy Spirit in the Summa, one must undertake a complete reading of the work, considering especially the sections dedicated to: the distinction of the divine persons, creation, anthropology and the image of God, the New Law and grace, Christian action and the virtues, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, charisms, the incarnation of Christ, the life of Christ and his work of salvation, as well as the sacraments. One should also know the doctrinal structure of the Summa so as to appreciate its internal connections.
Papers by Gilles Emery
What does “holiness” mean for Thomas Aquinas? This study attempts to offer an answer based on the vocabulary of holiness (“sanctus”, “sanctitas”). The first part presents holiness as it qualifies God, grasped according to the unity of his essence and the distinction of persons, and as the adjective “holy” is part of the personal name “Holy Spirit”. The second part sets out the most salient aspects of the notion of created holiness: the meanings of the words “holy” and “holiness”, the main elements constituting the notion of holiness in the context of creatures, the “sancti” and the “sancta”, the fundamental aspects of the holy life as well as the ecclesial nature and eschatological dimension of holiness.
What does “holiness” mean for Thomas Aquinas? This study attempts to offer an answer based on the vocabulary of holiness (“sanctus”, “sanctitas”). The first part presents holiness as it qualifies God, grasped according to the unity of his essence and the distinction of persons, and as the adjective “holy” is part of the personal name “Holy Spirit”. The second part sets out the most salient aspects of the notion of created holiness: the meanings of the words “holy” and “holiness”, the main elements constituting the notion of holiness in the context of creatures, the “sancti” and the “sancta”, the fundamental aspects of the holy life as well as the ecclesial nature and eschatological dimension of holiness.
Fr. Gilles Emery O.P.: List of Academic Publications
Bibliographie – Bibliography
Dans son commentaire sur les Sentences, sa première grande œuvre, Thomas d'Aquin met au premier plan de sa réflexion théologique les rapports que Dieu Trinité entretient avec l'univers créé: la procession des personnes divines est la cause,la raison et l'origine de la procession des créatures. Cette connexion révèle un trait caractéristique de sa pensée théologique sur la création et sur la Trinité.
Cette étude historique et doctrinale examine d'abord dans le détail les sources de la pensée du jeune Thomas d'Aquin chez son maître Albert le Grand et chez Bonaventure.Elle présente ensuite une analyse de nombreux textes du commentaire de Thomas sur les Sentences: ceux qui révèlent les retentissements de l'idée de création en théologie trinitaire, et ceux qui manifestent la veine trinitaire inspirant sa théologie de la création.