Papers by Eftychia Alevizou
in R. Graells i Fabregat, A. Pace, M. Pérez Blasco (eds), Warriors@Play, Proceedings of the International Congress held at the Museum of History and Archaeology of Elche, 28th May 2021, Alicante, University of Alicante, 2022, 169-184
The connection between warriors and play during their pass time is documented by iconography, lit... more The connection between warriors and play during their pass time is documented by iconography, literary sources and archaeological evidence. In this current study archaeological material from different regions of Northern Greece is being presented, starting from the archaic until the late Hellenistic period with references to the few available ancient texts.

Instrumentum , 2020
2020 s'achève, une année éprouvante pour les corps et les esprits ; une année au cours de laquell... more 2020 s'achève, une année éprouvante pour les corps et les esprits ; une année au cours de laquelle la recherche a dû s'adapter à de nouvelles conditions, avec des déplacements et des rencontres réduits, voire annulés. Dans ce contexte si particulier, nous sommes heureux de vous livrer ce cinquante-deuxième numéro de la revue Instrumentum qui comprend un dossier sur le thème des jeux dans l'Antiquité composé de quatre articles écrits par de jeunes chercheurs travaillant dans le cadre du projet européen Locus Ludi, dirigé par Véronique Dasen de l'université de Fribourg. La rencontre avec cette dernière et le groupe qu'elle anime est un des événements positifs survenus à la faveur du confinement du printemps dernier ! Nous espérons que cette collaboration continuera sous cette forme ou sous une autre, afin de suivre les travaux menés sur un sujet si intéressant. Au cours des prochains mois, l'association Instrumentum devra organiser son Assemblée Générale et vous serez conviés à vous prononcer, via un vote en ligne, sur les bilans d'activité et financier 2017-2020. À cette occasion seront renouvelés les mandats des membres du bureau et des vice-présidents. Déjà, nous pouvons évoquer quelques actions de ces trois années passées, comme la tenue les 14-16 juin 2017 des Rencontres internationales sur Les modes de transports dans l'Antiquité et au Moyen-Âge. Mobiliers d'équipement et d'entretien des véhicules terrestres, fluviaux et maritimes au Musée départemental de l'Arles antique (FR), dont l'organisation a été pilotée par Stéphanie Raux, ex-VP France, laquelle prépare actuellement la publication des actes. Les 12-14 juin 2019, Instrumentum co-organisait à Londres, avec le Roman Finds Group, le Finds Research Group et le King's College, le colloque Hoarding and deposition in Europe from later prehistory to the medieval period-finds in context grâce notamment à Emma Durham, notre VP Great-Britain. Ce fut l'occasion d'assurer de notre soutien nos collègues anglais alo rs que leur pays allait prendre la voie de l'isolement institutionnel, bien éloignée de celle prônée par nos disciplines et nécessaire à leur épanouissement. La publication des contributions à ces journées est également en cours de préparation. À chaque numéro de la revue, la secrétaire chargée de sa coordination se pose la même question : saura-t-il répondre aux attentes des abonnés ? Comme dans toutes réalisations scientifiques collectives de ce genre, les choix et les idées émises sont discutables et les informations relayées ne sont pas exhaustives, pour autant leur publication en fixe l'existence dans un environnement si foisonnant et si mouvant, au sein duquel perdre le fil serait si facile... Prenez soin de vous et passez de bonnes fêtes / Take care of yourself and Merry Christmas. Isabelle BertrAnd, Secrétaire, chargée du bulletin / Secretary, editor of the biannual magazine déc. 2020 Juin 2021 / June 2021 Le travail des alliages à base de cuivre (âges du Fer-haut Moyen Âge) (ateliers, productions, creusets, moules, analyses, …) / Copper alloy working (Iron Ages-Early Middle Ages) (workshops, products, crucibles, moulds, analysis, …) Articles p. 12-Boucle de type Viminacium à Sauvian (FR, Hérault) p. 19-Zwei Hemmoorer Eimer aus dem vicus von Mittelstrimmig p. 21-La datation probabiliste pondérée Dossier : Locus Ludi Les dés atypiques p. 26-Irregular dice from Northern Greece p. 30-Sur quelques pièces problématiques étrusques en os et en ivoire p. 33-Alcuni dadi 'particolari' da Pompei. Dall'evidenza materiale alla cultura ludica p. 35-Les dés pleins cubiques et parallélépipédiques en os de Gaule romaine. De leur production à l'art de les manipuler Juin 2022 / June 2022 Artisanat du bois et artefacts aux époques romaine et médiévale (outillage, marques, essences, commerce, …) / Wooden artefacts and wood craft in Roman and medieval times (tools, stamps, species, trade, …) Date limite / Deadline : le 1 er mars / March the 1 st Colloques/Colloquiums p. 25-Colloquia Anatolica et Aegaea Congressus internationales Smyrnenses XI p. 48-The 25 th LIMES Congress Exposition/Exhibition p. 18-Boire avec les dieux / Drinking with the Gods p. 25-Diplômes universitaires/ University Diplomas p. 48-Instrumentum Organigramme-Comité de lecture

Τῷ διδασκάλῳ Τιμητικός τόμος για τον καθηγητή Ιωάννη Ακαμάτη, 2019
Roman baths were a fundamental institution of
the Roman civilization. Open to all social/age
gr... more Roman baths were a fundamental institution of
the Roman civilization. Open to all social/age
groups and to both genders, they offered the visitor a variety of activities. As a result, Romans
spent a considerable amount of their daily time
in the baths.
Decoration was an important element of any
building’s form. Usually, the subject matter of figural decoration was defined by the building’s
function.One particular category of figural scenes
consists of depictions related to the bathing ritual
per se, namely depictions of bathers, bath attendants and bathing equipment. Most of the examples were found in Italy and the West. All those
themes have multiple interpretations.
Bathers are mainly represented in wall paintings, with depictions of women being the most
popular, alluding to the beauty and sensuality of
female bodies. Bathers, in general, are themes
that the visitors felt familiar with. Initially, they
were extremely rare on mosaic pavements, but
during the Late Antiquity they make their appearance in the private baths of Sidi Ghrib and
Piazza Armerina, as masters being attended by
their servants and declaring their high status.
Bath attendants are almost exclusively found
on mosaic pavements. Initially they were symbolic, naked, or half-naked, male figures, depicted alone on thresholds and passages, with a
possible apotropaic interpretation. They showed
the way to the visitor, defining space. Once more
on Late Antiquity pavements, the iconography
changes and they became elaborately dressed
and depicted in procession or attending their
master, emphasizing again their masters’ status.
Female servants start making a more frequent
Bathing symbols, with sandals as the most
typical bathing accessory, are represented on
mosaic pavements, usually on thresholds and
passages leading to heated rooms. They allude
to the bathing routine, define the liminal space
and point the visitor in the right direction. An
apotropaic interpretation is also plausible.
Το Αρχαιολογικό Έργο στη Μακεδονία και στη Θράκη 26, 2012
Articles / Papers by Eftychia Alevizou
Instrumentum, Dec 8, 2020
Papers by Eftychia Alevizou
the Roman civilization. Open to all social/age
groups and to both genders, they offered the visitor a variety of activities. As a result, Romans
spent a considerable amount of their daily time
in the baths.
Decoration was an important element of any
building’s form. Usually, the subject matter of figural decoration was defined by the building’s
function.One particular category of figural scenes
consists of depictions related to the bathing ritual
per se, namely depictions of bathers, bath attendants and bathing equipment. Most of the examples were found in Italy and the West. All those
themes have multiple interpretations.
Bathers are mainly represented in wall paintings, with depictions of women being the most
popular, alluding to the beauty and sensuality of
female bodies. Bathers, in general, are themes
that the visitors felt familiar with. Initially, they
were extremely rare on mosaic pavements, but
during the Late Antiquity they make their appearance in the private baths of Sidi Ghrib and
Piazza Armerina, as masters being attended by
their servants and declaring their high status.
Bath attendants are almost exclusively found
on mosaic pavements. Initially they were symbolic, naked, or half-naked, male figures, depicted alone on thresholds and passages, with a
possible apotropaic interpretation. They showed
the way to the visitor, defining space. Once more
on Late Antiquity pavements, the iconography
changes and they became elaborately dressed
and depicted in procession or attending their
master, emphasizing again their masters’ status.
Female servants start making a more frequent
Bathing symbols, with sandals as the most
typical bathing accessory, are represented on
mosaic pavements, usually on thresholds and
passages leading to heated rooms. They allude
to the bathing routine, define the liminal space
and point the visitor in the right direction. An
apotropaic interpretation is also plausible.
Articles / Papers by Eftychia Alevizou
More information :
the Roman civilization. Open to all social/age
groups and to both genders, they offered the visitor a variety of activities. As a result, Romans
spent a considerable amount of their daily time
in the baths.
Decoration was an important element of any
building’s form. Usually, the subject matter of figural decoration was defined by the building’s
function.One particular category of figural scenes
consists of depictions related to the bathing ritual
per se, namely depictions of bathers, bath attendants and bathing equipment. Most of the examples were found in Italy and the West. All those
themes have multiple interpretations.
Bathers are mainly represented in wall paintings, with depictions of women being the most
popular, alluding to the beauty and sensuality of
female bodies. Bathers, in general, are themes
that the visitors felt familiar with. Initially, they
were extremely rare on mosaic pavements, but
during the Late Antiquity they make their appearance in the private baths of Sidi Ghrib and
Piazza Armerina, as masters being attended by
their servants and declaring their high status.
Bath attendants are almost exclusively found
on mosaic pavements. Initially they were symbolic, naked, or half-naked, male figures, depicted alone on thresholds and passages, with a
possible apotropaic interpretation. They showed
the way to the visitor, defining space. Once more
on Late Antiquity pavements, the iconography
changes and they became elaborately dressed
and depicted in procession or attending their
master, emphasizing again their masters’ status.
Female servants start making a more frequent
Bathing symbols, with sandals as the most
typical bathing accessory, are represented on
mosaic pavements, usually on thresholds and
passages leading to heated rooms. They allude
to the bathing routine, define the liminal space
and point the visitor in the right direction. An
apotropaic interpretation is also plausible.
More information :