Papers by valentina pedone

Otherness in Literary and Intercultural Communication: Crossing Borders, Crossing Cultures: , 2024
Chen Xi (1981–), aka Long Santiao, is a UK-based transnational cartoonist, writer, and illustrato... more Chen Xi (1981–), aka Long Santiao, is a UK-based transnational cartoonist, writer, and illustrator. With the exception of Under the Sky of Rome (Luoma de tiankong xia), an illustrated novel published in 2009 by Shaanxi Normal University Press, her work consists mainly of comics and graphic novels, some of them collected in a book titled Dreams and Shadows: Tales from Planet Xi’s Teahouse, published in 2015 by the British independent publisher Line of Intent, and others self-published or simply uploaded on her blogs. Since her style—playfully called “Sinophone pop” (Pedone Il favoloso mondo di Chen Xi. Narrazioni pop nell’epoca della fluidità culturale. Presentazione. LEA—Lingue e letterature d’Oriente e d’Occidente 7: 3–17, 2018b)—draws upon different cultural traditions to shape original, fluid meanings, her work can be described as transcultural (Dagnino Global Mobility, Transcultural Literature, and Multiple Modes of Modernity. Transcultural Studies 2: 130–160, 2013). This occurs through the massive use of scripts and images ascribable to a Chinese cultural context (traditional folklore, wuxia martial heroes, mythology, and fantasy), combined with European ones (Italian writers Buzzati, Calvino, Eco, or atmospheres from Britain’s Victorian era or London’s Swinging Sixties). In a skilfully crafted paradox, Chen Xi employs commodification, fetishization, and self-orientalization to create a personal neo-nomadic, transcultural landscape. Interrogating the hybridity of the graphic novel/illustrated fiction as a genre to challenge the univocity of identity, the chapter also demonstrates that Chen Xi’s work is an act of creative agency to articulate a specific Sinophone chronotope (Shih, The Concept of the Sinophone. PMLA/Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, 163 (3), 709–718, 2011), in a continued questioning of the center/periphery matrix that reflects the author’s transformation through active (trans)culturation empowerment.
(S. Gallo, M. Codeluppi eds) Mother Tongues and Other Tongues: Creating and Translating Sinophone Poetry, 2024
In Chapter 8, Valentina Pedone shifts the discussion to Europe by considering some amateur Sinoph... more In Chapter 8, Valentina Pedone shifts the discussion to Europe by considering some amateur Sinophone authors who are active across Italy and China. Relying on a framework of Mobility Studies and Sinophone Studies, Pedone scrutinizes the translingual and transnational textual practices of these Sino-Italian writers who publish their works in both countries, as well as online, performing their hyphenated identities in accordance with their place-based readerships. Pedone gives an account of the lyrical quandary emerging from the conflict between nostalgia for the mother(land) and “obsession” with the other, engendered by the fear of exclusion.
Sinophone Studies Across Disciplines, 2024
In this chapter, I use concepts from sociolinguistics to highlight how Chinese-Italian writer and... more In this chapter, I use concepts from sociolinguistics to highlight how Chinese-Italian writer and actor Shi Yang Shi uses language in his Sinophone play Tong Men-g (1) to express his fluid cultural identity, (2) to question current hegemonic views on ethnicity in Italy, and (3) to inspire a sense of local belonging in the Chinese-Italian community. This threefold objective, I argue, is pursued in both the content and the form (language).

“Meno male ci sono loro”: così ha esordito un commerciante italiano a proposito della sua cliente... more “Meno male ci sono loro”: così ha esordito un commerciante italiano a proposito della sua clientela cinese. In effetti, nonostante i molti stereotipi, più o meno verificati, che da diversi anni accompagnano la presenza cinese a Prato, oggi emergono dinamiche nuove e per certi versi inaspettate sul loro insediamento nel territorio. I cinesi non sono quel tutto indistinto, scarsamente penetrabile, a cui spesso viene fatto riferimento, ma presentano una serie di peculiarità che si trasformano nel tempo. Oltre ad essere degli imprenditori capaci di sfruttare le diverse opportunità cambiando i settori in cui fare impresa, sono divenuti anche dei consumatori formidabili, con ricadute evidenti sull’intero tessuto economico locale. Vendere e comprare, appunto, propone i risultati di un’indagine volta a cogliere le dinamiche di stratificazione e mobilità sociale dei cinesi analizzando due ambiti di solito trascurati: il commercio al dettaglio a titolarità cinese e la propensione ai consumi degli stessi immigrati cinesi a Prato. Ciò che emerge è una nuova prospettiva suii cinesi che vivono, lavorano e spendono a Prato, fuori da ogni buonismo e con il rigore di chi propone interpretazioni basandosi su dati empirici

Firenze University Press eBooks, 2022
Un famoso detto cinese recita "ovunque si infrangano le onde del mare, vi si potranno trovare cin... more Un famoso detto cinese recita "ovunque si infrangano le onde del mare, vi si potranno trovare cinesi", con riferimento al fatto che in Cina sia presente una antica cultura di migrazione marittima. In realtà, per quanto esistano importanti storie di migrazione, definire il popolo cinese come un popolo di viaggiatori e migranti sarebbe una enorme approssimazione e generalizzazione. Come frequentemente succede quando si parla di Cina, per disegnare un ritratto fedele si deve guardare al particolare, alle tante storie e culture cinesi, agli incroci ed intersezioni di eventi, tendenze, percorsi. Questo spesso risulta complesso, in virtù di due narrazioni egemoni, quella "occidentale" e quella della Cina continentale, che in maniera perfettamente complementare rinforzano da prospettive diverse l'idea di una cultura cinese monolitica, immutabile nel tempo e omogenea all'interno del suo dispiegamento spaziale. Per focalizzare meglio i contorni di molti fenomeni storici, sociali e culturali che coinvolgono i cinesi, è necessario, dunque, fare uno sforzo per decostruire le visioni semplificate che vengono proposte da diverse direzioni e che molto spesso vengono anche introiettate dagli stessi soggetti coinvolti. Come si vedrà nel prossimo paragrafo, dalla Cina si sono originate diverse ondate migratorie, spinte da fattori molto diversi, molte delle quali hanno interessato popolazioni cinesi provenienti da aree piuttosto circoscritte, con culture, e persino lingue, particolari e diverse per molti tratti dalla cultura cinese cosiddetta "centrale". D'altro canto, anche le comunità d'arrivo che si sono formate

Studies in Travel Writing
This article examines the image of Florence in the travel accounts of Sheng Cheng, Xu Zhimo, Zhu ... more This article examines the image of Florence in the travel accounts of Sheng Cheng, Xu Zhimo, Zhu Ziqing and Zou Taofen, four different personalities, with quite different backgrounds and sensibilities, who visited Florence during the 1920s and 1930s. These authors present to their Chinese readers portraits of a thriving city with a vibrant atmosphere that, nonetheless, transcends its present to be crystallised in an exuberant eternal renaissance. The article argues that the authors are inspired by a specific idea of the Italian Renaissance that gained momentum in late nineteenth-century Europe. This idea strongly resonated with the Chinese intellectual elite of the early twentieth century, who found in it an inspiration to face China’s internal political challenges. However, the travel accounts seem to transcend any real political frame in describing the city, while instead fabricating a fantasy of Florence as the embodiment of modernity, beauty and elegance.
Hu Lanbo is a Sinoitalian writer who,throughout a period of over twenty years, has published the ... more Hu Lanbo is a Sinoitalian writer who,throughout a period of over twenty years, has published the story of her life in four different versions, twice in Italian, and twice in Chinese. In this paper I outline the different ways she frames her ethnicity in the various versions of her self narration and then focus on how she creates a kind of autofiction that transcends the personal to reach the status of a edifying tale, capable of comforting, educating and inspiring both Chinese and Italian readers. In doing so she overcomes the asymmetry usually implicit between the roles of the reader and the so called migrant writer.
La conversazione bilingue tra giovani di origine cinese in Italia, 2012
LEA : Lingue e Letterature d'Oriente e d'Occidente, 2018
Chen Xi is an artist born in Beijing, who has spent part of her life in Italy and currently lives... more Chen Xi is an artist born in Beijing, who has spent part of her life in Italy and currently lives in the UK. She is the author of a novel about the life of a Chinese girl in Italy and a collection of postmodern fairy tales. As both a writer and an illustrator, she uses mixed media (mostly literature and visual art, but also performance and music) to convey her creative expression. Since her style draws upon different cultural traditions to shape original, fluid meanings, she can be described as a transcultural artist and writer. This section first provides an introduction to the artist’s life, works and style, then it offers the original Italian translation, Chinese text opposite, of four chapters from her novel and an excerpt from an illustrated story. An interview with the author closes the section.
Chinese Religions Going Global, 2020
Studi e saggi, 2014
This volume presents the results of a number of studies about Chinese migration to Italy carried ... more This volume presents the results of a number of studies about Chinese migration to Italy carried out between 2003 and 2013. The data discussed in the different chapters were collected mostly through ethnographic fieldwork carried out both in China and in Italy. Covered topics include: the organization of Chinese trade activities in Italy, the perception of Italy as a country of migration, identity construction among Italian-born Chinese, language use among Chinese migrants in Italy and literary works written by Chinese in Italy. In addition to the chapters devoted to the discussion of data gathered from fieldwork, an introductory chapter based on a review of the scientific literature is offered in order to provide the reader with a basic background about the characteristics of a migration flow that has lasted nearly a century.
Studi e saggi, 2017
These days, it seems that many people are concerned with borders, confines, and walls more than e... more These days, it seems that many people are concerned with borders, confines, and walls more than ever. We chose “transcending borders” as the theme and title of the volume, hinting at the concept of bridging boundaries, in any possible context and domain, metaphorical or concrete. By proposing this theme, we want to reflect on the opportunities that are to be gained through the overcoming of borders, on what can be accomplished by calling into question old norms, on the implementations of less familiar norms, and on the renegotiation of individual limits and horizons. This collection gathers seven articles on the theme of borders: the first four articles deal with Chinese presence in Italy today; the three articles in the field of Japanese Studies elaborate on the concept of borders in literary terms.
Forum Italicum: A Journal of Italian Studies, 2020

Journal of Italian Cinema & Media Studies, 2018
Beginning in the mid-2000s, a number of documentaries about Chinese migration to Italy have been ... more Beginning in the mid-2000s, a number of documentaries about Chinese migration to Italy have been produced both by professional directors and by amateurs, all with no Chinese background, that are mainly aimed at revealing the hidden 'reality' of the Chinese immigration population on one hand and, on the other hand, at discarding some of the wide spread prejudices about this group. I selected five of the professionally shot documentaries in order to analyse how they portray the Chinese migrant presence in Italy. While all of these documentaries make an important effort to present Chinese migration to Italy as a positive phenomenon, Orientalism as well as elements of cultural essentialism can still persist. My analysis focuses on the points of view that different directors adopt in depicting Chinese life in Italy, stressing if, where, and how their narratives emphasize cultural distance, otherness and essentialism.
Papers by valentina pedone
The event will start with the greetings of Virginie Lévesque, Counsellor/public Affair Embassy of Canada to Italy; Giacomo Guccione, Municipality of Florence; Joël Castonguay-Bélanger, University of British Columbia; Giorgia Giovannetti, University of Florence.
After the greetings, Dr Angelica Pesarini (University of Toronto) will give a talk titled “Race and Racisms: The Case of Italy”
After the talk and before the screening, WUXU art collective and the students of the University of Florence and the University of British Columbia who participated in the project will provide a brief introduction to the documentary.
Link to the Zoom event:
Meeting ID: 662 9490 4273
Passcode: 575414
Teaser of the documentary:
Organizing committee: Valentina Pedone, Xu Hao, Silvia Suppini
9:10-10:25 PRIMA SESSIONE (chair: Andrea Scibetta)
9:15 YANG Lin (Nankai University): "Fra immaginazione e realtà: l'immagine della Cina nelle scritture di viaggio di Alberto Arbasino e Luigi Malerba"
9:40 Marta FANASCA (HSE, St. Petersburg): "L'amore al femminile nei Manga Yuri"
Question Corner (15min.)
10:20-10:30 Coffee Break
10:30-11:45 SECONDA SESSIONE (chair: Diego Cucinelli)
10:35 Meri PERNA (Università di Perugia): "Identità e inclusione sociale dei giovani cinesi nella regione Marche"
11:00 Giacomo CALORIO (Università Milano Bicocca): "Cos'è il cinema giapponese contemporaneo? Interrogare le risposte, rispondere con (altre) domande"
Question Corner (15min.)
11:45-12:00 Saluti conclusivi