Books by Marzio Di Feo

Automi, realtà virtuale e formiche (“Automata, virtual reality and ants”) proposes an analysis of... more Automi, realtà virtuale e formiche (“Automata, virtual reality and ants”) proposes an analysis of the complexity of the war phenomenon through three different approaches: in the microphysics of the individual action, in simulated reality and in a metaphor with the biological environment. The investigation into the nature of the interactions between man and machine presents the attempt to dominate the Clausewitzian uncertainty of the battle through an automated, post-human system. This seems to be resolved in the Omega Point, which the theologian de Chardin had identified as a point of escape from entropy and from the disorder of reality. There is neither a scientific solution, nor a theological fate. Intelligence is shared through the semantics of the satellite, of the drone and through the information passing from machine to machine. While the warriors will act as a swarm, by sharing a huge amount of data, each one of them on the exocrine glands of the machine, St. Basil was right when he warned that whoever claims to speak on the nature of things (and therefore on war) should first of be able to speak of the nature of the ant.
Papers by Marzio Di Feo
In this paper we will deal with the relations between game theory and conflict. Firstly, we will ... more In this paper we will deal with the relations between game theory and conflict. Firstly, we will outline the starting analisys of rational action in the field of international security, based on the model of prisoner’s dilemma, game of chicken, theory of moves and their empirical application. Secondly, we will compare this theorical notions considering the problem of the crisis subgame and initiation war crisis. Finally, we will consider some methodological limits through a critical approach to security studies.
L’image dominante du genre en rapport à la guerre et à la paix a été réduite à la perspective rel... more L’image dominante du genre en rapport à la guerre et à la paix a été réduite à la perspective relativement stable d’une vision des hommes comme militaristes et des femmes comme pacifistes et victimes du conflit, « corsi » et « ricorsi » historiques. Dans ce travail les perspectives des trois théorisations diverses seront prises en compte pour confirmer ou infirmer le mythe du binôme femmes et paix : la question sociobiologique et le réalisme classique, la « pensée maternelle » du féminisme, le sex-ratio dans la société. Sont-ils «Demonic Males» ?
Book Reviews by Marzio Di Feo
Politikon: IAPSS Journal of Political Science, 2019
The diffusion of International Relations Theory brings a deep problem of hegemony in the Gramscia... more The diffusion of International Relations Theory brings a deep problem of hegemony in the Gramscian sense and dominance of Western theories. Rebus sic stantibus, a possibility of counter-hegemonic project seems at the same time a challenge and a necessity for the exit from the Western straitjacket. This book review tries to re-define the Robert Cox's relation between Ideas, Material Capabilities and Institutions through the point of view given by Acharya and Buzan and by the other contributors. In this perspective, a critical theory principle is the starting point: theory is always for someone and for some purpose. Cui prodest? Is there non-Western International Theory? Is a non-Western International Theory possible?
Bachelor's thesis by Marzio Di Feo
Bachelor's degree about a "cognitive" perspective of Libyan crisis on the international and regio... more Bachelor's degree about a "cognitive" perspective of Libyan crisis on the international and regional arena
Appendix - Master's Thesis by Marzio Di Feo
L'appendice al lavoro di Tesi magistrale raccoglie l'elenco dei dispositivi satellitari militari ... more L'appendice al lavoro di Tesi magistrale raccoglie l'elenco dei dispositivi satellitari militari presenti in orbita (aggiornato al febbraio 2015). La scelta dei dispositivi da considerare è stata dettata, oltre che dalla funzione e dalla proprietà del dispositivo stesso, facente capo alle forze armate o all'amministrazione difesa, anche dalla presenza in orbita del carico utile, che ne rimarca una potenziale operatività, seppur di alcuni di tali dispositivi sia stata persa traccia, a causa, ad esempio, di una mal riuscita messa in orbita, e, in particolare per i satelliti con più di quindici anni di operatività, non vi sia stato alcun tipo di collegamento a missione terminata.
Books by Marzio Di Feo
Papers by Marzio Di Feo
Book Reviews by Marzio Di Feo
Bachelor's thesis by Marzio Di Feo
Appendix - Master's Thesis by Marzio Di Feo