Thesis Chapters by Sebastiano Mori
La nuova strategia statunitense nel Mar Cinese Meridionale: La disputa per le isole Paracel e Spr... more La nuova strategia statunitense nel Mar Cinese Meridionale: La disputa per le isole Paracel e Spratly Relatore:Prof.LucianoBozzo Candidato:SebastianoMori AnnoAccademico2011/2012 2 A mio Nonno Ettore, primo insegnante di storia e di vita. A mia Madre e a mio Padre, senza i quali non avrei potuto fare niente e ai quali devo tutto. A mia Sorella Benedetta, che in tanti momenti della mia vita mi è sempre stata accanto come nessun altro e mi ha sempre aiutato con grande amore. A tutti i miei Zii e a Filippo ed Edoardo che hanno sempre avuto una fiducia smisurata nelle mie capacità senza mai dubitare di me. Ai miei cari ed unici amici, che rendono la mia vita degna di essere vissuta con il loro affetto. A tutti voi che avete sempre creduto in me.

In the last ten years for a great consumer of energy as China, establishing a good relationship w... more In the last ten years for a great consumer of energy as China, establishing a good relationship with the neighbour energy producer became a key issue for its foreign policy. Due to the incredible economic rise, the five republics of Central Asia represent a possible solution for Beijing’s energetic thirst. According to these elements, I focused my research on the Chinese Energy Strategy for Central Asia and I have analysed which are the factors that are pushing Beijing to "march to the West”. Following several years of economic rise, the energetic issue became fundamental for Chinese central government. According to that, the first part of my analysis is dedicated to the historical overview of Chinese energy production, which gradually became not enough to satisfy the thirst of the “dragon”. In the last years, Beijing invested important factors in Central Asia, establishing a new diplomatic relationship with the five republics. Following the ancient path of the Silk Road, Beijing began the construction of new infrastructures to ensure a safe flow of energy and diversify its suppliers. The Chinese penetrations have caused several implications and effects in particular in Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. Furthermore, the so-called Chinese “march to the West” has created the basis for a new great game, involving several international actors. The goal of my research is to underline how much PRC’s foreign policy is influenced by energy
Papers by Sebastiano Mori
This research paper attempts to address the analysis gap on China’s Market Economy Status by mean... more This research paper attempts to address the analysis gap on China’s Market Economy Status by means of a threefold approach. The first chapter briefly explores the different legal perspectives, which is indispensable to understand the origins of the discussion. This is followed by an economic analysis that will place the existing analyses regarding anti-dumping measures and their linkages to trade, investments, and employment into context. A final section will shed light on the (geo)political origins and implications of the matter.

This paper seeks to examine the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy for Central Asia, utilizi... more This paper seeks to examine the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy for Central Asia, utilizing a combination of primary and secondary sources to build an accurate picture of the European strategy in this fundamental area for global order. The study will provide a detailed analysis of the EU pivot to the region between the Caspian Sea and Western China, considering all the pillars of its engagement and the sectors of potential partnership such as energy, trade and security. The paper argues that major international players such as China, United States, Russia and Europe are positioning themselves on the Eurasian landmass, creating a “New Great Game” for the control of the strategic region defined by Halford Mackinder as the “Heartland”. Once again, this geopolitical paradigm seems to be validated, giving the chance to the EU to emerge as an important global power in this new complex “chessboard”. In particular, while all the other players strive to keep each other in check by focusing on strengthening their security alliances in the area, the European pivot, by contrast, seems to be based on economic, monetary, technological and softpower issues. Among the different theatres where the EU’s foreign and security policy is involved, Central Asia represents the perfect litmus test to analyse Europe’s influence compared to the other big powers. The paper is thus formulated around the fundamental importance for the EU to obtain a relevant position along the ancient path of the Silk Road. In conclusion, this study wants to determine the steps necessary for the European Union to finally demonstrate its influence and impact as an independent and strong actor within the international scenario.
The response to the earthquakes in Nepal was among the strongest in history, seen from an interna... more The response to the earthquakes in Nepal was among the strongest in history, seen from an international perspective, and given the severity of the calamities. Dozens of countries came to the aid of Nepal, some of them, such as India and Pakistan, within a few short hours. Nonetheless, an unnecessary amount of people were killed, injured or otherwise had their lives permanently altered. This report details many of the challenges experienced by international and Nepalese actors before, during and after the disaster. Here, the main findings are briefly summarized.

When the ‘Heartland’ theory was first published in 1904, it soon became a milestone for geopoliti... more When the ‘Heartland’ theory was first published in 1904, it soon became a milestone for geopolitics. Due to the current events, Mackinder’s paradigm seems to have concrete relevance within the international scenario today. The geographical position of Central Asia as the crossroads of the Eurasian continent together
with the abundance of important energy resources has increased the strategic value of the region within the international arena. Once again, this complex “chessboard” between the Caspian Sea and Western China is the theatre of a “New Great Game” between important international players such as China, the United States, Russia and Europe. In this intricate context it becomes even more vital to have stability among the five republics, avoiding the rise of menaces for internal security. This briefing paper seeks to identify and analyse the internal and external factors that could
lead Central Asia to become an unstable environment in a region that is essential for global order. With the rise of extremist religious movements all over the world, describing the particular role that Islamic communities are playing in the region becomes fundamental. The ultimate aim of this research is to create an accurate picture - utilising a combination of primary and secondary sources - of the rising extremism within the five republics. By providing a deeper knowledge of the Islamic communities and their current issues, this analysis seeks to
highlight the importance of preventing the formation of terrorist organisations within the five republics.
Thesis Chapters by Sebastiano Mori
Papers by Sebastiano Mori
with the abundance of important energy resources has increased the strategic value of the region within the international arena. Once again, this complex “chessboard” between the Caspian Sea and Western China is the theatre of a “New Great Game” between important international players such as China, the United States, Russia and Europe. In this intricate context it becomes even more vital to have stability among the five republics, avoiding the rise of menaces for internal security. This briefing paper seeks to identify and analyse the internal and external factors that could
lead Central Asia to become an unstable environment in a region that is essential for global order. With the rise of extremist religious movements all over the world, describing the particular role that Islamic communities are playing in the region becomes fundamental. The ultimate aim of this research is to create an accurate picture - utilising a combination of primary and secondary sources - of the rising extremism within the five republics. By providing a deeper knowledge of the Islamic communities and their current issues, this analysis seeks to
highlight the importance of preventing the formation of terrorist organisations within the five republics.
with the abundance of important energy resources has increased the strategic value of the region within the international arena. Once again, this complex “chessboard” between the Caspian Sea and Western China is the theatre of a “New Great Game” between important international players such as China, the United States, Russia and Europe. In this intricate context it becomes even more vital to have stability among the five republics, avoiding the rise of menaces for internal security. This briefing paper seeks to identify and analyse the internal and external factors that could
lead Central Asia to become an unstable environment in a region that is essential for global order. With the rise of extremist religious movements all over the world, describing the particular role that Islamic communities are playing in the region becomes fundamental. The ultimate aim of this research is to create an accurate picture - utilising a combination of primary and secondary sources - of the rising extremism within the five republics. By providing a deeper knowledge of the Islamic communities and their current issues, this analysis seeks to
highlight the importance of preventing the formation of terrorist organisations within the five republics.