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Rapport d'activité Notre recherche s'attachait à interroger le rapport que la société contemporaine, dans la pluralité des communautés qui la composent, entretient avec la foi et la croyance. Elle s'est concentrée sur des figures que nous... more
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Convegno (Università di Pisa, 22 novembre 2018)
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      Political PhilosophyMedieval PhilosophyPlatoAl Farabi
A distinctive position in contemporary political philosophy is occupied by those who defend the principle of public justification. This principle states that the moral or political rules that govern our common life must be in some sense... more
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      Political PhilosophyLegitimacy and AuthoritySocial Contract TheoryLiberalism
This paper presents a dilemma for Matthew Kramer’s view, as defended in his Liberalism with Excellence. A central aim of that book is to critique existing liberal perfectionist theories, which he labels ‘edificatory’, and to defend a... more
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      Political PhilosophyLegitimacy and AuthorityLiberalismPublic Reason
Proponents of public reason views hold that the exercise of political power ought to be acceptable to all reasonable citizens. This paper elucidates the common structure shared by all public reason views, first by identifying a set of... more
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      Political PhilosophyLegitimacy and AuthorityPublic ReasonPolitical Legitimacy
This chapter sets out John Rawls’s conception of autonomy and considers the role that it plays in his thought across A Theory of Justice and Political Liberalism. I suggest that one distinctive but overlooked feature of this conception is... more
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      Political PhilosophyLegitimacy and AuthorityPublic ReasonPersonal and Moral Autonomy
An attractive form of social stability is realized when the members of a well-ordered society give that society’s organizing principles their free and reflective endorsement. However, many political philosophers are skeptical that there... more
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      Political PhilosophyLegitimacy and AuthorityPublic ReasonAutonomy
Functionalists hold that the territorial rights of states are grounded solely in their successful performance of their morally mandated functions. In this paper, I defend a distinctive functionalist view of the right of territorial... more
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      Political LegitimacyFunctionalismTerritorial RightsMilitary Occupation